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         Bahai:     more books (100)
  1. Baha'i Temple (Postcards of America) by Candace Moore Hill, 2010-08-23
  2. An Earthly Paradise: Baha'i Houses of Worship around the World by Julie Badiee, 1992
  3. Baha'i by Margit Warburg, 2004-02-15
  4. One Father Many Children: Judaism and the Baha'i Faith by Burl Barer, 2009-10-01
  5. The splendour of God; being extracts from the sacred writings of the Bahais by Eric Hammond, 2010-08-29
  6. One Common Faith by Baha'i International Community, 2010-02-22
  7. Prophet's Daughter: The Life and Legacy of Bahiyyih Khanum, Outstanding Heroine Of The Bahai Faith by Janet A. Khan, 2005-06
  8. Century of Light by Baha'i International Community, 2010-02-22
  9. Religion on the Healing Edge: What Baha'is Believe by Frank Stetzer, 2007-10-05
  10. Creation, Evolution and Eternity: A Baha'i's perspective on religion and science. A philosophy of science study by Eliane Lacroix-Hopson, 2001-04
  11. Children's Stories From The Dawn-Breakers by Zoe Meyer, Nabil Zarandi, 1998-04
  12. Illumine My Heart: Baha'i Prayers for Every Occasion by Baha'u'llah, Bab, et all 2008-06-15
  13. Islam and the Baha'i Faith: A Comparative Study of Muhammad Abduh and Abdul-Baha Abbas (Culture and Civilization in the Middle East) by Oliver Scharbrodt, 2008-06-24
  14. The Face of God Among Us: How the Creator Educates Humanity by John S. Hatcher, 2010-05

21. Bahá'í Library Online
The bahai Library Online is the Internet s largest collection of Bahá í materials.
... Daily Lessons Received at Akka, 1908
Chris Jones: Masters Thesis: Examination of the Environmental Crisis
Primary Source Material
Compilations prepared by the Baha'i World Center
Compilations prepared by individuals

Documents from the Universal House of Justice, published

Letters from the Universal House of Justice, unpublished
Provisional translations
Secondary Source Material
Articles / papers, published
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Theses / dissertations
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Guides to online research Fiction Poetry Links ... the Past Managed by Jonah Winters and a team of contributors . This site is not endorsed Support Financial Statement stats: most popular items number of distinct items: 2178 posted in past 30 days: 11 collections: 42 visits since 1997: +1,000,000

22. Introducing: Bahai Farm!
Baha'i satire.
OUR MOTTO Two Car parks - Good! Four Car parks - Better!
The Seven Commandments for Bahais
Whomsoever has no car park cannot be a Bahai Whomsoever has four car parks is a real Bahai No Bahai shall wear clothes - in bed. No Bahai shall sleep at a meeting of the AO - except at Voting time. No Bahai shall drink alcohol - where non-Bahais can see him No Bahai shall hit any other Bahai - but ex-Bahais are fair game All Bahais are equal - but some Bahais are more equal than others. ("Unfolding Density - The Collected Letters of Shuggy Bear") THE NEW FIVE YEAR PLAN
"Piece of paper signed by Herr Haifa … Peace in Our Time … Women on the House … Entry By Troops … Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia ... "

Children's Corner



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This is the first of what we hope will be many issues of Bahai Farm. The editorial team welcomes your comments - you may E-mail us at . If you mail us, your confidence will be fully respected - nobody on the editorial team will be running and reporting you to the Auxiliary Board Member or anybody else. Although Bahai Farm is the proud successor to Brave New World , which was the first magazine of its kind in the world, it is brought to you by an entirely different team. We are grateful to members of the

23. The Baha'i Community Of The United Kingdom
bahai, Bah ' , NSA, "National Spiritual Assembly", bahai, Bah ' , NSA, "National Spiritual Assembly" "Shoghi Effendi", Guardian, Charity

24. Bahai Assoc. For The Arts.
Information about the Bahá í Association for the Arts (BAFA), a nonprofit independent arts association operating under the auspices of the National

25. Todesurteile Und Bedrohungen Gegen Bahai
Im Iran begann im Sommer 1998 eine neue Verfolgungswelle gegen Angeh¶rige der Baha'i. Details und Hintergr¼nde.

26. Baha'i International Community Statement Library
Liaison to the United Nations offers official statements online.

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Hbahai encourages scholarly discussion of the culture and history of millenarian Message logs of H-bahai may also be accessed from this site (list
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  • 28. RadioNUR
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    29. Iran Digital Library
    Iran Digital Library is a Digital Publication Series of Hbahai, containing materials of broad Return to H-bahai Arabic and Persian Digital Publications
    I ran Digital Library
    Editor: Juan R.I. Cole
    Editorial Board: Sholeh Quinn, Peter Smith, John Walbridge
    Iran Digital Library is a Digital Publication Series of H-Bahai, containing materials of broad relevance to the study of modern Iranian culture and religion, but which are for the most part not by Shaykhi, Babi or Baha'i authors. Authors publishing here grant H-Net the right to maintain this draft of their materials in electronic form on this site in perpetuity. The authors retain print publication rights as long as further publication in print form does not prevent H-Net from continuing to display this draft in digital form on this site.
    Iran Digital Library
      Asadabadi, Sayyid Jamal al-Din "al-Afghani." Namih-ha-yi Tarikhi va Siyasi . Ed. Abu al-Hasan Jamali Asadabadi. Foreward by Muhammad Muhit Tabataba'i. (Tehran: Presto [Amir Kabir], 3rd edn., 1981). Digitally reprinted, East Lansing, Mi.: H-Bahai, 2001.
      Nimeh-ye Digar
      . 1363/1984 - 1378/1999. Journal of Iranian Feminism. Digitally reprinted, East Lansing, Mi.: H-Bahai, 2000, 2001.

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    Social Sciences Online Send comments and questions to H-Bahai Editors
  • 30. Baha'i Faith Index - Your Source For All Things Baha'i - Web Links
    05/08/26 05/08/28 2005 Green Lake bahai Conference in Favorite Quotes on Apr 09, 2005 at 095749 Questions about bahai Faith, help please

    31. The Baha'i Community Of The United Kingdom
    The Official Website of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United Kingdom.
    This page uses Flash. If you are having difficulties viewing it your browser may not be Flash-enabled, in that case enter the site here! Bahai, Bahá'í, NSA, "National Spiritual Assembly", "Shoghi Effendi", Guardian, Charity, Organisation This is the official Website of the gradient("National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom","FF9900 FFFFFF"); document.write(''); the elected governing body of members of the Bahá'í faith in the UK Registered Office: 27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD Tel: 020-7584-2566 Fax:020-7584-9402 e-mail: Registered in England- Company Limited by Guarantee No. 355737 Registered Charity No. (1967) 250851 The Assembly also represents the Bahá'í communities Bahai, Bahá'í, NSA, "National Spiritual Assembly","Shoghi Effendi", Guardian, Charity, Organisation Bahai, Bahá'í, NSA, "National Spiritual Assembly",Social Development Shoghi Effendi Guardian Charity Organisation God Unity faith religion

    32. Library Home Page
    The International Bah ' Library, Haifa, Israel, is the largest repository of published items by and about the B b and Bah ' religions and

    33. Bahai Community Dundee
    Bahá í Community Dundee.
    This page uses Flash. If you are having difficulties viewing it your browser may not be Flash-enabled, in that case enter the site here! BACK

    34. The Bah ' Faith
    " Religion should be the cause of love and unity " Bah 'u'll h. Copyright 2004, All rights reserved.

    35. ABW Homepage
    Information and events organised by the Association of bahai Women in the UK. The Association's membership is diverse in culture, ethnic origin, religious background, class and other distinctions.
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    To Forum he Association of Baha'i Women is a UK-wide grass-roots organisation, linked regionally and nationally, representing women across the spectrum. Diversity of culture, ethnic origin, religious background, class and other distinctions, is an underlying, recognised and encouraged key element of the Association. To keep reading ABW Branch support
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    36. Bahá'ís Of The United States - House Of Worship: History
    Bahá í House of Worship Download Pix Hi Med The Bahá í House of Worship in Wilmette, IL (in Chicago s northern suburbs) is known as the Mother Temple of
    History Web Cam Activities Events Visitor Information
    Bahá'í House of Worship
    Download Pix Hi Med
    The Bahá'í House of Worship in Wilmette, IL (in Chicago's northern suburbs) is known as the "Mother Temple of the West", so named because it was the first House of Worship constructed in the Western Hemisphere. The House of Worship in Wilmette was the second House of Worship to be constructed and is the oldest one still standing (the first one in Russia was damaged by an earthquake and eventually destroyed). There are currently seven Houses of Worship with plans for a new House of Worship in South America in Santiago, Chile.
    History Since its completion in 1953, more
    Click here
    to view the complete visual history of the House of Worship. The quiet serenity surrounding this outstanding building is evident in the spiritual truths that it represents: the oneness of God, the oneness of mankind and the oneness of religion. The auditorium, with its walls of lace-like ornamentation and its dome rising 135 feet above the main floor, offers a scene of unsurpassed beauty. The groundbreaking for the House occurred on May 1, 1912, in a ceremony blessed with the presence and participation of

    37. The Transmission Of Cultural Values In Persian Baha’I Refugee Families
    Paper by Stephen Licata that examines the ways in which immigrant Persian Bah¡­ families have carried their cultural values to the United States.
    by Stephen Licata Introduction Results of the Survey Cultural Self-Identification of the Children
    As a group the children do not consider the local Persian immigrant population as their primary source for new friends and acquaintances but they do very much enjoy some aspects of Persian culture (food, music) in their leisure time outside the home. Though almost all the children have attended some kind of special Persian language or cultural classes, they are split on their enthusiasm for speaking the Persian language (Farsi) with friends outside the home. Children and the School Environment
    Children and Life Choices
    Cultural Adaptation by the Parents
    Parental Expectations for Children
    School Involvement
    Perceptions of the Persian Immigrant Community in the US

    Conclusions BIBLIOGRAPHY Cummins, Jim (1986) A framework for empowering minority students. Harvard Educational Review 56 (1), 18-3. Geula, Keyvan (1991) The role of an international auxiliary language in the cultural welfare of ethnic families in transition: Presentation of a board game for teaching Persian to the Persian children abroad. Unpublished Master of Science research paper, University of La Verne, California. Social Institutions and Social Change . Hawthorne, New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

    Introductory information about the Bahá í Faith in several languages.
    A randomly selected Hidden Word by Bah¡'u'll¡h:
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  • T¼rk§e The most comprehensive list of Bah¡'­ Television Programs, Radio Programs and Magazines Click here Music made by Bah¡'­ Musicians around the World Click here Daily Readings from the Bah¡'­ Writings Click here The most comprehensive list of Academic Bah¡'­ Schools and Tertiary Institutions Click here The most comprehensive list of Associations for Bah¡'­ Studies Click here
  • 39. Religious Seasonal Days Of Celebration And Holy Days
    Explanations of the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, bahai, and Wiccan calendars. Also includes a list of holidays associated with these calendars.
    Click Here to Visit our Sponsors.
    Included are days for the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Baha'i, and Wiccan religions Click below to visit one of our sponsors:
    This section lists some of the main holy days of the 8 largest faiths in the U.S.: Christianity Judaism Islam Hinduism ... Baha'i World Faith and Wicca . Most religious days of celebration are based on: Fixed dates. Phases of the moon (lunar calendars). The timing of the equinoxes and solstices, (solar calendars). Both (lunisolar calendars). Thus many are held on dates which vary from year to year, according to the common (Gregorian) calendar. Although these dates were taken from sources that we believe to be reliable, please do not rely on their accuracy. We have observed many discrepancies in reference books and on the Internet.
    Topics covered in this section:
    Holy days of the largest 8 religions in the U.S.:
    Abrahamic religions: Christianity Judaism Islam
    Eastern religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism

    40. Bahai Kritik
    Eine kritische Betrachtung mit Informationen, Stellungnahmen, Artikeln und Diskussion.
    Informationen, Stellungnahmen, Artikel
    Für diese Homepage zeichnet verantwortlich: FRANCESCO FICICCHIA
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