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Evangelical Free Church Of Canada: more detail | ||||
121. Christian Denominations Byzantine Catholic church. Calvary Chapel Calvinist Canadian evangelical Meet 1000 s single Christians men and women worldwide Always 100% free NOW! http://www.fusion101.com/articles/christian-denominations/denominations.htm | |
122. Presbyterian & Reformed Churches As the Canadian Reformed churches move into the 21th century, they are continuing The free church of Scotland is an evangelical, Presbyterian church. http://www.ecumenism.net/denom/reformed.htm | |
123. Religion Test, Church Test, Religion Quiz, Church Quiz, Religion Personality Tes or involving church government by bishops; Ethical Culture; evangelical freechurch; evangelical Lutheran church; Firewalking; free Methodist; free http://www.colorwize.com/ReligionTestFirst.htm | |
124. YellowPages(TM) Listing For Alix Evangelical Free Church(403-747-2015) Serving R Detailed listing info for Alix evangelical free church serving Red Deer in Alberta.Get contact info and products and services for this merchant from the http://findabusiness.yellowpages.ca/mp/AB/REDDEER/Alix Evangelical Free Church/4 | |
125. All In The Family - Christianity.ca Gospel churches (AGC), the evangelical Missionary church, the evangelical Freechurch and the Fellowship of evangelical Baptists in canada (FEBC). http://www.christianity.ca/church/history/2004/06.000.html | |
126. SermonAudio.com - Tottenville Evangelical Free Church The Tottenville evangelical free church is located on the southwestern end ofStaten Island. We are a church made up of people with a vision to spread a http://www.sermonaudio.com/source_detail.asp?sourceid=tefcsi |
127. ElectronicChurch.org The evangelical free church of America Email president@efca.org Yearbook ofAmerican and Canadian churches and National Council of the churches of http://www.electronicchurch.org/YBlisting.html |
128. Evangelical Covenant Church: Information From Answers.com evangelical Covenant church The evangelical Covenant church ( ECC ) is an Colleges and universities of Chicago evangelical free church of America http://www.answers.com/topic/evangelical-covenant-church | |
129. Christian Dating Service | Christian Personals | Christian Matchmakers Calvinist Canadian evangelical Christian churches Catholic Cell church evangelical Covenant church evangelical Formosan church evangelical free church http://www.finders-seekers.com/christian-singles.htm | |
130. Church Web Page Application Form With this form you may apply for a free Web page. Congregational, Episcopal,evangelical free church, Foursquare Gospel church, Interdenominational http://netministries.org/appform.html | |
131. Cdnarchitect.com - Canadian Architect - 9/7/2005 Printer Friendly Version. Canadian Architect, December 2004. Awards of Excellence2004 Vancouver Chinese evangelical free church http://www.cdnarchitect.com/issues/ISarticle.asp?id=159228&story_id=51644115308& |
132. Adherents.com Yearbook of American Canadian churches 1993. Abingdon Press Nashville,Tenn (1993); pg. Listed in table as evangelical free church of America. http://www.adherents.com/Na/Na_278.html | |
133. Anglicans Online | Churches Not 'in The Communion' A traditional continuation of the Anglican church of canada, which upholds and Saint Alcuin House (The Communion of evangelical Episcopal churches) http://anglicansonline.org/communion/nic.html | |
134. Denominations Directory Canadian evangelical Christian churches (Official); Catholic churches Click The evangelical free church of America (Unofficial) - Click HERE for http://www.hqda.army.mil/chaplain/Pentagon2004/Linksdenominations.htm | |
135. The Black Church In Canada Supported by the free church and managed by the Elgin Association (a stock company At first, Blackinitiated churches in Upper canada were interracial http://www.mcmaster.ca/mjtm/1-5.htm | |
136. History Of The Free Church Of Scotland In Toronto In 1928 the people, most of whom had belonged to the free church in In 1977he became our first (and so far only) Canadian Minister, serving until 1992. http://www.reformed.com/epcc/epcchist.htm | |
137. Net Ministries Denominations Directory -- Links To Denomination And Church Affil Find a denomination, add your link, or apply for a free page. Canadian EvangelicalChristian Churches (Official); Catholic Churches Click HERE for http://netministries.org/denomlst.htm | |
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