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21. 57th Street Meeting Of Friends Hyde Park society of friends (Quaker) Meeting. Provides information on Quaker House Chicago, meeting times, articles on faith and practice, and contact details. http://www.57thstreetmeeting.org/ | |
22. Friends Committee On National Legislation - FCNL - Quaker Lobby In Friends Committee on National Legislation We seek a world free of war and the threat of war We seek a society with equity and justice for all http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
23. Friends General Conference: Quakers In The Unprogrammed Tradition Friends General Conference. of the Religious society of friends (Quaker) religious bodies inside and outside the wider Religious society of friends. http://www.fgcquaker.org/ | |
24. QUAKERS-IN-IRELAND.ORG Site set up by Ireland Yearly Meeting in commemoration of the 350th year of Quaker Meetings in Ireland. Contains information on history, faith and witness http://www.quakers-in-ireland.org/ |
25. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Society Of Friends (Quakers) Visit New Advent for the Summa Theologica, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopedia and more. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06304b.htm | |
26. Society Of Friends - Quakers Several articles on Quakers or the society of friends. A source of information for deeper understanding of religious subjects. http://mb-soft.com/believe/txc/quakers.htm | |
27. Information On Quakerism - Online Resources On The Religious Society Of Friends Articles, news and other resources related to the Religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.quakerinfo.com/ | |
28. Quakers-Society Of Friends The Quakerssociety of friends. Please choose a topic. History of the Quakers The Doctrine Organizational Structure Bibliography Quaker WWW Links http://www.cdli.ca/~wking/blair/friends.htm | |
29. Friends Media Project- Faithful Witness This site supports spirit lead creative work in mass media (video, film, radio, Internet) about, for or by Quakers, The Religious society of friends. http://www.friendsmedia.org | |
30. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends Includes information about each monthly and quarterly meeting in the region; fulltext (PDF) of PYM s Faith and Practice, as well as full-text (HTML) of http://www.pym.org/ | |
31. Horsham Monthly Meeting Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) Introduction to the Horsham Monthly Meeting of the Religious society of friends. http://www.pym.org/abington-qm/horsham.htm | |
32. Religious Movements Homepage: The Religious Society Of Friends - Quakers This society of friends Page is your gateway to accessing comprehensiveweb based as well as print resources about the society of friends (AKA Quakers). http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/quak.html | |
33. Quakers (Society Of Friends) The Plainfield Quakers The society of friends in Fulton County, Illinois; Genealogies of Fulton County, Illinois Quaker Families http://www.outfitters.com/illinois/history/family/quakers/quakers1.html | |
34. The Society Of Friends In Fulton County, Illinois Quakers, or members of the society of friends, are a sect of Christians who Another deed for the transfer of the land to the society of friends was http://www.outfitters.com/illinois/history/family/quakers/quakers.html | |
35. Rochester Friends Meeting Welcome to the Web site of the Rochester Friends Meeting of the Religious society of friends, also known as the Quakers. Our worship community has developed http://www.nyym.org/rochester/ |
36. Friends Fiduciary Corporation Home Quaker nonprofit corporation which provides financial services to meetings, schools and other non-profit organizations associated with the Religious society of friends. USA http://www.friendsfiduciary.org/ | |
37. Wilton Monthly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) Monthly meetings schedule, newsletters, activities and contact information. http://www.nyym.org/wilton/ | |
38. Quakers In Scotland - Home Religious society of friends (Quakers) the website of Scotland General Meeting Northern Friends Peace Board. About Quaker ways http://quakerscotland.gn.apc.org/ | |
39. Home Page Nonprofit society founded in 1980 for men, women and children who establish descent, either lineal or collateral, from an ancestor in the society of friends prior to 1835. Information on life membership, and society objectives. Based in the United States. http://www.terraworld.net/mlwinton/ | |
40. Religious Society Of Friends: Information From Answers.com Friends, Religious Society of, religious body originating in England in the middle of the 17th cent. http://www.answers.com/topic/religious-society-of-friends | |
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