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         Gnosticism:     more books (100)
  1. Alexandria and Gnosticism by G. R. S. Mead, 2010-05-23
  2. Gnosticism And Christianity by Holden Edward Sampson, 2010-05-22
  3. Reincarnation in Jewish Mysticism and Gnosticism (Jewish Studies (Lewiston, N.Y.), V. 25.) by Dina Ripsman Eylon, 2003-08
  4. Gnosticism And The Zend Avesta by C. W. King, 2006-09-15
  5. The Sacred Marriage In Christian Gnosticism by G. R. S. Mead, 2010-05-23
  6. The Figured Monuments Of Gnosticism by C. W. King, 2010-05-23
  7. The Genesis Narrative In Gnosticism by William Kingsland, 2010-05-23
  8. The Economic and Social Origins of Gnosticism (SBL Dissertation Series 77) by Henry A. Green, 1985
  10. Gnosticism And The State After Death Of The Uninitiated by C. W. King, 2006-09-15
  11. Gnosis and Gnosticism: Papers Read at the Seventh International Conference on Patristic Studies (Nag Hammadi Studies)
  12. Practical Religion And Practical Gnosticism by William Kingsland, 2010-05-23
  13. The Status of Women and Gnosticism in Irenaeus and Tertullian (Studies in Women and Religion) by Daniel L. Hoffman, 1995-04
  14. The Apocryphal Acts of Peter: Magic, Miracles and Gnosticism (Studies on Early Christian Apocrypha)

THE APOSTLES CREED VERSUS gnosticism A creed generally emphasizes the beliefs opposing those errors that the compilers of the creed think most dangerous at
THE APOSTLES' CREED VERSUS GNOSTICISM A creed generally emphasizes the beliefs opposing those errors that the compilers of the creed think most dangerous at the time. The Creed of the Council of Trent, which was drawn up by the Roman Catholics in the 1500's, emphasized those beliefs that Roman Catholics and Protestants were arguing about most furiously at the time. The Nicene Creed, drawn up in the fourth century, is emphatic in affirming the Deity of Christ, since it is directed against the Arians, who denied that Christ was fully God. The Apostles' Creed, drawn up in the first or second century, emphasizes the true Humanity, including the material body, of Jesus, since that is the point that the heretics of the time (Gnostics, Marcionites, and later Manicheans) denied. (See 1 John 4:1-3) Thus the Apostles' Creed is as follows: * I believe in God the Father Almighty, * Maker of Heaven and Earth, [The Gnostics held that the physical universe is evil and that God did not make it.] * And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, * Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, * Born of the Virgin Mary, [The Gnostics were agreed that the orthodox Christians were wrong in supposing that God had taken human nature or a human body. Some of them distinguished between Christ, whom they acknowledged to be in some sense divine, and the man Jesus, who was at most an instrument through whom the Christ spoke. They held that the man Jesus did not become the bearer or instrument of the Christ until the Spirit descended upon him at his baptism, and that the Spirit left him before the crucifixion, so that the Spirit had only a brief and tenuous association with matter and humanity. Others affirmed that there was never a man Jesus at all, but only the appearance of a man, through which appearance wise teachings were given to the first disciples. Against this the orthodox Christians affirmed that Jesus was conceived through the action of the Holy Spirit (thus denying the Gnostic position that the Spirit had nothing to do with Jesus until his Baptism), that he was born (which meant that he had a real physical body, and not just an appearance) of a virgin (which implied that he had been special from the first moment of his life, and not just from the baptism on]. * Suffered under Pontius Pilate, [There were many stories then current about gods who died and were resurrected, but they were offered quite frankly as myths, as non-historical stories symbolic of the renewal of the vegetation every spring after the seeming death of winter. If you asked, "When did Adonis die, you would be told either, "Long ago and far away," or else, "His death is not an event in earthly time." Jesus, on the other hand, died at a particular time and place in history, under the jurisdiction of Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea from 26 to 36 CE, or during the last ten years of the reign of the Emperor Tiberius.] * was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into Hades. [Here the creed hammers home the point that he was really dead. He was not an illusion. He was nailed to a post. He died. He had a real body, a corpse, that was placed in a tomb. He was not merely unconscious his spirit left his body and went to the realm of the dead. It is a common belief among Christians that on this occasion he took the souls of those who had died trusting in the promises made under the Old Covenant Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Isaiah, and many others and brought them out of the realm of the dead and into heavenly glory. But the creed is not concerned with this point. The reference to the descent into Hades (or Hell, or Sheol) is here to make it clear that the death of Jesus was not just a swoon or a coma, but death in every sense of the word.] * The third day he rose from the dead, he ascended into heaven, * and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. * From thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. * I believe in the Holy Ghost, * the holy catholic church, [The Gnostics believed that the most important Christian doctrines were reserved for a select few. The orthodox belief was that the fullness of the Gospel was to be preached to the entire human race. Hence the term "catholic," or universal, which distinguished them from the Gnostics.] * the communion of saints, * the forgiveness of sins, [The Gnostics considered that what men needed was not forgiveness, but enlightenment. Ignorance, not sin, was the problem. Some of them, believing the body to be a snare and delusion, led lives of great asceticism. Others, believing the body to be quite separate from the soul, held that it did not matter what the body did, since it was completely foul anyway, and its actions had no effect on the soul. They accordingly led lives that were not ascetic at all. Either way, the notion of forgiveness was alien to them.] * the resurrection of the body, [The chief goal of the Gnostics was to become free forever from the taint of matter and the shackles of the body, and to return to the heavenly realm as Pure Spirit. They totally rejected any idea of the resurrection of the body.] * and the life everlasting. AMEN Posted by: James E. Kiefer Source: CHRISTIA File Archives (for more info send INDEX CHRISTIA to jab/15-Mar-94

82. Gnostic Mystica
Uniting Christological and pagan mythology with gnostic ideaologies. Mythology, biographies, symbology and a glossary for difficult terms. Articles may include gnosticism, occult, and paganism.
Hail, Sophia, filled with light, the Christ is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among the Aeons, and blessed is the liberator of Thy light, Jesus. Holy Sophia, Mother of all gods, pray to the light for us, Thy children, now and in the hour of our death. Amen. Who Said This?
Grounding Exercise
06/Sep/05 Category: Meditations Posted by: Admin Read More When Electricians wire houses for electrical energy, they must ground the system, to protect it from improper flow of energy. When we are channelling energy through our bodies, we also must ground for the best results. However, unlike electrical grounding, for us grounding means that we are connected to the earth and the energy comes from the ground.
Lucid Dreaming
06/Sep/05 Category: Gnosis Posted by: Admin Read More The value of lucid dreaming is immeasurable. When individuals begin to have the experience of lucid dreaming, the truth of who they really are and their personal reality expands. Have you ever been asleep and then suddenly become aware that you were dreaming? In lucid dreaming, the dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming during the dream.
Lucid dreaming is often experienced before the dreamer experiences Astral Travel for the first time. Astral Travel is a form of Lucid Dreaming where the traveller has absolute control over where they travel.

83. Gnosticism
Early An Internet Resource for Studying the First Centuries of Christianity.

84. The Church Of The Gnosis Kardias
The Church of the Gnosis Kardias
Evansville IN
Our Misson


Church Prayer List
Commentary on Prayer

By Constant Chevillon
The way of the Heart

by Papus
The Practice of Kavvanah

by John Cole Simeon by John Cole A review of the fundamental concepts underlying the experiential and speculative aspects of music by John Mongiovi The Two Pillars by John Mongiovi
Site maintained by Rt. Rev. Danny Garvin Ep.Gn., to whom you may address any comments, suggestions or contributions to this site. This site hosted by
Last modified: October 29, 2004

85. Science, Politics And Gnosticism
This is an outline of Science, Politics and gnosticism by Eric Voegelin, Use of the word gnosticism applied to modern political movements.
Science, Politics and Gnosticism
This is an outline of Science, Politics and Gnosticism by Eric Voegelin, published in 1968, containing essays from 1959 and 1960. Note a possible source of confusion: the title "Science, Politics and Gnosticism" is used in three ways: (1) as the title of this volume of two essays, (2) as the title of the first of those essays, and (3) as the title of a section within that essay. Your comments and corrections are always welcome: please e-mail Bill McClain Return to the Eric Voegelin Study Page
Science, Gnosticism and Politics
Use of the word "gnosticism" applied to modern political movements. German and French references. This knowledge and much else submerged during the reign of positivism in the last half of the 19th century. The revolutionary phase occurred at a low point in science and the conceptual tools needed to analyze the problems were no longer known. Various inadequate attempts to cope intellectually, including EV's own book on "political religions". Much recent development. References on gnosticism ancient and modern. Origin of gnosticism. Traumas of the ecumenic empires caused a quest for the meaning of existence. Among the attempted solutions:

86. First Gnostic Church
Community in Cypress, California. Introduction, services, gnostic reading list, and history of Christian gnosticism provided online.
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87. The Gnostic Matrix - Probe Ministries
the authors have incorporated ideas from Zen Buddhism and gnosticism. gnosticism is a belief system named after the Greek word gnosis or knowledge.
Main Menu Home Whats New About Probe Ministries Probe Alert Newsletter ... Probe Podcast Articles Current Issues Reasons to Believe Cults and World Religions Faith and Culture ... Rusty Wright Articles Probe Navigation Home Theology and Philosophy The Gnostic Matrix The Gnostic Matrix PDF E-mail Written by Don Closson
When The Matrix In fact, The Matrix is syncretistic; it uses ideas from a number of religious traditions that are popular in American culture. Along with Christian notions, the authors have incorporated ideas from Zen Buddhism and Gnosticism. Gnosticism is a belief system named after the Greek word "gnosis" or knowledge. If the authors had been attempting to portray a Christian view of the human condition, they would have focused on sin and the need for a savior. Instead, the movie's characters find a kind of salvation in discovering secret knowledge and in realizing that the world is not what it appears to be. Neo becomes a Gnostic messiah, one chosen to be a way-shower out of the illusion of the matrix. Gnostic gospels began to compete with Christianity in the second century after Christ. Our first clue to their existence is found in the writings of early Church Fathers like Justin Martyr and Irenaeus who defended Christian orthodoxy from these heretical ideas. The popularity of Gnosticism began to decline by the end of the third century and lay largely dormant until the recent discovery of Gnostic texts in Egypt in 1945. Now known as the Nag Hammadi Library, this remarkable find was made available in English in 1977 and has been used by both religious leaders and secular scholars to argue that a Gnostic gospel should be considered alongside the orthodox Christian message.

88. The Gnostic Church Of St. Mary Magdalene
Information on gnosticism, Mary Magdalene, and on the use of tarot in gnosticism. Provides also texts of the Mass of the Mother and apostolic succession line of the church.
The Gnostic Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Alternative Catholicism, Gnosticism, Templars, and The Holy Grail
Gnostic Church of St. Mary Magdalene
About The Magdalene
Mass Of The Mother
Apostolic Succession ...
The Gnostic Tarot
The Great Mother
Church of the Magdalene About The Magdalene Mass Of The Mother
Apostolic Succession
... The Gnostic Tarot
The Great Mother
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89. Wake Up!
gnosticism, Buddhism and the film all agree that ignorance enslaves us in an illusory the film appears to diverge sharply from gnosticism and Buddhism.
At the beginning of The Matrix , a black-clad computer hacker known as Neo falls asleep in front of his computer. A mysterious message appears on the screen: "Wake up, Neo." This succinct phrase encapsulates the plot of the film, as Neo struggles with the problem of being imprisoned in a "material" world that is actually a computer simulation program created in the distant future by Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a means of enslaving humanity, by perpetuating ignorance in the form of an illusory perception called "the Matrix." In part, the film crafts its ultimate view of reality by alluding to numerous religious traditions that advance the idea that the fundamental problem which humanity faces is ignorance and the solution is knowledge or awakening. Two religious traditions on which the film draws heavily are Gnostic Christianity and Buddhism. Although these traditions differ in important ways, they agree in maintaining that the problem of ignorance can be solved through an individual's reorientation of perspective concerning the material realm.

90. The Gnosis Archive: Resources On Gnosticism And Gnostic Tradition
A vast collection of materials dealing with Gnosis and gnosticism, both ancient and modern, as well as sections on Hermeticism, Jungian psychology, and other related topics. The site including the Gnostic Society Library, with the complete Nag Hammadi Library, and a large collection of other primary Gnostic scriptures and documents.
The Gnosis Archive, , offers a vast collection of primary texts and resources relating to Gnosticism and the Gnostic Tradition, both ancient and modern. This public service site is maintained by , to whom you may address any comments or suggestions. The Gnosis Archive is referenced by the Encyclopaedia Britannica , and Encarta
Click here to add our Book Search link to your favorites When you use this link to enter and make purchases, The Gnosis Archive will receive a small commission. Thank you for helping support this site! T HE G NOSIS A RCHIVE Library Bookstore Index Web Lectures ... Gnostic Society
Take a moment to reflect on a brief meditation and reading from the Gnostic scriptures, selected from this week's Gnostic liturgy. Meditate upon the feminine aspect of divinity with meditation and readings from this month's Sophia liturgy.
The Gnostic Society Library
Visit the Gnostic Society Library , a comprehensive library of Gnostic scriptures including the Nag Hammadi Library as well as a large selection of writings and documents relating to the study of Gnosticism. Also check the

91. Psyche S Links 15000++ Links To Esoteric Subjects On The Web
Psyche s Links gnosticism and Gnosticrelated material on the web Gnostic Gospels and Texts Qabala/Kabbalah, Western Mysticism and Spirituality,

92. Gnostique.Net - La Tradition Gnostique Française
Gateway to the French Gnostic Tradition. Full of history, related initiatic organizations and churches, as well as many translations of important documents. The Renaissance of gnosticism continues today.
Quick-Link: Tradition The Church Initiation Esoteric Studies Athenea Theologica Documents Community Links Valentinian Gnosticism Home The Tradition The Church Initiation Esoteric Studies ... Contact Us Welcome to the world of the 'French Gnostic Tradition' Fraternal Greetings! We hope that this site will answer most of your questions about this unique, yet profound movement by providing an information "gateway" to the various pieces of the still little-known French Gnostic Tradition. This tradition manifestated in Europe, specifically in France, out of the various philosophical, illuminist, rosicrucian, theosophical, Masonic and Gnostic movements essentially present during the renaissance of the 18th and 19th centuries. This tradition continues even today in many countries around the world. This intricate web of Esoteric organizations offers a full spectrum of spirituality for the individual. The organizations linked herein provide a complete esoteric discipline, and a clearly marked path by means of initiation. For most of us, as we sojourn through this earthly life, we can but hope to catch a few glimpses of that light which comes from beyond. Each must accomplish the journey individually, but the esoteric training offered by participation in the mysteries of this tradition may assist in that journey toward the source, and provide the fellowship and community which can be so comforting along the way.

93. Gnosticism Links
Primary Works Concerning gnosticism Nag Hammadi Library/Gnostic Society Additional Sites for the Study of Modern Varieties of gnosticism The Gnosis Site
Sites for the Study of Gnosticism Primary Works Concerning Gnosticism
Nag Hammadi Library/Gnostic Society

The Gnostic Society Library

Anti-Gnostic Works
Adversus Haereses
Polemical Works against the Gnostics

... Against the Valentinians
Contemporary Gnostic Works
The Holy Gnostic Rosary

Sophia's Tale Retold

Benediction, Ecclesia Gnostica
Additional Sites for the Study of Modern Varieties of Gnosticism The Gnosis Site General Sites for the Study of Gnosticism WWW Resources for Gnosticism and Nag Hammadi The Gnosis Archive The Gnostic Society Virtual Library The Gospel of Thomas Home Page ... Ecclesia Gnostica Home Page More Gnostic writings and groups Nag Hammadi and Berlin Gnostic Library, index of online texts Text of "The Six Enneads" Short biographies of Christian Gnostics The Gnostic Society Library ... "Sampler" Gnostic introductory texts

94. Gnosticism
gnosticism, nos tisizum Pronunciation Key. gnosticism , dualistic religious and philosophical movement of the late Hellenistic and early Christian eras.
in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
Daily Almanac for
Sep 7, 2005

95. Strange Fire:Gnosticism.2
An abundance of information on gnosticism is readily available. Old manuscripts with reference to gnosticism dating back to the early Church are also
by Travers and Jewel van der Merwe
Chapter 2: Gnosticism
The word itself conjures up an image of obscure men in long robes, poring for hours over ancient texts and scrolls, seeking in musty tomes the essence of truth. In reality this teaching was in existence long before the formalisation of Christianity. Today it is also among the most prevalent new concepts. Its influences are not confined to the long dusty bookshelves in some forgotten college library, but are seen and heard worldwide. The following attempt to set forth and explain some of the basic Gnostic thoughts will help some Christians to be on guard against the "winds of doctrine" blowing through the Church. The greatest challenge in the Church today is to discern between Gnostic thought and Christian thought. The doctrinal core of Gnosticism is basically a form of mystical religious or philosophical doctrines which other adherents and some early Christian sects spread and which the early Church leaders vehemently rejected as heresy. Believers in Gnosticism are called Gnostics. The word "Gnostic" is derived from the greek word gnostiko or gnosis (inner mystic knowledge). The Gnostics believe that "gnosis" is subjective (internally perceived by the mind or feelings) knowledge of the devine element or spark in every man that needs to be discovered to be known. They believe the divine spark originally came from the "realm of light" (totally alientated from the world and the flesh), and is resident in the soul of man and is held there in captivity by the flesh (a product of demons). The only way to release the divine spark is through divine "revelation knowledge", experienced within in the spirit. Also they believe that only when the unconscious spirit in man is awakened by revelation from the "realm of light" can he come to know his real self - the god within.

96. KNOWING THE GNOSTICS (This Rock: January 1996)
The earliest challenge to apostolic teaching came from gnosticism. Actually, many elements of gnosticism predate the Incarnation; but throughout its
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Volume 7, Number 1
January 1996 Up Front
By Karl Keating Letters Dragnet
By ROBERT SPENCER AN EASTERN VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS By RAY RYLAND The Russian Legend of St. Nicolas and St. Cassian By Vladimir Soloviev Thoughts From an Eastern Orthodox Priest By Rev. Chrysostom Frank WHY NO WOMEN'S ORDINATION By MICHAEL J. TORTOLANI Classic Apologetics The Soapbox Bishop By Most Rev. Steven A. Leven Fathers Know Best Contraception Old Testament Guide Song of Songs By Antonio Fuentes Quick Questions Subscribe Permissions WITHIN both Protestant and Catholic Churches there is the notion of an "undivided Church," a united body (however governed) untroubled by schism from the time of our Lord's earthly ministry until July 16, 1054. That was the dark day when Cardinal Humbert, emissary of Pope Leo IX, stalked up to the high altar of the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople to place upon it a notice of excommunication. Patriarch Michael Cerularius thundered back in kind, and the great schism began between what have become known as the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. Liberal churchmen of all persuasions today exhort their flocks to put aside dogmatic preoccupations; the Church's divisions, they say, come from men, not God. They urge a return to the halcyon days when Christians were, presumably, untroubled by theological hairsplitting. A "small-group leader" in my college Evangelical days bemoaned Christians' unconcern for social action. "The early Christians had it in Acts, when they shared possessions in common in chapter two," he observed. "What do you think happened after that? Too much dogma?"

97. What Is Christian Gnosticism?
What is Christian gnosticism? What is a Gnostic? What are the origins of gnosticism?
What is Christian Gnosticism?
"What is Christian Gnosticism?" Answer : Christian Gnosticism is the belief that one must have a "gnosis" (from Greek "Gnosko," to know) or inner knowledge which is mystical knowledge obtained only after one has been properly initiated. Only a few can possess this mystical knowledge, limiting the number of those "in the know". It is a heresy that Paul battled against in some of his letters to the churches and was soundly condemned as a heresy in the first century church (40-100 A.D.). It is resurrected today as the forerunner to the New Age Religion where virtually anything goes and "religion" takes on many forms, especially the mystic Eastern religions that are so prevalent today. Gnosticism today seems to provide a lot of the form and color for the New Age portrait of Jesus where Jesus is seen as the illumined Illuminator: one who serves as a cosmic catalyst for others' awakening. As such it is as false and heretical as the Gnosticism of the first century and needs to be roundly condemned for the heresy that it is. Recommended Resource The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back: An Old Heresy for the New Age by Peter Jones Related Topics: Is Jesus really the only way to Heaven?

98. The Da Vinci Code: Of Magdalene, Gnostics, The Goddess And The Grail
Dubious doctrines like Goddess worship and neognosticism, critics charge, provide the core of Brown s acclaimed novel (although Brown makes egregious

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The Da Vinci Code: Of Magdalene, Gnostics, the Goddess and the Grail
Released in March 2003, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown has sold more than 4.5 million copies (as of January 2004, despite the six percent decline in hardback sales overall). It has camped atop the New York Times bestseller list. In November, ABC aired a primetime special entitled Jesus, Mary and Da Vinci: Exploring Controversial Theories About Religious Figures and the Holy Grail. recently announced, "Ron Howard, Brian Grazer and Akiva Goldsman—the Oscar-winning triumvirate from 'A Beautiful Mind'—are reteaming to make 'The Da Vinci Code' for Sony Pictures Entertainment.” According to USA Today Code' s popularity shows that 'readers are clamoring for books which combine historic fact with a contemporary story line,' says Carol Fitzgerald, president of

99. Gnosticism
gnosticism was a Middle Eastern religious and philosophical orientation that gnosticism also involve that man has a capacity to discover truths by the

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Gnosticism was a Middle Eastern religious and philosophical orientation that grew strong in the 1st century CE, exercising strong influence on Judaism and Christianity and at times representing a strong and competing theology. The gnostic tendencies in both these two religions was defeated in the 2nd century, but gnosticism survived for centuries in other religions.
The name comes from the Greek word for 'knowledge', and points at a belief that salvation comes from a insight in a secret knowledge. Gnosticism also involve that man has a capacity to discover truths by the help of the intellect alone.
Gnosticism is furthermore recognised for its dualism, which is the theory that everything is to be understood as a fight between two powers or two qualities; light; the good or the responsible; and darkness, the bad, the evil or the irresponsible. In this dualism man plays a role, but man is of minimal importance to the totality of this cosmic battle.
Central figures, religions and writings of Gnosticism include Simon Magus, mentioned in the

in The Rediscovery of gnosticism Proceedinqs of the International Conference on gnosticism at Yale, New Haven, Connecticut, March 2831, 1978. Vol.
  • PREFACE I. THE SETHIAN LITERATURE II. THE SETHIAN THEMES SETHIAN GNOSTICISM: A LITERARY HISTORY John D. Turner John D. Turner is both Professor of Religious Studies and Professor of Classics and History at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, having taught at that institution since 1976. Professor Turner has devoted much of his academic career to Nag Hammadi studies both in terms of writing and service.
    He has served on the Society of Biblical Literature Nag Hammadi Seminar as well as on the Steering Committee of the Nag Hammadi Section of that society. From 1971-72 he was an associate of the Technical Subcommittee for the International Committee for the Nag Hammadi Codices of UNESCO and the Arab Republic of Egypt. Written contributions to Nag Hammadi studies have included numerous articles on the relationship of Gnosticism to Platonic philosophy and the editio princeps of the Book of Thomas the Contender, The Interpretation of Knowledge, A Valentinian Exposition, Allogenes, and Hypsiphrone
    The following analysis of the literary dependencies and redactional history of the Sethian gnostic texts from Nag Hammadi and elsewhere allows one to assign them to various periods during the first four centuries of the Christian era. The texts thus dated seem to reflect a coherent tradition of mythologumena that includes: (a) a sacred history of Seth's seed, derived from a peculiar exegesis of Genesis 1-6; (b) a doctrine of the divine wisdom in its primordial, fallen, and restored aspects; (c) a baptismal rite, often called the Five- Seals, involving a removal from the fleshly world and transportation-into the realm of light through the invocation of certain divine personages; (d) certain Christological speculations relating Christ to prominent Sethian primordial figures such as Adam and Seth; and (e) a fund of Platonic metaphysical concepts relating to the structure of the divine world and a self-actuated visionary means of assimilating with it.

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