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81. Woden's Harrow: Norse / Asatru Art, Literature, Mythology, And Religion Woden s Harrow, asatru and Heathen art, original images based on Norse mythology, new and historic rune poems, the Eddas, essays, poetry, Norse symbols, http://www.angelfire.com/on/Wodensharrow/asatro.html | |
82. ASGARD Bietet Informationen zu asatru, Runen, G¶ttern und der Mythologie. Der Autor setzt sich f¼r eine Richtung ein, die er als Laienkult bezeichnet. http://home.freiepresse.de/freis/asgard.htm |
83. The Troth asatru organization with members throughout North America, and including several members in Europe and Australia as well. They publish a quarterly journal, http://www.thetroth.org/ | |
84. Internet Book Of Shadows: Asatru Resources Internet Book of Shadows, at sacredtexts.com. Collection copyright © 2003, Internet Sacred Text Archive. http://www.sacred-texts.com/bos/bos639.htm | |
85. Free English Translations Of Eddas And Sagas On The Internet List of links to resources of Germanic literature, history, and mythology, including the Eddas, sagas, and Beowulf. http://www.squirrel.com/squirrel/asatru/free.html | |
86. Internet Book Of Shadows: Raven Kindred Ritual (Asatru) Internet Book of Shadows, at sacredtexts.com. Collection copyright © 2003, Internet Sacred Text Archive. http://www.sacred-texts.com/bos/bos623.htm | |
87. Reeves Hall Of Frigga's Web Has an ambitious plan to provide supporting information for asatru organizers and organizations. the intention is to collect and compile existing material where possible; otherwise, create the material from scratch. http://www.reeves-hall.org/ | |
88. Asatru Page @ Ravnen.com A personal page for those who are interested and believe in the Old Norse Gods. In English and Norwegian. http://www.ravnen.com/indexold.html | |
89. Asatru - The Haxton's Faith asatru is the ancient religion of Northern Europe the word itself means true While asatru does not have a formal creed, this statement of beliefs by http://www.haxton.org/asatru.html | |
90. Wodans Erben- Startseite | Germanisches Heidentum | Asatru Informationsseiten mit religi¶sem Forum. Themenbereich asatru (germanisches Heidentum, Paganismus, Hexentum). http://www.wodanserben.de | |
91. Frithstead A personal page primarily dedicated to the Vanir. http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~fealcen/frithstead.htm | |
92. Asatru This ancient Pagan religion was known as asatru, an old Norse word which means While we do not believe any religion is for everyone, the asatru welcome http://www.meta-religion.com/World_Religions/asatru.htm | |
93. Synopsis Of Rydberg's Edda Structure outline and abstract of Rydberg's Edda, of which three versions have been published. http://www.squirrel.com/squirrel/asatru/mjo.html | |
94. Asatru Ks's Home Page NewGladhome Hearth, Church of asatru, is dedicated to the promotion of self expression and self responsibility through the religion known as asatru. http://hometown.aol.com/AsatruKs/Newgladhome.html | |
95. Viking Religion A text about the original viking religion and how it relates to asatru today. http://www.ragweedforge.com/vikrel.html | |
96. Rhein Wood Asatru Assembly Information about asatru including prayers and a booklist. http://rheinwoodasatruassembly.org/ | |
97. What Is Asatru? asatru is a living religion, currently practiced by a growing number of people asatru is separate from, and not connected to, any other religious faith http://www.thetroth.org/ourfaith/whatis.html | |
98. Forum Des Traditionellen Germanischen Heidentums - Powered By Tex Arts Das offizielle Forum der Germanischen GlaubensGemeinschaft mit vielen Informationen zum Themenbereich asatru, ohne viel unn¶tigen Smalltalk. http://33151.rapidforum.com | |
99. Poetic Edda English translations of several heroic poems from the Poetic Edda, by Stephan Grundy. http://www.squirrel.com/squirrel/asatru/poetic_edda.txt |
100. Asatru Tradition In Pagan And Witchcraft Directory asatru tradition in pagan, witchcraft, occult and Wicca Directory . Links for Norse gods and goddesses, Heathen organizations and rituals. http://www.branwenscauldron.com/resources/Asatru.html | |
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