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41. Judaism Reading List: Humanistic Judaism (Pt. VII) humanistic judaism is less well known than Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. humanistic judaism was organized by Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine, http://www.faqs.org/faqs/judaism/reading-lists/humanistic/preamble.html | |
42. Judaism Reading List: Humanistic Judaism (Pt. VII) humanistic judaism is less well known than Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. A web page of 11links and information about humanistic judaism is http://www.faqs.org/faqs/judaism/reading-lists/humanistic/ | |
43. Oraynu Congregation For Humanistic Judaism toronto.com is toronto ontario s event, movies, theatre, restaurant, hotel, shopping, dining, family, apartments, spa and salon, flowers, banquet hall and http://www.toronto.com/profile/625491/?cslink=cs_community_3_2 |
44. Oraynu Congregation For Humanistic Judaism toronto.com is toronto ontario s event, movies, theatre, restaurant, hotel, shopping, dining, family, apartments, spa and salon, flowers, banquet hall and http://www.toronto.com/profile/625491/?cr_info=1 |
45. What Is Humanistic Judaism humanistic judaism is a nontheistic alternative in contemporary Jewish life. There s a lot more to humanistic judaism, of course. http://www.bethchai.org/humanistic.html | |
46. Jewish And Israeli Web Directory And Search Engine: Synagogues And Movements/Hum Home Synagogues and Movements Humanistic City Congregation for humanistic judaism New York City Web address of the New York City chapter of the http://www.jewish.net/links/Synagogues_and_Movements/Humanistic/index.shtml | |
47. Soc Culture Jewish Humanistic Judaism Reading List: Index humanistic judaism Reading List. Search this site powered by FreeFind. Reconstructionist Reading List, TOC, Chasidism Reading List http://www.shamash.org/lists/scj-faq/HTML/rl/jsh-index.html | |
48. NMCHJ Main Page humanistic judaism is a voice for Jews who value their Jewish humanistic judaism affirms the right of individuals to shape their http://www.flash.net/~kcraw/ | |
49. Humanistic Judaism National president of humanistic judaism says movement can strengthen the overall organized Jewish community. http://www.jewishsightseeing.com/usa/california/san_diego/sd_humanist_jewish_con | |
50. Religion: Judaism: Denominations: Humanistic Spirit And Sky City Congregation for humanistic judaism New York City. City Congregation for Humanistic International Institute for Secular humanistic judaism http://www.spiritandsky.com/religion/judaism/denominations/humanistic/ | |
51. About Adat Chaverim, Valley Congregation For Humanistic Judaism, San Fernando Va About Adat Chaverim, Valley Congregation for humanistic judaism. http://www.vchj.net/about.htm | |
52. The Roots Of Secular Humanistic Judaism By Sherwin T. Wine Over Secular humanistic judaism uses the legacy of their achievements and their Both the Society for humanistic judaism and the Congress of Secular Jewish http://www.shma.com/june00/wine.htm | |
53. A Rabbi S Journey To Humanistic Judaism By Peter H. Schweitzer I A Rabbi s Journey to humanistic judaism. by Peter H. Schweitzer. I have often speculated that had I learned Hebrew as a child and then become bar mitzvah, http://www.shma.com/june00/schweitzer.htm | |
54. Humanistic Judaism Grows humanistic judaism grows. LEISAH NAMM Managing Editor This is a sign that the message of humanistic judaism is appealing to many, many Israelis. http://www.jewishaz.com/jewishnews/041217/humanistic.shtml | |
55. Humanistic Judaism humanistic judaism is part of this diversity, he notes. Wine, who founded the first Humanistic Jewish congregation in 1963, will visit the Valley to lead http://www.jewishaz.com/jewishnews/030912/humanistic.shtml | |
56. J. - Humanistic Jewish Community Seeking Its First Rabbi Institute for Secular humanistic judaism in suburban Detroit. The community, formerly known as the Society for humanistic judaism of Northern California http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/16933/edition_ |
57. J. - Humanistic Judaism Gets New Home For Services, Study The Northern California chapter of the Society for humanistic judaism now Whether or not humanistic judaism truly becomes mainstream, as have the http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/7768/edition_i |
58. Jewish And Kosher Canada - Humanistic Judaism Synagogues In Ontario humanistic judaism SYNAGOGUES IN ONTARIO, CANADA. Oraynu Congregation 156 Duncan Mill Road Suite 14, Toronto, Ontario M3B 3N2, Canada Tel (416) 3853910 http://www.kosherdelight.com/CanadaOntarioHumanisticSynagogues.htm | |
59. Humanistic Judaism Editors Http//www.shj.org/bookJournalSub.htm humanistic judaism FEATURED ARTICLES 7 SHJ Conference 04 Continuuity Creativity in humanistic judaism Ruth Duskin Feldman http://www.uvh.nl/Mag.asp?versie=eng&oId=&cId=34 |
60. Founder Of Humanistic Judaism To Leave Pulpit Rabbi Sherwin Wine created the philosophy of humanistic judaism 40 years ago and, on June 27, 2003, he will retire from the Birmingham Temple outside of http://atheism.about.com/b/a/001143.htm | |
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