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81. Plymouth Brethren FAQ: Details At CrossCanadaSearch CrossCanadaSearch is a Christian search engine for Canada. Accepts Canadian listings.Church, college, music and ministry sites. http://crosscanadasearch.com/Detailed/968.html | |
82. My Christian Web Guide: Denominations/Plymouth Brethren plymouth brethren, Become a Guide Books Online (2). Brethren Bookstores (1).Exclusive Brethren (0). Open Brethren (0) http://www.mychristianweb.com/guide/Denominations/Plymouth_Brethren/index.shtml | |
83. "Plymouth Brethren" Discussion List The socalled plymouth brethren. To those moved by the Spirit of God to assemblethemselves in the pattern of first century believers, is applied, http://pb.schiwitz.com/ | |
84. Christian Plymouth Brethren In Canada - Praize Canada Praize The all in one Christian Search Engine. Christian Community with freeemail, Christian singles, chat, news, forums, Christian shopping, articles, http://www.praize.ca/engine/Denominations/Plymouth_Brethren/ | |
85. [former] Plymouth Brethren Gospel Rooms, Broseley, Shropshire Photographs of nonconformist chapels in Shropshire, England. http://www.users.waitrose.com/~coxfamily/brosplym.htm | |
86. Western Assemblies Home, Plymouth Brethren Retirement Facility The Western Assemblies Home is a retirement facility for persons who fellowshipwith those Christians known as the plymouth brethren, and who meet and http://www.claremontchapel.org/wah/Contact.htm | |
87. Gigablast Search Results Brethren Assembly (.com) plymouth brethren information about India and other plymouth brethren (.org) New and old expository and topical ministry by http://dir.gigablast.com/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denomina | |
88. PLYMOUTH BRETHREN -- Help Needed Family History Local History Chat about your British and Irish Genealogy UK Family History around EnglandWales Scotland Ireland. 1881 1901 Census lookups of your ancestors. http://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php/topic,65582.0.html | |
89. Plymouth Brethren In Dromore Area Family History Local History Chat about your British and Irish Genealogy UK Family History around EnglandWales Scotland Ireland. 1881 1901 Census lookups of your ancestors. http://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php/topic,63623.0.html | |
90. Body The plymouth brethren Movement of the 1800 s. One example of a movement whichhad all the potential of leading to a unity in the Christian community was http://www.servantsnews.com/sn9607/s960715.htm | |
91. Brethren -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article The various (Click link for more info and facts about plymouth brethren) Plymouth Gathering Unto His Name, by Norman Crawford (on plymouth brethren) http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/b/br/brethren.htm | |
92. My Brethren - History - The Last Chapter which naturally resulted in the designation, The plymouth brethren . Several of the Brethren who had laboured much in Plymouth, not feeling happy with http://www.mybrethren.org/history/hy99last.htm | |
93. Reply To Judge Marshall's Tract On The Tenets Of Plymouth Brethren (so Called) Reply to Judge Marshall s Tract on the Tenets of plymouth brethren (so called).Reply to Judge Marshall s Tract on the Tenets of plymouth brethren (so http://www.stempublishing.com/authors/darby/DOCTRINE/31024E.html | |
94. Plymouth Brethren Heritage Westmoreland and the assemblies are offshoots of the plymouth brethren movementwhich began in the nineteenth century under JN Darby. http://www.geftakysassembly.com/Articles/TeachingPractice/PlymouthBrethrenHerita | |
95. Woodfield Publishing up within the strictlypacifist STRONG Exclusive plymouth brethren /STRONG who escaped to become a military glider pilot at Sicily and Arnhem in WW2. http://www.woodfieldpublishing.com/contents/en-uk/p31.html | |
96. Plymouth Brethren - Free Encyclopedia Of Thelema The Free Encyclopedia of Thelema is the first truly free encyclopedia of Thelema,Aleister Crowley, Alchemy, Astrology, Magick, Qabalah, Tantra, Tarot, http://www.egnu.org/thelema/index.php/Plymouth_Brethren | |
97. Exclusive Brethren (1/2) Often referred to mistakenly as plymouth brethren , the Exclusive Brethren isin fact an extremist offshoot of the former. Founded in 1825 by a clergyman http://www.gbs.sha.bw.schule.de/tsld047.htm | |
98. History Of Plymouth Brethren - Christian Book EBook Online book by Norman Crawford. Gathering Unto His Name. History of the PlymouthBrethren. http://www.gospelhall.org/75.shtml | |
99. JRULM: Special Collections Guide: Christian Brethren Archive: Internet Resources There is an entry on the plymouth brethren from the New SchaffHerzog Encyclopedia Also useful is A Brief History of the plymouth brethren History, http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data2/spcoll/cba/links.html | |
100. Brethren Groups plymouth brethren, Open Group, Exclusive Group, Newton Group, Raven Group, TaylorGroup OPEN plymouth brethren (moderates). Open Brethren churches are http://www.cob-net.org/docs/groups.htm | |
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