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181. Islam And Muslims : Apologetics Research Resources An annotated Apologetics Index guide to research resources on islam and Muslims. http://www.apologeticsindex.org/i07.html | |
182. Political Islam A collection of documents and articles on politics and islam; part of a larger collection dealing with the study of international relations and foreign http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/polislam.htm | |
183. History Of Islam An account of the rise and historical development of islam, written from a Baha'i perspective including emphasis on the Shi'ite lineage from which the Baha'i religion sprang. http://bahai-library.org/unpubl.articles/islam.bahai.html | |
184. About ISLAM A concise overview of islamic beliefs and practices. http://monisys.ca/~nizk/Islam.htm |
185. Comprendre L'Islam Et Les Musulmans Un premier pas vers la vie en harmonie entre les diff©rentes communaut©s qui constituent la France d'aujourd'hui. http://www.chez.com/islam/ | |
186. :: Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS) Official site of the main opposition party. Provides news and information. http://www.parti-pas.org/ | |
187. Islam Och Livet Efter Detta En artikel om synen p¥ d¶den i islam. Av Christin Dahlgren. http://www.alba.nu/Alba5_98/christin.html | |
188. Apostates Of Islam - We Left Islam We were taught never to question the truth of islam and to believe in Allah We are apostates of islam. We denounce islam as a false doctrine of hate and http://www.apostatesofislam.com/ | |
189. Hermes: De Filosofie Van De Islam Artikel over de basis van de Moslim levensvisie door Nadarbeg K. Mirza. http://www.katinkahesselink.net/theosofie_nl/mirza.htm | |
190. Islam http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/encyclopedia/islam/ |
191. Frau In Islam Antworten auf Fragen bez¼glich der Stellung und der Rolle der Frau im islam. Gleichberechtigung, Kopftuch, Schwangerschaft http://mitglied.lycos.de/muslimisch/ | |
192. Jaringan Islam Liberal islamLib.com Jaringan islam Liberal Indonesia. Dengan nama Allah Tuhan Pengasih Tuhan Penyayang Tuhan segala agama Jaringan islam Liberal http://www.islamlib.com/ | |
193. ¿Quieres Entrar En El Islam? Bien, Pero Antes Leeme. Ante una decisi³n tan trascendental es importante contrastar distintas fuentes porque todas son parciales. ste es el punto de vista de alguien que fue musulm¡n 5 a±os. http://webs.ono.com/enr/introislam.htm | |
194. Rizwi's Bibliography For Medieval Islam A classified bibliography of books and articles for students of Medieval islam. http://us.geocities.com/rfaizer/biblio/ | |
195. Keunggulan Islam Tafsir alQuran, Hadis, Tazkirah, Persoalan agama dan lain-lain. http://www.keunggulanislam.co.uk | |
196. Islamway.com How I Came To islam? A. Green Issues Of Belief Ali AlTamimi Can One be. what you are doing at this web-site propagating correct and authentic islam. http://english.islamway.com/ | |
197. Kids4Islam islamic Halal site. Moral stories and manners, weekly quiz, penpals, and games. Story and poetry submissions accepted. http://www.kids4islam.com/ | |
198. Islam And Homosexuality An argument for putting homosexuality in perspective, that while it is sinful, it is not the worst of sins. http://www.geocities.com/mikailtariq/homo.htm | |
199. Islam Italia.it - L'impegno Musulmano In Italia Un portale dedicato ai musulmani in Italia. Informazioni e dottrina su le donne musulmane, il matrimonio misto, Dio e la Scrittura delle religioni, la religione islamica in Italia, cristianesimo, ebraismo, Bibbia, vangeli, vangelo, corano. http://www.islamitalia.it/ | |
200. The Purpose Of Fasting Response about Muslims often being accused of being promiscuous because polygamy is legal in islam. http://www.bilalphilips.com/abouthim/artic04a.htm | |
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