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1. Home Moravian Church, Winston-Salem, North Carolina WinstonSalem, North Carolina. The first Moravian Congregation in the South,founded in 1752. Information about worship services, Sunday school, church http://www.home-moravian.org/ | |
2. The Moravian Church Western District Association of congregations in the Upper Midwest, plus Arizona and California.Newsletter, district church listings, events, officers. http://www.moravianwest.org/ | |
3. The Moravian Church In North America - Moravians One of the first Protestant denominations with roots going back to the 15thCentury reformer John Hus, Moravians worldwide have long focused on faithful http://www.moravian.org/ |
4. The Moravian Church Of The British Province Details of congregations, organisations, and devotional material. http://www.moravian.org.uk/ | |
5. Ephraim Moravian Church Pastor's Corner, church history, events and schedules, links, contact information. http://www.ephraimmoravian.org/ | |
6. East Side Moravian Church - Green Bay, Wisconsin Contact information, weekly schedules, news, upcoming events. http://www.gbem.org/ | |
7. Central Moravian Church Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The first Moravian congregation in North America, foundedin 1742. Includes information about its history, worship, education, http://www.enter.net/~cmc/ | |
8. Graceham Moravian Church A Christcentered church founded in 1749. Includes history, worship services, education, calendar and ministry information. http://www.gracehammoravian.com/ | |
9. Religious Movements Homepage: The Moravian Church This Moravian Page is your gateway to accessing comprehensive webbased, as wellas print, resources about the moravian church. As part of the New Religious http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/Moravian.html | |
10. Calvary Moravian Church - Winston-Salem, North Carolina Features church history, information on Sunday services, special events and ministries. http://www.calvarymoravian.org/ | |
11. EHMC Homepage - Welcome Includes services schedule, directions, calendar of events and information on staff. http://www.easthillsmc.org | |
12. Moravian Church, Southern Province Pastor Bill Nicholson, pastor of the Anchorage moravian church, is an endorsedchaplain of the moravian church Southern Province currently serving in Iraq http://www.mcsp.org/ | |
13. The Moravian Church EWI Province - Main Page Official site of the Eastern West Indies province includes religious information, locations of churches, areas of outreach, calendar of events and contact information. Based in St. John's, Antigua. http://www.candw.ag/~moravians/welcome.htm | |
14. The Moravian Church The four moravian churches of Staten Island Castleton Hill, Great Kills, New Dorp, and Vanderbilt Avenue. http://www.moraviansi.com | |
15. Bethabara Moravian Church Bethabara moravian church believes because of the love of Jesus Christ, Bethabara moravian church leads people to an active relationship with Jesus http://www.bethabara.org/ | |
16. Chorales And Music Of The Moravian Church Includes 200+ tunes from Chorales and Music, moravian church Band, Southern Province and Moravian hymnals MIDI and Noteworthy Composer formats; with complete harmony, single parts, and musicminus-one-part files for each tune. http://www.moravianchorales.org/ | |
17. EASTERN DISTRICT FILE Admistrative links, places of interest in Bethlehem, PA, traditions. http://www.mcnp.org/edeb/edeb.htm | |
18. Moravian Church Northern Province Home Page Links to official information and organizations and church districts. http://www.mcnp.org/ | |
19. Welcome To The Church Of The Redeemer moravian church providing beliefs, calendar of events, newsletter, and service schedule. http://www.redeemermoravian.org/ | |
20. Reading Moravian Church http://www.readingmoravian.org/ |
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