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81. Wfn.org | [PCUSANEWS] PC(USA) 9th-largest U.S. Church, NCC Yearbook Says Churches of Christ, Corsicana, TX 1500000 17. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America - 1500000 18. pentecostal assemblies of the world, Inc. - 1500000 19. http://www.wfn.org/2004/03/msg00140.html | |
82. March 15, 2004 - Essentials The Early Pentecostal Revival History of TwentiethCentury Pentecostals and the pentecostal assemblies of the world, 1901-30 by James L. Tyson (Word Aflame http://www.ninetyandnine.com/Archives/20040315/essentials.htm | |
83. Pentecostalism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The first decade of pentecostalism was marked by interracial assemblies, . pentecostal Preachers and Speakers from around the world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentecostal | |
84. Assemblies Of God - About Us The assemblies of God is not affiliated with either the world Council of Newfoundland and Labrador, pentecostal assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador http://www.ag.org/top/about/index.cfm | |
85. Welcome To The Pentecostal Assemblies Of Canada (PAOC) We are inviting you to become a PRIORITY PARTNER with the world missions The pentecostal assemblies of Canada affirms the definition of marriage as the http://www.paoc.org/main_frame.html | |
86. Official Creed Of The Pentecostal Assemblies Of Canada (PAOC) The pentecostal assemblies of Canada stands firmly in the mainstream of 1946 It is a witness to the world of the relationship between Christ and His http://www.bible.ca/cr-PAOC.htm | |
87. Pentecostal Assemblies Of Canada and has resulted in the establishment of pentecostal churches around the world. This is the story of The pentecostal assemblies of Canada. http://www.nunanet.com/~wmoore/pentecostal.htm | |
88. Religions In Canada: Pentecostal Assemblies In the pentecostal assemblies of Canada, in the event of dissolution of a congregation, Missions are established in countries around the world. http://www.forces.gc.ca/hr/religions/engraph/religions24_e.asp | |
89. Largest Communities: Assemblies Of God Today, the assemblies of God is the largest, most widespread pentecostal denomination in the world. Members reside in every state in the United States. http://www.adherents.com/largecom/com_aog.html | |
90. Assemblies Of God, Roman Catholic Church & World Council Of Churches Together The world Council of Churches has informed me that the assemblies of God member pentecostal ministers have been meeting with the world Council of http://watch.pair.com/aog.html | |
91. Crosswalk Directory Equipping Families to Reach the world . Canton pentecostal Temple Cedarview Community Church pentecostal assemblies Newmarket, Ontario Canada http://directory.crosswalk.com/directory/Churches/Denominations/Pentecostal/defa | |
92. Religious Movements Homepage: Pentecostalism The assemblies of God USA published an online jouranal of pentecostal ministry Links to pentecostal Denominations Homepages. Apostolic world Christian http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/penta.html | |
93. History now considered the oldest pentecostal periodical in the world. On August 25, 1936 the Association of pentecostal assemblies and the International http://www.ipcc.cc/History.htm | |
94. Assemblies Of God, Roman Catholic Church & World Council Of Churches Together The world Council of Churches has informed me that the assemblies of God member pentecostal ministers have been meeting with the world Council of http://www.pawcreek.org/articles/churchnewsoverwhelm/AOGCatholicWCC.htm | |
95. HSRC: The Origins Of The Pentecostal Movement The first pentecostal churches in the world were produced by the According to J. Roswell Flower, the founding Secretary of the assemblies of God, http://www.oru.edu/university/library/holyspirit/pentorg1.html | |
96. About: World A/G Fellowship the world pentecostal assemblies of God Fellowship Constitution and Bylaws. In 1993, the name of the Fellowship was changed to world assemblies of http://www.2000.agcongress.org/01_abot/abt_agfellowship.html | |
97. The Restoration Vision In Pentecostalism Most of the early pentecostal adherents who formed the assemblies of God, Following world War II, the assemblies of God broke out of this isolation. http://www.religion-online.org/showarticle.asp?title=818 |
98. Multi-Cultural Health Care The pentecostal assemblies of Canada (PAOC) was formed in 1919 in Thus, Jesus is the Saviour of the world of all people of all culture and customs. http://www.stjosham.on.ca/education/penta.htm | |
99. Pentecostal Charismatic Religious Studies Resources Flower pentecostal Heritage Center (assemblies of God Archives online! pentecostal world Conference May 2931, 2001 in Los Angeles; pentecostals, http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~kbanner/pentec.html | |
100. Chart Of Denominational Heritage And History assemblies of the world, Inc. 1924 pentecostal Church, Inc. 1945 - United pentecostal Church, Inc. pentecostal assemblies of Jesus Christ, Inc. http://www.spiritrestoration.org/Church/Research History and Great Links/Chart_o | |
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