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41. Wagner-Jauregg, Julius -- Compton's Desk Reference - Your Gateway To All Brit wagnerjauregg, julius body Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist. http://deskreference.britannica.com/ebc/article?tocId=9382210 |
42. International: Italiano: Salute: Medicina: Medici E Ricercatori: Wagner-Jauregg, Translate this page International Italiano Salute Medicina Medici e Ricercatori wagner-jauregg,julius - Open Site. http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Salute/Medicina/Medici_e_Ricercatori | |
43. International: Italiano: Salute: Medicina: Medici E Ricercatori - Open Site wagnerjauregg, julius (0); Waksman, Selman Abraham (0); Wald, George (0);Warburg, Otto Heinrich (0); Watson, James Dewey (0); Weller, Thomas Huckle (0) http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Salute/Medicina/Medici_e_Ricercatori | |
44. Articles - Julius Wagner-Jauregg References. Nobel Foundation the 1927 Medicine and Physiology Award Magda Whitrow.julius wagnerjauregg (1857-1940). London Smith-Gordon, 1993. http://www.1-electric.com/articles/Julius_Wagner-Jauregg | |
45. Julius Wagner-Jauregg (www.whonamedit.com) julius wagnerjauregg Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist, born March 7, 1857,Wels, Oberösterreich; died September 27, 1940, Vienna. http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/2753.html | |
46. Constantin Von Economo (www.whonamedit.com) julius wagnerjauregg Dr. Constantin Baron Economo von San Serff . julius vonwagner-jauregg Economo as savant and investigator. http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/2786.html | |
47. Malaria.html In 1927 the Viennese psychiatrist julius wagnerjauregg was awarded one of only julius wagner-jauregg, The History of the Malaria Treatment of General http://bms.brown.edu/HistoryofPsychiatry/malaria.html | |
48. Kipkeepers, Pox And Gleet Vendors: A Rapid History Of Syphilis - Julius Von Wagn julius Von wagnerjauregg. Copyright 1999 by the University of Florida. http://medinfo.ufl.edu/other/histmed/clancy/slide65.html | |
49. Julius Wagner-Jauregg (1857-1940) -- Haas 72 (1): 105 -- Journal Of Neurology, N julius wagnerjauregg (18571940). LF Haas. wagner-jauregg began his medicalstudies at the University of Vienna in 1874. His career was rooted in the new http://jnnp.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/72/1/105 | |
50. M&i Klinikgruppe Enzensberg Translate this page wagner-jauregg, julius. Synonym Ritter Wagner von Jauregg. julius, österreichischerNeurologe und Psychiater, * 7. 3. 1857 Wels, + 27. 9. http://www.enzensberg.de/index.shtml?alle_eintraege&vid=0&val=1803550 |
51. M&i Klinikgruppe Enzensberg Translate this page die geeignete Klinik in unserer Klinikgruppe für Sie Gesundheitslexikon.wagner-jauregg, julius. julius, österreichischer Neurologe und Psychiater, * 7. http://www.enzensberg.de/index.shtml?karriere |
52. Lexikon Julius Wagner-Jauregg julius wagner-jauregg aus der freien Enzyklopädie http://lexikon.freenet.de/Julius_Wagner-Jauregg | |
53. Institut Fürm Geschichte Der Medizin: Translate this page Biographie von julius wagner-jauregg. wagner-jauregg, julius, in Wels,Oberösterreich, am 7. März 1857 geboren, absolvierte seine medizinischen Studien http://www.univie.ac.at/medizingeschichte/wagnerjau_biographie.htm | |
54. Nominalkataloge es ordnet also Wagner, Richard vor wagner-jauregg, julius . http://www.univie.ac.at/ubwdb/katzoom/nk.html | |
55. Magda Whitrow - Book Review Julius Wagner-Jauregg (1857-1940 julius wagnerjauregg (1857-1940). London Smith-Gordon, and Niigata-Shi, JapanNishimura, 1993. xxiv + 221 pp. £20.00 (paperbound). http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/bulletin_of_the_history_of_medicine/v070/70.1br_whi |
56. The Bulletin Of The History Of Medicine, Volume 70 - Table Of Review of julius wagnerjauregg (1857-1940) Subjects. wagner-jauregg, juliusvon, 1857-. Reviewer Sengoopta, Chandak. Efron, John M. Review of Defenders http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/bulletin_of_the_history_of_medicine/toc/bhm70.1.htm | |
57. Especiales Diario Médico Translate this page El nóbel del año. julius wagner-jauregg Además de sus estudios sobre enfermedadespsiquiátricas, wagner-jauregg realizó un gran número de trabajos sobre http://www.diariomedico.com/medicinasiglo/nobel1927.html | |
58. Nachrichten.at Translate this page julius wagner-jauregg ist der Begründer der modernen Psychiatrie. Der Name deroberösterreichischen Landesnervenklinik erinnert an diesen großen Arzt, http://www.nachrichten.at/landsleute/370416 | |
59. Julius Wagner-Jauregg - Werner Horvath - Neuer Konstruktivismus Translate this page Kunst aus Oesterreich von Werner Horvath im Stil des Neuen KonstruktivismusJulius wagner-jauregg. http://members.telering.at/art4u/042.htm | |
60. KFUG: UNIZEIT 1/97 Das Schaffen von Nobelpreisträger julius wagner-jauregg in Graz http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/communication/unizeit/archiv/vor1999/197/1-97-07.html | |
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