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121. Ethical Investing | Csmonitor.com christian science article on an investing screen for firms tied to countries that sponsor terrorism. http://csmonitor.com/2002/0422/p15s02-wmpi.html | |
122. Looking Back The First Gulf War A collection of stories from the archives of the christian science Monitor, looking at the war and its immediate aftermath. http://www.csmonitor.com/archive/pkg/gulf/pkgGulfIndexDetails.html | |
123. Prometheus Books When Harper s refused to publish christian science in 1903, Twain interpreted christian science was nine years in the making begun in 1898 and finally http://www.prometheusbooks.com/catalog/book_53.html | |
124. Women In Astronomy: Good News And Ambiguous News | Csmonitor.com Article titled Women in astronomy Good news and ambiguous news. http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0711/p25s02-stss.html | |
125. Contentious » Christian Science Monitor Loves Its “Bloggiest” Statu Its the reason Im still here, since Im not a Christian Scientist and have nolink to the church other than I greatly enjoy working for its publishing arm http://blog.contentious.com/archives/2005/04/22/christian-science-monitor-loves- | |
126. Christian Science Monitor International daily focuses on world and USA news and commentary. http://www.csmonitor.com/rss/csm.rss | |
127. World's Vegetation Is Cleaning More Carbon From Skies | Csmonitor.com By Peter N. Spotts Staff writer of The christian science Monitor. If yourdogwoods and peony patches are looking a bit more robust than they did 20 years http://www.ntsg.umt.edu/tops/webpages/menu/press/globalgarden/christiansciencemo | |
128. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com christian science Monitor article on carbon trading by staff writer Peter N. Spotts. http://csmonitor.com/cgi-bin/durableRedirect.pl?/durable/2000/11/24/fp6s1-csm.sh |
129. Christian Science Organization At MIT The CSO also sponsors christian science lectures on the MIT Campus. Our otheractivities include attending christian science lectures in the Boston area, http://web.mit.edu/cso/www/cso.html | |
130. Clergy, Abuse, And Jail Time | Csmonitor.com christian science Monitor article on the percentage of offenders that see jailtime and why they're hard to convict. http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0321/p01s04-ussc.html | |
131. Christian Science Reading Room | Glen Ellyn, Illinois christian science Reading Room Glen Ellyn, Illinois. http://www.glen-ellyn.com/readingroom/ | |
132. The Tenets Of Terror | Csmonitor.com The ideology of jihad and the rise of Islamic militancy. List of Islamic extremist groups PDF and links. http://www.csmonitor.com/2001/1018/p1s2-wogi.html | |
133. ...My Heart's In Accra : Ethan's Weblog - My Blog Is In Cambridge, But My Heart' Is christian science Monitor the World s Bloggiest Newspaper? By way ofcontrast, christian science Monitor, with 71000 circulation (the midpoint of the http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ethan/2005/04/21 | |
134. AOL News - Christian Science Monitor christian science Monitor. · Aid Group Finds Evidence of Female Circumcision inIraq; · Shuttle Landing Gives New Momentum to Space Program http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/news/collection.adp?id=1862&_mpc=news.10.9 |
135. Remains Of Toxic Bullets Litter Iraq | Csmonitor.com A christian science Monitor reporter finds heavy levels of radiation from DU munitions. http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0515/p01s02-woiq.html | |
136. Powell's Books - Review-a-Day - The Cottonmouth Club By Lance Marcum, Reviewed B More reviews from christian science Monitor The christian science Monitoroffers independent, thoughtful journalism, together with stimulating cultural http://www.powells.com/csm/review/2005_08_01.html | |
137. 'White Lists' Emerge As A Tool For Consumers In Fight Against Spam | Csmonitor.c Americans are discovering that the broad effort to fight spam can backfire. http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/1202/p12s01-wmgn.html | |
138. First Church Of Christ Albuquerque christian science church. http://www.abqchristianscience.com/ | |
139. Mary Baker Eddy, Henry Drummond, Michael Meehan, Mary Baker Eddy Christian Scien Books and transcripts on christian science by early and contemporary writersexplaining how to heal through prayer. Many available exclusively through this http://www.thebookmark.com/ |
140. Bush's Year-2 Challenges Parallel Those Of Predecessors | Csmonitor.com Compares George W. Bush's 2nd year challenges with past administrations. http://csmonitor.com/2002/0503/p02s03-uspo.html | |
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