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Wagr Syndrome: more detail |
81. Www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/C11/C11.250.60.html 100800 ACHONDROPLASIA; ACH 101200 APERT SYNDROME 101400 COMPONENT OF wagr syndrome; GUD 137440 GERSTMANN-STRAUSSLER DISEASE; 194050 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS 194072 wagr syndrome 194080 http://www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/C11/C11.250.60.html |
82. MUMS List Of Disorders - U - Z WSyndrome (1); wagr syndrome (Wilms Tumor-Aniridia-Gonadoblastoma M.lR.) (8) *;Waardenburg Syndrome (6); Waardenburg Syndrome Hirschsprung Disease (1) http://www.netnet.net/mums/mum_u-z.htm | |
83. Health Library - Oncology Wilms Tumor Wilms tumor have one of three genetic syndromes, including the following.wagr syndrome - the acronym WAGR stands for the four diseases present in WAGR |
84. Glossary In Congenital Malformations NeuroLearn NeuroHelp wagr syndrome Wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinarytract malformation, andmental retardation. Waaler-Aarskog syndrome Questionable autosomal dominant http://moon.ouhsc.edu/kfung/JTY1/NeuroHelp/ZNG0BS01-W.htm | |
85. Index W: Contact A Family - For Families With Disabled Children: Information On wagr syndrome see Aniridia WWS see Lissencephaly WaardenburgHirschsprung diseasesee Waardenburg syndrome Waardenburg syndrome http://www.cafamily.org.uk/Idx/w.html | |
86. HEALTHMEDNET Waardenburg Syndrome. wagr syndrome. Waldenstrom s Macroglobulinemia. Waldmann Disease.Walker Warburg Syndrome. Walking aid. Walking Pneumonia http://www.epscorp.com/healthmednet/w.htm | |
87. Government And Academic Resources On Wagr Syndrome Government and academic resources on wagr syndrome. http://books.mongabay.com/health/conditions/Wagr_Syndrome.html | |
88. Search By Disease wagr syndrome. 17, WalkerWarburg syndrome. 18, Warburg syndrome. 19,Ward-Romano syndrome (WRS). 20, WBS. 21, Werdnig Hoffmann disease http://www.eddnal.com/directory/disease.php?letter=W&page=2 |
89. l¼An¼ð¥µ½Çóa¼©W@åa@ Von Willebrand facter. Voodoo death. wagr syndrome. WardRomano syndrome.Water-hammer pulse. Wegener s granulomatosis. Wegener s granulomatosis http://square.umin.ac.jp/kennsa/echocardiography/text/disease_with_named.html | |
90. Current Opinion In Oncology - UserLogin wagr syndrome consists of W ilms tumor, a niridia, g enital anomalies, Children with wagr syndrome carry constitutional deletions in a number of genes, http://www.co-oncology.com/pt/re/cooncology/fulltext.00001622-200105000-00014.ht | |
91. Definitions Of Genetic Disorders-W Wilms TumorAniridia-Gonadoblastoma-Mental Retardation syndrome wagr.htm WilmsTumor Aniridia Gonadoblastoma Mental Retardation aniridia.htm http://www.icomm.ca/geneinfo/def-w.htm |
92. WAGR, Syndrome : Arborescences MeSH page PubMed du motclef page CISMeF du motclef http://www.chu-rouen.fr/navimesh/W/naviwagrsyndrome.html | |
93. Gene: [11p13/WT1] Wilms Tumor Suppressor 1; Wilms Tumor 1 (nephroblastoma; Mesot Wilms tumor suppressor 1; Wilms tumor 1 (nephroblastoma; mesothelioma?); wagrsyndrome (MIM194072); DenysDrash syndrome (MIM194080); wagr WTCR1 http://obi.img.ras.ru/humbio/hugen/11p13_WT1.htm | |
94. American College Of Surgeons JACS Reprint In contrast to wagr, children with the DenysDrash syndrome with Wilms tumorhave only point mutations of the WT1 gene.13 These patients account for http://www.facs.org/jacs/articles/grosfeld3.html | |
95. Aniridie SNOF syndrome wagr des anglo-saxons (Wilms tumor, Le syndrome wagr est en rapport avec le gène WT1 qui est le gène http://www.snof.org/maladies/aniridie.html | |
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