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Partners In Harvest: more detail | |||||
81. M I N N E S O T A . H U N G E R . P A R T N E R S - Public Food Shelf Listing Second harvest Heartland Food Bank Food Shelf Listing. ACBC Food Shelf 763422-0046 Interfaith Outreach Community partners Food Shelf 952-473-2436 http://www.mnhungerpartners.org/MAP/pub_fslisting.asp?fb=11 |
82. Winnipeg Harvest partners Programs Research Links Mission Statement Press Releases 2004 CONTACT US F. (204) 7754180 E-mail harvest@xpressnet.com. http://www.winnipegharvest.org/index.cfm?SC=4&PT=1 |
83. Hawkesbury Harvest - Project Partners Hawkesbury harvest supports the HARtDAC project and thanks the supporting partnersfor thier vision and commitment to agriculture. http://www.hawkesburyharvest.com.au/partners.asp | |
84. Harvest Change Manager, Partners AllFusion harvest Change Manager partners partner solutions InformationEngineering Technology Ltd Mercury Interactive Corporation http://www3.ca.com/solutions/partnerlist.asp?ID=255 |
85. Novartis Partners With Bratney Harvest Complex Expansion Novartis partners with Bratney harvest Complex Expansion. Novartis Seeds, Inc.in Phillips, NE, Capital Cost Estimating; Permitting Activities http://www.bratney.com/kbcprojects/kbcpnovartisphil.htm | |
86. Del Monte Foods Partners With America's Second Harvest To Fight Child Hunger In Del Monte Foods partners with America s Second harvest to Fight Child Hunger inRecognition of National Hunger Day. America s Second harvest http://www.charitywire.com/charity19/05745.html |
87. BACE Motorsports Partners With Americas Second Harvest To Fight Child Hunger I BACE Motorsports partners with Americas Second harvest to Fight Child Hunger InSupport Of National Hunger Awareness Day. America s Second harvest http://www.charitywire.com/charity19/03985.html | |
88. Holiness Today God takes incredible risks by involving us in the harvest business. all togetherwants us as His partners His harvest hands - in worldwide evangelism. http://www.nph.com/nphweb/html/htol/archivedICissues/Holiness/1999/99_11contents |
89. Aventis Joins Harvest Partners Program Expansion continues BASF and Aventis Crop Science, USA LP, have announced theyhave signed an agreement concerning Aventis participation in the BASF harvest http://southeastfarmpress.com/mag/farming_aventis_joins_harvest/ | |
90. Dragonbane - New Partners Ensure Ample Harvest And Huge Lizard. (in News) New partners ensure ample harvest and huge lizard. The Dragonbane project recentlysigned agreements with Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) and http://www.dragonbane.org/en/news/2004-04-29-000.html | |
91. Manitoba Harvest Partners With Leading Distributor To Go Nationwide :: Natural A Manitoba harvest partners with Leading Distributor to go Nationwide 200505-12 -Manitoba harvest. Their Hemp Foods Are Now in All 10 United Natural Foods http://www.npicenter.com/anm/anmviewer.asp?a=12446 |
92. Press Release: Counties To Celebrate Puget Sound Fresh Partners For 2004 Harvest August 3, 2004. 2004 Archived News. News Release Counties to celebrate PugetSound Fresh partners for 2004 harvest season http://dnr.metrokc.gov/dnrp/press/2004/0803pugetsoundfresh.htm | |
93. OneWorld.net / Partners / Partner Directory / Harvest Help OneWorld.net partners Partner directory harvest Help skip to main content harvest Help supports selfhelp projects in central/southern Africa, http://www.oneworld.net/contact/company/view/1140 | |
94. OneWorld.net / Partners / Partner Directory / Harvest Of Hope Self-Help Communit NEWS IN DEPTH partners GET INVOLVED OUR NETWORK harvest of HopeSelfHelp Community Center. Country. Kenya. Main Telephone. +254 733778 659 http://www.oneworld.net/contact/company/view/10061 | |
95. Milk And Dairy Products, Post-Harvest Losses And Food Safety In Sub-Saharan Afri Projects Milk and Dairy Products, Postharvest Losses and Food Safety insub-Saharan Africa and the Near East (PFL) PFLPROJECT partners http://www.fao.org/ag/againfo/projects/en/pfl/partners.html | |
96. Second Harvest partners. Our partners in the fight against hunger. These financial donors areintegral to our fight against hunger in the communities we serve. http://www.secondharvest.ca/partners/index.asp | |
97. Shared Harvest Foodbank Partner Agencies Shared harvest Foodbank partners with pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, treatmentcenters and afterschool programs in five Ohio counties. http://www.sharedharvest.org/partners/partner_agencies_main.htm | |
98. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Publishing Partners You are here Books CDs Publishing partners Fatal harvest takes anunprecedented look at our current ecologically destructive agricultural system http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/23/pid/4135.htm | |
99. Co-op News -- From The Ground Up Volunteers from the Coop community tend the harvest partners Garden. The harvest partners Garden program won national recognition when it won the ì1999 http://www.coopfoodstore.com/news/Archives/arch_groundup/garden1.html | |
100. Mbrservices.com _Training Sessions and Institutes _Cooperative partners _FYIshop.com _Communication Tools _View Leadership Institute Images http://www.mbrservices.com/ |
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