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         Asatru:     more books (51)
  1. Asatru' - The Hidden Fortress by Edred Wodanson, 1995
  2. Neopaganismus: Wicca, Walpurgisnacht, Ásatrú, Keltisches Baumhoroskop, Viking Metal, Neue Rechte, Julfest, Neuzeitliche Druiden (German Edition)
  3. Lebensstil: Religion, Eremit, Kultiviertheit, Ásatrú, Yuppie, Bohème, Bourgeoisie, Barfüßigkeit, Schlafkultur, Individualismus, Konformität (German Edition)
  4. Asatru Texts
  5. Runestone Journal, Issue 1 by Asatru Folk Assembly, 2007
  6. Voices of Modern American Asatru Women by steffanie snyder, 2009-01-01
  7. What is Asatru? by Stephen A. McNallen, 1985
  8. The Values of Asatru by Stephen A McNallen, 1988
  9. Ásatrú in the United States
  10. Rituals of Asatru by Stephen A McNallen, 1985
  11. THE RELIGION OF ODIN: A HANDBOOK by Asatru Free Church Committee, 1978
  12. Sojourn: The Epic by Thomas Coghlan, 2003-04-15
  13. Reflections on Northern Heathenism by Mike Wolf, 2009-09-02
  14. The Elder Troth: An Introductory Course of Study by Kveldúlf Hagan Gundarsson, 2009-06-08

21. Asatru Folk Assembly
Long before Christianity came to Northern Europe, our ancestors there had their own, native religions. One of these was asatru. It was practiced by

22. Hermandad Ásatrú Argentina -"Martillo De Thor" / Alianza Del Lobo
Presentazione dell'asatru, l'antica religione europea degli dei nordici Odino e Thor. Link a siti correlati.
Hermanad Ásatrú Argentina - Martillo de Thór
Secoli addietro, gli uomini che abitavano quella che oggi chiamiamo Europa, avevano la stessa religione . Una religione antichissima , che risale alle origini dell’apparizione dell’uomo in questo territorio , migliaia di anni fa . Questa religione del Nord Europa , fu chiamata Ásatrú ( o Asatro). L’Ásatrú è la parte meglio conservata sino ad oggi di questa religione ancestrale .
Con l’arrivo del cristianesimo in Europa, l’Ásatrú incominciò ad essere oggetto , prima di una intensiva campagna di evangelizzazione , e immediatamente dopo di una persecuzione feroce ed atroce , che provocò una moltitudine di uccisioni. Le loro feste sacre furono usurpate , i loro monumenti e le loro statue vennero distrutti e i “demoniaci “Ásatrúar assassinati nel nome di un Dio che era loro estraneo.
E fu così che l’Ásatrú entrò in un letargo che durò centinaia d’anni , appena rotto da piccoli gruppi o semplici individui che praticavano la loro religione , in molti casi ponendo in gioco la loro stessa vita. Forse, il gruppo più eccellente entro questo periodo fu “La Fratellanza di Odin” ( The Odin Brotherhood) , una società segreta antica di 579 anni. Molti si chiederanno com’è possibile che ci sia gente Ásatrúar in argentina , un paese tanto lontano dall’Europa del Nord , nel quale la religione maggioritaria è il cattolicesimo e la lingua e la cultura sono totalmente differenti . Però non dovrebbe esserci nulla di cui sorprendersi . Gran parte del nostro popolo discende da Europei , da quegli stessi europei (Visigoti, Ostrogoti, Bretoni, Sassoni , Angli, Longobardi, Vikinghi, Germani in generale) che secoli fa praticavano l’Ásatrú.

23. The Troth
asatru organization with members throughout North America, and including several members in Europe and Australia as well. They publish a quarterly

The asatru Alliance web presence containsinformation about the ancestral religion of asatru the asatru Aliance and its activities , bylaws and

25. Asatru_Religion
The asatru Religion. A selection of works and essays describing the of works and essays describing the religion of asatru, and more especially

26. Miercinga R Ce Anglo-Saxon Heathen Pages
The official web site of the Miercinga This page provides basic information on rituals, the gods, and beliefs of asatru, Theodish Belief, and esp .

27. Asatru-U
asatruU develops and publishes asatru (Germanic Heathen) courses for If you would like help with your asatru studies, ask the Heathen Mentors,
Reeves Hall of Frigga's Web
Would you know more, or what?
Asatru-U develops and publishes Asatru (Germanic Heathen) courses for different kinds of students; for different levels of rigor and abstraction; and for directed and independent study. We operate loosely under the umbrella of the Reeves Hall of the Frigga's Web Association . Our discussion archives and drafts are on Yahoo! Groups. If you would like to help develop courses, sign up for the Asatru-U mailing list at Yahoo! Groups (visit or send e-mail to ) or e-mail the coordinator If you would like help with your Asatru studies, ask the Heathen Mentors , a group of slightly more experienced heathens, who have volunteered to answer questions, and generally reach out a helping hand to people who want someone to talk to about heathenry.
Course Catalog
Name Description
Beginner's Course
This self-study program is designed for people who have a strong interest in Asatru and want to learn about the gods, rituals, and central ideas of Heathen religion. We expect that most people will take between three and six months to complete the entire course. When you have finished, you should have a good basic knowledge of:
  • the gods and goddesses of Asatru other beings we honor (e.g., land-spirits)

28. Norse Mythology
Introduction to the main characters and tales of Norse mythology with bibliography by Nicole Cherry.

29. Ásatrú-U Beginner's Course -- Spring 2001 Edition
The first seven documents are general overviews of asatru and are fairly short. Following that is an article on the difference between Wicca and asatru
Welcome! This self-study program is designed for people who have a strong interest in Asatru and want to learn about the gods, rituals, and central ideas of Heathen religion. We expect that most people will take between three and six months to complete the entire course. When you have finished, you should have a good basic knowledge of: -the gods and goddesses of Asatru
-other beings we honor (e.g., land-spirits)
-the concept of Wyrd ("fate")
-Heathen ideas about the soul and afterlife
-the modern Heathen community - its ideals, organizations, and differences
-types of magic practiced by some Asatruar We hope that this course will equip you to dig deeper into areas that draw you as you continue learning about Heathenism. As you go through the course, one thing that will quickly become apparent is that there is no one "right way" to practice Asatru. In selecting the readings and links for the course, we have aimed to give you some sense of the diversity of ideas and practice within Heathen religion. Ultimately, it is up to you to make your own decisions about what Asatru means to you and how you will practice it. We hope that this course will prove useful to you, and we wish you well on your learning journey! The Asatru-U Committee , Frigga's Web Association,

30. The Swedish Asatru Society
Information about the Society and its activities, as well as ancient norse myths, legends and cultural history.

31. The Northvegr Foundation
Organization dedicated to the promotion of the Northern Way, a Reconstructionist Tribalist tradition endeavoring to rebuild the religion and culture

The asatru Alliance web presence containsinformation about the ancestral religion of asatru,the asatru Aliance and its activities , bylaws,and articles

33. Asatru Holidays
This asatru Calendar has been prepared to aid members of the asatru Faith properly He was an adherent of asatru who persisted in organizing underground
2253 R.E.
This Asatru Calendar has been prepared to aid members of the Asatru Faith properly schedule Feast Days and days of mandantory ritual observance . Some Feast Days may be observed on the nearest Saturday to the actual observance . However , The High Feast Days of Ostara , Midyear , Winter Finding , and Yule must be observed on the listed dates because of their solar significance .
Snowmoon (January) 3rd
This is the date of an agricultural ritual performed in Northern Europe, when grain crates were offered for the soil's fertility, and Father Sky and Mother Earth were invoked to that end. Meditate upon your dependence on the soil, and crumble upon the soil a piece of bread (natural or homemade of course) as you call upon Odin, Frigga and the Land Spirits to heal the Earth and to keep it safe From harm.
Snowmoon (January) 9th
Raud was a land owner in Norway who was put to death by Olaf Tryggvason (Olaf the Slime) far his loyalty to Asatru by having a snake forced down his throat. His lands were of course confiscated in the name of the king and his monks. Raise a horn in honor of Raud and all of our kinsmen who gave their lives rather than submit to the enforced "love" of the empire of the Christians.
Snowmoon(January) 18th
This holiday began the Old Norse month of Snorri. It is still observed in Iceland with parties and a mid-winter feast. It is of course sacred to Thor, and the ancient Icelandic Winter spirit, Thorri. On this day we should perform a blot to Thor and invite the mighty Asaman to the Feast.

34. Germanic Neopaganism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Ásatrú describes a variety of efforts to revive the indigenous, The religions that Ásatrú revitalizes were an integral part of the culture of the region
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Germanic Neopaganism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Asatru Reconstructions of the traditions of Germanic paganism began with 19th century Romanticism . From the , various Neopagan movements based on pre-Christian Germanic faiths have emerged. Heathen Old Norse hei°inn ), the Germanic translation of Latin paganus , is preferred by some adherents as a self-description. In the USA satrº †sir faith") and Odinism are widely used as a generic term for Germanic paganism, while in Britain Heathenry , and in Scandinavia Forn Sed ("Old custom") is current. Other organizations make a sharp distinction between these terms, for example the non-profit Northvegr Foundation
  • Terminology edit
    satrº is an Old Norse consists of sa , the genitive of ss , referring to one of the two families of gods in Norse myth, and trº , literally "troth" or "faith". Thus, satrº is the "†sir faith." The term is the Old Norse/Iselandic translation of

35. Rabenclan E.V. - Arbeitskreis Für Heiden In Deutschland - Rabenclan.StartSeite
Die offizielle Seiten des Arbeitskreis der Heiden in Deutschland e.V. , einem Verein von naturreligi¶sen Menschen asatru, Kelten, Hexen und Schamanen.
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Arbeitskreis für Heiden in Deutschland e.V.
Start Seite
  • Startseite Information in English Wir über uns Impressum / Kontakt ... Der Rabenclan - Arbeitskreis für Heiden in Deutschland e.V. Der Rabenclan ist eine Interessenvertretung für naturreligiöse Menschen . Wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass naturnahe Religionen im 21. Jahrhundert frei von Vorurteilen erforscht, diskutiert und gelebt werden können. Der Rabenclan vertritt Einzelpersonen, Gruppen und Traditionen ganz unterschiedlicher Ausrichtung wie z.B. Hexen, Wicca, Asatru, Neu-Kelten oder Menschen, die sich an graeco-romanischen, slawischen oder schamanischen Traditionen orientieren. Sie alle können als "heidnisch" beschrieben werden. Wir glauben, dass das Wissen und die Lebenseinstellung solcher Religionen/Kulturen eine sinnvolle Bereicherung für das heutige Leben und für die moderne Gesellschaft sein können. Wir informieren deshalb über zeitgenössisches (Neu-)Heidentum, vernetzen interessierte Menschen und veranstalten Feste sowie Tagungen. Wir leben moderne Formen naturreligiöser Kulturen und Lebensweisen. Der Rabenclan engagiert sich aktiv gegen rassistische und demokratiefeindliche Weltanschauungen , die naturreligiöse Traditionen und Begrifflichkeiten missbrauchen. Er unterstützt als Modell für ein nachhaltiges Leben die

36. Heathenry & Homesteading
Many aspects of farming and simple living from an asatru point of view.

37. Asatru Basics
Ingeborg s Unofficial Ásatrú FAQ. This FAQ clears up many of the misconceptions about Ásatrú. It is an excellent primer for those completely new to the
Dedicated to aiding the sincere seekers
A Statement of Purpose
Erich's Definition of Ásatrú
A definition that is brief yet inclusive of many major aspects of the religion.
What does "Heathen" really mean?
For all of those wondering what this frequently used term means exactly
Ingeborg's Unofficial Ásatrú FAQ
This FAQ clears up many of the misconceptions about Ásatrú. It is an excellent primer for those completely new to the religion. Historical Reconstruction An excellent brief essay dealing with some very basic Ásatrú history and the methods by which modern practicioners reconstruct a religion. The Nine Noble Virtues The list of virtues often referred to as the NNV, prevalent in the modern practice of Ásatrú. A Heathen Reading List for Beginners Sometimes the hardest part of learning is finding out where to start one's studies. This booklist should alleviate some of that stress.
Blót Basics
This brief synopsis outlines a typical blót, explains some ettiquette, and succintly states the essentials in purpose and practice.
The Basics of Sumbel
This is a very concise explanation of the Sumbel; extremely helpful to one planning on attending a gathering.

38. Social Problems And Occult Tendencies: SIMPOS Information
AMORC, Anthroposophy, asatru, Astrology, Alice Bailey, Castaneda, Eckankar, Findhorn, Gurdjieff, Heaven's Gate, Jung, NeuroLinguistic Programming, Neo-Pagans, Order of the Solar Temple, Ordo Templi Orientis, Reich, Rosicrucians, Satanism, Scientology, Spiritualism, Theosophy, Wicca and other topics.
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powered by FreeFind All information, available through this site, remains the authors' responsibility
Links to (mainly critical) information on occult tendencies (more extensive index here
General Adi Da (Da Free John) Aetherius Society ... etc. What social questions? Agriculture Animals Armed forces Aristocracy ... Women To top of file Nederlands: home page E-mail:

Ásatrú has been recognized officially in Iceland, but also has a large following Ásatrú is focused on honoring the two families of gods and goddesses,
by Erich Campbell The word "Ásatrú" literally translates as "faith in the gods," but it is best described as the modern rebirth of the indigenous, pre-Christian faith of the Nordic/Germanic peoples. It is a polytheistic faith, meaning that it honors a pantheon of numerous gods and goddesses. Many of the names of these gods and goddesses remain part of our modern culture. One example is found in the days of the week, i.e. Wednesday is Woden's (Odin's) Day, Thursday is Thunar's (Thor's ) Day, Friday is either Frigga's Day or Freya's Day (scholars debate which). Ásatrú has been recognized officially in Iceland, but also has a large following throughout Scandinavia and in America, England, Germany, and other countries. Ásatrú is focused on honoring the two families of gods and goddesses, the Æsir and the Vanir, but it also holds a belief in various other land spirits and a reverence of ancestors. Many follow a list of nine virtues, referred to as the Nine Noble Virtues, that have been culled from the Eddas (our primary sources) and the Sagas. These virtues are: Courage, Truth, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Industriousness, Self-reliance, and Perseverance. Ásatrú has a strong emphasis on individual spiritual experience, however, Ásatrú people often form small groups. These groups are variously known as kindreds, hearths, garths, felags, halls, etc. Some have a designated priest or priestess, while others rely on inspired volunteers to lead the celebrations. A priest is referred to as a Goði, a priestess as a Gyðja. There is a great deal of importance placed on the study of the literature, folklore, and history pertaining to the original religious and cultural elements upon which Ásatrú is based.

40. Welcome Rune Work
Dedicated to the study of the Futhark, asatru, and Rune Reading.
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