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         Atheism:     more books (96)
  1. The Delusion of Disbelief: Why the New Atheism is a Threat to Your Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness by David Aikman, 2008-03-05
  2. Atheism, Ayn Rand, and Other Heresies by George H. Smith, 1991-04
  3. The New Gospel of Christian Atheism by Thomas J. J. Altizer, 2003-03-07
  4. Flirting with Faith: My Spiritual Journey from Atheism to a Faith-Filled Life by Joan Ball, 2010-05-11
  5. God Wants You Dead by Sean Hastings, Paul Rosenberg, 2007
  6. Denying and Disclosing God: The Ambiguous Progress of Modern Atheism by Michael J. Buckley S.J., 2004-09-10
  7. Atheism in our time by Ignace Lepp, 1967
  8. Patience With God: Faith for People Who Don't Like Religion (or Atheism) by Frank Schaeffer, 2010-10-26
  9. The Quantum God: (Why Our Grandchildren Won't Know Atheism) by John S. Denker, 2010-10-05
  10. Walter Kasper's Response to Modern Atheism: Confessing the Trinity (American University Studies Series VII, Theology and Religion) by Ralph N., Jr. Mcmichael, 2006-02-24
  11. An Anthology of atheism and rationalism ([The Skeptic's bookshelf]) by Gordon Stein, 1980
  12. Atheism in Pagan Antiquity (Dodo Press) by A. B. Drachmann, 2009-09-25
  13. The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions by David Berlinski, 2010-07-06
  14. Heidegger's Atheism: The Refusal of a Theological Voice by Laurence Paul Hemming, 2002-07-15

101. Atheism --
atheism Homepage. Complete list of topics, including Selftaught atheism, Atheistspirituality, DIALOGUE GROUP Contradictions in atheism
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DISCUSSIONS: Atheism Message Boards
Complete list of topics, including "Self-taught Atheism," "Atheist spirituality," "Atheist quotations," and more.
Organizations and more information for nonbelievers.

102. Holy, Holy, Holy: The Biblical Doctrine Of The Trinity
Explanation of the beliefs of and answers to common arguments by Oneness Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Islam, Latterday Saints, Unitarian Universalists, the Jesus Seminar, and atheism.
"Holy, Holy, Holy
is the LORD of hosts..."
(Isaiah 6:3)
  • "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ , and the love of God , and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen." (2 Corinthians 13:14) "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ..." (Matthew 28:19) "Come near to Me, hear this: I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, I was there. And now the Lord GOD and His Spirit Have sent Me." (Isaiah 48:16) "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near...For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father ." (Ephesians 2:13-18) "But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit , keep yourselves in the love of God , looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life." (Jude 1:20-21) "This Jesus God has raised up...Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the

Debate the validity and relative merits of atheism, agnosticism, humanism andother secular philosopies. You must be courteous to all, even those whose

104. James Dobson Vs America 1
Questions if James Dobson, the head of Focus on the Family, is dangerous and threatens people's liberties.
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Search Agnosticism / Atheism James Dobson vs America Written: June 23, 1999
Recent actions by the US House of Representatives have both stunned and horrified reasonable Americans across the country. In it's "infinite wisdom," the House has decided: first, that federal, state, and local governments have the right to post the Ten Commandments in any government buildings (including schools); second, that religious memorials in schools after violence are not violations of the First Amendment (for some reason, I always thought that the Supreme Court had the power to decide such things, not Congress); and third, that anyone who tries to sue over such measures and wins will no longer receive reimbursement for legal fees (thus, poor people will simply have to accept discrimination). The question many people are asking is just how such insane and illegal measures could possibly have even come to a vote in the House, much less be passed by wide margins? One answer might be a largely unknown legislative group called the "Values Action Team," made up of religious-right zealots and operating out of the office of Majority Whip

105. The Twilight Of Atheism - Christianity Today Magazine
Christianity Today continues as a leader in providing informative editorial oncurrent events, news from a Christian perspective, Christian doctrine,
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106. Real International Statistics On Religion
Religion statistics for many countries. Includes surveys measuring beliefs about God, Bible, reincarnation, hell, life after death, atheism, and agnosticism.

by Carles Vilar.
English version
Introduction -
Religious Types -
The Moral Issue -
* Religious countries in Europe
* Semi religious countries in Europe
* No religious countries in Europe (Part II) HERE
* America (Part III) HERE * Africa and other countries (Part IV) HERE * Added Section: General Data HERE LAST UPDATED: 12JUN2005 To download the whole report with just a click: INTRODUCTION How we can understand that in Slovenia, in the majority of statistics in atlas, encyclopedias, etc. they show us the fact that a 71.8 percent is Christian; but really is the 61 % believing in god ? Or in Spain with 95-98 % catholic, only the half believe about the Christian God ? Because of the fact that in these statistics it is considerated the AFFILIATION...; but this is insufficient if the sociologist, the curious, or the analyst want to understand the reality about any country. The next international short statistic of religion was made with polls, surveys, and others sources in order to know better

107. Article - Morality and atheismAn essay by Josh Rubak discussing whether ethics and morality require religion.Has feedback area.

108. A & E
Book reviews, articles and responses about atheism vs. evolution.
We would like to encourage you to write responses to our articles, and also write your own. Please note that this website is a forum for debate from both sides - not just from atheists and evolutionists. If you oppose anything you see on this site, then we would like to know what your view is. We will put all we receive online – but be prepared to defend your writing! Click on the ‘how to respond’ link below for more information and where to send articles. Book Reviews: Tornado in a Junkyard, the Relentless Myth of Darwinism – By James Perloff (Reviewed by Daniel Aston) Darwin on Trial – By Phil Johnson. (Reviewed by Richard Barnett) Darwin on Trial – By Phil Johnson. (Reviewed by James Brown) The Blind Watchmaker – By Richard Dawkins. (Reviewed by Tim Bonnici) New Articles: Supernatural Causes and Cures of Melancholy in the Early Modern Period. (By Richard Barnett) Suicide and Atheism: Camus and the Myth of Sisyphus. (By Richard Barnett) If you would like to write a new article, please click here.

109. Atheism
atheism. William S. Bainbridge. SUGGESTED CITATION William S.Bainbridge (2005) atheism , Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionVol. 1 No.
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion is no longer published by The Berkeley Electronic Press. This page is maintained for archival purposes. For the current issue, visit VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 Articles Atheism William S. Bainbridge
William S. Bainbridge (2005) "Atheism", Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion : Vol. 1: No. 1, Article 2. Download this article (267 K, PDF) Tell a Colleague Get Acrobat Reader Printing Tip: Select the option
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Submitted: September 30, 2004
Accepted: November 17, 2004
Published: January 15, 2005 Readers' Reactions No readers' reactions have been posted for this article. To submit one, copy the URL for this article ( and click here Content Notification Receive notification of articles.

110. "Evangelistic Atheism: Leading Believers Astray," By Dan Barker
atheism is positive. Although it is constructed with the privative prefix (negativein the Many attempts at evangelistic atheism are a waste of time.
Evangelistic Atheism:
Leading Believers Astray
By Dan Barker
This article originally appeared in the January/February 1993 issue of Freethought Today , published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation . Electronically reproduced with permission. Freethought is worth sharing with the world. If the conditions are right, it is possible for a freethinker to successfully evangelize a believer. "Evangelism" is a perfectly good word. The Greek word "angel" means "messenger." Evangelism is simply "good news." "Atheism" is positive. Although it is constructed with the privative prefix (negative in the sense of "without," not "against"), it should be viewed as a double negative. By comparison, "non-violence" is considered to be a positive word. Since "theism" is unreasonable and even dangerous, the message that we can be free of it is good news. Atheism is like having a large debt cancelled. I am not suggesting that every atheist should be an evangelist. Some are better off temporarily keeping their views to themselves for job security or family harmony. Some freethinkers wisely wait until they retire, when they have little to lose, before they become vocal. In certain communities, open unbelief can be costly. Nor am I suggesting that every evangelistic atheist will always be successful. I learned in the ministry that evangelism is like sales. You can't sell everyone. But you can't sell anyone if you don't first convince them that they have a need or desire for what you are selling.

Arguments against atheism, evolution, nonChristian religions, Mormonism, Catholicism and the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses.
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Introduction Argument against Atheism Argument against Evolution ... Words of Encouragement
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112. Morality And Atheism
An examination of the theist assertion that one cannot accept both atheism andobjective moral standards and that objective moral standards prove that God
Morality and Atheism
by Ed. Stoebenau and Charles W. Johnson
Last revised 29 January 1998
One claim that theists make often in #atheism is that one cannot both accept atheism and objective moral standards at the same time. They feel that at least one of these two views is true: objective moral standards prove that God exists, or that if there is not a God, then there cannot be objective moral standards. This paper serves a few purposes. First, it directly shows that there are differing views on morality between atheists. One of the writers is a moral subjectivist ; the other is a moral objectivist. In the first half, Charles Johnson defends a subjective view of morality. In the second half, Ed. Stoebenau defends a view that atheism and objective morality are consistent; one can accept both and still be ration in these respects. This paper shows that the moral argument for theism can be defeated in both of its premises: either there are not objective moral standards or they do not need to be from a deity.
The views expressed in the first part of the essay are no longer the views of the author of that part (Charles Johnson); indeed, he's changed his mind to almost precisely the opposite. However, this essay has been left online in order to ensure that links to it continue to work, and for reading interest. - CWJ, 27 May 2002

113. Religion In Spain - Opus Dei
Synopsis of Opus Dei history in Spain, extracted from the Library of Congress's Spain A Country Study.
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Discussion Forum Do you have an opinion about this page? Make it known on the Discussion Forum The most influential Catholic lay group during the Franco period was the controversial Opus Dei (Work of God). This group did not fit conveniently into any political category. Although it denied any political aims, its members played pivotal roles in the modernization of the economy under Franco and in the subsequent liberalization of politics and government. At the same time, they were theologically conservative, and their desire for modernization was far from radical. They believed that economic reforms would improve society to the extent that thoroughgoing political reforms would be unnecessary Opus Dei was founded in 1928 by an Aragonese priest, Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer y Albas, and it was subsequently recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as its first secular religious institution. Although attention has been drawn primarily to its activities in Spain, it is an international body with members and associates throughout the world. Members take a vow to dedicate their professional talents to the service of God and to seek to win converts through their missionary zeal. The organization in Spain has emphasized professional excellence, and it has expected its members to serve in important government positions

114. Agnosticism, Atheism, Humanism, & Secularism
Papers which respectfully critique postEnlightenment rationalist and non-theistphilosophies worldviews, from a Christian perspective.
A gnosticism A theism H umanism S ecularism Blaise Pascal (1623-1662): combination of his portrait and death mask (Snark International) The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing: we know this in countless ways. I say that it is natural for the heart to love the universal being or itself, according to its allegiance, and it hardens itself against either as it chooses. You have rejected one and kept the other. Is it reason that makes you love yourself? Pensees A.J. Krailsheimer translation: Penguin Books, 1966 Click the banner to learn more about and purchase this book and additional popular apologetics and theology titles by Dave Armstrong
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(Hyper-Linked) Christian Analyses of Skepticism and Agnosticism Miracles, the Supernatural, and the Afterlife Philosophical Arguments For the Existence of God Scientific and Empirical Arguments For the Existence of God ... Christian Philosophers and Philosophy Christian Analyses of Skepticism and Agnosticism The Atheist's Boundless Faith in Deo-Atomism ("The Atom-as-God") (Dave Armstrong and Eric Smallwood) 43K Philosophy of Science and the Impossibility of Epistemological "Neutrality" and "Objectivity" (Especially Within Materialist or Logical Positivist Presuppositional Frameworks) (edited by Dave Armstrong) The Defective Father Psychological Theory of Atheism / Christian Emotionalism and Fideism Was Skeptical Philosopher David Hume an Atheist?

115. Atheism FAQ: Atheism, Holidays And Rituals
atheism, Holidays and Rituals Should atheists participate in religious holidays? Is atheism compatible with any sort of holiday or ritual, with or without religious origins? How should atheists handle family events around religious holiday seaons?
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116. Why I Left Atheism -- Does God Exist?
WHY I LEFT atheism. Of all the lessons that I present concerning the existenceof God and of all the material that I try to make available to people to
concepts that will be most useful to you. My high school career was one in which I grew quite rapidly academically. I enjoyed science and decided that I wanted to be a scientist of some kind I entered Indiana University majoring in the field of physical science. It was actually at this point that one of the great changes that occurred in my life took place. I enrolled in a course in astronomy at the feet of one of the great astronomers of our day. In that particular course, we were studying the problem of originsthe creation of matter from nothing. As we discussed this particular subject, we went into all those theories that are in that particular material. We talked about the Big Bang Theory, the Quasistatal Theory, the Continuous Generation Theory, the Planetessimal Theory, etc. I read the Bible through from cover to cover four times during my sophomore year in college for the explicit purpose of finding scientific contradictions in it, By that, I mean statements in the Bible that were false that I could throw back at her to show her how ridiculous it was to believe in God. I had even decided to write a book called All the Stupidity of the Bible . Something amazing happened as I did this. As I considered and thought about these things, I found that I could not find a contradiction. I tried that whole year and years after to find a contradictionto find some kind of scientific inaccuracy in the Bible. I just simply was not able to do it. I gave up writing the book because of a lack of material! It is amazing to me that as I talk to people, I find many who claim to be Christians and who perhaps claim to have been Christians for many years who have not read the Bible through cover to cover once. I find it hard to believe that they believe in God very much if they do not even want to know what He has to say.

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118. Reaching The World For Christ Ministries Atheism Is It A Plausible Worldview?
Detailed article seeking to debunk secular theories of the origin of the universe and mankind, and defend the idea of special creation.

119. Atheism: Contemporary Rates And Patterns
In a totalitarian country where atheism is promulgated by the government and Any assessment of the rates and patterns of atheism worldwide must keep the
Atheism: Contemporary Rates and Patterns Phil Zuckerman THIS CHAPTER IS FORTH-COMING IN THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO ATHEISM, EDITED BY MICHAEL MARTIN, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2005 The first methodological concern is low response rates; most people in most societies do not respond to polls or surveys (Brehm, 1993). A response rate of around 50% is considered satisfactory/adequate, and anything over 70% is considered excellent (Babbie, 1989). Surveys with response rates of lower than 50% may provide accurate information concerning the minority of self-selecting people responding, but they cannot be generalized to the wider society. ( i ) not ( ii ) can make reliable estimates ( iii ) Below is a presentation of the findings of the most recently available surveys concerning rates of atheism, agnosticism, and non-belief in God in various countries worldwide ( iv ) Australia , Canada, New Zealand, and the United States According to Norris and Inglehart (2004), 25% of those in Australia do not believe in God. According to Paul (2002), 24% Australians are atheist or agnostic. Inglehart et al (2004) found that 22% of those in New Zealand do not believe in God, and Paul (2002) found that 20% of New Zealanders are atheist or agnostic.

120. Index
Articles on Islam, atheism, contemporary issues, and basic Christian doctrines. Also offers testimonies and essays defending creationism and amillennialism.
Welcome to Galatians 4:16! 'Now am I your enemy because I tell you the truth?' - Galatians 4:16 (New Century Version) Galatians 4:16 is a Christian website run by myself, Andre Brett. It is to provide assistance to the Christian church, and those interested in Christianity, by providing articles about various aspects of the Christian faith, along with apologetics articles against various false beliefs.
Please note that you may freely quote from and distribute the articles. I only have one request: could you please acknowledge myself as the author (except in the case of guest authors, when I request you acknowledge them)? Thank you. And if anything develops as a result of using these articles - for example, someone converts to Christianity - it would be fantastic if you could share the good news (it is always nice to know that your work has had a positive affect on someone!).
This site is divided into sections for your ease, and below is a list of them, with a short description.
Basic Christianity
- this section contains articles on basic elements of Christianity and the Christian faith, such as 'Who Is God?' and 'Salvation'.
- this section not only contains information on, and apologetics against atheism, but also provides articles proving God is real.

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