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41. Islam: The Message Of All The Prophets, The Reflect Of The Pure Intellect - Isla Filary religii, doktryna, koncepcja Boga, opinie o Koranie, dane teleadresowe polskich organizacji muzuÅmaÅskich i meczet³w, wywiady , wykaz ksiÄ Å¼ek w jÄzyku polskim wydawanych przez Stowarzyszenie Student³w MuzuÅmaÅskich. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/9192/ | |
42. PBS - Islam: Empire Of Faith A companion site to the PBS television series islam Empire of Faith , which presented the history of islam from the time of Muhammad to the Ottoman http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/ | |
43. Islam.co.ba-Islamski Informativni Portal islamski informativni portal namijenjen edukaciji i informisanju muslimana kao i njegovanju i afirmaciji tradicionalnih vrijednosti BoÄ njaka. http://www.islam.co.ba |
44. Frontline: Muslims | PBS PBS Frontline documentary that examines islam s worldwide resurgence through the stories of diverse Muslims struggling to define the role of islam in their http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/muslims/ | |
45. Islam I Norge Av Oddbj¸rn Leirvik. Med statistikk, artikkel om forskjellige retninger og tendenser, litteraturoversikt og oversikt over muslimske organisasjonar og mosk©er i Norge. http://folk.uio.no/leirvik/tekster/IslamiNorge.html | |
46. Christianity Vs. Islam In Africa: A 19th Century Debate This article deals with a late 19th Century debate in London about whether Christianity had failed in Africa, whether islam was more appropriate for Africa than Christianity, and how racism within Great Britain caused Christian missions to fail in converting and civilizing Africa in the 19th Century. | |
47. Islam - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Muslims hold that islam is essentially the same belief as that of all the messengers sent Apostasy is public disloyalty towards islam by any one who had http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam |
48. Islam Artikler fra Morten M¸bjergs skrivestue. http://home1.inet.tele.dk/moebjerg/islam.htm | |
49. Islam Karimov - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia islam Abduganievich Karimov (in modern Uzbek Islom Karimov) (born January 30, 1938) has been the President of Uzbekistan since 1991. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_Karimov | |
50. View Islam Information on islam for nonMuslims and new Muslims. Includes articles, jokes and parables, recommended books, news, FAQs, and links. http://www.viewislam.com/ |
51. NOI.org: The Official Website For The Nation Of Islam NOI.org provides history, leadership bios, official news and statements from the Nation of islam. http://www.noi.org/ | |
52. The Sword Of Islam ... War Against Israel And The West! Charges that islam is on the move and is prepared to extinguish any and all civilizations that get in its way. http://www.masada2000.org/islam.html | |
53. Islam Website; Resources For The Study Of Islam islam Academic resources for the study of islam, religion, Qur an, hadith, Sunnah, Shi ite islam, Sufism, islam in the modern world, Muslim women, http://www.arches.uga.edu/~godlas/ | |
54. Porte Ouverte Sur L'islam Introduction sur l'islam. La femme dans l'islam. Les conversions. http://www.islamfrance.com | |
55. ? The summary for this English page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.islamway.com/ | |
56. Light Of Islam Grundl¤ggande information om islams l¤ror. http://home.swipnet.se/islam/swedish.htm | |
57. Islam Explores the basic teachings of islam, its culture, history, economic system, and historical figures. Also features forum, news, and buyer s guide. http://islam.about.com/ | |
58. Profiel: Islam In Nederland NRC Handelsblad Profiel islam in Nederland. alleen toegankelijk met wachtwoord http://www.nrc.nl/W2/Lab/Profiel/Islam/ | |
59. ÇáÕÝÍÉ ÇáÑÆíÓíÉ - ÇÓáÇã æíÈ - ÇáÔÈßÉ ÇáÅÓáÇã The summary for this Arabic page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.islamweb.net/ |
60. *©*´¯`·.¸¸(AL-ISLAM)¸¸.·´¯`*©* Gott im islam, Frau im islam, Feste im islam. http://home.datacomm.ch/al-islam/ |
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