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         Asatru:     more books (51)
  1. Essential Asatru: Walking the Path of Norse Paganism by Diana L. Paxson, 2006-12-01
  2. Living Asatru by Greg Shetler, 2003-07
  3. The Nature of Asatru: An Overview of the Ideals and Philosophy of the Indigenous Religion of Northern Europe. by Mark Puryear, 2006-03-22
  4. The Ásatrú Edda: Sacred Lore of the North by The Norroena Society, 2009-04-24
  5. Pagan Paths: A Guide to Wicca, Druidry, Asatru, Shamanism and Other Pagan Practices by Pete Jennings, 2002-03-01
  6. Asatru For Beginners by Erin Lale, 2009-09-01
  7. Vigja Text Sacred Hof Of Asatru's Tenets Of Faith: Asatru Norse Pagan (Volume 1) by Mothi Thorsson, 1996-01-01
  8. Living Asatru: A Handbook of Simple Celebrations by Stephen A. McNallen, 1993
  9. Hraftzer Asatru: A Complete Guide by Raymond Livwell, 2009-01-01
  10. Asatru Incarcerated by Mothi Thorsson, 2008-06-30
  11. Ásatrú in the United States: Ásatrú in the United States, Odinic Rite, the Troth, Asatru Folk Assembly, Stephen Mcnallen, Ásatrú Alliance
  12. Néopaganisme Germanique: Mysticisme Nazi, Religion Nordique Ancienne, Ásatrú, Société Thulé, Divination Des Runes, Guido Von List (French Edition)
  13. Spiritualité Dans La Mythologie Nordique: Religion Nordique Ancienne, Ásatrú, Goði, Yule, Fylgja, Hamr, Hugr, Wyrd, Sejðr, Vörd (French Edition)
  14. Religion Polythéiste: Polythéisme, Religion Traditionnelle Chinoise, Religions Mésoaméricaines, Ásatrú, Marla, Religions Du Pérou Précolombien (French Edition)

81. Woden's Harrow: Norse / Asatru Art, Literature, Mythology, And Religion
Woden s Harrow, asatru and Heathen art, original images based on Norse mythology, new and historic rune poems, the Eddas, essays, poetry, Norse symbols,
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powered by FreeFind Heathens Against Hate-mongering, racism, sexism, homophobia,
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Fare the ways to all Nine Worlds,
Mighty Laerath's limb-hoard; Find word-waves of Wodenic verse, To stun thought's strand with Thund's gift; See sights born of Sath's surf-mead, In the heart of Havi's daughter.

Bietet Informationen zu asatru, Runen, G¶ttern und der Mythologie. Der Autor setzt sich f¼r eine Richtung ein, die er als Laienkult bezeichnet.

83. The Troth
asatru organization with members throughout North America, and including several members in Europe and Australia as well. They publish a quarterly journal,
A brief introduction to our faith and our organization, including its by-laws
Want to join? Here's how!
on our Clergy accreditation programs (Godwo/man and Elder).
written by current and former Redesfolk, as well as the online copy of Our Troth
Information on our e-mail list publications , and other services
Want to know more, or meet Troth members in your area?
Find contact information here
Off-site links to affilated and related groups. Boldness Truth Honor Troth Self-Rule Hospitality Industry Self-Reliance Steadfastness Equality Strength Wisdom Generosity Family Responsibility
  • It's HERE! Volume 1 of the second edition of Our Troth is currently shipping with our deepest thanks to everyone who contributed material, proofreading expertise, and time. Visit the Our Troth page to find out more about the contents or to order on-line. And keep watching this page for news of Volume 2. We're changing our main mailing address! Our old address in Berkeley, California will still remain open, but as of June 2005, we ask that all general correspondence, membership or Idunna subscription applications, and merchandise orders be sent to:

84. Internet Book Of Shadows: Asatru Resources
Internet Book of Shadows, at Collection copyright © 2003, Internet Sacred Text Archive.

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85. Free English Translations Of Eddas And Sagas On The Internet
List of links to resources of Germanic literature, history, and mythology, including the Eddas, sagas, and Beowulf.
For Eddas and sagas in their original languages click here
I also maintain a list of in print translations which can be purchased.
$Header: /home/mch/squirrel/asatru/free.html,v 1.21 2001/05/28 18:53:33 mch Exp $

86. Internet Book Of Shadows: Raven Kindred Ritual (Asatru)
Internet Book of Shadows, at Collection copyright © 2003, Internet Sacred Text Archive.

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87. Reeves Hall Of Frigga's Web
Has an ambitious plan to provide supporting information for asatru organizers and organizations. the intention is to collect and compile existing material where possible; otherwise, create the material from scratch.
Reeves Hall of Frigga's Web
Manny Olds, Holder of the Clipboard
The Reeves Hall has an ambitious plan to provide supporting information for Asatru organizers and organizations. Our intention is to collect and compile existing material where possible; otherwise, create the material from scratch. Of course, we could use more help, but that's not a surprise, is it?
Our Rough Program of Work
  • Small pack of short, focused info pieces on Asatru to have on hand when someone needs it ("What is Asatru?", a good short rundown on the gods & goddesses, a treatise on the different flavors of Asatru, reading lists, etc.);
  • DIY rituals kit (outlines of essentials, helpful suggestions, references to existing scripts);
  • DIY Web Page kit that includes some HTML templates and a starter set of information pages and clip art;
  • Market services of FW for various guilds and halls;
  • Plus: information on tax laws, clergy certification regulations, etc. Or pointers to local sources in the various states and countries.
If you have any contributions or suggestions, please let us know.

88. Asatru Page @
A personal page for those who are interested and believe in the Old Norse Gods. In English and Norwegian.
Welcome to my Home Page What you find in here has nothing to do with Nazi Culture or Satanist Cults. This is a page for those who are interested and believe in the Old Norse Gods. You can find signs that look like the nazi symbols, but the fact is that they have taken it from the old culture. So welcome in to learn more about the old Viking Gods.
English Page
Norsk Side

89. Asatru - The Haxton's Faith
asatru is the ancient religion of Northern Europe the word itself means true While asatru does not have a formal creed, this statement of beliefs by
Asatru Asatru is the ancient religion of Northern Europe - the word itself means 'true to the Aesir (gods)'. It has been described by some as more of an ethic than a religion, although we would disagree with that. It does have a strong ethical component, best expressed in The Nine Noble Virtues . While Asatru does not have a formal creed, this statement of beliefs by Ravenswood could be considered an attempt in that direction. We are members of the Kindred of Ravenswood . While living in Minnesota, we celebrated several blots with Runehof . We were two of the founding members of Ravenswood, and Dave served as it's first godhi or priest This is the poem he wrote on the dedication of the harrow (altar) of Ravenswood. Dave has written two articles on Asatru that have been published in Idunna , the magazine of the Ring of Troth, a national Asatru organization. These were about the gods Vali and Baldr Another fine national organization is Frigga's Web . Dave serves on their Board of Trustees and also acts as webmaster for the organization. Dave is the President of the Council of Godhar of The Hoosier Heathen Alliance . This organization hosts an annual "mini-moot" (gathering) every year at our stead, usually around the Winter Nights festival (middle of October).

90. Wodans Erben- Startseite | Germanisches Heidentum | Asatru
Informationsseiten mit religi¶sem Forum. Themenbereich asatru (germanisches Heidentum, Paganismus, Hexentum).
Herzlich willkommen auf!!!
Germanisch- heidnisches Schrifttum zum nachlesen
", enthalten unter anderem: die beiden Eddas, Tacitus „Germania", das Nibelungenlied und der germanische Götterhimmel. Newsletter:
Mail-Adresse: Eintragen Austragen Besucher: Was ist germanisches Heidentum?
Das germanische Heidentum ist gleichbedeutend zur nordischen Mythologie. Wir verehren das Göttergeschlecht welches sich Asen nennt. Daher gilt heute auch eine andere Bezeichnung für „germanisches Heidentum", nämlich das Wort „Ásatrú". - Ásatrú (oder Ásatuar) hört sich fast gleich an wie „Asentreu", daher hat sich dieses umgangssprachlich eher eingebürgert bei uns. Die richtige Übersetzung bedeutet jedoch „Glaube an die Asen" (Truar= Glauben). Die Benutzung beider Übersetzungen ist nicht falsch. Ásatrú ist jedoch eine neuheidnische Bezeichnung für den Glauben und da wir eher das alte germanische Heidentum (der alte Weg, alte Sitte (forn sedr)) begehen, bezeichnen wir die Religion eher germanisches Heidentum als Ásatrú. Der Begriff Heidentum bedeutet Naturreligion. Die Anhänger der Religion werden Heiden genannt. Beide Begriffe, Heidentum und Heiden, leiten sich aus der Natur von dem Begriff „Heide" (zum Beispiel Lüneburger Heide) ab. Im menschlichen Sinne bedeutet „Heide" also sinnwörtlich „die Heide bewohnend", also mit und in der Natur leben und die Naturkräfte neben den Göttern verehren. Heiden leben so weitestgehend wie möglich im Einklang mit der Natur.

91. Frithstead
A personal page primarily dedicated to the Vanir.
Fealcen Stow's
In Association with Thorshof This is the frithstead or "peace enclosure" of Ásatru writings in Fealcen

used on this site in the modern sense of pertaining to the native pagan
religions of the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and German peoples. Please note that Fealcen Stow has a strict policy of banning
racist, sexist and homophobic material. Last Update : July 2002
To to the cyberhof of the Vanir
Writings on the Vanir and theVanic journal
- 'The Wain'
Yesterday's Faith ?

EVENTS : Forthcoming Events listed by Midgards Web
UK hE A The UK Heathen Conference 2002 LINKS :: Websites of some individual hearths and modern Heathen groups
A Guide to a modern Thing
: Practical guidelines for holding a Thing in modern times, and reports of actual Things held to date.
The Creation Myth from the North Sea Worldview The Traditional Heathen Celebratory Cycle of the Year The Place of Mother Earth in the North A discussion of the role of the ... Wyrd
Link to description of by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance Links to sites of general Anglo-Saxon and Norse interest Please note the articles and poetry on this site remain the property of the author and cannot be printed/displayed elsewhere without the author's permission.

92. Asatru
This ancient Pagan religion was known as asatru, an old Norse word which means While we do not believe any religion is for everyone, the asatru welcome
to promote a multidisciplinary view of the religious, spiritual and esoteric phenomena. About Us Links Search Contact ... Science home Religion sections World Religions New Religious Groups Ancient Religions Spirituality ... Extremism Science sections Archaeology Astronomy Linguistics Mathematics ... Contact
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Less than a thousand years ago, the elders of Iceland made a fateful decision. Under political pressure from Christian Europe, and faced with the need for trade, the Allthing declared Iceland to be an officially Christian country. Within a few short centuries the last remnants of Nordic Paganism, which once stretched through all of Northern Europe were thought dead. However, Iceland was a tolerant country and the myths stories, and legends of Pagan times were left unburnt to kindle the fires of belief in later generations. Under pressure from the famous poet, Sveinbjorn Beinteinsson, Iceland once again recognized Nordic Paganism as a legitimate and legal religion. A restoration of our ancient faith is likewise in full bloom in America.

93. Synopsis Of Rydberg's Edda
Structure outline and abstract of Rydberg's Edda, of which three versions have been published.

94. Asatru Ks's Home Page
NewGladhome Hearth, Church of asatru, is dedicated to the promotion of self expression and self responsibility through the religion known as asatru.
htmlAdWH('93212820', '728', '90'); Main
NewGladhome Hearth
NewGladhome Hearth, Church of Asatru
Wichita, Ks
NewGladhome Hearth, Church of Asatru, is dedicated to the promotion of self expression and self responsibility through the religion known as Asatru. Asatru is an ancient religion of the northern Germanic tribes prior to the year 1000 C.E. It works towards the ideals known as the Nine Noble Virtues. These virtues are: Courage, Honor, Truth, Loyalty, Hospitality, Self Reliance, Discipline, Hard Work and Perseverance.
Our Goals are:
1. Righteousness - The desire and attempt to build a life and coummunity based on rational and mutually beneficial ideals and goals.
2. Wisdom - Love and promotion of knowledge that will bring about a true since of happiness and well being.
3. Might - Strength to achieve victory or provide defense in the various arenas of interaction
4. Harvest - Prosperity of a person, a family, and institution and/or community.
5. Frith - Enjoyment and satisfaction found in living a life that embodies those virtues and ideals expressed in Asatru.
6. Love - Pursuit of physical, emotional, and spiritual pleasure, honorably, in accordance with the ideas of self respect, respect of others, and the desire and intention to promote only that which is healthy.

95. Viking Religion
A text about the original viking religion and how it relates to asatru today.
The Heathen Viking Religion
The Heathen Vikings didn't worship in the same sense as Christians.
They respected their Gods and honored them. Perhaps they made sacrifice to give thanks or ask favor in times of danger. The Gods were more powerful then men. But they were not all-powerful, or all-knowing, or entirely good. Like men, they ate, fought, played jokes, were deceived on occasion, and eventually would die. They were themselves bound by their fates, and doomed to die at the end of the world. After which, they and the world, are to be reborn and the cycle continued. While we do know something of the general beliefs, we know little of the details of practice. Most of what we know comes from an Icelandic Poet named Snorri Sturluson (1179-1241) who recorded many of the myths and histories of the time. However, he wrote two hundred years after Iceland became Christian, and says little about actual practice. This has caused problems for those individuals and groups who wish to return to the old time Nordic religion. These folks, often called "Asatru", study as much as is known of the old religion, and then build from there to fill in the gaps. Some have deliberately added new elements to adapt to modern times. As a result, there are a lot of differences among them. These differences are compounded by the fact that there is no central authority or official dogma. This is as it was in Viking times as well.

96. Rhein Wood Asatru Assembly
Information about asatru including prayers and a booklist.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
What is Asatru?
Asatru represents the beliefs and ideals of pre-Christian Northern Europe. The reader needs to understand immediately that there was nothing called Asatru at this time. The term Asatru is part of the modern reconstruction of their ancient knowledge. As Christianity ravaged across the land, there was a systematic effort to wipe out all that was non-Christian. Yet, a remnant has survived and we have been able to rebuild that which was unable to be destroyed. There have been concentrated efforts that enable us to look into the Eddas, the Sagas and archeological digs to make determinations that are the center of what we have come to believe as the most fantastic set of beliefs ever devised as a way for Spiritual expression. Much of what RheinWood Asatru Assembly accepts is taken from both the Asatru Folk Assembly (

97. What Is Asatru?
asatru is a living religion, currently practiced by a growing number of people asatru is separate from, and not connected to, any other religious faith
Home Clergy Program Contact Join ... Resources
What is Asatru?
by Gamlinginn
Asatru is a living religion, currently practiced by a growing number of people throughout the world. Asatru is separate from, and not connected to, any other religious faith (although there may be superficial similarities in some respects). The word Asatru means Faith in the Aesir and the Vanir, who are best known to most people as the Gods and Goddesses of the Old Norse legends, although these same Deities were once worshiped by most of the peoples or pre-Christian Europe, and others as far east as India (they are the Deities of the Rig Veda). However, because the Old Norse legends provide the best knowledge of them, we usually refer to them by their Old Norse names Frigg and Odinn, Tyr and Zisa, Sif and Thorr, Freyja and Freyr, and so on. Traces remain in modern English: Tuesday means Tyr's day, Wednesday means Odinn's day, Thursday means Thorr's day, and Friday means either Frigg's day or Freyja's day (scholars debate which). Asatru is open to everyone, and there are many different sorts of Asatruers (members of the Asatru Religion). Anyone who wants to join Asatru can do so regardless of gender, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, language, sexual orientation, or other divisive criteria. Asatru today is no more "European" than Christianity is "Jewish" or Islam is "Arabic" etc.

98. Forum Des Traditionellen Germanischen Heidentums - Powered By Tex Arts
Das offizielle Forum der Germanischen GlaubensGemeinschaft mit vielen Informationen zum Themenbereich asatru, ohne viel unn¶tigen Smalltalk.
» Willkommen bei Forum des traditionellen germanischen Heidentums. Wenn dies Dein erster Besuch hier ist, lies Dir die durch. Du musst Dich registrieren
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Forumsregeln und weitere Infos zum GGG-Forum
von Tobius Das Heidentum
Der überlieferte heidnische Glaube, Brauchtum, Neuigkeiten
von Berserker Die Götter
Unsere germanischen Gottheiten
von Erwin Germanische Mythen
Deutung unserer Mythen
von Geza Heiligtümer Wo die Götter wohnen... von Geza Jahresfeste Der überlieferte Götterdienst von Bjarka Grenzwissenschaften Esoterik, Orakel, Sternenkunde usw. von Geza Runenwissen Die Zauber- und Schriftzeichen des Nordens von Geza Hexentum und Zauberei Die zauberkundigen Frauen, magisches Wissen, Schamanismus von Thalavrog Heilmittel und Speisen Kräuterwissen, Rezepte von Tobius Heiden untereinander Zwischenmenschliches, Zusammenarbeit, Mitgliederseiten von Einar Gedichte Lyrik und Prosa von Tobius Schrifttum Bücher und Zeitschriften von Einar Umfragen Umfragen zu den verschiedensten Themen von Bjarka Verschiedenes Alles, was woanders nicht hineinpaßt...

99. Poetic Edda
English translations of several heroic poems from the Poetic Edda, by Stephan Grundy.

100. Asatru Tradition In Pagan And Witchcraft Directory
asatru tradition in pagan, witchcraft, occult and Wicca Directory . Links for Norse gods and goddesses, Heathen organizations and rituals.
Witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan and Occult Resources
Pagan Religions and Traditions
Anglo-Saxon Heathenism - Deals with the pre-Christian religion of the Anglo-Saxons. Includes timeline, articles, rituals, rune information, poetry, and related resources. Asatru and the Elder Futhark - Features FAQs, timeline, calendar, information, graphics, screen saver, and links to related sites. The Asatru Archive - FAQs and basic information to download. Asatru Information - Information and help for beginners. Asatru Knotwork - FAQs, forums, chat rooms, and links to related resources. [free membership required to access parts of site] Asatru/German-American Pages - Contains guides for Asatru or Pagan folk living in Michigan's Upper Peninsula as well as articles on religious freedom. Asgard - A guided tour through the realms of the Norse universe. With descriptions of the major events and gods worshiped by the followers of Asatru. Barbarian's Norse Religion Page - Describes the Gods and Goddesses of the Germanic/Norse pantheon and also offers comparisons of different types of Norse Heathen practices, a calendar of Norse ritual festivals, and links to sites related to Asatru and Norse Heathenism. - A religious society dedicated to teaching and fostering the ideas, customs, values and philosophy of the heathen Germanic peoples.

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