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         Disciples Of Christ:     more books (108)
  1. Baptism and Belonging: A Resource for Christian Worship by Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 1991-09
  2. Five Characters Who Shaped Our Disciples Character: A Skit of Monologues from Early Founders of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) by Martin P. Foster, 1987-06
  3. Disciples and Theology: Understanding the Faith of a People in Covenant by Stephen V. Sprinkle, 1998-05
  4. Journey in Faith: A History of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) by Lester G. McAllister, William Eldon Tucker, 1975-06
  5. Discovering Your Identity: Realizing Who You Are in Christ (Daring Disciples) by Bill Jones, Terry Powell, 2000-08
  6. Disciple of Peace: Alexander Campbell on Pacifism, Violence and the State by Craig M. Watts, 2005-10

121. Official Creed Of The Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ)
The Christian Church (disciples of christ) is a community of believers who In recent years (1970s following), the disciples of christ denomination has
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) A Statement of Identity "Disciples always have opposed...the use of creeds to exclude persons from the church. It was (the) use of creeds as 'tests of fellowship' that the Disciples' founding fathers fingered as the major cause of division among Christians...(So) unlike most other churches, we Disciples do not have an official doctrinal statement we can refer to when someone asks, 'What does the Christian Church believe?'" Kenneth Teegarden The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a community of believers who through baptism into Jesus Christ are bound by covenant to God and to one another. Disciples draw their inspiration from Scripture and the Holy Spirit, celebrating around the Lord's Table the life, death and resurrection, and continuing presence of Christ. We proclaim the good news of salvation. We claim as our particular witness the quest for Christian unity as a sign of God's unity for the human community. While stressing freedom and diversity under God, we believe unity and mission are inseparable; we witness and serve among the whole human family in the interest of peace, justice, mercy and kindness. Composed by General Minister and President Emeritus Kenneth Teegarden, affirmed by the General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

122. Bible Translations Into English
A survey of common translations, their advantages and drawbacks by disciples of christ pastor, Ken Collins.
Translations of the Bible Into English
H ere is a list of modern translations with a description of their major advantages and disadvantages. Remember, this is just my opinion. Authorised Version
Good News Bible

J B Phillips New Testament

King James Version
... Which Does Ken Use? You can read about how to develop a good Bible reading plan
The Good News Bible
(also called Today’s English Version)
The Good News Bible is a project of the American Bible Society to render the Bible in a form that unchurched people can understand.
For people who attend church regularly and are familiar with the Bible, the fact that the Good News Bible does not use traditional religious vocabulary is a disadvantage. Since clarity is the overriding goal of this translation, it often seems to be inaccurate when compared to other translations, but it is in fact an accurate translation.
The Good News Bible is written at a very low grade level and is consequently very easy to understand. It is excellent as story book. In fact, the Old Testament can be read from Genesis to 2 Kings as easily as a novel.
Go to the top of this page
J B Phillips
(New Testament only)
J. B.Phillips, an Anglican clergyman, first began paraphrasing the epistles of the New Testament into modern English for his church’s youth group, which met in bomb shelters during air raids in World War II. He eventually completed the entire New Testament, and later revised it into a true translation.

123. Welcome To First Christian Church, Huntsville Alabama
First Christian Church in Huntsville, Alabama is an independent, growing congregation in partnership with the disciples of christ.
Welcome to FCC!
Navigate using the menu bar on the left. Pause over any item for more information. CONTACT US Firs t C hristia n C hurch
(Disciples of Christ)
3209 Whitesburg Dr S.
Huntsville, Al. 35802
Tel: 256-881-0150
Fax: 256-881-0181
map OUR MISSION Our mission is to seek others to join the fellowship of Christ's followers; to nurture the fellowship through worship, prayer, education, and companionship, music and stewardship,- and to expand the fellowship with compassion, love, and service to others.
Welcome to First Christian Church
"You have a place at our table..."
First Christian Church of Huntsville, Alabama is an independent, growing congregation in partnership with the Disciples of Christ. We are free-thinking, faith-searching, Spirit-driven individuals and families who welcome people of all denominations and faith traditions. First Christian is pleased to consider this website as part of our ongoing ministry to those who long for a personal encounter with Jesus Christ through the ongoing life of fellowship in the congregation.

124. First Christian Church, Disciples Of Christ, Boulder
Boulder, Colorado (disciples of christ). Directions, service schedule, mission statement, calendar, and ministries.
Newsletters Special Events Master Plan DocumentsSanctuary Renewal Parking Lot Information Disciples of Christ, Boulder
950 28th Street, Boulder • 303/442-1861
Directions and Map

Reverend Terry L. Zimmerman, Minister Worship Service (September-May): 10:45 am;
(June-August) 10:00 am
Sunday School hours (September-May): 9:30 am
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Nursery available. Differently-abled accessible, including assisted listening devices. As an open and affirming congregation, the members and staff of First Christian Church are committed to fostering community among people of all races, cultures and sexual orientations. Return to top of this page
Page updated November 12, 2003
for updates, comments or suggestions, contact Linda Abel

125. All Pilgrims Christian Church
Seattle. Affiliated with the disciples of christ and United Church of Christ. Site includes contact information, calendar of events, and newsletter in PDF format.

First Christian article

in "The Source"

Rabuor Village Project Mission

Cluster Hosting Assignments

First Christian article

in "The Source"

Rabuor Village Project Mission

Cluster Hosting Assignments

126. First Christian Church [Disciples Of Christ] - Fort Smith, AR
Calendar of events, worship schedule, newsletter, and staff directory.
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Fort Smith, Arkansas 3600 Free Ferry Road Fort Smith, Arkansas 72903 Welcome to the home page of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Fort Smith, AR. Established in 1832, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is the first Protestant movement founded on American soil. Browse here and discover the life of a growing faith group dedicated to spirituality, community and justice. Click here to find out what FCCDOC is all about. *NEW * Celebration of Women 2005 hodgepodge mishmash miscellany medley Our Mission Statement The mission of First Christian Church, Fort Smith, Arkansas is to lift up Jesus the Christ by:
  • Enabling spiritual growth and deepening our commitment, both individually and corporately;
  • Developing a church family/community that is accepting and encouraging;
  • Serving our community and the world through spiritual, physical, and emotional support; and
  • Reaching out in His name to the unchurched in our community.
Calendar SEARCH COMMITTEE QUESTIONAIRE (requires Adobe Acrobat reader THE NEWSLETTER Meet some of the people of FCCDOC click here for pictures Regular schedule of events and worship service hours Office staff and Ministers.

127. Welcome To
and organizations within the Christian Church (disciples of christ), all working together for greater justice and peace in our church,

128. Application Error
Senior Pastor, First Christian Church (disciples of christ). 330 N 3rd St (POB 177) Raton, NM 87740.
We apologize ... This page contains an error.
We log all errors and attempt to resolve them as quickly as possible.
Click here to return to your previous page.

129. ! Bethany Project Of The Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ), An Interactive
An Interactive Site for Prayer, Spirituality and Churches Revitalization, Renewal and Growth.
THE BETHANY PROJECT Remembering the Body of Christ A Pilot Project in Congregational Revitalization Through the Spiritual Renewal of Pastors Our Mission What's the latest? Take a look: A New Venture - the The Bethany Fellowships ! Look to see! What is the Betha ny Project? Congregational Revitalization Pastors of Congregations Say ... The Bethany Fellowships Home Page Do you have any thoughts, responses, suggestions, about God, prayer, the Disciples of Christ, revitalizations, this web site? PLEASE send them to me (Gay Reese, Director of the Bethany Project). Thanks. Disciples of Christ Home Page

130. Our Page Has Moved!
WELCOME TO. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH disciples of christ. 950 28th Street Boulder, CO 80303 303442-1861. Rev. Terry Zimmerman Minister
Our page has moved!
The new location is: Please update your bookmarks and links. You can click on the above link, or your browser should take you there in 10 seconds.

131. New Covenant Community
Normal. Affiliated with the Christian Church (disciples of christ), the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the United Church of Christ. Site includes information on beliefs, worship services, staff and officers, and opportunities for members and visitors.
Our purpose is to continue in our time
what Jesus began in his -
working for the healing of our world
as an inclusive, compassionate, joyful community.

NCC is a tri-union congregation affiliated with the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Presbyterian Church (USA)

United Church of Christ

We are a More Light/Open and Affirming congregation welcoming all into full participation in the life of our community, regardless of race, gender, age, or sexual orientation.
We are also a member congregation of The Center for Progressive Christianity
New Covenant Community is in collaborative/cooperative ministry partnership with the United Campus Christian Foundation (UCCF), a campus ministry at Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois. Our logo includes symbols of the three denominations of which we are a part and of the National Council of Churches , representing our wider ecumenical community. Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays Child Care is provided Mid-week worship service at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays No child-care at this service.

132. Christian Church (Disciples) - Troy, New York
We are continuing the witness of The disciples of christ in the capital district of New York. The Disciples are not well known in the Northeast.
"For All the Saints, Who From Their Labors Rest"
The music will play on its own for approximately one minute. However, you may stop it or restart it at any time.
Sunday Services:
Study: 9:45 AM
Worship: 11:00 AM MidWeek:
Wednesday 7:00 PM Youth:
Saturday 11:00 AM

Our Place

Thursday 7:00 PM
Our Place Teens
Need A Ride?
We have a bus!!!
Contact Us: Office Phone: E-Mail: Located five miles east of downtown Troy on NYS Route 2 in the village of Eagle Mills (Map and Directions) SISTER CONGREGATIONS IN THE CAPITAL DISTRICT: Poestenkill Gloversville REGIONAL OFFICE: Sharon Hart, Regional Minister HISTORY: Disciple History Troy Histroy Eagle Mills History ILLUSTRATION: Fulton and 7th Streets RELATED LINKS Disciples Homepage ABOUT THE DISCIPLES OF CHRIST IN EAGLE MILLS We are continuing the witness of The Disciples of Christ in the capital district of New York. The Disciples are not well known in the Northeast. We are members of a faith fellowship that began in Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Northern Kentucky about the time there was a great westward migration. Look at a map that indicates the wagon train trails (The Oregon Trail, The Santa Fe Trail) and you will see churches, colleges, and other facilities started by the Disciples (Texas Christian University - and 17 other colleges, Woodhaven, a home for children with special needs - and 80 other benevolent facilities).

133. New Web
disciples of christ. Contact information, service schedule, and calendar of events. Uses frames.
This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.

134. Daily Bible Study - Disciples Of Christ
disciples of christ. Discipline. Bible Study. Daily Bible Study. Bible. Discover the amazing truth of the Gospel. Eternal life. Christian living.
Friday, October 1 2004
Disciples of Christ
Discipline is derived from a Latin word which meant to learn . Hence also the origin of the English word disciple which meant one who learns . Disciple is used to translate the original Greek word of the New Testament, pronounced math-ay-tes , which means the same, a learner Today, "discipline," or disciplinary action," is very often defined as "an act of punishment," and as such it very often has a negative connotation. But originally "a discipline" meant a branch of knowledge , and from that, a system of conduct. Discipline meant both to know and to do e.g. if you are in the military, you know that discipline means to learn the rules, and then to obey them - it's only when someone fails to do both that the other definition of discipline, "an act of punishment," happens. What Did Jesus Christ Say About His Disciples? Those who believed in Him were called disciples of Christ before the term Christian was accepted as a positive title (a surprising fact to many, see Christianos ) i.e. "the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch" (Acts 11:26 KJV). No where in the Scriptures is it recorded that the Christ used the term "Christians" for His disciples.

135. University Church Homepage
Chicago. Affiliated with the United Church of Christ and Christian Church (disciples of christ). Includes contact information and schedule of events.
University Church
Staff Contact Information Church History Calendar of Events Three or More
Young Adult Group Reparation Statement Our server has changed. Please make sure that your bookmark shows Links
United Church of Christ

Christian Church- Disciples of Christ

The Center for Progressive Christianity

University Church welcomes your input, ideas, and suggestions. Share your thoughts with us at: Rev. Don Coleman:
Rev. Ann Marie Coleman:

University Church
5655 South University Avenue Chicago, IL 60637 Phone (773)363-8142 FAX (773) 363-7086 In Hyde Park, right next to the University of Chicago Welcome to the University Church Homepage We are a progressive, open and affirming, multi-racial and multi-cultural Protestant church. We are attemping to be an antiracist congregation. We are affiliated with the United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). You can learn about the church by exploring the links in the left column. If you are in the area please join us for Sunday Worship at 10:30am, followed by Church School at 12:15pm. Child care is available. (For information, please call us at 773-363-8142)

136. Lutheran - Disciples Of Christ Dialogue
Formal dialogue with the Christian Church (disciples of christ) began in April 2004 with an initial series of papers exploring our common understanding of
Ecumenical Affairs home Ecumenical Dialogue Lutheran - Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Dialogue Formal dialogue with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) began in April 2004 with an initial series of papers exploring our common understanding of Holy Communion. A great deal of agreement was reached and the next meeting of the dialogue (April 2005) will turn to a consideration of our understandings of Holy Baptism. This will be a particularly interesting aspect of our on-going conversation because while the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) practices believers' baptism, it does not re-baptize those who were baptized as children and only later decide to join the Disciples of Christ. The dialogue will begin semi-annual meetings in 2005. RESOURCES Participants Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Web site © Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Contact Us ELCA Home

137. Home
disciples of christ. Schedule of services, contact information, summary of beliefs. Newsletter in PDF.
Minneapolis, MN
Church Services
Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Sunday Church School: 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Contact Information Ministry Team:
Rev. Mark MacWhorter
Rev. Alison Robuck First Christian Church Minneapolis
2201 First Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: Fax: Email:
This site is a member of WebRing.
To browse visit Here Send mail to Aaron Dunlop with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 08, 2005

138. Westhampton Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ)
Westhampton Christian Church. (disciples of christ). 2515 Grandin Road, Roanoke, Virginia. (540) 7745394. Please Leave Your Footprint
Welcome to Westhampton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 2515 Grandin Road, Roanoke, Virginia Please Leave Your Footprint Sunday, September 11th Westhampton's Annual Church Picnic On, Sunday, September 11th, Westhampton will hold our annual church picnic at Darrell Shell Park. The picnic will begin with our worship service at 11:00. After worship, we'll eat, then there will be games and time to visit and enjoy each other's company. The park is behind Penn Forrest Elementary School. Please bring a covered dish, and your own lawn chairs. If the Sun is bright, you might want to bring your own umbrella. If it rains, we will hold the picnic and the worship service at the church. Sunday, September 18th We Return to our Regular Schedule On Sunday, September 18th, Westhampton will return to our regular schedule. Church school will begin at 9:45. And, our worship service will follow at 11:00. Hurricane Katrina How You Can Help The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has a disaster relief agency, Week of Compassion , which is already responding to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Week of Compassion has an internet site. Please visit the site and see how Disciples are responding, and how you can help.

139. Disciples Of Christ - Things To Do In Los Angeles
disciples of christ Places to visit and where to eat in Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley.
Disciples of Christ Artesia Burbank Glendora Los Angeles ... Studio City Sponsors Westin Bonaventure
The Westin Bonaventure in Downtown L.A. Official Site - Book online and save. Crowne Plaza Beverly Hills
Holiday Inn LAX

Convenient airport hotel featuring the latest amenities. Book Online for out Lowest Internet Rate Guarantee.
Just ten minutes to Universal Studios Hollywood and downtown Los Angeles. Loews Beverly Hills
Your home away from home in beautiful West LA. Book Online for Loews Best Rate. Renaissance Los Angeles Hotel Airport
Only a short drive from California's famous beaches, as well as Disneyland and LAX. Los Angeles Marriott Downtown
Located in the heart of the financial district of downtown Los Angeles. Book online and save. Hotel Casa Del Mar
Restored to its original grandeur, our luxury resort sits comfortably on the beaches of Santa Monica. Book Online now to receive our exclusive room rates today. Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel
See your message here.
Disciples of Christ - Artesia Artesia Christian Church Map
11625 178th St, Artesia, CA 90701

140. Bartlesville First Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ)
Includes service schedule, calendar of events, directions to the church. and newsletter in PDF format.
Fellowship Meal
Sept 11, Meat
Bring Canned Goods for
eptember Calendar
Regular Schedule
1:30 pm Communion to Shut ins
Monday - Labor Day
Office Closed
Tuesday 9:30 am Staff Meeting 9:15 am Early Childhood Neighborhood (ECN) 6:45 pm Boy Scout Troup 1 - Activity Room Wednesday 9:15 am ECN 10:00 am Bible Study - Railsback 5:30 pm Bell Choir - Sanctuary 6:30 pm Chancel Choir - Choir Room Thursday 9:15 am ECN 10:00 am CWF Trip to Sedan 4:00 pm Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) - FH Friday 9:15 am ECN Saturday Rehearsal Starts Sept 7, 5:30 pm Come One, Come All We'll have a Ball! Sunday Schedule Sunday School 9:15 am Morning Worship 10:30 am Youth Meeting 2:30 pm Telling the Story 6:00 pm Nursery available during Sunday morning and special events. CWF Trip to Sedan Thu, Sept 8 options - Local involvement in 13 community agencies - Active in the Oklahoma Disciples of Christ Regional Ministries What is the mission of First Christian? To create a loving, growing community that honors and worships God; strives for a broader understanding of the nature of God; proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ; challenges its members

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