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         Asatru:     more books (51)
  1. Folkhaven by Robert L. Courtney, 2006-07-06
  2. Northern Lore: A Field Guide To The Northern Mind, Body & Spirit by Eoghan Odinsson, 2010-06-12
  3. A Year of Viking Rituals by Scott Mohnkern, 2009-05-26
  4. The Younger Edda Also called Snorre's Edda, or The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson, 2009-05-09
  5. The Children of Odin. The Book of Northern Myths - Latest Edition 2010 by Padraic Colum, 2010-07-10
  6. The Culture of the Teutons (Temple Library Collection) by Vilhelm Gronbech, 2010-04-19
  7. The Odin Brotherhood: A Non-Fiction Account of Contact with a Pagan Secret Society by Mark Mirabello, 2008-01-06
  8. The Children of Odin. The Book of Northern Myths by Padraic Colum, 2010-06-25
  9. The Children of Odin. The Book of Northern Myths - Extended Edition by Padraic Colum, 2010-07-15
  10. On Nothing and Kindred Subjects by Hilaire Belloc, 2010-03-01
  11. The Children of Odin. The Book of Northern Myths - Original Unabridged Version by Padraic Colum, 2010-07-15
  12. Hanging From the Tree: Living with the Runes by Scott Allen Mohnkern, 2010-03-10
  13. Laxdæla Saga by Unknown, 2010-04-06
  14. Ein Weg mit unseren Vorfahren (German Edition) by Benjamin Long, 2010-07-26

41. Ásatrú Page
With links to sagas, mythology, organizations and information about asatru.
Kom heill og sæll! You can donate money via to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund by clicking here nithings Check out my list of translations into English of Old Norse sagas and eddas . If you enjoy the sagas and can afford it, you can purchase The Complete Sagas of the Icelanders . This is a wonderful set of translations of the Old Icelandic sagas. "Búið arki að auðnu til hvers sem draga vill." Brennu-Njáls saga "Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel!" Beowulf

42. Libero - Community - Pagina Non Trovata
Venetian Aphrodite link to heathen rites among asatru, Celts, Hellenic gods, Wicca and the New Age cyber meditation from the ancient Venets.
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43. Pagan Fish
Remember the Fish Wars? Introducing the new Pagan Fish. Offers a Druid Fish and an asatru Fish.
setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Tripod TV, Movie News Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ...
, P.O. Box 291323, Temple Terrace, FL 33678-1323.

44. Asatru/Odinism
A place to learn about different traditions, network with other pagans or learn a little magick.
Jordsvin's Norse Heathen Pages
Jordsvin is one of the most wonderful talented and intelligent Heathen's I know. His site has a wealth of knowledge. A must poke through for anyone new or long into Asatru! The founders of Ásatrú in Vinland.
The Asatru Alliance is a free association of independent kindreds who practice the ancient, but ever new religion known as Asatru.
Frigga's Web
Frigga's Web is an organization established to honor the goddess Frigga. First and foremost, it is a frithstead where Heathens coming from different directions can "leave their politics at the gate" and work together in peace on matters that are important to Heathen life no matter what direction one is coming from.
Asatru Knotwork
Asatru, Asatruar, Heathen, Heathenry Many index to information on specific aspects of Asatru.
The Original Valkyries
A short, descriptive history of the Norse Valkyries.
Alfs, Dwarves, Land-Wights, and Huldfolk
Miercinga Ríce
Miercinga Ríce is a group dedicated to the study, revival, and practice of the pre-Christian religion of the Angles of the kingdom of Mercia (one of the seven kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy),and Anglo-Saxon Heathenry in general.
Anglo-Saxon Heathenism
This site is aimed at giving and explaining as much as possible concerning the pre-Christian religion and culture of the Anglo-Saxon peoples of England.

45. Midnite_gale's Norse Poetry, Heathen Magick And Runes Site
Features ancient Norse poetry, Runes and Magick, information about asatru and Heathenry, some ritual material and a Heathen contacts list.
Welcome to Midnite Gale’s Northern Mysteries and Magick website! This site is dedicated to followers of the old ways of our Norse and Saxon ancestors. It is designed to inform and inspire as well as invite communication and kinship between likeminded people. MG aims to make to site quite varied so as to include material that is of interest to Pagans, Asatru Heathens , Witches, Seithkona, Vitki , Runesters, Shamans, Warlocks, Vikings, Odinists , Wiccans, Druids and all open minded and inquisitive folk. This site also acts as a community with its own Heathen Forum
also owns an active and very friendly Yahoo! Asatru and Heathenry e-list called The Asatru Hearth If you’re interested in finding out more, follow this link… var site="sm9midnitegale" Last updated: st October 2004

An asatru Webring for Norse, Gemanic Heritage, a viking religion.
setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Tripod Dating Search Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next
It is also NOT intended for Nazi propaganda - you dishonor my people. I am proud of my heritage through the accomplishments of my ancestors, not through hatred. It is NOT intended for "Frey the gay" sites- you dishonor my Gods. It is intended for those who honor the Teutonic Gods and Goddesses. It is for the RELIGION - not the politics. Your site must be in English. Your site must contain information about our religion. Your site must contain information about ASATRU. NO LINKS WEBPAGES. This Webring is important to me and others who are on it. It is not "just another webring." I will not accept sites put in by "Webring junkies." The URL you submit must be the URL that the webring banner is on. If you can agree with this, then copy and paste the web banner HTML below. Please keep it as is. When you have the banner up on your webpage, e-mail me
This Asatru Webring site is maintained by YOUR NAME HERE Want to join? [Prev] [Next] [List Sites]

47. ÁSATRÚ Alliance, World Tree Publications · THORR'S HAMMERS
Offers asatru related books, folk music, audio and video tapes, and mead horns.

48. Miercinga Ríce Anglo-Saxon Heathen Pages
The official web site of the Miercinga This page provides basic information on rituals, the gods, and beliefs of asatru, Theodish Belief, and esp.
var mbutton30818 = new MOverButton("anchor30818","image30818","What is Heathenry?"); mbutton30818.SetNormalImage("button1.gif",173,32); mbutton30818.SetActiveImage("over_button1.gif",173,32); mbutton30818.SetClickImage("over_button1.gif",173,32); var mbutton32523 = new MOverButton("anchor32523","image32523","What is Theodism?"); mbutton32523.SetNormalImage("button2.gif",155,32); mbutton32523.SetActiveImage("over_button2.gif",155,32); mbutton32523.SetClickImage("over_button2.gif",155,32); var mbutton114 = new MOverButton("anchor114","image114","What is the Ealdriht?"); mbutton114.SetNormalImage("button3.gif",201,32); mbutton114.SetActiveImage("over_button3.gif",201,32); mbutton114.SetClickImage("over_button3.gif",201,32); Miercinga Ríce is a group dedicated to the study, revival, and practice of the pre-Christian religion of the Angles of the kingdom of Mercia (one of the seven kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy),and Anglo-Saxon Heathenry in general. The Angles were among the Germanic tribes which migrated from Continental Europe to Great Britain in the fourth and fifth centuries. Their religion was related to that of the Scandinavians of the Viking Age as well as that of other ancient Germanic peoples. The beliefs of the Miercinga Ríce are therefore related to the modern religious movement known as Ásatrú, a revival of the ancient Scandinavian pagan religion. The beliefs of the Miercinga Ríce are also a form of Þéodisc Geléafa (Theodisc Geleafa or Theodish Belief as some call it); the "belief of the tribe."

49. Heathen Europe
Networking and information on Heathen, asatru, Vanatru (and all such groups) related topics to all interested people living in Europe.
Heathen Europe Email Group
Articles: The game of Hnefatafl Rune Casting The Hammer Rite Askeladden's guide to blót arrangement ...
Partner Sites
A heathen web site for the people of northwest Europe.
The aim of this site is to provide information on Heathen, Asatru, Anglo Saxon, Odinist, Norse Tradition etc. related topics to all interested people living in our little corner of the world. We want to put people in contact with one another, advertise events and gatherings and give a forum for discussion on subjects close to our hearts. So take a look around and get active in your local heathen community! If you have anything extra you wish to contribute; kindred listing, solitary and looking for others? social gatherings, pub moots, articles or artwork then get in contact with Heathen Europe and we'll post them on the site. Last updated by Dyflin
This site has been visited COUNTerLESS times since 08/04/01

50. Asatru Bibliography
asatru Bibliography. Futhark , Edred Thorsson. 1986 Weiser. Runelore , , 1987 Weiser. A Book of Troth , Llewellyn (outof-print).
Asatru Bibliography
Futhark , Edred Thorsson. 1986 Weiser.
Runelore , "", 1987 Weiser.
A Book of Troth , "" Llewellyn (out-of-print).
Nine Doors of Midgard , "", Llewellyn.
Teutonic Magic , Gundarsson, Llewellyn.
Teutonic Religion Gundarsson, Llewellyn.
A Practical Guide to the Runes , Peschel, Llewellyn.
Teutonic Mythology , Grimm, Dover (out-of-print).
Egil's Saga Many editions.
Poetic Edda Hollander, 1987 University of Texas Press.
The Secret of the Runes , List (tr. Flowers), Destiny Press.
Rune=Magic , Kummer (tr. Thorsson), Runa-Raven Press 1992.
Prepared by Chris Travers, ARCANA Bibliographies

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52. The Pagan Pride Project Website
The Pagan Pride Project fosters pride in Pagan identity by hosting public Pagan rituals to honor the Autumn Equinox. Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Druids, asatru, Mages and other members of earthbased, neoclassical, or magickal spiritual paths gather to support charity and educate the public about Pagan religions.
The Pagan Pride Project The upcoming 2005 Pagan Pride events will collect money for multiple charities helping the Hurricane Katrina effort. Some of these are listed below. Rev. Velvet Reith, herself a resident of New Orleans, and coven mates are already getting food to the victims, and will be buying supplies and taking them to the city in the next couple weeks. Cash donations can be directed to 318 Ash St Franklin TN 37064, Red Cross: , 1-800-HELP NOW matches people with spare rooms to victims who need them Officers of Avalon is collecting money via their Avalon Cares program Pagan Pride press release: Pagan Pride Project to Collect for Katrina Victims Go to PPP website home page
Duke Egbert, Executive Director, Pagan Pride Project, Inc, PO Box 441422, Indianapolis, IN 46244
Good karma and great thanks to DrakNet for site hosting! This page has been accessed times since 4/5/2005

53. Asatru - Religious Cults, Sects And Movements
Research resources on religious cults, sects, and alternative religions asatru.
An Apologetics Index research resource
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FAQs and Reference
About this page

A traditional Norse pagan religion somewhat similar to, but different from, Wicca
Don't call Steve Corum a warlock. He is a witch, the chief godhi (lawgiver) of an Asatru circle based in Walnut Creek. If you call him or, for that matter, any priest in pagan or heathen traditions a warlock, it's considered highly offensive. ''Very derogatory,'' Corum says. ''Warlock means oath- breaker.''
Seven years ago, Corum converted from Christianity to Asatru (meaning ''speak the truth'' in old Icelandic). This traditional Norse religion is similar to Wicca, says Corum. But he says it is decidely more male-centered.
"Most pagan religions are very feminine-heavy, but in Norse, we emphasize more the divine marriage between gods and goddesses," Corum says. "But we still give reverence to the old (religion). We're honest in our affairs with family, kindred. We believe in the Three Fold Law, that any negative spell you send out comes back to you three times negative." Corum says the Norse tradition differs from Wicca and other pagan religions in two respects:
  • Norse followers prefer to describe themselves as heathens, not pagans Corum says they use the term to refer to those from Germanic cultures.

54. Untitled Document
Offers degrees in paganism, asatru, magik, and a variety of other esoteric subjects.
If not redirected, click here Please bookmark of the new home of
Home Site Map Get a Doctorate Degree ... Contact Us

55. Links: Ásatrú, Culture, History,Runes...
Links Ásatrú as an Earth Religion of Aesir and Vanir, Ásatrú organizations, Icelandic Eddas, culture and history of Ásatrú, rituals, poems and songs.
Corryne's Links!
This is Corryne of Halifax's own pagan radio show. That's CKDU Community Radio, 97.5 FM, Fridays at 7:00 p.m., The Witching Hour and The Heretic Heart Most of the sites I recommended highly. Make sure you have plenty of time on hand before you go surfing. Some of these sites will keep you reading for a long, long time... Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance , a very excellent site run by four dedicated volunteers, to promote well, exactly what the name says. For further information in print, make sure to visit the Frigga's Web Bookstore >
Happy reading... First here's a guide to the organization of this page:
  • Dan Miller's Asatru web-site , with links
  • The Bifrost Kindred of Edmonton
  • Dylan's Heimpage
  • from the Temple of the Lady
  • and of course our own
  • and
    International, overseas, and larger-scale North American organizations
  • 56. The Gathering Place For Pagans And Historians
    asatru, Wicca, Druidic Shamanism. Celts, Germans, Norse. Legends, Folklore, Customs, Myths, Traditions, and History.
    setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
    Search: Lycos Angelfire 40 Yr Old Virgin Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next This page has been taken off line. Half the content came up missing, hence the page looked like total crap. Will be back shortly.

    57. The Irminsul Aettir Asatru Page
    The Irminsul Aettir asatru Page has moved to http// 100000 plus visitors since January 27, 1996.
    The Irminsul Aettir Asatru Page
    has moved to:

    100,000 plus visitors since January 27, 1996.

    58. Odsmal, Profound Edda, Science Of Heathenry - Homepage -
    Book about profound theosophy of heathenry and asatru.
    Book about profound life-philosophy of
    /ásatrú/paganry/gnosis/Freycult panþeon/polyþeon

    the beauty of the wisdom of our pagan forefathers,
    the heathens / heiðnir menn / heiðingjar,
    easily understood mystics in heathenry of edda
    through quantum physics, modern science
    fun and joy for the common reader
    and every earnest seeker of Truth
    Now as you never heard before (in The mystics of Reality, ginnungagap. A great book from Iceland / Ísland the book Óðsmál: A discussion between the little talkative wise völva and the heathen Norse god Óður during a single northern starlit winter-night of unexpected revelation. cover design by author To order book Óðsmál here (secure server order form), click fancy button link "Order Now" (below left, secure). To find DVDs on: The Symbolic Language of edda

    59. Lehto
    Yhdistys luonnonuskontojen (mm. wicca, asatru, druidismi) harjoittajille ja luonnonuskonnoista kiinnostuneille.
    etusivu lehto luonnonuskonnot wicca ...
    In English
    Lehto - Suomen Luonnonuskontojen yhdistys ry.
    Lehto - Suomen Luonnonuskontojen yhdistys ry.on kaikille Suomessa
    jonka tarkoituksena on parantaa luonnonuskontojen tuntemusta ja
    yhteiskunnallista asemaa Suomessa.
    Lehdon Tiedotus
    Jos haluat ilmoittaa jostain Lehdon nettisivuihin tarvittavasta

    60. An Introduction To Asatru
    This ancient Pagan religion was known as asatru, an old Norse word which means Other Gods and Goddesses are worshipped by the asatru, including Tyr,
    An introduction to Asatru
    Less than a thousand years ago, the elders of Iceland made a fateful decision. Under political pressure from Christian Europe, and faced with the need for trade, the Allthing declared Iceland to be an officially Christian country. Within a few short centuries the last remnants of Nordic Paganism, which once stretched through all of Northern Europe were thought dead. However, Iceland was a tolerant country and the myths stories, and legends of Pagan times were left unburnt to kindle the fires of belief in later generations. Under pressure from the famous poet, Sveinbjorn Beinteinsson, Iceland once again recognized Nordic Paganism as a legitimate and legal religion. A restoration of our ancient faith is likewise in full bloom in America. This ancient Pagan religion was known as Asatru, an old Norse word which means Troth (loyalty) to the Gods, and modern Asatru is nothing less than the complete revival of the ancient Norse Pagan religion. Our religion does not concern itself solely with the Gods and Goddesses. We seek the old mysteries of the land, and honor the Landvaettir (land spirits) who dwell in the trees and rocks and are tied to the land and waters. We also honor our ancestors, both those who have gone to the other worlds, and those such as the Disir, who remain connected to Middle Earth in order to watch over and protect their family. We of the Asatru believe that the goal of living is to lead a worthwhile and useful life, and we reject both the decaying fabric of modern culture as well as the phony moralisms of those who would plunge us back to the dark ages. Our values are based on individual liberty, tempered with responsibility, as outlined in the Nine Noble Virtues: Courage, Truth, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Industriousness, Self-Reliance, and Perseverance. In keeping with this independent spirit, we reject religious hierarchy and dogma, even as we respect learned teachers and the ways of our faith.

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