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61. WHKMLA : Biographies Of Austria, By Period wagnerjauregg, julius, 1857-1940, winner of the 1927 Nobel Prize for Medicine Nobel e-Museum, 92 lines, illustrated Wittgenstein, Ludwig Joseph Johann, http://www.zum.de/whkmla/biographies/germany/bioxausper.html | |
62. WHKMLA : Biohraphies Of Austria, In Alphabetic Order wagnerjauregg, julius, 1857-1940, winner of the 1927 Nobel Prize for MedicineWaldheim, Kurt, 1918-, Austrian statesman, 1971-1981 Secretary General of the http://www.zum.de/whkmla/biographies/germany/bioxaustria.html | |
63. Scientists: Life Sciences Thompson, Guy Lawrence Trudeau, Edward Livingston Varmus, Harold Eliot Virchow, Rudolf wagnerjauregg, julius Waksman, Selman Abraham http://www.factmonster.com/spot/scibio4.html | |
64. 20th Century Year By Year 1927 wagnerjauregg, julius, Austria, Vienna University, b. 1857, d. 1940 for hisdiscovery of the therapeutic value of malaria inoculation in the treatment of http://www.historycentral.com/20th/1927.html | |
65. Augenblicke - Julius Wagner-Jauregg julius wagner-jauregg in seinen Lebenserinnerungen, erschienen 1950 http://www.wissenschaftskalender.at/kalender/0128/augen0128.html | |
66. Augenblicke - Julius Wagner-Jauregg julius Wagner-Jaureggin einer Aufnahme der RAVAG am 9.3.1937. http://www.wissenschaftskalender.at/kalender/0927/augen0927.html | |
67. Julius Wagner-Jauregg â Biography julius wagnerjauregg Biography. julius Wagner - his father Adolf Johann Wagnerwas granted the title Ritter von Jauregg only in 1883 -was born on March http://www.geocities.com/nobelprices/wagner/ | |
68. ORF ON Science - Erinnerungspolitik (1): Zur Entsorgung Julius Wagner-Jaureggs Translate this page julius wagner-jauregg war NS-Rassenhygieniker (13.1.04) Zwei Punkte dazuWenn wagner-jauregg für die Sterilisierung der oben genannten Personengruppen http://science.orf.at/science/mattl/103817 | |
69. List Of Austrians: Information From Answers.com julius wagnerjauregg. Hans Asperger, pediatrician (most known for work on autism;see Asperger s syndrome); Leopold Auenbrugger, physician 1722-1809 http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-austrians | |
70. Nobel Prize - Neuroscience 1927, wagnerjauregg, julius, 3/7/1857 to 9/27/1940, Austrian, Discovery ofMalaria inoculation to treat dementia paralytica. 1932, Adrian, Edgar Douglas http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/nobel.html | |
71. Julius Wagner-Jauregg (1857–1940) julius wagnerjauregg (18571940). Reviewed by Dominic Beer. Bexley Hospital, Kent.Full text. Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1036904 |
72. Manucorp.com - Encyclopédie : Julius Wagner-Jauregg Translate this page Accueil \ Encyclopédie julius wagner-jauregg julius wagner-jauregg, médecinneurologue et psychiatre allemand (1857-1940), prix Nobel de physiologie http://www.manucorp.com/encyclopedie/Julius_Wagner-Jauregg | |
73. Freud's Megalomania - Israel Rosenfield julius wagnerjauregg. Biography at Nobel Prize site. Other books on Freud underreview. Adam Phillips considers Darwin s Worms (and The Death of Freud) http://www.complete-review.com/reviews/rosenfdi/freudsm.htm | |
74. Findings:@Everything2.com julius and Ethel Rosenberg julius Caesar I.ii julius Caesar Vv julius wagnerjauregg If you Log in you could create a Pope julius II node. http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=Pope Julius II |
75. Feature: Malaria Nobel Prizes | CDC Malaria julius wagnerjauregg received the 1927 Nobel Prize for his discovery of thetherapeutic value of malaria inoculation in the treatment of dementia http://www.cdc.gov/malaria/features/index_20041220.htm | |
76. Graves julius Wagner his father Adolf Johann Wagner was granted the title It wasduring this period that wagner-jauregg became acquainted with the use of http://www.zboray.com/graves/Vienna/jauregg.htm | |
77. WaWa wagnerjauregg, julius von (1857-1940) Austrian physician, author, neurologist,journalist. Born March 7, 1857 in Wels, Austria, he won the 1927 Nobel Prize http://www.philately.com/philately/biowawa.htm | |
78. Nobel Prize - Neuroscience 1927, wagnerjauregg, julius, 6/5/1862 to 7/28/1930, Austrian, Discovery ofMalaria inoculation to treat dementia paralytica. 1932, Adrian, Edgar Douglas http://www.univ.trieste.it/~brain/NeuroBiol/Neuroscienze per tutti/nobel.html | |
79. Encyklopedia: Wagner Von Jauregg Wagner von Jauregg, wagnerjauregg, julius (1857-1940), austriacki lekarz psychiatrai neurolog. 1889-1893 profesor uniwersytetu w Grazu http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/24721,haslo.html | |
80. PILOTS Database "Persons" Term List // National Center For Post-Traumatic Stress wagnerjauregg, julius West, Louis J Wharton, Edith Wilbur, Cornelia B Woolf,Virginia Wright, James. Return to Previous Page Return to Home Page http://www.ncptsd.va.gov/publications/pilots/Persons_List.html | |
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