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61. 280 - Denominations & Sects 287.13 Wesleyan methodist Church In british Isles CME.org - The OfficialWebsite of the Christian methodist episcopal Church http://www.livingweb.com/library/280.htm | |
62. Methodist Churches. (from Religion) -- Encyclopædia Britannica It developed from the british methodist revival movement led by John The autonomous methodist episcopal Church was organized in 1784 in Baltimore, http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=233365 |
63. Drew University Library: Methodist Research Web Links british methodist Research Centre at Rylands University in Manchester African methodist episcopal Church; African methodist episcopal Zion Church (new http://www.depts.drew.edu/lib/uma_links.html | |
64. American Music Choirs In The Methodist Episcopal Church, 1800-1860 Full text of the article, Choirs in the methodist episcopal Church, Temperley also offers comments on a variety of british methodist musical practices http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2298/is_1_17/ai_58361686/pg_7 |
65. An Introduction To World Methodism - Cambridge University Press 2, The british methodist tradition after John Wesley, 30 In the United Statesthe methodist episcopal Church was equally fecund in producing methodist http://www.cambridge.org/aus/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=052152170X&ss=fro |
66. Methodism Or Methodist - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Some Wesleyan offshoots of the methodist episcopal Church. At name of aprominent british methodist. Nobody comes to mind. If http://www.questia.com/SM.qst?act=search&keywordsSearchType=1000&keywords=Method |
67. British Empire: Articles: Almora India Mission Jubilee of the methodist episcopal Church in Southern Asia Storyof the Celebration Held at Bareilly, India, from December 28th, 1906, http://www.britishempire.co.uk/article/almorabib.htm | |
68. British Empire: Articles: Almora Ranikhet, the nearest town, is a summer station for british troops about 25 miles The American methodist episcopal Mission continued its work in the http://www.britishempire.co.uk/article/almora.htm | |
69. STH | Library | Guides | Methodist History With the defeat of the british in the American War for Independence, In 1796,a group split from the John Street methodist episcopal Church in New York http://www.bu.edu/sth/library/guides/methodism-history.html | |
70. STH | Library | Guides | Mission Microforms International Missionary Council/Conference of british Missionary Societies. Nashville, TN Womens Missionary Society of the methodist episcopal Church http://www.bu.edu/sth/library/guides/methodist-micro.html | |
71. Christianity And Slavery bullet, 1833 The british Parliament passed a law which quickly phased out The two General Conferences, the methodist episcopal Church (North) and http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_slav2.htm | |
72. United Methodist Studies, Vanderbilt University Divinity School Bishop Morris spoke on his episcopal ministry and addressed questions of will visit sites of contemporary british methodist ministries to the poor. http://www.vanderbilt.edu/studentorganizations/umsa/ | |
73. United Methodist Studies, Vanderbilt University Divinity School Bishop Morris spoke on his episcopal ministry and addressed questions of group visited sites of contemporary british methodist ministries to the poor. http://www.vanderbilt.edu/divinity/programs/methodist.html | |
74. AWS - American Waldensian Society The british Wesleyan methodist Mission with Superintendent Henry James Piggott Later on the General Missionary Committee of the methodist episcopal http://www.waldensian.org/aws075.asp | |
75. Religious Materials: An Introduction The collection of Wesleyana and british Methodism material assembled by Dr. methodist episcopal CHURCHHYMNS methodistS may be further subdivided by http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/pathfinders/religious/ | |
76. A History Of The Methodist Episcopal Church. Volume II. (ii.i) A History of the methodist episcopal Church. Volume II. address of the Americanto the british Conference; election of Richard Whatcoat to the episcopal http://www.ccel.org/ccel/bangs/history2.ii.i.html | |
77. New Catholic Dictionary: African Methodist Episcopal Church A community of methodist episcopal Negroes organized on 9 to 11 April 1816 in the West Indies; and Dutch and british Guiana, in South America. See also http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/ncd00180.htm | |
78. Black History - Timeline The African methodist episcopal Church is formally organized and consecrates In 1849 he secures british recognition of Liberia as a sovereign nation. http://search.eb.com/Blackhistory/era.do?nKeyValue=2 |
79. Methodist Hymnals british Methodism bar pookline1.gif (857 bytes) 1849, (New York) Hymns forthe use of the methodist episcopal Church; revised, 1852; tune edition, 1857 http://www.gcah.org/Worship/Authorized_hymnals2.htm | |
80. Wesleyan History Lecture 3 british methodists and Mergers The methodist episcopal Churchbecame weak in its opposition to this moral evil. Some methodist bishops even http://www.kingsley.vic.edu.au/glenobrien/historylecture10.htm | |
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