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         Asatru:     more books (51)
  1. Essential Asatru: Walking the Path of Norse Paganism by Diana L. Paxson, 2006-12-01
  2. Living Asatru by Greg Shetler, 2003-07
  3. The Nature of Asatru: An Overview of the Ideals and Philosophy of the Indigenous Religion of Northern Europe. by Mark Puryear, 2006-03-22
  4. The Ásatrú Edda: Sacred Lore of the North by The Norroena Society, 2009-04-24
  5. Pagan Paths: A Guide to Wicca, Druidry, Asatru, Shamanism and Other Pagan Practices by Pete Jennings, 2002-03-01
  6. Asatru For Beginners by Erin Lale, 2009-09-01
  7. Vigja Text Sacred Hof Of Asatru's Tenets Of Faith: Asatru Norse Pagan (Volume 1) by Mothi Thorsson, 1996-01-01
  8. Living Asatru: A Handbook of Simple Celebrations by Stephen A. McNallen, 1993
  9. Hraftzer Asatru: A Complete Guide by Raymond Livwell, 2009-01-01
  10. Asatru Incarcerated by Mothi Thorsson, 2008-06-30
  11. Ásatrú in the United States: Ásatrú in the United States, Odinic Rite, the Troth, Asatru Folk Assembly, Stephen Mcnallen, Ásatrú Alliance
  12. Néopaganisme Germanique: Mysticisme Nazi, Religion Nordique Ancienne, Ásatrú, Société Thulé, Divination Des Runes, Guido Von List (French Edition)
  13. Spiritualité Dans La Mythologie Nordique: Religion Nordique Ancienne, Ásatrú, Goði, Yule, Fylgja, Hamr, Hugr, Wyrd, Sejðr, Vörd (French Edition)
  14. Religion Polythéiste: Polythéisme, Religion Traditionnelle Chinoise, Religions Mésoaméricaines, Ásatrú, Marla, Religions Du Pérou Précolombien (French Edition)

101. This Is A Collection Of Blots We Did At Hammerstead
asatru, an Ancient Religion Reborn by Jordsvin, good reading list Is asatru an Earth Religion comments by Jordsvin Jenny Blain
Asatru Information
Page [Main Index] [About Jordsvin] [Asatru Information] [Young Heathens Page] ... [Jordsvin en castellano] INDEX: Basic Asatru Material M ore Specialized Asatru Information Core Asatru Texts ... Creative Writing By Heathens (articles and comments, with a bit of poetry and fiction) Basic Asatru Material
Asatru, an Ancient Religion Reborn - by Jordsvin, good reading list
Asatru Historical Time-Line
Asatru in Prison
Asatru U(niversity) Online, from Frigga's Web
M ore Specialized Asatru Information
Anglo-Saxon Ealdriht Gods Page
Chapter 1 of Teutonic Religion by Gundarsson, w/ editor's approval
"Germanic Paganism: An Introduction"- by Jordsvin
"Her Stend Ek" - Affirmation - by Gamlinginn ...
Huginn and Muninn: the Heathen and Asatru Search Engine
[Tons of good information!
Interview with the late Sveinbjorn B., Icelandic Asatru Pioneer
"Lesbigays in Germanic Paganism" - by Jordsvin
The Nine Noble Virtues of Asatru with Commentary
On Wyrd by Eric Wodening ...
Our Troth, a great, free, huge online Heathen book
[Brought to you by The Troth , of which Jordsvin is a proud and active member.

102. Skaldenmet
Moderne und klassische Gedichte, Lieder und Anrufungen rund um asatru, nordische/germanische Religion und Mythologie, Wikinger und Nibelungen. Passende Bilder und Links.
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Skaldenmet ~ Gedichtesammlung Nordische Mythologie ~
Hallo ! Viel Spaß mit unseren Gedichten rund um nordische / germanische
Religion und Mythologie, von Wikingerzeiten übers Niebelungenlied zu Asatru.
Bei vielen Gedichten findet Ihr passende Bilder und Gemälde.
Optimiert für 1024x768, IE Explorer u. Firefox, mittlere Schriftgröße.
Diese Seite ist recht neu und möchte wachsen - schaut öfters vorbei, und macht mit ! Wer hat ein Gedicht oder Lied, das er hier mit der Welt teilen möchte ? Letztes Gedicht: 10.08.05
Gedichte von mir und von Euch , z.B. Wer begann das alles (An Odin) Heimat Archeteutis Anrufung an Freya Volkers Lied R.W.T. Abschied des Kämpfers Siegfrieds Tod Tusk-Shaker Die Norne Man sagte mir,... Archeteutis Abschied des Skalden Irminsul Archeteutis Totentanz (nicht-nordisch) Klassische Gedichte , z.B.

103. Asatru And Norse Heathen Links
asatru Quick List by Krei. Grundair s Hearth A Heathen Brewer s Place; The Irminsul Page. (One of the best asatru resources available on the Web!
Asatru and Norse Heathen Links Asatru Resources:
Other Norse Religion and Heathen-related sites:

104. Grimnir
Pers¶nliches, Informationen zum germanischen und nordischen Heidentum und ein Forum.

105. Asatru/German-American Pages
The is the personal pages of Nissa Annakindt. This site contains German publications translated into English. Many of these publications from the Germanic Faith Community, an asatru organization established in 1909.
monkeys escaped since 1 Jan. 1998.
Asatru/German-American Pages
Esperanto version
Update: Nissa can no longer be reached at the old e-mail address. It has been discontinued due to viciously hostile e-mail which took up way too much time. If you need to contact Nissa, use real mail. The address is: Nissa, PO Box 151, Daggett, MI 49821 USA. (Note: if you are sending hate mail, include your return address so I can send it back with corrections to your grammar and spelling.) 10 Commandments - about Judge Moore of Alabama, the display of the Christian Ten Commandments, and religious freedom. Nine Noble Virtues Campaign about an effort to obtain equal treatment for all religions, and to counter the Religious Right's 'Christian Nation' campaign. Asatru - about the living religion of Asatru (Norse Paganism). Includes an introduction to Asatru and The Germanic Temple, an article from 1907 on the need to revive the old Germanic spiritual tradition. Upper Peninsula Asatru/Pagan Guide - for Asatru or Pagan folk living in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Northern Lights List - A free networking resource to help Asatru and Pagan folk find local Asatru/Pagan friends. Also includes info on the Northern Lights List Newsletter and Northern Lights List postal courses on Paganism.

106. Welcome To Asatru Lore
An open board for the discussion of topics germane to asatru. Open to members of any religion.
Click here if the automatic redirection doesn't work! Click here if the automatic redirection doesn't work!

107. HeidenHeute-Die Gemeinschaft Von Midgardwelten HeidenHeute
Diskusionsforen zu den Themen Heidentumasatru, Mittelalterdarstellung, Geschichte der Wikinger und Germanen. Lerne Heiden und Re-enactors aus deiner Umgebung kennen.
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Wer mehr über das Heidentum erfahren will oder Spaß daran hat,über Themen die das Heidentum betreffen,mit uns zu diskutieren kann sich kostenlos bei uns anmelden . Wir freuen uns über jeden Zuwachs und interessante Diskussionen. Newsarchiv [Foren-Suche!] Login speichern [Anmelden] Forenübersicht Foren Themen Beiträge Letzter Beitrag Moderatoren Midgardwelten Forum Das Forum zur Seite. Für eure Fragen, Anregungen, Verbesserungsvorschläge. Infos zur Seite. Hallo Freunde von Bente ZANDRAMAS WotansWölfin Claas ... Fragen von Der Wander.. Heidentum und Asatru Diskusion über Heidentum und Asatru, Glaube und Religion, Brauchtum und Mythen von ZANDRAMAS WotansWölfin Claas Krähe ... Götter und Mythen von Brauchtum und Feste von Symbole und Runen Der Walknut von Claas Re-enactment und Mittelalterdarstellung Diskusionen rund um die Mittelalterszene, praktische Tipps, Schaukampf, Gewandungen ect

108. Asatru Lore | Main Page
asatru Tree of life EquivelentThanks to Ingeborg for this great diagram information). Back to Daryl s home page.

109. Echoed Voices: Modern Asatru
Alternately called Odinism and asatru, asatru was first used to describe the The roots of modern asatru can be traced through recent history and the
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Modern Asatru
By Maude Stephany
    When I set out to do this article, I expected to refer to a few of my favorite sources, look at a few places on the Internet and have my article fairly wrapped-up. Weeks of research, hundreds of websites and several books and research papers later, I have discovered that this has been a journey that illustrates how diverse both individuals and organizations within modern Asatru are. Each has their own pattern of the boundaries they accept or explore, meaning that the history of Modern Asatru is like a giant asymmetrical patchwork quilt. Alternately called Odinism and Asatru, "Asatru" was first used to describe the religion of the old pre-Christian Norse gods in the 1830's by the writer O. Brownson i , and is derived from the Danish word Asetro ii meaning "belief in the Aesir". Asatruar (people who practice Asatru) make a point of differentiating themselves from Wicca and other neo-pagan belief systems. Lew Stead, one of the leaders of the Raven Kindred, and Devyn Gillette, former host of the pagan radio show "Between the Worlds," presented a workshop at the 1994 FreeSpirit Festival about the differences between the two faiths. Their article entitled The Pentagram and the Hammer still stands as excellent reading although almost ten years have passed since they wrote it.

110. Asatru > Heathen Hearts > Úvodní Stránka
Informačn­ server panevropsk½ch př­rodn­ch n¡boženstv­ a kultur.
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Heathen Hearts
Informaèní server pan-evropských pøírodních náboženství a kultur.
Nᚠprofil Historie víry Mímiho studnice Pøátelé kruhu ... Odkazy
Úvodní stránka
english deutsch
Oslava samhainu se bude konat na SVINAMYRR u Prahy. Všichni jste srdeènì zváni. Je to . Info viz email: (Zmyje). Porada klan Villi-SVIN. 17.-19.záøí 2004 poøádá klan Managarm oslavu podzimní rovnodennosti. Lokalita: èeskolipsko. Bližší informace a popis cesty via E-mail Oslava Hailagaiws - Zzzimních nocí (Samhainu] se koná v Praze (v lese v divoèinì na kraji mìsta) dne 1.-2.11. Slavnost bude temná, pøipravte se na nejhorší. Rozjímejte o smrtia pøipravujte si dáreèky pro mrtvé pøedky. Poøádá klan Villi Svín Pro naplnìní scénáøe slavnosti konané v Ralsku je nutné, aby každý úèastník mìl vlastní plamen - pochodeò . Proto bychom Vás chtìli požádat, aby si každý, kdo se slavnosti bude úèastnit, poøídil zahradní pochodeò (lampu) na lampový olej, a sice její nejmenší verzi (délka cca 80 až 100cm). Dále je vhodné, aby si úèastnící se skupinka poøídila jednu láhev lampového oleje Blíží se podzimní rovnodennost. Naše oslava se bude konat na stejném místì jako minulého roku.

111. Utah Asatru Council
Utah asatru Council Outreach Program Home Page and Outline The Utah asatru Council Outreach is a group of Gothi who work together in Utah.
Utah Asatru Council
Outreach Program
A Not-For-Profit Program Operated by the
Utah Asatru Council
Utah Asatru Council Outreach Program Home Page and Outline
The Utah Asatru Council Outreach is a group of Gothi who work together in Utah. Current projects include:
Asatru 101
(Introduction to Asatru) classes (open to the public)
Asatru 201
(Introduction to Lore) classes (open to the public)
Asatru 301
(Introduction to Rungaldr) classes (open to the public)
Asatru 401
(Introduction to Old Norse) classes (open to the public)
and Honoring of our Gods and Ancestors (open to the public)
A prison outreach program (open to prison inmates) This site is currently under construction. As they are completed, all links in this site will be updated. This is a link to the Eagles' Kindred of Utah . Other links can be found here We proudly display the Heathens Against Hate banner to show our commitment to stand against that which harms the hearts of our people: hate and bigotry. Please click on the picture to see what this movement is all about.

112. Asatru Etc.
Original articles based on one heathen's point of view on various aspects of asatru.
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Update 04/13/03 A course I am taking this semester (the last one, I'm graduating soon!) in sociobiology has been making me rethink my views on genetics, ethnicity and religion. Read more in my new essay, Sociobiology and Asatru Update 12/28/01 I put up some new essays today, all revolving around tradition and the role it plays for me. Click here to go to my articles page. Minor Update 10/12/01 I added a fun new link in the Comparative Religions section of the Non-Asatru Stuff page. It will take you to a "Belief Systems Selector" where you can find out what religion of their offerings best suits the ideology you already hold. I also wanted to thank those of you who have signed my guestbook or emailed. Your comments, questions and criticisms have been thought provoking and greatly appreciated! Update (believe it or not!) 5/19/01

113. Index Of /Asatru
Index of /asatru. Parent Directory .guestbook images links.htm.
Index of /Asatru

114. Swampy' Asatru 101 A Basic Description On What It Is Today
A basic description of asatru and how its practiced today.
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    ASATRU Is the modern version of the religion that was practiced by the peoples of Northern Europe. Who followed the Norse and Germanic gods. It gained its current name in Iceland during the 1970s when it was finally allowed to come out in the open prior to that it had been outlawed by the church as well as the government. (note there is some evidence that the term ASATRU was used much earlier but it was not as widely used as it is today) It has spread around the world and in the process has formed itself into many different groups and traditions. There is no one main leading body to govern ASATRU so each group has its own leaders and rules. Most groups are divided into Hearths and Hofs and several Hofs make up a group. There are several titles to refer to a group but Kindred is the most commonly used term for a group. The Hearth is the smallest unit this is a family unit. A Hof is a group of families who if lucky enough have there own building which is also called a Hof and is built facing North to South. If they have a existing building the Stalli is placed facing North and South. Ok what’s a Stalli you say that’s the Altar which can be dedicated to a single God or to all the Gods of the ASEIR and VANIR.

115. Runehof Asatru Kindred
A small Kindred in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, USA.

116. Nordische Zeitung - Kleinanzeigen - Kontaktanzeigen
Translate this page Kostenlose Kleinanzeigen und Kontaktanzeigen der Nordischen Zeitung / Nordische Zeitung - Kleinanzeigen
Asatru Weltkarte
Nordische Zeitung - Kleinanzeigen 2000.htm 404.htm adambrem.htm aender.htm ... zuschr.htm

117. Welcome To ThorBjorn's Ice Caves!
An asatru Heathen's personal page.
htmlAdWH('93212820', '728', '90'); Main

118. What Is Asatru?
Ásatrú is a Norse term meaning literally a faith or belief in Gods, Ásatrú has its roots in ancient customs and beliefs, although it is best known from
What is Ásatrú
What is Ásatrú?
Ásatrú is a Norse term meaning literally a faith or belief in Gods, specifically the Old Norse and Germanic Gods known collectively as the Æsir. Ásatrú has its roots in ancient customs and beliefs, although it is best known from the Viking age when the old world view and the emerging Christian faith clashed and which was the period that the stories and customs were written down. As with many other ethnic or folk religions there was no specific name for the religion, although Ásatrú, Vor tru, "our faith," or Forn Sed, "ancient customs/ways" are phrases/words that are used in the modern world to describe this faith. The religion was part of the culture, and the beliefs revealed not only in the mythology, but also in the customs, ethics, and laws, much of which has survived as a cultural ethos. Agreed to January 24, 2001
Who are the Gods and Goddesses of Ásatrú?
Then spoke Gangleri: "Which are the Aesir that men ought to believe in?" Hárr said: "There are twelve Aesir whose nature is divine." Then spoke Jafnhárr: "No less holy are the Asyniur, nor is their power less." These are the words that introduce the gods and goddesses of the Norse and Germanic people to King Gangleri in Snorri Sturluson's Edda. Here we find the a listing of the Aesir (gods), Asynjur (goddesses) and other beings of the Norse mythology and brief stories presented from the ancient mythology in an account written down at the end of the Viking Age. First named is Odin, his son Balder, Thor and his wife, Sif; Tyr, Njord and his son and daughter, Freyr and Freya, Bragi, Heimdall, Hod, Vidar, Ali, Ullr, Loki, Aegir and his wife, Ran. Also named are many of the goddesses, who include, among others, Frigg, Freya, Lofn, Var, and Skadi The mythology also preserves an account a story of two warring groups of deities, the Aesir and the Vanir who pledged a truce with one another and are referred to now collectively as the Aesir.

119. Home Of Erich's Hall, Asatru Basics, And Keeper Of Seasons Hall
Features shrine to Wodan, poetry, essays, asatru resources, and information about New Mexico asatru group Keeper of Seasons Hall.
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120. Meet Other Followers Of Asatru In Your Area! -
Meet other local believers in the Norse religion of asatru. This asatru Meetup is for not only asatru, but all Heathens that follow the Northern paths.
@import url(""); @import url( ); To organize a local Hurricane Support Meetup for free, email us All Asatru Meetup Groups
United Asatru Meetup Day
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