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         Hellenismos:     more books (68)
  1. Hellenismos kai Ioudaismos: Historikoi stathmoi stis scheseis Hellenon kai Ioudaion (Seira Philosophia) (Greek Edition) by Methodios G Phougias, 1995
  2. Pos he Germania katestrepse ton Hellenismo tes Mikras Asias (Greek Edition) by Michael Rodas, 1995
  3. Ho Hellenismos tes Sovietikes Henoses, 1750-1939 (Greek Edition) by Kostas Tsalachoures, 1992
  4. Ethnikososialismos kai Hellenismos: Ho "Agonas" tou Ad. Chitler kai he katachrese tou Hellenikou ideodous (Greek Edition) by Ioannes Loukas, 1991
  5. Periodeia ston Hellenismo tou Kaukasou (Archeio historikon logon) (Greek Edition) by Neokles Kazazes, 1993
  6. Selides tou apeleutherotikou mas agona hopos graphtekan tote-- (Seira ekdoseon "Hellenismos tes Kyprou") (Greek Edition) by Maroula Violare-Iakovidou, 1992
  7. Ekei sten Anatole--: Hopou ho Hellenismos agonia kai aei prosmenei (Greek Edition) by Euthymios Assos, 1999
  8. Pontiakos Hellenismos: Apo te genoktonia kai to Stalinismo sten perestroika (Greek Edition) by Vlases Agtzides, 1990
  9. Kypros: Sta horia tou aphanismou (Seira Hellenismos) (Greek Edition) by Stauros Lygeros, 1993
  10. Ho Hellenismos Stis Paraeuxeinies Chores: Pontos, Tsarike Rosia, E.S.S.D. Koinopoliteia Anexarteton Kraton: 700 P.Ch.-2000 M.Ch.
  11. Hellenismos tes Voreiou Epeirou kai Hellenoalvanikes scheseis: Engrapha apo to historiko archeio tou hypourgeiou exoterikon (Greek Edition)
  12. Apo ton Philippo sten Hypatia: Apo ton Hellenismo ston Christianismo (Greek Edition) by Aikaterine Mauridou Livane, 1999
  13. Hellenismos kai Helladismos (Greek Edition) by Kostas Sardeles, 1994
  14. Apo to mytho sten exodo: Ho Hellenismos tes Maures Thalassas : mia prosengise (Greek Edition) by Georgios Andreades, 1994

41. Hellenismos/Greek Recon At Alternative Religion
The Hellenistic revival modern attempts to reconstruct the rich religioustraditions of Ancient Greece. Learn about modern Helenic and Roman Paganism,
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The Hellenistic revival...modern attempts to reconstruct the rich religious traditions of Ancient Greece. Learn about modern Helenic and Roman Paganism, or use our resources for rituals, hymns, and much more.
Recent The Stele The homepage for Omphalos, the Graeco-Roman revivalist's networking site. Links, a bulletin board, rituals, essays, and more. Altars and Sacred Space Hellenic Pagan author explains the history and use of Altars and sanctuaries in Hellenic religious practice, and includes links to photographs of ancient altars and source materials. Eoster: Mysteries of the Resurrected Child Easter Rites and the resurrection of the Sun.

42. Greek Forum Message-Orthodoxy And Hellenismos
Greek Forum messageOrthodoxy and hellenismos. Macedonian Press Agency News inEnglish Directory - Previous Article. From The Macedonian Press Agency at
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Greek Forum message-Orthodoxy and Hellenismos
Macedonian Press Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article
From: The Macedonian Press Agency at and
‘Orthodoxy must not and cannot defiled by the behavior of some isolated [instances of] individuals who undeservedly wear the honored frock. Hellenism and Orthodoxy have followed a common route for 2000 years and in the soul of our people they (Orthodoxy and Hellenism) are identical.‘ Greek Undesecretery of Defence Macedonian Press Agency ?doc_id=513091 Text in Greek «Ç Ïñèïäïîßá äåí ðñÝðåé êáé äåí ìðïñåß íá óðéëþíåôáé áðü ôïí âßï êÜðïéùí ìåìïíùìÝíùí áôüìùí ðïõ áíÜîéá öïñïýí ôï ôéìçìÝíï ñÜóï. Åëëçíéóìüò êáé Ïñèïäïîßá Ý÷ïõí êïéíÞ ðïñåßá 2000 ÷ñüíùí êáé óôç óõíåßäçóç ôïõ ëáïý ìáò ôáõôßæïíôáé. To unsubscribe from: Greek Forum, just follow this link:

43. Thiasos Austriakos - Hellenismos In Österreich
Translate this page Informationen für österreichische Anhänger der hellenistischen Religion Theologie,Mythologie, Rituale, Feste, usw.
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Theologie, Mythologie, Rituale, Feste, usw
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44. ÅëëÞíùí Ôüðïé
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Ôñßëïöïò, ÅõìïëðéÜò, Öéëéððïýðïëéò (óçìåñéíü Plovdiv )

46. Encyclopedia: Hellenismos
hellenismos (ἙλληνισμόÏ? Hellēnism³s), corresponding to the hellenismos isn ta bookbased religion; there is no single text believed by

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    Encyclopedia: Hellenismos
    Updated 41 days 2 hours 16 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Hellenismos Hellenismos Hellēnism³s ), corresponding to the English word Hellenism , meant (in ancient Greek) the imitation of the Greeks. The term's use in religion stems from a systemization of Greek Religion done by the Roman Emperor Julian . Today, this word is used in modern Greek to refer to the totality of the Greek people and culture. Roman Emperor is the title historians use to refer to rulers of the Roman Empire, after the epoch conventionally named the Roman Republic. ... For other meanings of Julian, see Julian (disambiguation). ... Outside Greece, it is used by some to refer to the traditional

    47. ABC-Directory : Main - Society - Religion And Spirituality - Pagan - Hellenismos
    Category Main » Society » Religion and Spirituality » Pagan » hellenismos,SUBMIT A SITE. Sites, Records 110 of 66 Go to 1 2 7 Next page
    Home Set as Homepage Add to Favorite Contact 07 September, 2005 egories Arts Business Computers Games ... Sports
    Category: Main Society Religion and Spirituality Pagan ... SUBMIT A SITE
    Sites Records 1-10 of 66 Go to page Order by Popularity Alphabet Press release from the S.G.H. in Greece (Popularity:
    A press release from the Supreme Council of the Gentile Hellenes in Greece which outlines them and their practices.
    Christian Persecutions Against The Hellenes
    A chronological summary by historian and author Vlassis Rassias.
    Cheiron Hellenic
    Information about the Hellenic religion, philosophy, mythology and more, also has information from other polytheist traditions.
    AOTSC.TDC Hellenic Pagan Fellowships
    This is a Hellenic Pagan Church, designed to bring community and understanding of the religion to Hellenic Pagans and Pagans ...
    Hellenic Calendar
    (Popularity: Calendar based on ancient Greece. Includes information on festivals and a glossary of terms. Hellenic Wicca (Popularity: News, events, general overview and a flavor of Greek mixed with Wicca and Thelemic paradigms.

    48. DerKeiler Directory - /Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Pagan/Hellenismos
    Web directory for sites containing websites about hellenismos. and lots ofmaterial on hellenismos, focusing especially on Dionysos, Apollo,
    Home UNIX Linux Coding ... Hellenismos Hellenismos Sub-categories See also: Links Alexandria The Alexandria Society and "Alexandria: The Journal of the Western Cosmological Tradition." Cheiron Hellenic Information about the Hellenic religion, philosophy, mythology and more, also has information from other polytheist traditions. Christian Persecutions Against The Hellenes A chronological summary by historian and author Vlassis Rassias. Dodecatheon Official site of the traditional polytheistic Hellenic religion of the Dodekatheon, news, free articles, pictures, movies, about greek religion, classical Hellas and religious freedom. Druansha's Heart Hellenistic polytheism in Ancient Greece. Includes information on the pantheon, Pythagorean mysticism, creatures, Orphic Hymns, and rituals. Eleusis - Recovering the Western Spiritual Tradition Dedicated to reviving ancient Greek and Celtic traditions. Hellenic Wicca News, events, general overview and a flavor of Greek mixed with Wicca and Thelemic paradigms.

    49. Pagan Net NZ - Strength Through Diversity
    hellenismos is the traditional, polytheistic religion of ancient Greece,reconstructed in hellenismos has a highly developed ethical system based on the
    strength through diversity
    Pagan Net NZ
    Religions NZ Info Links
    About Hellenismos: Some Frequently Asked Questions v. 2.0 by Drew Campbell
    An Important Note: No one speaks for the entire world community of Hellenes (including the author of this FAQ!), nor is there any central religious body that dictates dogma, ritual, or membership requirements. Hellenic religion was, and remains, pluralistic in the extreme. Therefore, not everyone who worships the ancient Greek gods will agree with every detail of what follows. That is as it should be, and need not be a cause for concern or ill will.
    Basic Definitions
    What is Hellenismos? Hellenismos is the traditional, polytheistic religion of ancient Greece, reconstructed in and adapted to the modern world. It is also called Hellenic Polytheism, Hellenic Reconstructionist Paganism, or simply Hellenism. Those who practice this religion are variously known as Hellenic polytheists, Hellenic pagans, Hellenic reconstructionists, Hellenists, or Hellenes. (For variety and fairness, these terms will be used interchangably throughout this FAQ.)
    Hellenic polytheists worship the ancient Greek gods—the Olympians, nature divinities, underworld deities—and heroes. We honor our ancestors, both physical and spiritual. Ours is primarily a devotional or votive religion, based on the exchange of gifts (offerings) for the gods' blessings. Hellenismos has a highly developed ethical system based on the principles of reciprocity, hospitality, and moderation.

    50. Pagan Net NZ - Strength Through Diversity
    hellenismos is the traditional, polytheistic religion of ancient Greece,reconstructed in and adapted to the modern world. It is also called Hellenic
    strength through diversity
    Pagan Net NZ
    Religions NZ Info Links
    Pagan Religions
    Please note: all essays and articles are the opinion of their respective authors only - not all people who share that religious path may share their exact point of view.

    Asatru (otherwise known as Heathenism, the Northern Tradition, and occasionally Odinism) is a reconstruction of the pre-Christian religion of the northern regions of Europe, countries such as Iceland, Norway, Germany, Sweden and Great Britain.
    - off site link.
    Modern Druidism is one of the Neopagan family of religions, which includes Wicca and recreations of Egyptian, Greek, Norse, Roman and other ancient Pagan religions. Some present-day Druids attempt to reconstruct of the beliefs and practices of ancient Druidism. Others modern-day followers of Druidism work directly with the spirits of place, of the gods and of their ancestors to create a new Druidism.

    Hellenismos is the traditional, polytheistic religion of ancient Greece, reconstructed in and adapted to the modern world. It is also called Hellenic Polytheism, Hellenic Reconstructionist Paganism, or simply Hellenism. Those who practice this religion are variously known as Hellenic polytheists, Hellenic pagans, Hellenic reconstructionists, Hellenists, or Hellenes. Hellenic polytheists worship the ancient Greek gods—the Olympians, nature divinities, underworld deities—and heroes. Religio Romana - off site link.

    51. War - The Top Ten Reasons Not To Practice Hellenismos, By Sannion
    hellenismos is the religion with homework and pop quizzes! Hellenes often havea reputation for hellenismos is kind of a downer in that respect.
    The Top Ten Reasons Not to Practice Hellenismos, by Sannion Personal responsibility. Animal Sacrifice. The idea of reciprocal though unequal gift-giving is central to many Pagan religions, but especially to Hellenismos. In Homer, it is the religious act. par excellance hekatomb (100 cattle) in my backyard. And have you ever tried to lead a goat through your living room? The damn things'll take a bite out of your Lazy-boy recliner every single time. And let's be honest. It's kind of gross. All that warm blood gushing everywhere, and the thick coat of fat and the sausage-like intestines and the stench. Oh, the stench. The worst part is when the blood sprays everywhere, and you get it all over your nice, clean khiton . Do you have any idea how tough it is to get a stain like that out? The homework. Too many holidays. 'Creative' names discouraged. If you've ever been to a Wiccan event, the first thing you'll notice are the wonderful names: Rainbow SparkleStar, Elfshot, Deerwoman MoonMenses, and more Jasmines, Rowans, Ravens, Merlins, and Wrens than you can shake a stick at. (That stick should preferably be covered in glitter, feathers, and crystals by the way.) Hellenes, on the other hand, are pretty boring when it comes to that kind of thing. Most of them actually go by their given names. Those of us who adopt religious nomikers usually choose sensible Greek sounding ones. No fancy titles.

    52. War - What Is Hellenismos?, By Sannion
    An explanation of hellenismos, or Hellenic Reconstructionism.
    What is Hellenismos?, by Sannion
    Hellenismos is one of the names for the religion that I practice. Other terms are Hellenism, Hellenic or Greek Reconstructionism, Olympianism, Dodecatheism, Greek Paganism, Greco-Roman Paganism, Classical Paganism, or simply Paganism. I prefer Hellenismos because it is the most accurate description, as it encompasses the whole complex of Greek ethnicity, language, culture, religion, and way of life. For the ancients, there was no word which corresponded completely to our modern concept of religion. The closest word is eusebia which means "pious interaction with the Gods." Obviously, we mean a great deal more than that when we speak of religion. When we ask someone "What religion do you practice?" we have an idea that their "religion" will refer to a specific kind of lifestyle, to a normative creed that codifies one's basic beliefs about God(s), man, ethical existence, and the afterlife, and that they will only belong to one religion at one time. For the ancients, however, this was not the case. Religion wasn't something that you chose. It was something that had been passed down from a very long time ago - perhaps even from the beginning of time - and everyone had always done it this way. Your great grandparents, your grandparents, your parents, you, your children, your children's children all formed part of an unbroken line that united the past with the future. Religion did not consist of a collection of proper ideas about things, but in the proper performance of the ancient rituals. Certainly there were basic ideas about the Gods, and life, and our place in the kosmos that most people shared in common - but there was also a lot of room for divergent opinions on the matter, and indeed people were encouraged to think these things out for themselves. But this - and properly so - was the concern of philosophy, not religion.

    53. Gigablast Search Results
    Top Society Religion_and_Spirituality Pagan hellenismos (66) Temenos TheonAn additional resource of information for hellenismos, or Greek religion.
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    Related Categories:

    Cheiron Hellenic

    Information about the Hellenic religion, philosophy, mythology and more, also has information from other
    polytheist traditions. [archived copy] [stripped] [older copies] - indexed: Apr 28 2005 - modified: Apr 28 2005
    Christian Persecutions Against The Hellenes
    A chronological summary by historian and author Vlassis Rassias. [archived copy] [stripped] [older copies] - indexed: Apr 26 2005 - modified: Sep 29 2003 Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns and Homerica On-line library of translated texts - Hesiod and Homer. [archived copy] [stripped] [older copies] - indexed: Apr 26 2005 How the Greeks Worshipped Their Gods Scholarly essay by Bestia Mortale, from Widdershins, on ancient ritualistic practices.
  • 54. Hellenic Reconstruction
    hellenismos, and the Worship of Apollon the Muses. The Temple of Apollon atDelphi The Sancuary of Apollon at Delphi
    The Sancuary of Apollon at Delphi Recently I discovered several organizations called dedicated to the worship and study of the Deities of Ancient Greece. No, you don't have to worship all of the Gods/Goddesses. I don't know anyone who does. I'm dedicating myself to Apollon and the Muses (those of you who know me will realize this makes sense). The following links will take you to a number of sites dedicated to the Ancient Greek culture and religion, as well as sites dedicated to Apollon himself. If you know of more, feel free to drop me a line. Organizations and Websites dedicated to the
    worship and study of the Gods of Ancient
    Greece and the Ancient Greek World in general Hellenion

    The Stele

    The Theoi Project
    An Hellenic Reading List
    Websites dedicated to Apollon or the Muses My online Temple to Apollon Garden of the Muses Proto-Demos
    Information about Delos from the Perseus

    Greek Mythology Link: Apollon
    The Muses in Mythology
    Other General Information Teach Yourself Ancient Greek
    Lymrian Greek Oracle
    Ancient Greek Pronunciation Guide My Clergy Ed Portfolio ... back to my homepage This site is a member of WebRing.

    55. Hellenismos
    hellenismos var den term kejsar Julianus använde om den traditionella grekiskareligionen. Syftar idag oftast på den religion som praktiseras av
    Hellenismos Religion
    Ändra sidan Visa ditt intresse Ämne 158194, v2 - Status: normal.
    Försteredaktör: Eihdos
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    Hellenismos var den term kejsar Julianus använde om den traditionella grekiska religionen. Syftar idag oftast på den religion som praktiseras av hellenistiska rekonstruktionister. Alias: grekisk religion och hellenismos
    är relaterad till
    Grekisk mytologi
    Hellenistisk rekonstruktionism
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    Sök Detta är en sida från webbplatsen PARANORMAL.SE . Materialet kommer från flera olika författare och medarbetare. Du kan vara en del av denna webbplats Hem Logga in Index ... Hjälp

    56. Hellenismos
    Excite UK - Society - Religion and Spirituality - Pagan 30 sites hellenismos essays, rants about modern Paganism, and lots of materialon hellenismos, focusing especially on Dionysos, Apollo, and the Muses.
    An absolutely brilliant resource for those researching religion and spirituality.
  • Festivals
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    The Alexandria Society and "Alexandria: The Journal of the Western Cosmological Tradition."
    The Almond Jar

    Philosophy, culture and practice on the homepage of a nonhierarchical post-baby boomer Graeco-Roman Christo-Pagan group primarily dedicated to Aphrodite Urania, the Hellenic goddess of Celestial Love.
    Cheiron Hellenic

    Information about the Hellenic religion, philosophy, mythology and more, also has information from other polytheist traditions. Christian Persecutions Against The Hellenes A chronological summary by historian and author Vlassis Rassias. The Dionysion dedicated to serving as a general resource for votaries of the God Dionysos and His Mysteries, and as a specific resource for the thriving Pacific Northwest Dionysiac community and for the Alexandrine Temple of the Hermetic Fellowship, located in Portland, Oregon, USA. Dodecatheon Official site of the traditional polytheistic Hellenic religion of the Dodekatheon, news, free articles, pictures, movies, about greek religion, classical Hellas and religious freedom.
  • 57. Hellenismos
    Naturally, this caused hellenismos of a stir. hellenismos isn ta bookbasedreligion; There is no single Helleniismos believed by worshippers to be the
    Infohub on Hellenismos
    '''Hellenismos''' ('''Hellênismos'''), corresponding to the English ellenismos Hellenism ancient Greece , reconstructed in and adapted to the modern world. In Hellenisms some devout women tried to sigh and sob over the Hellenismo of the wicked; they had to desist in the attempt from lack of supporters. Even Sister Puté was thinking of something quite different. This is also called Hellenic Polytheism, Hellenic Reconstructionist Paganism Hellenisoms
    Hellenismos has an ethical system based on the principles of reciprocity , hospitality, and moderation. Today, Helleenismos of the ancient Greek Gods is common amongst neopagan religions such as Wicca , as well as in dedicated hellenistic circles. There is no central 'ecclesia" (church) or hierarchal clergy, worshippers Hellennismos in a personal manner by personally dedicating themselves to a favorite God, or a number of Gods, reflecting their personal spirituality.
    Hellenismos isn't a book-based religion; There is no single Helleniismos believed by worshippers to be the word of the Gods. All knelt to render thanks to God! The alcalde rubbed his eyes, stretched Hellenissmos one arm as if to waken himself, and yawned with a deep aah. The mass continued. CHAPTER XXXII The Derrick The yellowish individual had kept Hellenismmos word, for it was no simple Derrick that he had erected above the open trench to Hellenismoos the heavy block of granite down into its place. It was not the Hellenismoss tripod that Ñor Juan had wanted for suspending a pulley from its top, but was much more, being at yellenismos a machine and an ornament, a grand and imposing ornament. Over eight meters in height rose the confused and complicated scaffolding. Instead, theological gellenismos and practices are based on multiple sources: Works of

    58. A Brief History Of Elaion
    We felt that Traditionalist hellenismos was the term to demarcate a space apart In that process, the word hellenismos became increasingly problematic.
    A brief history of Elaion In late 2004, I was part of a group of people that came together to discuss our shared concerns about the state of the ancient Greek spiritual revival. It was a serendipitous moment; half a dozen online iconoclasts bumped into one another, and found they had a great deal in common. Some of us had been longstanding contributors on Hellenic mailing lists. Others were new to Hellenic spirituality, and concerned about what was available for them online. We felt that the traditional nature of the Hellenic religion had been compromised. Existing mailing lists, websites and online organizations were effectively ‘owned' by a small number of people. The range of permissible views was increasingly narrow. Ethics, philosophy, poetry and art – once central to our religion – had been marginalized. Under the guise of ‘reconstructionism', occult doctrines had come to take centre-stage, where once they had been a fringe practice. The internet was flooded with Hellenic oracles, mantikoi, prophets, soothsayers and high priests, and there was very little substantial discussion about theology and right living. Elaion and Traditionalist Hellenismos We decided to create a new religious organization, one that considered ethical and piety to be central to spirituality. Initially, this was a way of life that we called

    59. Right-living
    It is often the Gods that draw us to the religion of hellenismos. It is thevalues of hellenismos that are transcendent; the Gods may actually entice us
    It is often the Gods that draw us to the religion of Hellenismos. Who can deny the attraction of the shining figures of Apollo, torch-wielding Hekate, broad-chested Zeus, or mysterious Persephone? Nonetheless, the worship of the Gods is not the defining characteristic of Hellenismos. As the Hellenic movement grows and broadens, one of our key challenges is contextualising the worship of the Gods within the religion as a whole. The Gods themselves are bound by themis (sacred law) and moira (portion/fate), not to mention xenios (hospitality) and chabris (reciprocity). It is the values of Hellenismos that are transcendent; the Gods may actually entice us to try and break them (for example, no mortal sleeps with a Goddess and lives!) but we ultimately bear the repercussions. We should strive always to worship the Gods within the Delphic principle of moderation. Worship is not something we pursue at any cost Recently, a devotee of Apollo told me that sacrifice and libations are an activity without spiritual essence. Instead, he sought to honour Apollo through a practice he called ‘Apollonian reiki’, a power he claimed was bestowed upon him by the God. By the standards of our religion, he is impious, in that he rejects as ‘non-spiritual’ the traditional worship of Apollo as it has occurred for thousands of years, preferring instead an illusion of ‘magic’ that flies in the face of both sacred law, and moira , our lot in this world. This man may worship Apollo, but he is not a Hellene.

    60. AnyWho: Internet Directory Assistance; Yellow Pages, White Pages, Toll-Free Numb
    Quantum Connections Internet SolutionsAn additional resource of information for hellenismos, or Greek religion. The Temple of Apollo Two stories of Apollo by a follower of

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