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81. Www.forministry.com/Church/church.asp?SiteId=58201BLBC Orrville Grace brethren churchProvides statement of faith, staff, service, and event information. http://www.forministry.com/Church/church.asp?SiteId=58201BLBC |
82. Mount Bethel Lutheran Brethren Church, A Christ Centered Congregation In Mt. Bet Website for Mount Bethel Lutheran brethren church in Mt. Bethel, PA. Providesinformation, schedule, directions and more. http://www.mblbc.org/ | |
83. Welcome To Grace Bowling Green, Ohio. Provides overview of beliefs, directory, bulletin board, and service schedule. http://wcnet.org/~bggbc/ | |
84. Evangelical United Brethren Church More on Evangelical United brethren church from Infoplease. Evangelical Church Evangelical Church see Evangelical United brethren church. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0817938.html | |
85. Bethesda Lutheran Brethren Church Bethesda Lutheran brethren church! Bethesda is more than a place of worship.We are a community of people who encourage one another http://www.bethesdalutheran.org/ | |
86. Welcome To BIC-Church.org Brethren In Christ and Mennonite brethren church in Toronto. http://www.bic-church.org/canadian/newlife/ | |
87. Basore Road Grace Brethren Church Home Pastors Contact Links. designed by JMdesign Studio. http://www.basore.org/ | |
88. Steinbach Mennonite Brethren Church Redirect Page Steinbach Mennonite brethren church click here to continue your visit to theSteinbach Mennonite brethren church website. http://www.escape.ca/~smbc/ |
89. Saskatchewan Conference Of Mennonite Brethren Churches Information about local churches, upcoming events and other resources. http://sk.mbconf.ca/index.en.html | |
90. Orrville Grace Brethren Church Orrville, Ohio. Provides statement of faith, staff, service, and event information. http://my.raex.com/~ogbc | |
91. Brethren Churches, Darke Co., Ohio Churches of the Brethren, Darke County, Ohio. Ash Grove Church of the Brethren Old German Baptist brethren churches in Darke County, Ohio http://www.calweb.com/~wally/darke/brch.htm | |
92. Home Sarasota First brethren church is a body of believers, committed to Christ, First brethren church has been blessing people since 1954. http://www.sarasotabrethren.com/ | |
93. Parliament Community Church Mennonite brethren church in Regina, Saskatchewan. http://www.parliamentchurch.com/ | |
94. Evangelical Brethren Church - Documents Documents which are authorized by brethren church. Annual conference Basic documentsof the brethren church Ecumenical Dialogue Evangelistic Committee http://cb.cz/main/en/content | |
95. Evangelical Brethren Church - Official Website The Brethren Evangelical Free Church is a fellowship of people who believe in brethren church is a branch of Christian church following the herritage of http://cb.cz/main/en/home | |
96. South Park Mennonite Brethren Church Box 1719 Altona, Manitoba R0G 0B0 phone 204324-5947 fax 204-324-1860 emailspmb@mts.net. Copyright ©2005 South Park MB Church. webmaster@southparkmb.com. http://www.southparkmb.com/ | |
97. ForMinistry.com Features service schedule, mission statement, bible resources, photos, and contact details. http://ForMinistry.com/46988CBC | |
98. FGBC Church Search Find a Fellowship of Grace brethren churches Church. Please enter the word belowin the text box. This helps guards against automated access to the http://www.cenational.org/churchSearch/index.asp | |
99. North Fresno Mennonite Brethren Church information about a ministry or event, feel free to contact our churchoffice (4310333). Copyright © 2002 North Fresno Mennonite brethren church http://www.northfresnochurch.com/ |
100. Welcome To Community Of Joy Contact information, worship schedule, overview of ministries, calendar. http://www.communityofjoy.org/ | |
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