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21. Campolo's `ADDRESS' 4.1.1994 - BRISBANE. 1994 a friend and myself attended the baptist union of australia Rally Stan Solomon, General Superintendent of the Baptist Union of Queensland who http://www.despatch.cth.com.au/Despatch/campaust.htm | |
22. Gigablast Search Results baptist union of australia Official web site. Baptist Churches of WesternAustralia Introduction to the union, staff profiles, youth ministries, http://dir.gigablast.com/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denomina | |
23. Canberra Baptist Church, Australia: Church History The President General of the baptist union of australia, the Rev.JHGoble performedthe stonelaying ceremony in the presence of a large gathering of http://www.canbap.org/history.html | |
24. Canberra Baptist Church, Australia: Rev. J.H. Goble It was the baptist union of australia (BUA), under Rev Coble s leadership, thatnegotiated with the Commonwealth Government for a grant of land on which to http://www.canbap.org/history_archives_5.html | |
25. Downing, Cecilia - Australian Women Biographical Entry baptist union of australia, Founder of the Womens Board Cecilia Downing , inAn outline history of the baptist union of australia, Baptist Union of http://www.womenaustralia.info/biogs/AWE0586b.htm | |
26. Christian Research Association - A World Of Baptists The baptist union of australia is a member body of the Alliance, and most BaptistChurches in Australia are union churches. The baptist union of australia http://www.cra.org.au/pages/00000062.cgi | |
27. Feature Article The baptist union of australia is a member body of the Alliance, and most BaptistChurches in Australia are union churches. There are also a number of http://members.ozemail.com.au/~wfnev/March00Bentley.htm | |
28. Links New South Wales Victoria Queensland Western Australia South Australia Northern Territory baptist union of australia http://www.vision.net.au/~butas/Links.html | |
29. Baptist Union Of Victoria The baptist union of australia is a formalised network of all the ministries ofBaptists in all States of Australia. Under the chairmanship of the National http://www.buv.com.au/about_austbaptist.html | |
30. Baptist Union Of Victoria The baptist union of australia also ministers to rural communities through Northreach enables Baptist Churches throughout Australia to give special http://www.buv.com.au/rural.html | |
31. EDITORIAL 30 JUNE 2001 This paper has attacked Pentecostals, Catholics, the Uniting Church and morerecently myself as president of the baptist union of australia. http://jmm.aaa.net.au/articles/9241.htm | |
32. MagyarBaptista.com - Baptisták Száma Országonként (Baptists Stats) Australia. baptist union of australia, 824, 62849. Bangladesh. Bangladesh BaptistFellowship, 414, 11605. Bangladesh Baptist Sangha, 321, 12100 http://www.magyarbaptista.com/baptist_stats.html | |
33. Baptist Churches Of NSW & ACT - Mission Statement Through its membership in the baptist union of australia it is linked with theBaptist World Alliance, a worldwide fellowship numbering some fortytwo http://baptistnsw.asn.au/about/missionstatement | |
34. Baptist Churches Of NSW & ACT - How Is The Church Organised? but we voluntarily link together with other churches to form a Baptist Unionin each state, who together form the baptist union of australia. http://baptistnsw.asn.au/about/beliefs | |
35. 4 Aborigional Reconcilliation baptist union of australia NATIONAL STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT TO RECONCILIATION The baptist union of australia seeks to respond to today s challenges of http://www.baptistsocialissues.org.au/statements/4 Aborigional reconciliation.ht | |
36. Baptist Baptists Churches Church John Baptism Christ State baptist union of australiabaptist union of australia (BUA) the oldest and The Baptist work in Australia began in Sydney in 1831, over forty years http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Baptist.html | |
37. Christianity Protestantism The baptist union of australia is a member of the Baptist World Alliance andAsian Baptist Federation. Christian Reformed Churches http://www.abc.net.au/religion/stories/s817757.htm | |
38. Compass - ABC TV Religion | Stories Tim s currently the president of the baptist union of australia, President,baptist union of australia Yeah, I find that very disturbing actually. http://www.abc.net.au/compass/s356569.htm | |
39. Member Bodies Australia. *baptist union of australia www.baptist.org.au, 956, 59228. Bangladesh.* Bangladesh Baptist Church Sangha, 327, 15000 http://www.bwanet.org/Contact Us/MemberBodies.htm | |
40. List Of Baptist Sub-denominations: Information From Answers.com baptist union of australia Baptist Union of New Zealand Baptist Union ofPapua New Guinea Marianas Association of General Baptists Solomons Baptist http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-baptist-sub-denominations | |
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