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181. A Routledge Title: Contemporary Buddhism Contemporary buddhism publishes articles on the current state of buddhism from Contemporary buddhism examines the historical, doctrinal and political http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/14639947.asp | |
182. Dechen Ling Buddhist Center Offers the teachings and practices of the Domang Tersar, the new treasures of Domang, a part of the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan vajrayana buddhism. http://dechenling.org/ | |
183. Digital International Buddhism Organization Offering a free domain, http//yourgroup.buddhism.org, and unlimited free spacefor the group homepage and free homepage space and domain name, http://www.buddhism.org/ | |
184. Buddhist Resources On Vegetarianism And Animal Welfare Buddhist information about vegetarianism and animal welfare. Includes both doctrinal and practical materials and links to sites with general resources. http://online.sfsu.edu/~rone/Buddhism/BuddhismAnimalsVegetarian/BuddhistVegetari | |
185. Buddhism: Introduction buddhism Introduction buddhism is divided into two major branches Theravada,the Way of the Elders, and Mahayana, the Great Vehicle. http://library.thinkquest.org/28505/buddhism/intro.htm | |
186. Family Dharma Connection Devoted to Buddhist families with children and others interested in sharing Dharma and buddhism with children. Covers divorce, monastic parenting, and teaching buddhism to children. http://www.pulelehuadesign.com/familydharma/ | |
187. Basics Of Buddhism Let Us Reason Christian Ministry compares buddhism to Christianity. http://www.letusreason.org/Buddh1.htm | |
188. Buddhism In Tantric buddhism adepts head is touched by a flag, as it was an unction. A Popular Dictionary of buddhism, Christmas Humphreys, Curzon, 1984 http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/buddhism.html | |
189. Buddhism Study And Practice Group Provides stories designed to teach communicate values. http://www.sinc.sunysb.edu/Clubs/buddhism/story/index.html |
190. Mysticism Chapter 7 Buddhism (No. B7_7) A Christian analysis of the history and development of buddhism. http://www.ccg.org/english/s/b7_7.html | |
191. Tibet - Frihet Nu! Information om buddhism och kampen f¶r Tibets sj¤lvst¤ndighet. http://www.geocities.com/xldude69/swe/index.html |
192. Funnyquotes A Buddhist organization's quotes on the human world. http://www.buddhism.kalachakranet.org/resources/funnyquotes.html | |
193. Gateless Passage Nonsectarian information facility for the lay study of Chinese buddhism. Has translations of suttras and information on Buddhist Basics. http://www.cdpatton.net/gp/index.html | |
194. Dharma.org: The Home Of IMS And BCBS Vipassana retreat center and center for Buddhist studies. http://www.dharma.org/ |
195. Decoding The Da Vinci Code - Probe Ministries This article critiques The Da Vinci Code s theories about the Bible, Jesus, andthe early church. They demonstrate that most of these theories are simply http://www.probe.org/content/view/127/169/ | |
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