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41. Touched By The Five-Fingered Hand Of Eris discordian links. http://www.cs.monash.edu.au/~acb/discordianism/index.html |
42. Discordian Tarot Reading: Communications From Elsewhere A discordian Tarot, available as postscript files to download and print or as anonline reading. http://www.elsewhere.org/ddeck/ | |
43. The End Of The Last Iceage The discordianDadaist initiatory organ of the Cult of the New Alice. Celebrating the Goddess through Elvis, horror movies, psychoactive words, and substances. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Hall/4098 | |
44. Discordian Tarot Reading: Communications From Elsewhere A discordian Tarot, available as postscript files to download and print or as anonline reading. http://www.elsewhere.org/ddeck/?size=full |
45. Eriswerks Home of Bobo the Chimp and ?, a discordian print newsletter. http://www.eriswerks.org | |
46. Ordo Introduction Page A discordian Fable The Brief Eristic Gospel of St. Pesher, the Gardener. http://www.io.com/~sjohn/ordo1.htm | |
47. Discordian Software Archive important discordian programs and mirror of the emperor norton utilities The DCC presents you here the one discordian Software Library which has the http://www.discordia.ch/Programs/ | |
48. Xenobia.net - A Short Walk From Chaos... Personal pages with discordian information as part of it. http://xenobia.net | |
49. Discordian Klock Ver 5.23 - The Ultimate Erisian Time Machine! Official Erisian Klock Measure. 1 6 0 0 0 0 1 ( 1 ). Erisian TimeSpecification Perl source Erisian Warez Server http://www.panix.com/~wlinden/nph-klock.cgi | |
50. Ring Of Fnords A ring of discordian websites. http://www.bolthy.com/fnord/ | |
51. Fnord http://www.discordian.co.uk/ |
52. 23 Apples Of Eris All sorts of discordian fnord and ErisEnhancing Goodness. http://www.23ae.com/ | |
53. What Else, Indeed! discordian FTP site ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/religion/discordian Shava Nerad sErisian Fields Cohousing Project a discordian Homeland of the future? http://suberic.net/~dmm/whatelse.html | |
54. Ordo Templi Sensibilium A blog site with many original discordian writings and an interactive forum. http://www.sensibilium.com/ | |
55. The Ancient Discordian Deck (Second Version) The Ancient discordian Deck (Second Version). The Second Version of the discordianDeck is to be found here. It is entirely redrawn, is less than 1/73the http://suberic.net/~marc/ps/ddeck.html | |
56. Untitled Three days of discordian thought and non thought. http://geocities.com/averthaine/dao.html | |
57. Emperor Norton Records Music many discordians will enjoy. They offer no explanation for their affiliation with the Emperor, but surely the relation is synchronistic if not intentional. Se±or Coconut is very wrong, amongst others. http://www.emperornorton.com |
58. Discordian Sky http://mrfnord.livejournal.com/ | |
59. PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA II A discordian Shall Always use the Official discordian Document NumberingSystem. III - A discordian is Required during his early Illumination to Go Off http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/pridisc.htm |
60. Internet Book Of Shadows: Ritual Of The Blessed Motherboard (Discordian Humor) This ceremony is one to be practiced by discordian compupagans each MidsummerEve in holy celebration and appreciation of debugged upgrades, new shareware, http://www.sacred-texts.com/bos/bos292.htm | |
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