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         Jehovahs Witnesses:     more books (100)
  1. Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse by David A. Reed, 1987-08-01
  2. The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Jehovah's Witness by Ron Rhodes, 2001-08-15
  3. Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape from the Watchtower Society by Diane Wilson, 2002-04
  4. The Facts on Jehovah's Witnesses (The Facts On Series) by John Ankerberg, John Weldon, et all 2008-08-01
  5. Answering Jehovah's Witnesses: Subject by Subject by David A. Reed, 1996-05-01
  6. Jehovah's Witnesses by Robert M. Bowman Jr., 1995-05-11
  7. Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah's Witnesses by Ron Rhodes, 2009-07-01
  8. The Jehovah's Witnesses and the Nazis: Persecution, Deportation, and Murder, 1933-1945 by Michel Reynaud, 2001-06-25
  9. 20 Questions Jehovah's Witnesses Cannot Answer by Charles Love, 2005-10-07
  10. How to Answer a Jehovah's Witness by Robert A. Morey, 1980-06
  11. Fast Facts® on Jehovah's Witnesses by John Ankerberg, John Weldon, 2003-03-01
  12. Judging Jehovah's Witnesses: Religious Persecution and the Dawn of the by Shawn Francis Peters, 2002-02
  13. What You Need to Know About Jehovah's Witness (Conversations With the Cults) by Lorri MacGregor, 1992-01
  14. Open Letter to a Jehovahs Witness-in packages of 10 pamphlets by Roy Zuck, 2000-06-01

1. Jehovahs Witnesses Information And Articles
Information about Jehovah's Witnesses, their history, and what Christians should know about their beliefs.
All Words Any Word APOLOGETICS Christian Apologetics A Course in Miracles Bahai Buddhism ... Wicca Google Ads are automatically placed based on the content of the page in which they appear. We do not have the option of choosing which ads appear on the site. This can result in the appearance of Ads we do not endorse and with which we seriously disagree. We filter these ads as we find them, but this takes time. Your patience is appreciated. BIBLE PROPHECY A Beginning of Global Governance - #1 in a series Prophetic Signs that we are in the End Times The Earth Charter's Spiritual Agenda - #2 in a Series The New Age Influence at the United Nations - #3 in a Series ... Contact Us Have you ever been at home, heard the knock on the door, and found a pair of nice looking people wanting to give you a free magazine? Where the magazine is titled Awake! or Watchtower ? I know I have. These people are Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the message they have to share is a dangerous perversion of Christianity. Have you passed a Kingdom Hall building and wondered what occurred inside? I have. Let’s take a look at a brief overview of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. At the bottom of this page, you will find a link to a page where we will cover some JW beliefs and how they compare to Christianity. After a careful review, perhaps you will feel the burden to pray for these decent but disillusioned people. Perhaps next time they come knocking at your door, you will have a message for them.

2. Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower Society Official Web Site
Jehovah's Witnesses. Profile, beliefs, activities, publications, contact information.

3. Meander
Bible Land and British museum tours for jehovahs witnesses.
Why not join our mailing list? Meander are by no means the only tour operator to venture into Bible Lands. However Meander's approach to its tours is to develop scriptural themes. In this respect we really are quite different. Our aim is to build appreciation for Jehovah and his written word the Bible and to provide a wholesome environment in which to enjoy association. To achieve this requires that both tour operator and traveller have the same objective and goal. Jesus said his genuine followers would be in the world but no part of it. This is only possible by adhering to the high principles and standards of God's Word. We therefore insist that only those with these high goals and their immediate family members, who share a conscientious respect for the same, join our tours. It is not uncommon for our tours to include over 50% who are in full time service. All who join the tours find the experience spiritually uplifting and refreshing.
Who can join the tours?

4. Jehovah's Witnesses Watchers Of The Watchtower World
Free Minds, Inc. is a nonprofit organization keeping an eye on the Watchtower sect (jehovahs witnesses). Always up to date, personal, excellent

5. The Jehovah's Witness Beliefs
7. Because world powers and political parties are the unwitting allies of Satan, Witnesses refuse to salute the flag of any nation.

The Watchtower Bible Tract Society (Jehoavah's Witnesses)

Kritisk informasjon om Jehovas Vitner og Vaktt rnselskapet.

8. - Welcome
Do Jehovah's Witnesses protect child molesters? A _QUOTATION_silentlamb_QUOTATION_ is a person who has been discouraged from getting help when he or

9. Sharia Law Debate Badly Skewed; Boyd Says Plan Would Restrict, Not
Catholics, Mennonites, Jews, aboriginals, jehovahs witnesses and Muslims, among others, have availed themselves of this right to settle family

10. AJWRB Presents - Jehovah's Witnesses, The Watchtower And NEW LIGHT
An important site dealing with all aspects of the blood transfusion issue, seeking reform of the Watchtower's illconceived blood policy which has

11. Jehovah's Witnesses: Watchers Of The Watchtower World
Free Minds, Inc. is a nonprofit organization keeping an eye on the Watchtower sect (jehovahs witnesses). Always up to date, personal, excellent in-depth articles and news items.
SEARCH PORTALS EXJWS.NET FREEMINDS ... CONTRIBUTIONS We are Free Minds, Inc. - promoting awareness of the Watchtower and its authoritarian tactics Donate now to Red Cross for Katrina disaster effort call 1-800-HELP-NOW or click here Site search Web search
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Watchtower Doctrine
brought to you by Free Minds, Inc. a non-profit organization keeping a critical eye on the Watchtower (Jehovah's Witnesses) We are not affiliated with any religious organization Hot Topics this week: How to be an expert in witnessing to JWs NEW Meet "Make it Maine" Danny Haszard Barbara Anderson's anecdotes from Bethel NEW Dating a Jehovah's Witness info UPDATE on new Governing Body members NEW Opening the Closed Mind: How to Talk to JWs Thus Saith Jehovah's Witnesses: book Sexual Abuse/Child Abuse in the WT Lying in Court: Theocratic War Strategy How I helped my family leave the WT Overcoming fear and guilt with humor The Ray Franz Incident Food at the proper time - all WT dates Free Minds Journal

12. Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower News
by antiJehovahs (posted 6/27/05) RUSSIA Contrasting situations of Moscow Jehovah's Witnesses and Salvation Army (posted 6/23/05) "Witnesses of

13. Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower Information Service
Provides serious information about the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses History, Dates, Blood, and Secret Books.

14. Jehovahs Witness Discussion Forum - Topic JEHOVAH S WITNESSES
When jehovahs witnesses experience growth it is undeniable evidence that Jesus is When the jehovahs witnesses are exposed as fraudulent and a menace to
JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES WANT IT BOTH WAYS document.write(pageHeader); var p = pageLinks ('', 20, 1, records); document.write(p); Forum Homepage Active Topics Member Directory Member Post Viewed: times Perry JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES WANT IT BOTH WAYS document.write(PIcon('2002-07-27T21:07:00') + ' '); document.write(dateTime('2002-07-27T21:07:00')); Jul 27, 2002 var postNo=353;
google_ad_client = "pub-4963413421914369"; google_ad_width = 160; google_ad_height = 90; google_ad_format = "160x90_0ads_al"; google_ad_channel =""; google_color_border = "000000"; google_color_bg = "F0F0F0"; google_color_link = "0000FF"; google_color_url = "008000"; google_color_text = "000000"; When individuals leave the organization for conscience reasons, it is evidence that God is shepherding and protecting the flock by doing a sifting work . When people leave another Christian religion it is evidence that the religion is morally corrupt and unable or unwilling to provide spiritually for their members.

15. Map & Graph: Countries By Religion: Jehovahs Witnesses (per Capita)
Map Graph Religion jehovahs witnesses (per capita) Source 2002 Report of Jehovah s Witnesses Worldwide

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  • Jews Jehovahs Witnesses Summer olympic medals - All time (per capita) Jews (per capita) ...
  • Religion : Jehovahs Witnesses (per capita)
    View this stat: Totals Show map full screen Country Description
    Per capita figures expressed per 1000 population
    Mexico 5.24 per 1000 people

    16. Map & Graph: Countries By Religion: Jehovahs Witnesses
    Map Graph Religion jehovahs witnesses. View this stat Per capita Source 2002 Report of Jehovah s Witnesses Worldwide

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    Factoid #51 Three quarters of Japanese kids read comics Interesting Facts Make your own graph:
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  • Jews Main religion Catholics Jehovahs Witnesses (per capita) ...
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    View this stat: Per capita Show map full screen Country Description ... Chile Top Graphs
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    Click on a region to zoom in and then mouseover to view country names. Show map full screen Legend: Top Mid dle Bot tom Regions
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  • Agriculture Background Crime Currency ... Cote d'Ivoire Hint Click on the "Country" link on the graphs to sort alphabetically by country.
  • 17. Fish The Net: Discernment Of Cults/Jehovahs Witnesses
    Home Discernment of Cults jehovahs witnesses Jehovah s Witnesses How Many True Gods Are There? Witnessing Tip of the Month Jehovah s Witnesses
    Looking for something in particular? the entire directory only this category More search options Home Discernment of Cults : Jehovahs Witnesses LINKS:
    • Christian Ex Jehovah's Witnesses pop
      Former Jehovah's Witness of 10 years who is today is a Born Again Christian. I still believe the Bible is Word of Jehovah and still embrace it's teachings and moral values. jw xjw
      (Added: Fri Oct 13 2000 Hits: 955 Rating: Votes: 3) Rate It Review It
    • Fifteen Reasons Why I Cannot be a Jehovah's Witness pop
      15 reasons why it is unBiblical to become a Jehovah's Witness. Page written by Robert B. Mignard of Biblical Living Ministries
      (Added: Wed Dec 06 2000 Hits: 2212 Rating: Votes: 5) Rate It Review It
    • Jehovah's Witnesses Refuted pop
      "Listed are the locations of texts from the Bible, which prove beyond all doubt the major doctrines of the Christian church, which are denied by the Jehovah's Witnesses."

    18. Fish The Net - The Evangelistic Tacklebox: Evangelistic/Discernment Of Cults/Jeh
    Home Evangelistic Discernment of Cults jehovahs witnesses The main false doctrines taught by the JW s ( Jehovah s Witnesses ) are as follows (1)
    Add a Site Modify a Site What's New Advanced Search ... LOGIN
    Entire Directory This Category More search options Home Evangelistic Discernment of Cults : Jehovahs Witnesses LINKS:
    • Christian Ex Jehovah's Witnesses pop
      Former Jehovah's Witness of 10 years who is today is a Born Again Christian. I still believe the Bible is Word of Jehovah and still embrace it's teachings and moral values. jw xjw
      (Added: Fri Oct 13 2000 Hits: 2136 Rating: Votes: 5) Rate It Review It
    • Fifteen Reasons Why I Cannot be a Jehovah's Witness pop
      15 reasons why it is unBiblical to become a Jehovah's Witness. Page written by Robert B. Mignard of Biblical Living Ministries
      Read 1 Reviews

      (Added: Wed Dec 06 2000 Hits: 4229 Rating: Votes: 10) Rate It Review It
    • Jehovah's Witnesses Refuted pop
      "Listed are the locations of texts from the Bible, which prove beyond all doubt the major doctrines of the Christian church, which are denied by the Jehovah's Witnesses."

    19. Jehovahs Witnesses: What Saith The Scripture
    Expose on the errors of the Watchtower Jehovah s Witnesses cult, quoting their own sources.
    C ONTENDING FOR THE F AITH "...earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints..." (Jude 3) JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES:
    The Watchtower Society False Prophecies False Teachings Altering Scripture: John 1:1

    Featuring actual questions from visitors to this site Right: Note the Inscription on the lower part of the cover: "Proof Conclusive That Millions Now Living Will Never Die" ("The Harp of God," by J F Rutherford, 1921 Peoples Pulpit Assoc, 1925 International Bible Students Assoc. (Of course, there are not "millions" still alive since 1921!) View a more detailed false prophecy on page 88 in "Millions Now Living Will Never Die."
    Also view the false prophecy on the title page
    of another edition (which also bears the same inscription on the cover). MAIN PAGE Pro-life Perspective Bible Studies The Prayer Place ... Publications 1998 Diane S. Dew Diane Dew o PO Box 340945 o Milw WI 53234

    20. Jehovahs Witnesses - False Prophecies
    Expose on the errors of the Watchtower Jehovah s Witnesses cult, quoting their own sources.
    The Watchtower Society F ALSE P ROPHECIES
    For years I have been collecting old Watchtower books for evidence in disproving their claims.
    Following is a synopsis of false prophecies accumulated over the years. Citations from Watchtower Publications "So, does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come? These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet? ... This 'prophet' was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian witnesses." Watchtower 4/1/72, p 197 "In this volume we offer a chain of testimony on the subject of God's appointed times and seasons, each link of which we consider Scripturally strong ... it is beyond the breadth and depth of human thought, and therefore cannot be of human origin." Studies in the Scriptures Vol 2, 1889, p 15

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