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61. Plymouth Brethren plymouth brethren, group of Christian believers originating in the early 19th More on plymouth brethren from Fact Monster. John Nelson Darby Darby, http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/society/A0839406.html | |
62. Plymouth Brethren plymouth brethren. by CH Spurgeon From the February 1867 Sword and Trowel. Spurgeon by one of the plymouth brethren, but it is so devoid of all sense, http://www.spurgeon.org/s_and_t/pb.htm | |
63. Mr. Grant On "The Darby Brethren" As the plymouth brethren will not use the Lord s Prayer because it contains the I cannot doubt that if the question were put to plymouth brethren, http://www.spurgeon.org/s_and_t/dbreth.htm | |
64. MSN Encarta - Plymouth Brethren plymouth brethren, Christian sect founded in Dublin in the 1820s. The first churchto be organized (1831) in England was at Plymouth. The movement http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761570432/Plymouth_Brethren.html | |
65. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Plymouth Brethren Searched Encarta for plymouth brethren . Articles MSN Encarta Premium.Get more results for plymouth brethren http://encarta.msn.com/Plymouth_Brethren.html | |
66. Thelemapedia: The Encyclopedia Of Thelema & Magick | Plymouth Brethren Thelemapedia is the original open source encyclopedia of Thelema and magick,focusing on the works and philosophy of Aleister Crowley. http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/Plymouth_Brethren | |
67. Website Directory - Plymouth Brethren plymouth brethren. Subcategories Books Online Brethren Bookstores ExclusiveBrethren Open Home Directory Denominations plymouth brethren http://web.gcu.edu/directory/Denominations/Plymouth_Brethren/Plymouth_Brethren.h | |
68. Plymouth Brethren The plymouth brethren have had some division, notably over the nature of church The plymouth brethren are well known for the doctrines which they http://www.deusvitae.com/faith/denominations/brethren.html | |
69. ADAM2.ORG - Category: Plymouth Brethren plymouth brethren information about India and other countries. URLwww.BrethrenAssembly.Com A good amount of information about the plymouth brethren. http://www.adam2.org/dir/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denomina | |
70. Society/Religion And Spirituality/Christianity/Denominations/Plymouth Brethren : plymouth brethren (Subscribe). Categories. Books Online (7); Brethren Bookstores (10).Exclusive Brethren (2); Open Brethren (1) http://www.christianwebsite.com/search/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christi | |
71. A Brief History Of The Plymouth Brethren Movement History from the perspective of an Open Brethren writer. http://pages.prodigy.net/sathi/ourhistory.html | |
72. Brethren: Information From Answers.com Brethren Encyclopedia http//www.brethrenencyclopedia.org/; plymouth brethrendiscussion forum http//bbc.quist.ca/bb http://www.answers.com/topic/brethren-1 | |
73. UKAT - Plymouth Brethren plymouth brethren. Help. Source Hub/LCSH Status Approved. Used For. Brethren.Microthesaurus. 3.20 Religion. Broader term. Nonconformists http://www.ukat.org.uk/thesaurus/term.php?i=13852 |
74. BRETHREN plymouth brethren. The plymouth brethren is a Christian movement which originated in The term plymouth brethren is not used by the Brethren themselves, http://wayoflife.org/fbns/brethren.htm | |
75. Adrian's Blog: Looking For Blogs By Plymouth Brethren And For That Matter Newfro Looking for blogs by plymouth brethren and for that matter newfrontiers. Rey saidhe was desperately seeking other plymouth brethren Blogs and hasnt been http://www.adrian.warnock.info/2005/01/looking-for-blogs-by-plymouth-brethren.ht | |
76. Subject Plymouth Brethren Heresy Date Sat, 19 Oct 2002 005538 It is fair to say that the teachings of the plymouth brethren have transformed This group came to be known as plymouth brethren, because their http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/plymouth.txt | |
77. Encyclopedia: Plymouth Brethren The plymouth brethren is a Christian religious movement that began in Ireland and The Open Brethren (sometimes called plymouth brethren) are a group of http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Plymouth-Brethren | |
78. CrossSearch Category: Plymouth Brethren Churches which are members of the plymouth brethren denomination. http://www.crosssearch.com/Churches_and_Denominations/Churches/Churches_by_Denom | |
79. Foundation; Record Till 1845 The plymouth brethren, called by others Darbyites or Exclusive Brethren, and bythemselves He also visited Plymouth (whence the name for the Brethren), http://www.ccel.org/s/schaff/encyc/encyc09/htm/iv.htm | |
80. Doctrines is given in the British Museum Catalogue under plymouth brethren. Consultfurther WB Nearby, Hist. of the plymouth brethren, London 1902 (critical http://www.ccel.org/s/schaff/encyc/encyc09/htm/iv.ii.ii.htm | |
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