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         Paganism:     more books (104)
  1. Moses in Greco-roman Paganism by John G. Gager, 1972-01-30
  2. The search for Anglo-Saxon paganism by Eric Gerald Stanley, 1975
  3. Witchcraft Paganism in Australia by Lynne Hume, 1997-10-01
  4. Mondo 2000: A User's Guide to the New Edge : Cyberpunk, Virtual Reality, Wetware, Designer Aphrodisiacs, Artificial Life, Techno-Erotic Paganism, an by Rudy Rucker, R. U. Sirius, et all 1992-11
  5. Witches: An Encyclopedia of Paganism and Magic by Michael Jordan, 1999-03
  6. Nine Worlds of Seid-Magic: Ecstasy and Neo-Shamanism in North European Paganism by Jenny Blain, 2001-12-14
  7. Kitchen Witch: A Memoir (Shamanism Paganism Druidry) by Cora Anderson, 2010-07-01
  8. Sunday in Roman Paganism by Robert Leo Odom, 2003-01
  9. Paganism and Christianity compared. In a course of lectures to the king's by John Ireland, 2009-08-13
  10. When the Norns Have Spoken: Time and Fate in Germanic Paganism by Anthony Winterbourne, 2004-10
  11. Essays in Contemporary Paganism by Gary Varner, 2002-04
  12. Paganism in Arthurian Romance by John Darrah, 1997-11-06
  13. Angels And Goddesses: Celtic Christianity & Paganism in Ancient Britain by Michael Howard, 2001-11
  14. After life in Roman paganism;: Lectures delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation (Mrs. Hepsa Ely Silliman memorial lectures) by Franz Valery Marie Cumont, 1959

101. Defining Paganism: Paleo-, Meso-, And Neo-
Isaac Bonewits basic definitions of paganism. “Paleopaganism” or “Paleopaganism” is a general term for the original polytheistic, nature-centered
Defining Paganism: Paleo-, Meso-, and Neo-
(Version 2.5)
Paganism is a general term for polytheistic religions old and new, with Pagan used as the adjective as well as the membership term. The overwhelming majority of all the human beings who have ever lived were or are Pagans, and we believe that there is an enormous wealth of spiritual insight and strength to be gained from following a Pagan path. There are three important points to be noted here, however:
  • Like the members of every other religious community, we Pagans have the right to define ourselves and to demand that our definitions, rather than (or in addition to) those invented by individuals and institutions hostile to us, be quoted or referenced when we are discussed by the mass media.
  • Pagan and Paganism deserve a capital letter,
  • Pagan/Paganism requires modifying prefixes or adjectives in order to communicate specific approaches, denominations or sects. The following are the ones I have settled upon over the last thirtyfive years:
Hinduism (prior to the influx of Islam into India)

102. Gnostic Mystica
Uniting Christological and pagan mythology with gnostic ideaologies. Mythology, biographies, symbology and a glossary for difficult terms. Articles may include gnosticism, occult, and paganism.
See that ye blaspheme not the Name by which another knoweth his God Who Said This?
Grounding Exercise
06/Sep/05 Category: Meditations Posted by: Admin Read More When Electricians wire houses for electrical energy, they must ground the system, to protect it from improper flow of energy. When we are channelling energy through our bodies, we also must ground for the best results. However, unlike electrical grounding, for us grounding means that we are connected to the earth and the energy comes from the ground.
Lucid Dreaming
06/Sep/05 Category: Gnosis Posted by: Admin Read More The value of lucid dreaming is immeasurable. When individuals begin to have the experience of lucid dreaming, the truth of who they really are and their personal reality expands. Have you ever been asleep and then suddenly become aware that you were dreaming? In lucid dreaming, the dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming during the dream.
Lucid dreaming is often experienced before the dreamer experiences Astral Travel for the first time. Astral Travel is a form of Lucid Dreaming where the traveller has absolute control over where they travel.
09/Aug/05 Category: Man and Myth Posted by: Admin Read More Hypatia was a reknowned philosophyer, mathematician and astronomer. She has been labeled the most brilliant woman of antiquity and represented the highest standard of Pagan knowledge and grace. Her prominence was accentuated by the fact that she was a woman and Pagan in the increasingly literalist Christian environment, however many respected her for her knowledge, dignity and virtue.

103. Neopaganism In Central-Eastern Europe
The initiator of Lithuanian paganism in the modern era was Wilhelm Storosta, Brastins attempt to restore paganism was based on Latvian dainas,
Neopaganism in Central-Eastern Europe



Former Prussia
Among the various pagan groups in Central-Eastern Europe the pagans in the Baltic countries - Lithuania and Latvia - seem to be most active and best organized. One should take into account that the Baltic countries have been christianized relatively late in comparison with other European countries. The direct inspiration for the modern attempts to revive Lithuanian paganism was the tradition of the Baltic holiday of summer solstice, when people put wreaths on their heads or float them on the rivers. The initiator of Lithuanian paganism in the modern era was Wilhelm Storosta, called Vydunas, born in 1868 Lithuanian mysticism, playwright and philosopher. He was the first to celebrate the Holiday of the Dew at the end of the 19th century. Vydunas, which means "he who sees clearly" tried to synthesize theosophy with the Lithuanian pantheist tradition. In the twenties the celebrations of this holiday were continued by Vydunas' followers and the popularity of the festivities grew. This has been interrupted by the Soviet invasion of Lithuania. After a long break there were certain signs of revival of this tradition in the sixties. The feast has been celebrated then in the city of Kernave. Some Lithuanians prefer to celebrate the feast in the territory of former pagan Prussians when visiting a former Prussian pagan sanctuary in Kaliningrad region, a Russian enclave on the Baltic coast. The Prussian term for sanctuary, "Romove" is present in various contexts referring to the pagan past. The Lithuanian association for preservation of the indigenous culture which has been created in 1967 was called "Ramuva". Yet the association has been dissolved in 1971 because of accusations of growing religious involvement of the group.

104. Wicca
Includes mailing list, poetry and links.
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Wicca, Paganism, and Witchcraft
Click to subscribe to AMagickalCauldron
Read the story about Seattle's Mysterious Monolith. It truly is 2001, and I see this as a good omen.

"So will I build my altar in the fields,
And the blue sky my fretted dome shall be,
And the sweet fragrance that the wild flower yields
Shall be the incense I will yield to thee."
- S.T. Coleridge
I AM A PAGAN I am a Pagan. I am a part of the whole of Nature. The Rocks, the Animals, the Plants, the Elements, are my relatives. Other Humans are my sisters and brothers, whatever their races, colors, or sexual preferences. The Earth is my Mother and the Sky is my Father. The Sun and the Moon are my Grandparents, and the Stars my Ancestors. I am a part of this large family of Nature, not the master of it. I have my own special part to play and I seek to play that part to the best of my ability.

105. Definition Of Paganism
paganism, in the broadest sense includes all religions other than the true one revealed Various forms of paganism are described in special articles (eg
Definition of Paganism
Paganism, in the broadest sense includes all religions other than the true one revealed by God, and, in a narrower sense, all except Christianity, Judaism, and Mohammedanism. The term is also used as the equivalent of Polytheism (q.v.). It is derived from the Latin pagus , whence pagani (i. e. those who live in the country), a name given to the country folk who remained heathen after the cities had become Christian. Various forms of Paganism are described in special articles (e.g. Brahminism, Buddhism , Mithraism); the present article deals only with certain aspects of Paganism in general which will be helpful in studying its details and in judging its value.
Nature Worship generally, and Agrarian in particular, were unable to fulfill the promise they appeared to make. The latter was to a large extent responsible for the Tammuz cult of Babylon, with which the worships of Adonis and Attis, and even of Dionysus, are so unmistakably allied. Much might have been hoped from these religions with their yearly festival of the dying and rising god, and his sorrowful sister or spouse: yet it was precisely in these cults that the worst perversions existed. Ishtar, Astarte, and Cybele had their male and female prostitutes, their Galli: Josiah had to cleanse the temple of Yahweh of their booths (cf. the Qedishim and Kelabim , Deut., xxiii, 17; II Kings, xxiii, 7; cf. I Kings, xiv, 24; xv, 12), and even in the Greek world, where prostitution was not else regarded as religious, Eryx and Corinth at least were contaminated by Semitic influence, which Greece could not correct. "Although the story of Aphrodite's love", says Dr. Farnell, "is human in tone and very winning, yet there are no moral or spiritual ideas in the worship at all, no conception of a resurrection that might stir human hopes. Adonis personifies merely the life of the fields and gardens that passes away and blooms again. All that Hellenism could do for this Eastern god was to invest him with the grace of idyllic poetry" ("Cults of the Greek States", II, 649, 1896-1909; cf. Lagrange, op. cit., 220, 444 etc.)

106. CRI Journal - CRJ0143A
Norman Geisler traces the origins and beliefs of modern paganism.
Christian Research Institute Journal
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Neopaganism, Feminism, and the New Polytheism
by Norman L. Geisler
from the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1991, page 8. The Editor-in-Chief of the Christian Research Journal is Elliot Miller. In his best-selling book, Megatrends , social forecaster John Naisbitt noted "the widespread interest in Eastern religions" since the 1960s.[1] In the early 1970s Os Guinness, friend and colleague of the late Francis Schaeffer, provided an explanation for this interest: "The point is this: The East is still the East, but the West is no longer the West. Western answers no longer seem to fit the questions. With Christian culture disintegrating and humanism failing to provide an alternative, many are searching the ancient East."[2] An extensive network of Eastern-oriented groups make up much of what is called the "New Age movement." A leading promoter of this movement, Marilyn Ferguson, wrote in The Aquarian Conspiracy : "A leaderless but powerful network is working to bring about radical change in the United States....Broader than reform, deeper than revolution, this benign conspiracy for a new human agenda has triggered the most rapid cultural realignment in history. The great shuddering, irrevocable shift overtaking us is....a new mind the ascendance of a starting worldview...."[3]

107. Thelemapedia: The Encyclopedia Of Thelema & Magick | Paganism
Thelemapedia is the original open source encyclopedia of Thelema and magick, focusing on the works and philosophy of Aleister Crowley.
From Thelemapedia
Paganism (or " Heathenism ") is a catch-all term which has come to bundle together (by extension from its original classical meaning of a non- Christian religion ) a very broad set of not necessarily compatible religious beliefs and practices that are usually, but not necessarily, characterized by polytheism and, less commonly, animism Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Origins and meanings of the term
2 Nature Religion

3 Pejorative

4 Heathenry
Origins and meanings of the term
The Latin word paganus is often misrepresented as an adjective meaning " rural ", "rustic" or "of the country". Paganus actually was a noun derived from the word pagus which originally meant 'something stuck in the ground as a landmark'. The root pag means "fixed" and is also the source of the words "page", "pale (stake)", and "pole", as well as "pact" and peace". In later years it was metaphorically extended to 'rural district, village'. Later the noun paganus was coined to mean 'country dweller. villager' and was not meant as an insult at first. As the Roman Empire strengthened paganus came to mean 'civilian'. It was only after the

108. The Gothic Pagan Survey
A survey to better explore how goths view paganism.
The Gothic Pagan Survey
Darkwood Enchantments
P.O.Box 10002
Cleveland, OH 44110
Darkest Greetings -
We are in the process of gathering information on the point of intersection between gothdom and the occult that has been called Gothic Paganism . Both of us, as you will see below, consider ourselves Gothic Pagans. We know what this term means to us - our own unique viewpoint - but we'd like to know if others who find themselves at this crossroads define it the same way. We have included a questionnaire touching on what we find to be definite elements of Gothic Paganism . These may dovetail nicely with your own beliefs, or we may not even be in the same crematoria. Either way, we'd like your input. We conducted an introductory workshop on Gothic Paganism at a major pagan festival (Starwood) last summer and plan to do more; this questionnaire is part of our research towards that goal. Therefore any feedback is most welcome. You probably know one of us through either the Gothic literary scene or through the Internet and alt.gothic; but you may not know the other. Or this could be the first you've heard from either of us. Therefore we'd like to introduce ourselves and explain our interest in Gothic Paganism . Terry Sindar is an active part of the literary gothic subculture, and follows what he considers a gothic/pagan path. He has studied various spiritual systems including the Tarot, Cabala, Enochian magic, and psychedelic shamanism. As a writer of gothic/pagan related fantasy, he has written for a number of gothic, fantasy, and pagan magazines. He was a founding member of the band "Minstrels of Enchantment" and is co-founder of the dark illusion sideshow act "Carnival Xaotika".

109. OKCupid! The Paganism Test
Do you know what paganism is? This will test your knowledge of various myths, gods, goddesses, etc. In my humble opinion, it is the most fascinating

110. Cerridwen's Cauldron
A UK based website detailing the various apsects of paganism from a broad perspective. Includes essays, a chat room and message board.

111. Hakim Bey / Paganism
paganism. CONSTELLATIONS BY WHICH TO steer the barque of the soul. If the moslem understood Islam he paganism has not yet invented lawsonly virtues.
Main V2 Root V2 Archief FreeZone File Contents: Excerpt from Chaos: The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchy by Hakim Bey. This document was gleaned from an excellent Hakim Bey source, Marius Watz's site , and was HTMLized by Tom Jennings.
The pagan body becomes a Court of Angels who all perceive this placethis very groveas paradise ("If there is a paradise, surely it is here !"inscription on a Mughal garden gate).. But ontological anarchism is too paleolithic for eschatology- -things are real, sorcery works, bush-spirits one with the Imagination, death an unpleasant vaguenessthe plot of Ovid's Metamorphoses an epic of mutability. The personal mythscape. Paganism has not yet invented lawsonly virtues. No priestcraft, no theology or metaphysics or moralitybut a universal shamanism in which no one attains real humanity without a vision. Raven, the potlatch trickster, sometimes a boy, old woman, bird who stole the Moon, pine needles floating on a pond, Heckle/Jeckle totempole-head, chorus-line of crows with silver eyes dancing on the woodpilesame as Semar the hunchback albino hermaphrodite shadow-puppet patron of the Javanese revolution. The hulls of its pirate ships are lacquered black, the lateen sails are red, black banners with the device of a winged hourglass.

112. Witches And Wicca
Articles on wicca, witchcraft, paganism, and shamanism.
This page contains information The Rick A. Ross Institute has
gathered about Witches and Wicca.
Visit The Witches' League for Public Awareness

(Above links are outside the Rick A. Ross Institute web site) Visitor Comments Wiccan Faith Becoming More Exposed as Participation Grows
Learning spells and laundry tricks

Wiccan practitioner accuses pastor of harassment
Toil, trouble for wiccans at Army base in Texas

The Rick A. Ross Institute
email: URL:
Rick Ross.
Database Cult News Search ... FAQ

113. People In Paganism Email Course
paganismThere are other kinds of paganism besides Wicca. Lots of them actually. Many of these paths have beliefs in common with Wicca, but they are all unique and
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Pagan / Wiccan Religion Pagan / Wiccan Essentials ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
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I've added a new email course to the site, on the various people who have helped create modern Wiccan as we know it. Each week there will be a new person, and a brief biography along with their contributions to Paganisim. Get to know the people behind the history.
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114. GALACTICA : "The Ancient, The Modern, The Future" : The Journal Of Paganism, Occ
The Journal of paganism, Occultism, Mysticism, Existentialism, and Western Culture.
We return, after two years passed, to reforge the broken chains of Pan-Europa...
It was to our dismay, due to family obligations, academic and career fluctuations, and economic changes, that we had to be absent for such a lengthy span of time...It was never our goal to be " crucified on crosses of gold ", but in these chaotic times of Kali Yuga, events are often difficult to predict....Regardless, we are pleased to return, to continue the Cultural Struggle for the rebirth of Pan-Europa....
On this longest day of the year we pay tribute to the Sun God and his life-giving forces, and bid him farewell on his journey away from us. May his journey to the dark netherworld be bountiful, and may his radiant rays give us spiritual illumination and physical vigor as we plant the seeds of Pan-European Rebirth on this scarred black earth of Kali Yuga.....In his many names and forms, known as Helios, Apollo, Bel, Lugh, Sol, Mithras, the source of all Light and He whose radiance gives solar replenishment and nourishing for flora and fauna....This day we contemplate on the esoteric meaning of " Sol Invictus " and the Summer Solstice celebration...

115. Witchvox Article
Celtic Reconstructionist paganism Author Erynn Rowan Laurie Posted August 3rd. 2003 Times Viewed 27276 Composed by Erynn Rowan Laurie, John Machate,

116. Longshanks
Books on the mythology, folklore, and symbolism of trees, animals and birds; poetry; reflections on paganism.
Enter the domain of Longshanks
Yvonne Aburrow's website
Enter the domain of Longshanks
Yvonne Aburrow's website

117. Wfaq
7/2002 Kindly surf to our WHO is WHO document for an updated overview of Neopaganism, Witchcraft and the Heathen and Reconstructionist religions.

118. Ex-Pagan 4 Christ
Personal testimony of an exPagan revealing his opinion of the satanic deception behind paganism.
Ex Pagan 4 Christ
A true story of deliverance from Paganism
Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. ( Romans 8:21
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. ( Ephesians 5:11 Welcome. My name is Keziah Thomas, and I have created this website to reveal the horrible truth behind Neo-Paganism's "harmless" facade. This is my story of deliverance by Christ from paganism's Satanic deception. I was once a witch and a pagan, and experienced the truth behind the nature-worshipping, peaceful facade to the reality of Satan's mastery over paganism. I was delivered by the grace of God from this evil, and I am now a fundamental Christian who loves Christ! This site reveals paganism for what it really is - SATANISM! If you are a practising Pagan, I urge you to read my story and to open your heart to Jesus. No matter what you may have done, He will always accept you in love. All scriptures used are KJV.

119. Neo-Paganism
Doctrines, paganism is an umbrella term used to describe a variety of religions The Pagan Federation, the largest umbrella organisation for paganism in
Doctrines Paganism is an umbrella term used to describe a variety of religions linked by common traditions; the main Pagan religions to be found in Europe are Wicca, Druidry, Shamanism, Goddess Spirituality, Sacred Ecology, the Northern Traditions, and various Magical Groups. As such, there are no official doctrines - most Pagans believe that no one belief system is correct, and that each person has the freedom to choose their own religion. The Pagan Federation, the largest umbrella organisation for Paganism in Europe, has set out three principles as follows:
Love for and kinship with nature: rather than the more customary attitude of aggression and domination over Nature; reverence for the life force and its ever-renewing cycles of life and death.
The Pagan Ethic: 'Do what thou wilt, but harm none'. This is a positive morality, not a list of thou-shalt-nots. Each individual is responsible for discovering his or her own true nature and developing it fully, in harmony with the outer world.
The concept of the Goddess and God as expressions of the Divine reality; an active participation in the cosmic dance of the Goddess and God, female and male, rather than suppression of either the female or the male principle.

120. Faerydust2k - Blessed Be!
Profile, photos, commentary, paganism; in Tucson, Arizona.
Wanna Take a Peek? About Me What's New? Photo Album Links I Like I Am A Pagan What is Paganism? Thoughts from our Forefathers The Truth About Halloween It's OK to be Gay! Silent Legacy Ribbons HOME view sign Email Me
Yahoo Messenger - faerydust2k

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