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161. Asatru Today A journal of norse paganism. Only two issues online, both from 1994. http://www.webcom.com/lstead/magazines.html | |
162. NIC - Alt.religion.asatru NIC Search FAQ Format Help Feedback NIC Info Home. alt.religion.asatru. No description. Goto Group Copyright Notice Credits http://www.ibiblio.org/usenet-i/groups-html/alt.religion.asatru.html | |
163. Asatru, Odinism, Germanic Heathenism, Paganism: Criticism http://www.stelling.nl/simpos/asatru.htm | |
164. Tribes And Asatru Come Together Respect paid to old bones of Kennewick Man before move to Seattle museum. TriCity Herald http://www.tri-cityherald.com/bones/news/103098.html |
165. Huginn And Muninn: The Heathen And Asatru Search Engine A searchable directory and search engine of asatru resources. Includes an events calendar. http://huginn.ealdriht.org/ | |
166. Vor Tru Journal of the Old Norse and Germanic religion of asatru. It contains articles, topical news, kindred reports, and commentary on the living community of asatru in Vinland and elsewhere. http://eagle.webpipe.net/vortru.htm | |
167. Asatru Nederland asatru Nederland. http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/fh.jager/asatru/ |
168. The New Zealand Asatru Fellowship The New Zealand satrº Fellowship is devoted to the continued worship of the Old Norse Gods and Goddesses. The New Zealand satrº Fellowship has been in existence as a legal body since July 31st 1995. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5346/ | |
169. ! Assembly Of The Elder Troth ! Aims to promote the Way of asatru, as a relevant and appropriate lifestyle, in Australian Society. http://www.aetaustralia.org | |
170. Winter Feast Annual asatru/Runic Feast held on June Long weekend in Sydney. Organised by RuneNet http://www.mackaos.com.au/Feast | |
171. FolkvangR Kindred An excellent asatru site based in South Australia. http://au.geocities.com/folkvangrkindred | |
172. Novo Endereço P¡gina que pretende ser a semente do movimento religioso asatru Vanatru em Portugal. Odin, Thor, Frey, Freya, Tyr, s£o alguns dos nossos Deuses. http://www.geocities.com/asatruportugal | |
173. Ásatrú - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Ásatrú describes a variety of efforts to revive the indigenous, Organizations which identify themselves as Ásatrú usually base their lists of gods on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ãsatrú |
174. Iberoamerican Ásatrú Colective An organization for Ásatrú folk from Spain and Chile. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/price/138/colecingl.htm | |
175. Colectivo Ásatrú Iberoamericano Translate this page Busca la recuparación de la religión del pueblo visigodo. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/price/138/colectiv.htm | |
176. Ãsatrú: Information From Answers.com Ásatrú Ásatrú describes a variety of efforts to revive the indigenous, preChristian religions of the Teutonic tribes of Northern Europe. http://www.answers.com/topic/satr | |
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