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41. Christ Temple Church Home Page -- Kalamazoo, Apostolic, Pentecostal Assemblies O Christ Temple is a member of the pentecostal assemblies of the world, Inc. We are an interracial congregation that makes no difference between race or color http://www.christtemplekal.org/ | |
42. Christian Pentecostal Assemblies Of The World In Canada - Praize Canada Praize The all in one Christian Search Engine. Christian Community with free email, Christian singles, chat, news, forums, Christian shopping, articles, http://www.praize.ca/engine/Denominations/Pentecostalism/Pentecostal_Assemblies_ | |
43. Introduction One of the first interracial groups to form was the pentecostal assemblies of the world. Loosely organized, it was founded in 1906 by men who came under the http://dunamai.com/Azusa/azusa_pages/Introduction.htm | |
44. Pentecostalism - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Pentecostalism Pentecostal churches around the world cooperate through the Pentecostal World Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada pentecostal assemblies of the world http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Pentecostalism | |
45. ::::Welcome To Shiloh Temple International Ministries New Website:::: pentecostal assemblies of the world congregation. History, biography of the pastors, doctrinal statement, vision. http://www.shilohtemple.com/ | |
46. Pentecostalism Today the Pentecostal movement is spread over the world; it is particularly the pentecostal assemblies of the world and the United Pentecostal Church. http://mb-soft.com/believe/txc/pentecos.htm | |
47. Gigablast Search Results pentecostal assemblies of the world, Inc. International Headquarters, Presiding Prelate Bishop Norman L. Wagner www.pawinc.org 8.3k - archived copy http://dir.gigablast.com/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denomina | |
48. Welcome pentecostal assemblies of the world congregation. Doctrine, mission statement, worship schedule, information on radio broadcast. Requires Flash 5 and JavaScript; does not work in Netscape 3 or 4. Too wide for smaller monitors. http://www.mightyfortress.net/ | |
49. The Watchman Expositor: Oneness Pentecostalism Profile Groups United Pentecostal Church International, Apostolic World Christian Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, pentecostal assemblies of the world. http://www.watchman.org/profile/onenesspro.htm | |
50. FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER OF KILGORE INC. - KILGORE,TX pentecostal assemblies of the world. Includes location, leadership, and weekly schedule. http://www.netministries.org/see/churches/ch11145 | |
51. Apostolic660's BlackPlanet.com Personal Page pentecostal assemblies of the world . I am a firm believer in the Apostolic Doctrine which states that there is One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism http://members8.blackplanet.com/apostolic660/ | |
52. Grace Temple Church Eternal Life Center pentecostal assemblies of the world congregation; church history, schedule and events, and ministries. http://wv_etcouncil.tripod.com/gracetemplechurch/ | |
53. First Pentecostal Church Of Phoenix, Arizona First Pentecostal Church is an Arizona based apostolic/pentecostal faith church by First Pentecostal Church of the pentecostal assemblies of the world, http://www.loveliberates.com/ | |
54. Apostolic Church In Arlington, Texa pentecostal assemblies of the world. Information on worship and broadcast schedule, childcare, and groups. http://www.betterwayapostolic.com/ | |
55. First Pentecostal Church | P.A.W. And Other Links Bishop Horace E. Smith, MD, Presiding Prelate 3939 Meadows Drive Indianapolis, IN 46205 Comprehensive list of pentecostal assemblies of the world http://www.loveliberates.com/pawlinks.htm | |
56. BETHLEHEM TEMPLE INC. pentecostal assemblies of the world. Photos, location, and beliefs. http://members.aol.com/shirleycw/index4.html?mtbrand=AOL_US |
57. Greater Lincoln Park pentecostal assemblies of the world. Includes location and contact information. http://www.angelfire.com/tx/lincolnpark/ | |
58. Adherents.com: Largest Religious Bodies pentecostal assemblies of the world, 1000000. PL Kyodan, 1000000. Sekai Kyuseikyo, 1000000. Church of Christ in Nigeria, 1000000. Unity Church, 1000000 http://www.adherents.com/adh_rb.html | |
59. Content Pages Of The Encyclopedia Of Religion And Social Science Oneness Pentecostals include two major denominationsthe pentecostal assemblies of the world (African American) and the United Pentecostal Church http://hirr.hartsem.edu/ency/Pentecostalism.htm | |
60. Christ Temple Apostolic Church pentecostal assemblies of the world. Weekly schedule, map, history of the congregation, introduction to the church's ministries, prayer request page. http://www.ctachurch.org/ | |
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