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         Quakers:     more books (100)
  1. Early Quaker Education in Pennsylvania by Thomas Woody, 2010-02-26
  2. Strength in Weakness: Writings of Eighteenth-Century Quaker Women (Sacred Literature Trust Series) by Gil Skidmore, 2010-05-25
  3. Mary Barker Hinshaw, Quaker: A story of Carolina friends in the Civil War times by Seth B Hinshaw, 1982
  4. Quaker enterprise in biscuits: Huntley and Palmers of Reading, 1822-1972, by T. A. B Corley, 1972
  5. The Quakers and the English Revolution by Barry Reay, 1985-03
  6. THE LITTLE QUAKER BOOK OF WEIGHT LOSS by Ellie Caldwell, 2010-08-11
  7. The Naked Quaker (paperback) by Diane Rapaport, 2007-09-01
  8. Early Quaker Writings: 1650-1700
  9. Imagination & Spirit: A Contemporary Quaker Reader by J. Brent Bill, 2003-04-01
  10. Why Friends Are Friends: Some Quaker Core Convictions by Jack L. Willcuts, 1984-03
  11. The Quaker Reader
  12. Our Quaker Ancestors : Finding Them in Quaker Records by Ellen Thomas Berry, David Allen Berry, 1996-01
  13. The Quaker colonies: a chronicle of the proprietors of the Delaware by Sydney George Fisher, 2010-07-30
  14. William Penn And The Dutch Quaker Migration To Pennsylvania by William I. Hull, 2007-07-25

61. Quaker Café
Notes on discussions over coffee of social science related subjects by people connected with the Religious Society of Friends (quakers).

62. Tokyo Quakers Monthly Meeting - Religious Society Of Friends
Tokyo Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (quakers) unofficial page with introductions to Quakerism in Japan and in general.
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63. Canadian Yearly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers)
The Religious Society of Friends (quakers) is a historic peace church with Meetings from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island.
Canadian Yearly Meeting
of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Go to the site Index
Quote of the Month From the work in progress: Faith and Practice for Canadian Yearly Meeting CYM session, August 13-20; Augustana University College, Camrose, Alberta. See What's New! Search this Site Featured link What's a Quaker?
Want to know more?

64. Monk (Quaker) Parakeets In North America
Ongoing study of feral quakers in North America, with resources, and related topics.
Enter the Site Non-frames Version The Fine Print Last modified December 2003

65. Friends (Quakers) And The Bible -
Historical and current attitudes in the Religious Society of Friends (quakers) towards the Bible.
Your online source for information about the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
Articles Forum Feedback ... School of the Spirit
Search Bill Samuel's
Web Sites
Bill Samuel

var site="sm1QuakerInfo" Friends (Quakers) and the Bible
by Bill Samuel
Originally published October 1, 1998 at
From the early days of the Religious Society of Friends in the 17th century, the Quaker approach towards the Bible has confused many and been controversial. It doesn't neatly fit the usual theological categories. Some charged that Quakers denied the authority of scripture, but Friends vigorously defended against that charge.
Barclay on the Scriptures
Most early Friends were not theologically trained. Robert Barclay was the notable exception. He wrote the premier theological work of early Friends, commonly known today simply as Barclay's Apology . As was the custom with theological works of that day, it was written in Latin and first published in 1676 as . In 1678, it was published in English as An Apology For the True Christian Divinity, As the same is held forth, and preached by the People, Called, in Scorn, Quakers

Site set up by Ireland Yearly Meeting in commemoration of the 350th year of Quaker Meetings in Ireland. Contains information on history, faith and witness

67. Quakers And The Political Process
Main page quakers and the Political Process, Living our Faith into Action. An exhibit by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends,
An exhibit, July to Dec. 2000
Who are the Quakers?

Quaker West New Jersey

Democracy in 1677 Penn's Holy Experiment
Seed of a Nation Quaker Political Contribution
From Governance to Advocacy Quaker Presidents
Links Pages
Bibliography Archives ...
Support and Outreach Committee

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
1515 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102-1479 URL: tel: fax: Quaker Information Center Arch Street Friends Meeting Maps and Directions View Our Guestbook Sign Our Guestbook A N E XHIBIT
Quakers and the Political Process Living our Faith into Action
Printable copy Brochure for the original exhibition in 2000 T HE Q UAKERS of the Greater Philadelphia region were pleased, in the summer of 2000, to welcome all who came to William Penn's City of Brotherly Love on the occasion of the Republican National Convention. Stimulated by this event, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends produced an exhibition entitled "Quakers and the Political Process," which was on view until recently at the Arch Street Meetinghouse, 4th and Arch Streets, in the historic district of the City. With the assistance of local historian, Nancy Webster, and a dedicated committee, twelve large panels designed by Maltbie Associates describe Quaker contributions to American political life from the time of William Penn to the present, including panels on Quaker presidents Hoover and Nixon. Liberally illustrated, the exhibit's narrative text is complemented by a large number of quotations ranging from Quaker founder, George Fox, to Friends living today.

68. The U19s Home - Index
Organisation for the members of the Religious Society of Friends in the UK who are under nineteen. Overview of Quakerism, discussion, library, reviews, articles, diary, events and who runs the website. WELCOME ROOM The U19s Home
LEVEL 1 Stuff about Young Quakers Level 1 floor plan
Guides to Quakerism
Famous Quakers Friends House LEVEL 2 Stuff for Young Quakers Level 2 floor plan
Discussion Room
Library Media Reviews ... Coming Events LEVEL 3 Stuff about this website Level 3 floor plan
IWORG u19s team
CYPC/CYPS Resources Cupboard ... Quaker Youth Forum SEARCH SITE THIS PAGE This page was last updated: Thu Aug 18 22:40:20 2005 Feedback Edit page Printable version
Administrator Login
XHTML1.1 and CSS2 guarantees correct display on standards-driven browsers such as Mozilla and Konqueror We aim for WAI-AA conformance on all of our pages. Click for details. The U19s Home
Under 19 Quakers
Welcome to the new home for under 19 Quakers. Starting on level one you can find stuff about young Quakers. On level two there's stuff for young Quakers, including the popular discussion room . If you get up to level three, you'll find out about who runs this website and other useful resources.
What's New
JYM 2004 Photos

69. Reader's Companion To American History - -QUAKERS
quakers instead relied upon the direction of what they called Christ within The earliest quakers (in England, 16511660) seemed to confirm the worst
Entries Publication Data Advisory Board Contributors ... World Civilizations The Reader's Companion to American History
Because the Protestant reformers of the sixteenth century attempted to eliminate intermediaries between God and people, the Society of Friends, or Quakers, may be regarded as the fullest expression of the Reformation. Most reformers rejected some sacraments and priestly offices of the Roman Catholic church, but the Quakers omitted them all, including baptism, the Lord's Supper, and any ordained, paid clergy. Quakers instead relied upon the direction of what they called "Christ within" or the Inner Light. Their worship consisted of waiting in silence until the Inner Light led members to share their religious concerns with the brethren. To most Protestants, this primary reliance on inward inspiration depreciated the authority of the Bible, the centrality of the historical Jesus and the Atonement, and hierarchy within church, state, and family. The earliest Quakers (in England, 1651-1660) seemed to confirm the worst suspicions of their critics by proselytizing with abandon and adding thousands to their numbers. Then and later, they were persecuted as "ranters" or anarchists. Even within the Society of Friends the significance of the Atonement and the Bible remained an unsettling question, causing schisms, especially in the nineteenth century. But Quakers enjoyed a complementary freedom from biblicism that permitted the Society uniquely to innovate and change radically over the centuries. Quaker abolitionism was one such innovation.

70. CNN/SI - Pennsylvania Quakers - Women's College Basketball
Headlines, scoreboard, schedule.
Pennsylvania Quakers Team Page Schedule Conference Page Standings ... NCAA Message Board Rankings: AP: NR Coaches' Poll: NR SCOREBOARD LATEST GAME
Pennsylvania Harvard Mar 05 - Final
Posted: Sun March 10, 2002 6:18 ET
The Web GROUP: Sports Illustrated Life of Reilly SI for Kids TBS/TNT Sports ...
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71. Quakers-Society Of Friends
The quakersSociety of Friends. Please choose a topic. History of the quakers The Doctrine Organizational Structure Bibliography Quaker WWW Links
The Quakers-Society of Friends
Please choose a topic

72. InterFriend Publisher Home Page
This independent site for and about quakers in Ireland has news, articles, letters and links.
Table of Contents Last updated 25/01/2004
interFriend Publisher The nature and purpose of this web site NEWS News about the site and about current happenings amongst Friends in Ireland THE LIBRARY Where the published works are kept for your down loading LETTERS PAGE Letters to the Editor about this site, about what you read from the Library, and about any other matters of Quaker interest LINKS Links to other Quaker sites in Ireland and abroad Visitors to this page since April 17th 1999:

73. Society Of Friends - Quakers
Several articles on quakers or the Society of Friends. A source of information for deeper understanding of religious subjects.
Society of Friends - Quakers
General Information The Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, is a body of Christians that originated in 17th century England under George Fox. In 1988 the society had 200,260 members, with heavy concentrations in the United States (109,000), East Africa (45,000) and Great Britain (18,000). Quakers unite in affirming the immediacy of Christ's teaching; they hold that believers receive divine guidance from an inward light, without the aid of intermediaries or external rites. Meetings for worship can be silent, without ritual or professional clergy, or programmed, in which a minister officiates. Although their antecedents lie in English Puritanism and in the Anabaptist movement, the Society of Friends was formed during the English Civil War. Around 1652, George Fox began preaching that since there was "that of God in every man," a formal church structure and educated ministry were unnecessary. His first converts spread their faith throughout England, denouncing what they saw as social and spiritual compromises and calling individuals to an inward experience of God. In spite of schism and persecution, the new movement expanded during the Puritan Commonwealth (1649 - 60) and after the restoration of the monarchy (1660). By openly defying restrictive legislation, Friends helped achieve passage of the Toleration Act of 1689. BELIEVE
web-site Our List of 1,000 Religious Subjects

74. University Of Pennsylvania - -
quakers. Season summaries, game schedule, roster, news items and past results.

‰leveur d'ins©parables, quakers et amazones. Qu©bec, Canada
setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Search: Lycos Tripod Dukes of Hazzard Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next OISELLERIE JU-DAN OISELLERIE NOS OISEAUX NOS OISILLONS POUR NOUS JOINDRE ... LISTE DE PRIX CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH Nouveaux bébés Quaker et inséparables disponibles pour juillet 2005, vous pouvez réserver maintenant !!! Amazones à épaules jaunes disponible au printemps 2005. Élevage de petits et moyens perroquets en millieu familial. Kiwi et Becky en vacance !!! Écoutez kiwi et Becky Bienvenue chez nous ! Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter nos petits bijoux. Notre histoire avec ces petites boules de plumes à débuté lorsque nous sommes tombés amoureux d'un Amazone à front bleu magnifique. Depuis, nous carressions l'idée d'avoir avec nous d'aussi beaux spécimens. Nous avons donc commencés par les adorables petits inséparables et avons continué d'explorer cette passion grandissante avec des Quakers, que nous aimons tout autant. Aujourd'hui, nous sommes encore à parfaire nos connaissances et compétences pour offrir des oiseaux de qualité, épanouis et en parfaite santé. Notre dernière acquisition est un magnifique couple d'Amazones à épaules jaunes, que nous savons assez rares ! On ne pourrait se passer d'eux, puisqu'ils ont étés la source de notre inspiration.

76. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends
quakers and the Political Process Living our Faith into Action PYM has an exhibition entitled quakers and the Political Process, which is viewable online.
Welcome Friends
to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. This site includes information about Quakerism and the latest news of our faith community, which includes Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, all of Delaware and Eastern Maryland. We would like to invite you to come worship with us. All are welcome! Please visit these links to find out more about our faith, witness and fellowship:
About Our Yearly Meeting

Find a place to worship!

Pastoral Care Services

Our Witness in the World:

Friends Exceed Annual Fund Goal

The 2004/2005 PYM Annual Fund goal of $435,000 was exceeded by $12, 943. This was made possible by the 2,081 Friends who made 2,845 gifts in the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005.
The Development Services Working Group thanks the 2,081 Friends whose financial support helps to make our Yearly Meeting ready to serve. In the year ahead Friends are challenged with a goal of $460,000, and the added goal of reaching all of those Friends who do not support the Annual Fund.
Questionnaire about Yearly Meeting Sessions

Please take a few minutes to copy and answer this survey, which also appears in the September/October 2005 issue of PYM News. Click Title.

77. Swarthmoor Hall - Considering The The Past, In The Light Of Present Experience,
Owned by the Society of Friends, The quakers, and used for training and retreats. Also available for groups of people who might wish to organise their own events retreats, workshops - either on a self-catering or fully-catered basis.
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78. Quaker Finder : Finding Local Quakers & Quaker Meetings
Quakerfinder.Org lets you search for Quaker Meetings by town postal code. We have almost of the unprogrammed Meetings in the database, including many
Friends General Conference (FGC) serves Friends and Friends meetings in the United States and Canada. Visit our website at: All FGC-affiliated meetings for worship are listed in this directory. They range from large meetings of 100 or more people to tiny worship groups of three or four. Unless otherwise indicated, all listed meetings and worship groups practice worship grounded in silence (unprogrammed worship). Meetings identified as "Pastoral" have programmed or semi-programmed worship services, which may include prepared messages, Bible readings and hymns. Unprogrammed meetings not affiliated with FGC are identified as " Independent " (generally universalist or Christian universalist), or " Conservative " (traditional Quaker, Bible-based). Independent meetings are located primarily in the West Coast and Rocky Mountain states . Conservative meetings are found in Iowa and nearby states Ohio , and North Carolina Pastoral meetings not affilliated with FGC are identifed in the notes field as "FUM

79. Quakers Yard, South Wales, RSS Feeds, Forum, Chat, Community, Treharris, Edwards
A site dedicated to providing internet feeds and Forum to the internet community of Wales. Broadband, Technology, Sports, Music, News, BA Enterprise are all
Useful Links The BBC Slashdot Weird News Computer World ...
Useful Links Comet Flight deals City Breaks Tesco ...
Welcome As you may have noticed this site has now changed! - The site should now be a useful resource for the broadband / internet community... Please make suggestions as you see fit. If you think you can contribute in any way, shape or form, please let me know: Why not recommend this site to a friend? The Broadband Scene A dedicated Broadband area has now been added to the site. In this area you can find useful resources for the Broadband product along with internet tools . Broadband / Technology news can be found in this area. If you haven't got broadband yet this section will interest you. Anyway, Get Broadband as its great. Know of any useful Broadband Sites? [

80. Ross-on-Wye Quakers
Includes a description of meetings, with times and location, and a history of the local group.
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
ROSS -ON- WYE Ross Friends warmly invite you to join them at their Meeting for Worship which takes place every Sunday at 10.30am at :- The Friends' Meeting House
Brampton Street
Ross-on-Wye The Meeting lasts for one hour. Younger visitors are very welcome and provision is made for them. There is an opportunity to talk after the Meeting over a cup of coffee. On every 4th Sunday of month there is a bring and share lunch. If you wish to visit the Meeting House (and adjacent burial ground) at any other time, contact Julia or Norman Richardson on 01989 768819 or knock on their door at 3a Brampton Street. They will be pleased to unlock the door for you For further information click on one of the following: About Quaker Meeting for Worship Brief History of Ross Quakers Directions for finding Ross Meeting House Finding out more about Quakers ... European Regional Directory (UK) This home page is maintained by Reg Osborne for the Ross-on-Wye Preparative Meeting of The Religious Society of Friends. Please send any comments or corrections to

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