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Home - Religion - Pentecostal Assemblies Of Canada |
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101. Canadian Yearbook Links The pentecostal assemblies of canada. 6745 Century Ave. Mississauga, ON L5N 6P7.Website http//www.paoc.org/. Email wgriffin@paoc.org http://www.electronicchurch.org/canadian.html | |
102. LWF News - Canadian Lutherans Partner In Worlds Leading Foodgrains Bank LWF Tenth Assembly, Winnipeg, Canada, 2131 July 2003 PRESS RELEASE NO. 18 Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, pentecostal assemblies of canada, http://www.lutheranworld.org/News/LWI/EN/1291.EN.html | |
103. Finally, Church Growth - Christianity Today Magazine In the pentecostal assemblies of canada, where the growth rate is about 2.5percent a year, We are reaping some of the benefit of immigration to Canada, http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2005/105/23.0.html | |
104. Religions In Canada: Pentecostal Assemblies Religions in canada pentecostal assemblies. In the pentecostal assembliesof canada, in the event of dissolution of a congregation, property becomes http://www.forces.gc.ca/hr/religions/engraph/religions24_e.asp | |
105. Home Page An affiliate of the pentecostal assemblies of canada. http://www.compusmart.ab.ca/sgcc/ | |
106. CHRISTIANITY: THE PENTECOSTAL FAMILY The United pentecostal Church and the pentecostal assemblies of The World are the It is available throughout the US, canada and the rest of the world. http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_pent.htm | |
107. Connaught Heights Pentecostal Assembly (New Westminster, B.C., Canada) Connaught Heights pentecostal Assembly is a church in New Westminster, BC, canada. http://www.chpa.ca/ | |
108. Marriage On The Rock provide a great outreach into the community. The pentecostal assemblies ofCanada Website www.paoc.org Phone 905542-7400, ext. 3218 Fax 905-542-1624 http://www.christianity.ca/family/marriage/ontherock/print.html | |
109. Gigablast Search Results Central pentecostal College Saskatoon, SK canada Affiliated with the pentecostalAssemblies of canada. www.usask.ca/cpc - 5.0k - archived copy http://dir.gigablast.com/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Educatio | |
110. Crosswalk Directory Cedarview Community Church pentecostal assemblies Newmarket, Ontario CanadaCedarview Community Church providiing spiritual growth for 1000 people in the http://directory.crosswalk.com/directory/Churches/Denominations/Pentecostal/defa | |
111. United Way 890172240 FORT RESOLUTION pentecostal ASSEMBLY, THE We have listed charitiesthat exist in the NWT as provided by canada Customs and Revenue Agency and http://www.yellowknife.unitedway.ca/read_document.cfm?id=2001 |
112. Welcome To Christian Life Assembly Church Located In Dundas, Ontario. Christian Life Assembly is a pentecostal church located in Dundas, Ontario, canada, Christian Life Assembly 165 King St W Dundas, ON, canada L9H 1V3 http://dundascla.org/ | |
113. First Treaty Graduates From Central Pentecostal College: Roger Ratt Central pentecostal College is the theological college of the pentecostal Assembliesof canada serving the denomination s churches of Saskatchewan, http://www.sicc.sk.ca/saskindian/a80may31.htm | |
114. Pr012_e supporting constituency of the College means a district of the PentecostalAssemblies of canada in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island or http://www.ontla.on.ca/documents/Bills/37_Parliament/Session2/pr012_e.htm | |
115. Welcome To Master's College And Seminary Trains people for the ministry through discipleship, bible college, interculturalbible college, and seminary, and offers distance education options. http://www.mcs.edu/ | |
116. PCTII #11 Pavel Borisov Ignatov (Bulgarian Church of God), Dr. Ronald Kydd (PentecostalAssemblies of canada), Dr. Japie Jimmy Lapoorta (Apostolic Faith Mission of http://www.pctii.org/pctii11.html | |
117. The Amendment To Term 17 Of Newfoundland's Terms Of Union With Canada: Statement The amendment was designed to provide the Newfoundland House of Assembly withadditional Moreover, on September 5, the four members of the pentecostal http://www.pco-bcp.gc.ca/aia/default.asp?Language=E&Page=PressRoom&Sub=Speeches& |
118. PAOC PAOC. PAOC. PAOC PAOC Click here to enter http//www.paoc.org/. Domain NameRegistration and Domain Name Forwarding by mydomain.com Register your http://www.paoc.ca/ | |
119. PAOC Manitoba NW Ontario District Serves the PAOC churches from the SaskatchewanManitoba border to Thunder Bay,Ontario. Our office is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. http://www.mb-on.paoc.org/ | |
120. Cedarview Community Church Newmarket, Ontario. Calendar, Care Ministries, Homebuilders, Youth, Music, Links. http://www.cedarview.org/ | |
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