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61. John R. McRae: Meet The Faculty: Department Of Religious Studies: Indiana Univer Research Interests. East Asian Buddhism; Chinese Chan or Zen Buddhism Looking at lineage A different way of presenting chan buddhism, ChungHwa http://www.indiana.edu/~relstud/faculty/mcrae.shtml | |
62. An Thesis For The ¡°mixing Of Korean And Foreign Culture¡± International Sem The fourth, Zhi Kong developed chan buddhism. After studying Buddhism for 12 years in What Zhi Kong mainly spread in China and Korea was chan buddhism. http://www.aks.ac.kr/EngHome/files/rel8.htm | |
63. Unsaved:///newpage2.htm The Schools of Buddhism in China. Chinese chan buddhism. 1. chan buddhism is a new idea contributed by Chinese. 1.1. Why did Chan become popular? http://puffin.creighton.edu/yuan/Buddhism/Online-notes/Chan2. htm.htm | |
64. Oxford University Press Hoofprint Of The Ox Master Sheng-yen Principles of the Chan Buddhist Path as Taught by a Modern Chinese Master Master Shengyen then expounds chan buddhism, recounting its centuries-old http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/ReligionTheology/Buddhism/?ci=0195 |
65. Lorita Leung Chinese Dance Company - Lorita Leung Dance Association. Promoting, The Influences of Qi and chan buddhism in both Chinese Classical Dance chan buddhism is a Chinese form of Buddhism that is better known in the West by http://www.chinesedance.bc.ca/articles.htm | |
66. Suggested Shaolin Reading List @ Shaolin.com Shaolin philosophy is an amalgamation of chan buddhism and Taoism. This book is an excellent source of information on chan buddhism. Highly recommended. http://www.shaolin.com/suggested_shaolin_reading_list.aspx | |
67. CHINA BOOKS: ^Asian Studies: General ~This insightful volume dispels the common notion that Buddhism is not a missionary ~chan buddhism has become paradigmatic of Buddhist spirituality. http://www.chinabooks.com.au/generalcatalogue/wwasiangeneral.htm | |
68. Luce Undergraduate Chinese Studies Grants - Reed College in the field rather than the classroom. I would be learning more about chan buddhism in Taiwan and I would be honing my Chinese language ability. http://web.reed.edu/luce/MadenskiLuceProposal.html | |
69. Human Kinetics Their true contributions to the temple were chan buddhism and renewed impetus for chan buddhism and martial arts represent a contradiction in terms. http://www.humankinetics.com/products/showexcerpt.cfm?excerpt_id=3398 |
70. Meditation - Chan Buddhism chan buddhism. Learn How to Meditate with Deep Meditation Techniques BuddhaNet File library Zen, Chan Buddhist Teachings http://www.meditationhq.com/chanbuddhism/ | |
71. Song Dynasty (906 AD - 1279 AD) The spontaneous style reflected Chan Buddhist idea of enlightenment. Enlightenment, according to chan buddhism, does not arrive gradually through laborious http://www.moifa.com/history_southern_song.htm | |
72. Hui-neng, Six Patriarch Of Chan Buddhism TaChien Hui-neng was the Sixth Patriarch of Chan in China. He could neither read nor write and he worked in the rice-hulling shed at a Chan monastery. http://www.naegeledesign.com/htmlpages/emptypage/zen/zen2.6pat.html | |
73. Untitled Document The Will to Orthodoxy A Critical Genealogy of Northern chan buddhism. by Bernard Faure Stanford University Press, 1997. xi+289 pp. http://www.thezensite.com/ZenBookReviews/Will_to_Orthodoxy_Metcalf.htm | |
74. SHANTIDEVA: Online E-Books, Resources, And Other Websites The Antecedents of Encounter Dialogue in Chinese chan buddhism. Buddhism Social Action OntoEpistemology of Sudden Enlightenment in chan buddhism http://www.shantideva.net/resources.htm | |
75. Yun-hua Jan Patriarchship of chan buddhism. A ReExamination of Epigraphical and When Shenxiu (605-706), the master of chan buddhism, was summoned by Empress Wu of http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/journal/summaries/number6/Yun-hua Jan.htm | |
76. The Asia Project 2/7 chan buddhism, its doctrine With Special Guest, Bataa Mishigish Reading The Platform Sutra, 2/11 chan buddhism, its development since Hui Neng http://akbar.marlboro.edu/asiaproject/curric/fct2syllabus.htm | |
77. Buddhism In Singapore - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The venerable Shi Ming Yi is the spiritual head of the Chan Buddhist community in Singapore Since the Chinese are followers of chan buddhism in general, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism_in_Singapore | |
78. Handout 15 The First Patriarch of chan buddhism, an Indian or Sogdian monk who is One of two contenders for the title of Sixth Patriarch of chan buddhism, http://www.lclark.edu/~claypool/webhandouts/15songchan.html | |
79. Linguistic Strategies In Daoist Zhuangzi And Chan Buddhism: The Other Way Of Spe Ancient religion, philosophy and esoteric wisdom, full text books, encyclopedia, films, RPG, dvd, books, journal articles, Linguistic Strategies in Daoist http://www.sacredtexts.org/store-item_id-0415297834-search_type-AsinSearch-local | |
80. Chan Comes West chan buddhism, better known as Zen in Japan and in Korea as Son, emphasises the unity of wisdom and practice; the reality of sudden awakening ; http://www.wisdom-books.com/ProductDetail.asp?CatNumber=14887 |
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