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41. Yet Another Bob Site Interests include catholicism, Japanese animation, banking, martial arts. http://rcpadg.tripod.com/index.html | |
42. Roman Catholicism - Is It A Cult? Out of this controversy, charges have arisen that Roman catholicism is not truly From the sociological point of view, Roman catholicism is not a cult. http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Cults/Catholicism/isitcult.htm | |
43. Living Christianity Essays, links, information on catholicism, and some devotional material. http://www.geocities.com/the_spacemouse/index.html | |
44. Computer Discernment Notebook - Cults - Catholicism Roman catholicism Is It A Cult? (12/01). Roman catholicism Mariology (8/97). Roman catholicism Constantine and the Catholic ChurchState (2/04) http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Cults/Catholicism/ | |
45. Just For Catholics An evangelical site for Catholics who are ready to repent of Roman catholicism and want to know how to be saved. http://www.justforcatholics.org/index.htm | |
46. Catholicism And Homosexuality Bibliography Homosexuality and catholicism an attempt to assemble all available references to discussions of homosexuality, catholicism and Christianity in general. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/pwh/lgbcathbib.html | |
47. A Comparative Look At Catholicism And The Wiccan Religions A comparison of both faiths' yearly cycles. http://www.northco.net/chenke/comp_1.html | |
48. Modern History Sourcebook: Martin Luther: Against Catholicism, 1535 Modern History Sourcebook Martin Luther Against catholicism, 1535 text is taken is entitled Against catholicism but without further identification. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1535luther.html | |
49. StayCatholic.com Features essays and articles that present the biblical case for catholicism. http://www.staycatholic.com | |
50. Catholic Answers: Library: Anti-Catholicism Catholic Answers Library Anticatholicism. Myths About Indulgences Exposing catholicism Crisis of Faith. All with imprimatur. http://www.catholic.com/library/anti_catholicism.asp | |
51. New-Light Home Page Civil criticism of catholicism. http://www.new-light.org | |
52. Is Catholicism Pagan? AntiCatholics often suggest that catholicism did not exist prior to the Edict of Opponents of the Church often attempt to discredit catholicism by http://www.catholic.com/library/Is_Catholicism_Pagan.asp | |
53. Querulous Notes (2004) AntiStratfordian Peter W. Dickson obtains a forum in The Weekly Standard for his thesis that Shakespeare of Stratford's (alleged) Roman catholicism disproves his authorship of the works that bear his name. http://members.tripod.com/stromata/id459_february_15_2004.htm | |
54. Apologetics Research Resources On Religious Cults And Sects - Apologetics Resear Apologetics research resources on catholicism. Roman catholicism Diverse worldwide religious tradition that officially looks to the Pope and his http://www.apologeticsindex.org/c16.html | |
55. North Forest Features a Protestant / Catholic debate involving a former Protestant minister who converted to catholicism. http://www.northforest.org/index.html | |
56. Karl Adam THE SPIRIT OF catholicism. Karl Adam catholicism is the positive religion par excellence, essentially affirmation without subtraction, and in the full http://www.ewtn.com/library/THEOLOGY/SPIRCATH.HTM | |
57. Ecumenical Councils And The Rise And Fall Of The Church Of Rome (Roman Catholic Politics, control and corruption of catholicism seen through historical examination and discussion of 21 ecumenical councils. http://www.abelard.org/councils/councils.htm | |
58. Roman Catholic Faith Examined MAIN HOMEPAGE Introduction and overview to Roman catholicism Start here Irrefutable questions that Roman Catholics can t answer The Catholic church did not give the http://www.bible.ca/catholic.htm | |
59. Catholicism For Dummies Eenvoudig beschreven basiskennis over de RoomsKatholieke Kerk. http://www.christianvanzitteren.nl/catholicism/index.html | |
60. Catholicism In America A lecture that covers the rapid growth of the Catholic church and reactions from the Protestant majority. http://www.wfu.edu/~matthetl/perspectives/seventeen.html | |
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