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Humanistic Judaism: more books (64) | ||||
81. Humanistic Jewish Congregation O humanistic judaism espouses natural spirituality such as the feeling one gets when exposed to Answer humanistic judaism focuses on life before death. http://www.humanisticjewssandiego.org/FAQ.htm | |
82. Humanistic Jewish Congregation O humanistic judaism is a fifth branch of the Jewish family tree. The congregation began in 1985 in the living room of Alex and Shirley Levin. http://www.humanisticjewssandiego.org/About Us.htm | |
83. JewishFinder Society for humanistic judaism. 28611 W. 12 Mile Road humanistic judaism embraces a humancentered philosophy that combines rational thinking with a http://www.ujc.org/ir_listing.html?nt=0&catid=615&catname=Movements and Denomina |
84. About Secular Humanistic Judaism Jewish Cultural School and Society. About Secular humanistic judaism Secular Humanistic Jews do. celebrate Jewish holidays and lifecycle events http://www.jcss-nj.com/id14.html | |
85. Toby Dorfman - San Diego Jewish Journal In humanistic judaism, Gd is irrelevant. Members reject the existence of Gd, humanistic judaism offers an alternative to the conventional guilt and http://www.sdjewishjournal.com/stories/feb03_4.html | |
86. NJJN - Humanistic Congregation Says It Supports Same-sex Marriage is the only one in New Jersey to belong to the Society for humanistic judaism. A press release issued by the society describes humanistic judaism as a http://www.njjewishnews.com/njjn.com/52004/humanistic.html | |
87. Ethical Diversity Within Humanistic Judaism communitarian ethics coexist within the framework of humanistic judaism. From Guide to humanistic judaism in the Summer/Autumn 1993 issue of Humanistic http://www.banned-books.com/truth-seeker/1994archive/121_1/ts211h.html | |
88. Kol Haverim: The Finger Lakes Community For Humanistic Judaism In Ithaca, NY The Finger Lakes Community for humanistic judaism. Ithaca, New York. Welcome! FLCHJ is an affiliate of the Society for humanistic judaism, the national http://www.kolhaverim.net/index.shtml | |
89. Humanistic Jewish Parenting Congregation for humanistic judaism of Morris County, PO Box 217, Society for humanistic judaism and International Federation of humanistic judaism http://www.humanisticjudaismnj.org/LARGE PIX/DOCUMENTS/DOC_Social_Action_04.htm | |
90. Welcome - Humanistic Judaism Embraces A Human-centered Philosophy Welcome humanistic judaism embraces a human-centered philosophy that combines the celebration of Jewish culture and identity with an adherence to http://bethadam.com/celebrations.php | |
91. Or Adam Congregation Or Adam All the passion of Judaism from a Humanistic point of view Certified by the International Institute of Secular humanistic judaism http://www.oradam.org/ | |
92. FORWARD : FacesForward Wine caused eyes to roll 40 years ago when he created humanistic judaism, That s what humanistic judaism is all about, Wine told the Forward in a http://www.forward.com/issues/2003/03.06.20/faces.html | |
93. Humanistic Jews Memorialize Albert Einstein During Purim at the Long Island Havurah for humanistic judaism, Len Cherlin showed SOURCE Society for humanistic judaism Web Site http//www.shj.org http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=109&STORY=/www/story/04-11-200 |
94. Home Beth Ami Colorado Congregation for humanistic judaism, provides the opportunity to Beth Ami is affiliated with the Society for humanistic judaism. http://www.bethami.com/ | |
95. Humanistic Judaism: Religious Humanism At Congregation Beth Or humanistic judaism is based on the idea that religion is of human origin. To live a moral life is to fulfill our potential as human beings. http://www.bethor.com/humanistic_judaism.aspx | |
96. Jerusalem Post | Breaking News From Israel, The Middle East And The Jewish World At the Long Island Havurah for humanistic judaism, its president, Leonard Charlin, has created original services for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=109 |
97. Rabbi Marder Sermons Arvchive: November 16, 2001 humanistic judaism affirms these basic beliefs but does so within the The Society for humanistic judaism was founded 32 years ago by Sherwin Wine, http://www.betham.org/sermons/marder011116.html | |
98. Seeing Intercultural Marriages Instead Of Interfaith Marriages Secular humanistic judaism affirms that moral authority is derived from rational thinking and that human beings are responsible for their decisions http://www.sfjcf.org/localjewishresources/bridges/bridges-sep2003/interfaith.sht | |
99. Washington DC City Pages: Community : Worship And Spiritual Centers : Judaism Machar, the Washington Congregation for Secular humanistic judaism Machar is a vibrant Congregation dedicated to educating children and adults, http://dcpages.com/Community/Worship_and_Spiritual_Centers/Judaism/ | |
100. Jewish Circumcision - References Official policy statement on Circumcision of Secular and humanistic judaism Secular and Humanistic Jews do not see Milah (circumcision) as a sign of a http://www.circumstitions.com/Jewish2.html | |
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