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         Rastafarianism:     more books (42)
  1. Rastafari? Rasta for you: Rastafarianism Explained by Kelleyana Junique, 2004-06-07
  2. The First Rasta: Leonard Howell and the Rise of Rastafarianism by Helene Lee, 2004-01-01
  3. Black Youth, Rastafarianism, and the Identity Crisis in Britain by Len Garrison, 1983
  4. The Role of Religion in Caribbean History: From Amerindian Shamanism to Rastafarianism by Patrick C "Pops" Hylton, 2002
  5. RASTAFARIANISM: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Religion</i> by Richard Salter, Ikael Tafari, 2005
  6. RASTAFARIANISM: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History, 2nd ed.</i> by Barry Chevannes, 2006
  7. The philosophy of Bob Marley: Lyrics of his songs : quotations, Rastafarianism, songs on staff notations for guitar and keyboard by Vitalis Ibeh, 1995
  8. Rastafarianism (Publication series of the University of Zululand. Series F) by G. C Oosthuizen, 1989
  9. Rastafarianism, an expanding Jamaican cult by Roger Ringenberg, 1978
  10. Between Two Cultures?: Case of Rastafarianism by Robert Miles, 1978-12
  11. CARIBBEAN RELIGIONS: AFRO-CARIBBEAN RELIGIONS: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Religion</i> by George Simpson, 2005
  12. DUB POETRY: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History, 2nd ed.</i> by Mervyn Morris, 2006
  13. Grenada: An entry from Gale's <i>Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices</i> by Noel Titus, 2006
  14. Jamaica: An entry from Gale's <i>Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices</i> by Barry Chevannes, 2006

61. Afro-Caribbean Religions: Rastafarianism, Santeria, Vodoun (Voodoo)
AFRODIASPORIC RELIGIONS rastafarianism, Santeria, Vodoun (Voodoo). rastafarianism.Dread History - from the National Anthropological Archives,
R astafarianism, S anteria, V odoun ( V oodoo) R astafarianism
  • Dread History - from the National Anthropological Archives, National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution. Includes an essay on the history of Ethiopianism and Rastafari, with a list of terminology, an image gallery, and a list of suggested readings. - This site provides quotations, texts, and links to other sites.
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Please send comments or questions to Karen Dalziel Tallman, , Librarian, Fine Arts/Humanities Team, University of Arizona Library. This page was created by Mary Feeney, Assistant Librarian (Temporary), Fine Arts/Humanities Team, University of Arizona Library. Last updated August 17, 2004 by Gabriela Lopez

62. Rastafarianism
Bob Marley Information and products related to Bob Marley the Wailers, a bandinspired by rastafarianism. Jahhiya Records National Muzik Productions
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63. Rastafarianism
rastafarianism, a religiouscultural movement that began (1930s) in Jamaica. Reggae music is heavily influenced by rastafarianism.

64. Rastafarianism --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
rastafarianism The religious and sociopolitical movement known as rastafarianismhad its roots in the Back to Africa movement led by the black nationalist

65. Religions In Canada: Rastafarianism
rastafarianism is a personal religion that places emphasis on individual dignity and rastafarianism began in Jamaica in the populist politics of Marcus
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Description Rastafarianism is a personal religion that places emphasis on individual dignity and a deep love of God. Rastafarianism began in Jamaica in the populist politics of Marcus Garvey’s 1920–1930s Back to Africa movement. Rastafarians worship the late Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, the “Lion of Judah,” under his pre-coronation name Ras (Prince) Tafari, considering him divine, the Messiah and the champion of the black race. Selassie’s claim of descendancy from King David and his coronation as emperor in 1930 gave the signal that Garvey’s prophecy that a black king would bring the day of deliverance had come true. Members of the faith believe that black people will eventually be repatriated to their true home in Africa, which will be a heaven on Earth. They believe that the white race, or “Babylon,” is inferior and that its members will eventually become the slaves of Rastafarians. Today, the theme of repatriation to Africa is less emphasized. Political militancy, in Jamaica particularly, is a more common aspect of the Rastafarian lifestyle. Religious Elements Scriptural and Doctrinal Sources
  • King James Version of the Bible Kebra Negast, the Book of Kings (not the King James Version of the Bible).

66. Rastafarianism
what is rastafarianism, definition of rastafarianism,rastafarianism.
English Dictionary
Advanced Rastafarian

belief in Ras Tafari Haile Selassie as the Messiah and that Africa especially Ethiopia is the promised land
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67. Rastafarianism, Part One
On rastafarianism, Part One. Introduction. HIH Princess Esther Sellassie AntohinThe Imperial House of Sellassie of The Solomonic Dynasty in
On Rastafarianism, Part One
H.I.H. Princess Esther Sellassie Antohin
The Imperial House of Sellassie of
The Solomonic Dynasty in
The African Diaspora
Like my great grandfather before me, His Imperial Majesty (H.I.M.) Haile Sellassie I, my love and concern for Rastafarians, each and every one, and my devotion to the spiritual, cultural and material well-being of all of our “Spiritual Children of Ethiopia in the African Diaspora,” know no bounds. It is overwhelming and unconditional love, for indeed it proceeds from the love of our one heavenly Father flowing through us outward. I have long wanted to take a pen in hand and write you, my dear brothers and sisters, of the things that weigh so heavily on my heart. My esteemed cousin, H.H. Prince Ermias Sahle-Sellassie Haile Sellassie, has noted in his foreword to Gregory R. Copley’s book, Ethiopia Reaches Her Hand Unto God (Alexandria, VA: Defense and Foreign Affairs, 1998, p. 27:) “Ethiopia today is more than a country or nation-state in the sovereign sense. It is a people who, for the first time in 5,000 years of known history and 3,000 years of Solomonic dynastic rule, have spilled over their borders. Today because of the civil war which began in 1974, the Ethiopian diaspora has placed millions of Ethiopians in various countries around the world. And yet all of us in the Ethiopian diaspora retain strong cultural and human ties with our homeland. The Ethiopian people are today a ‘world people,’ carrying with them traditions, language, religion and values forged through the tenure of one of the oldest civilizations in the world.

68. History Of Rastafarianism, Rastas, Marcus Garvey, Bob Marley, Leaonard Howell, H
Lee also emphasized South Asian influences in rastafarianism, due in part no The basic association of rastafarianism and music was estabvlished by him.
A Brief History of Rastafarianism By Crispin Sartwell
From very early on, perhaps basically since slaves were introduced to the Caribbean, or in the next generations, Africa came to be regarded as a garden from which the slaves had fallen (or rather, been pushed). That is an element in the traditional Africanist religions, such as the Voodoo of Haiti and New Orleans, Santeria in Cuba, Macumba in Brazil, and Obeah and Myal in Jamaica. It is, one must say, an understandable response. These religious movements were also, of course, influenced by Biblical Christianity, and there may have been also from early a slight undertone of African Islam: scriptural religions dedicated to the power of texts, with a hint of messianism and apocalypse. (An analogy to some of these movements would be the Ghost Dance cult of American Indians, designed to return the continent to a pristine pre-genocide condition.) Jamaica itself, like Haiti, has a long, distinguished history of political rebellion mixed with religious elements (Cudjoe and Sam Sharpe must be mentioned here). The island is particularly suited to these developments: settled and planted along the coasts, it has a relatively huge, inaccessible, mountainous interior, and bands of escaped maroons settled there very early. Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was a stunning success all over the black world, particularly in the United States, and was essentially the first mass movement for black self-determination. Garvey himself tended toward pomp and ceremony, and was perhaps not the greatest financial manager. But in my view he was honest, sincere, and stunningly effective. He preached back to Africa, and though he used religious metaphors constantly, he basically taught a kind of qualified Christianity and tried to stay out of religious disputes. But he did teach a "black" interpretation of Christianity, focused especially on Psalm 68: "Princes shall come out of Egypt, and Ethiopia shall stretch forth his hands to God." Garvey used the term "Ethiopia" constantly, using it essentially as a name for Africa, for the promised land, a heaven from which black folks had been exiled.

69. Marcus Garvey, Rastafarianism, Reggae, Bob Marley, Augustus Pablo
He managed to convey the essence of rastafarianism to much of the world, andsince his death from cancer in 1982 his effect has spread even further.
Reggae, from six names of beauty By Crispin Sartwell
Popular music was perhaps the dominant art form of the twentieth century. And of all the feats of the power of music in the century - starting with the practically universal diffusion of music originating in the styles of African America (ragtime, blues, jazz, soul, disco, hip hop) - one of the most remarkable was the career of Bob Marley, Rastafarian messiah and revolutionary truth-teller. Marley made the transitions between these styles as a very young recording artist, and was one of the instigators of the systematic slowdown. He quickly emerged as the reggae's pre-eminent artist; indeed, in the seventies most Americans knew reggae only through Marley's music and the soundtrack of The Harder They Come, along with covers or imitations by, for example, Eric Clapton (who had a hit in 1974 with Marley's "I Shot the Sheriff"). Marley had a quality of universal accessibility: a tuneful voice, a deeply touching vulnerability, and a resolution to speak with power and honesty about his life, his religion, and the liberation of his people. Songs such as "Trench Town Rock," "Burning and Looting," or the transcendent "Redemption Song" are some of the greatest achievements of twentieth century music. Other excellent Jamaican reggae artists, such as Burning Spear, Augustus Pablo, and Culture - as well as lesser-known performers who seemingly emerged out of every Rasta community on the island and by the dozen in Kingston - were less easy to accessible for one reason or another. Marley was at once a writer of excellent popular songs and a messenger of something within which people immediately recognized something that connected to their own lives.

70. Rastafarianism - - American Heritage Dictionary
Search for rastafarianism . TYPE IN YOUR WORD CLICK GO! Search.Normal, Definitions, Short defs. (Pronunciation Key)
Search for "Rastafarianism"
Search: Normal Definitions Short defs (Pronunciation Key) Ras·ta·far·i·an·ism Listen: rä st -fär -n z m, r s t -fâr
A religious and political movement originating in Jamaica in the 1930s that bases its doctrine on selections from the Bible and regards Ethiopia as the Promised Land and Haile Selassie as a messiah, with many members advocating nonviolence and rejecting materialism.

[After Ras Tafari Makonnen, former name of Haile Selassie, proclaimed a divine being by adherents : Amharic ras head, prince ; see r in Semitic roots + Amharic täfäri to be feared , participle of täfärra to be feared derived stem of färra to fear, respect ; see prh in Semitic roots.] Back to Search Back
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

71. Brain - Rastafarianism
rastafarianism. Rasta Lion. A Rastafarian is a person who believes in the divinityof the descendant of King Solomon, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I

72. Jamaica: In Depth : Today : Rastafarianism |
rastafarianism, according to some, is based on an intuitive Jamaica s politicians,aware of the allure of rastafarianism, often pay homage to its
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Although relatively small in number (there were about 14,000 firm adherents in the early 1980s), Rastafarians have had a wide-ranging influence on Jamaican culture. Their identifying dreadlocks (long, sometimes braided, hair) can be seen at virtually every level of society. In 2003, there were 265,000 Rastafarians. Stressing the continuity of black African culture throughout history, Rastas believe in their direct spiritual descent from King Solomon's liaison with the Queen of Sheba. Rastafarianism, according to some, is based on an intuitive interpretation of history and scripture-sometimes with broad brush strokes-with special emphasis on the reading of Old Testament prophecies. Rastafarians stress contemplation, meditation, a willingness to work inwardly to the "I" (inner divinity), and an abstractly political bent. Their beliefs are enhanced through sacramental rites of ganja (marijuana) smoking, Bible reading (with particular stress on references to Ethiopia), music, physical exercise, art, poetry, and cottage industries like handicrafts and broom making. Reggae music developed from Rasta circles has produced such international stars as the fervently religious Bob Marley. Jamaica's politicians, aware of the allure of Rastafarianism, often pay homage to its beliefs.

73. Definition Of Rastafarianism - Dictionary
rastafarianism Definition from dictionary. 1, rastafarianism. belief in RasTafari (Haile Selassie) as the Messiah and that Africa (especially Ethiopia)




rastafarianism A noun Rastafarianism
belief in Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie) as the Messiah and that Africa (especially Ethiopia) is the promised land Category Tree: cognition knowledge noesis content ...
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74. Read About Rastafarianism At WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research Rastafarianism
rastafarianism. Everything you wanted to know about rastafarianism but had noclue how to find it.. Learn about rastafarianism here!

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The neutrality of this article is disputed Please see the relevant discussion on the talk page Haile Selassie , Rastafari God and King Rastafarianism , or the Rastafarian movement , or simply Rasta as adherents prefer to call it, is a religious movement which reveres the former emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie , who as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and as the Lion of Judah , is seen as God incarnate , called Jah . The term Rastafarian comes from ras tafari , a title for Selassie, whom Rastafarians say is the earthly aspect of God and part of the Holy Trinity . The movement emerged in Jamaica among working-class and peasant black people in the early out of an interpretation of Biblical prophecy , black social and political aspirations, and the teachings of their prophet, Jamaican black publicist and organiser Marcus Mosiah Garvey , whose political and cultural vision inspired a new religion. The religion has spread throughout much of the world largely through immigration and interest generated by reggae Bob Marley . By 2000, there were more than one million Rastafarians worldwide. About five to ten percent of Jamaicans identify themselves as Rastafarians.

75. Rastafari Movement - Enpsychlopedia
(Redirected from rastafarianism). Missing image Hallies.jpg Combined withrastafarianism, both philosophies spread rapidly to various Caribbean nations,
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Rastafari movement
(Redirected from Rastafarianism Missing image
Hallies.jpg Haile Selassie I Rasta , or the Rastafari movement of Jah people , is a religious movement that reveres Haile Selassie I , the former emperor of Ethiopia , as King of Kings, Lord of Lords and the Lion of Judah . The name Rastafari comes from Ras Tafari , the pre-coronation name of Haile Selassie I, who Rastas of many mansions say is the earthly aspect of Jah (short for Jehova or the Rastafari name for God ) and part of the Holy Trinity . The movement emerged in Jamaica among working-class and peasant black people in the early , arising from an interpretation of Biblical prophecy , black social and political aspirations, and the teachings of their prophet, Jamaican black publicist and organiser Marcus Mosiah Garvey , whose political and cultural vision helped inspire a new world view. The Rastafari movement has spread throughout much of the world, largely through immigration and interest generated by reggae Bob Marley . By 2000, there were more than one million Rastafari worldwide. About five to ten percent of Jamaicans identify themselves as Rastafari.

76. SpiritHit Directory: Texts & Scriptures: Rastafarianism
Home Texts Scriptures rastafarianism. Holy Piby (0) Kebra Negast (0).Back to Top. Home Texts Scriptures rastafarianism
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78. Rastafarianism
The Rastafarian Culture in Jamaica from 1930 to today.
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By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down
And there we wept, when we remembered Zion.
For the wicked carried us away in captivity
Required of us a song, but how can we sing
King Alpha's song In a strange land?Psalms 137:1-4,
adapted and set to a traditional folk tune.
Rastafarians rah-stah-far'-ee-uhnz are members of a Jamaican Messianic movement dating back to the 1930's. Emerging out of the island of Jamaica in the later half of this century, the religious/political movement known as Rastafarianism has gained widespread exposure in the Western world. Ras Tafari
Princes shall come out of Egypt;
Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God.Psalms 68:31
Rastafari is a movement of Black people who know Africa as the birthplace of Mankind and the throne of Emperor Haile Selassie I a 20th Century Manifestation of God who has lighted their pathway towards righteousness, and is therefore worthy of reverence.
The Rastafarian name for God is 'Jah' The true foundation of Rastafari is the Holy Piby , the "Black Man's Bible," compiled by Robert Athlyi Rogers of Anguilla from 1913 to 1917. It was published, not coincidentally, in the same year Rev. Webb made his declaration-1924. A Barbadian minister named Rev. Charles F. Goodridge came upon the secret Bible in Colon, Panama.

79. Rastafarianism - Eduseek
The Eduseek page about rastafarianism. Columbia Encyclopedia rastafarianism Religious Movements rastafarianism -
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80. Modern Paths: Rastafarianism: Ultimate Destination For Modern Spirituality And R
The Internet s largest and most comprehensive destination for spiritual resourcesand the teachings of modern spirituality, focusing on rastafarianism.
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