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Wagr Syndrome: more detail |
61. Aniridia For a child to be considered as having wagr syndrome, he / she must exhibit aminimum of two of the four conditions * S Aniridia factsheet http://ibis-birthdefects.org/start/aniridia.htm | |
62. Cancer Syndromes wagr syndrome ANIRIDIA AND ABSENT PATELLA WILMS TUMOR 1 ECTOPIA PUPILLAE . The syndrome subsequently became known as the wagr syndrome. http://ibis-birthdefects.org/start/cancersy.htm | |
63. Netwd Health Directory: WAGR Syndrome Information and resources from Netwd health directory wagr syndrome. http://netwd.com/diseases/genetic-disorders/wagr-syndrome.html | |
64. Results Of The Search Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in solitary kidney in wagr syndrome. M Merta . Aniridia as part of a wagr syndrome in a girl whose brother presented http://invention.swmed.edu/trite/abstracts/user-1015659130/results.shtml | |
65. Wilms Tumor wagr syndrome the acronym WAGR stands for the four diseases present in WAGRsyndrome, including Wilms tumor, aniridia (absence of the iris, http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/uvahealth/peds_oncology/wilms.cfm | |
66. Wilms' Tumour - Genetics Medline Search Wilms tumor AND wagr syndrome (PubMed) Limit search to Last Related Resources; wagr syndrome (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, http://www.cancerindex.org/geneweb/X210202.htm | |
67. Health Library - 137357 GENITOURINARY DYSPLASIA COMPONENT OF wagr syndrome; GUDIn the wagr syndrome, the G stands for genitourinary dysplasia, the other featuresbeing aniridia and mental retardation. The evidence from studies of |
68. Oncology - Wilm's Tumor wagr syndrome the acronym WAGR stands for the four diseases present in WAGRsyndrome, including Wilms tumor, aniridia (absence of the iris, http://www.chkd.org/Oncology/wilms.asp | |
69. Library Page Numbers 10 To 15 A submicroscopic deletion of 11p13 associated with the wagr syndrome, Third Case of wagr syndrome with severe obseity and constitutional deletion of http://www.chromodisorder.org/sytrix/card_list.php3?dbid=80&maxlist=10 |
70. Please Help CDO Chromosome Deletion Outreach, Inc. Chromosome 11 Deletion/wagr syndrome Support Group www.wagr.org Spanish Associationof Aniridia. 10q information home.comcast.net/~daryl59/10q/ http://www.chromodisorder.org/support2.htm | |
71. Wilms' Tumor - Children's Hospital Boston wagr syndrome the acronym WAGR stands for the four diseases present in WAGRsyndrome, including Wilms tumor, aniridia (absence of the iris, http://www.childrenshospital.org/az/Site1808/mainpageS1808P0.html | |
72. Human Protein: Q6LD16 - Wilms' Tumor Gene (Fragment). EMBL Bioinformatic Harvest and/or wilms tumor. there is phenotypic overlap with wagr syndrome and frasiersyndrome. inheritance is autosomal dominant, but most cases are sporadic. http://harvester.embl.de/harvester/Q6LD/Q6LD16.htm | |
73. MEDIS-Research-Division Of Human Genetics-Members-J.Crolla B., Verloes, A. Three patients with hallucal polydactyly and wagr syndrome, Perotti, D. Bilateral preaxial polydactyly in a wagr syndrome patient. http://www.som.soton.ac.uk/research/geneticsdiv/members/jcrolla.htm | |
74. Prague Medical Report Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in solitary kidney in wagr syndrome. page 069 Abstract wagr syndrome consists of Wilms tumour, aniridia, http://www.lf1.cuni.cz/article.asp?nArticleID=1318&nLanguageID=1 |
75. Wilms Tumor - Children's Memorial Hospital (Chicago, IL) wagr syndrome. The acronym WAGR stands for the four diseases present in WAGRsyndrome, including Wilms tumor, aniridia (absence of the iris, http://www.childrensmemorial.org/depts/cancer/wilms1.asp | |
76. Renal Failure In The Denys-Drash And Wilms' Tumor-Aniridia Syndromes -- Breslow Children with the wagr syndrome invariably have a constitutional One patientwith the wagr syndrome died of endstage renal disease at the age of 27.0 http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/full/60/15/4030 | |
77. WAGR-oireyhtymä - Kehitysvammahuollon Tietopankki WAGRoireyhtymä on varsin harvinainen sairaus, jonka nimi tulee wagr syndrome,OMIM, Victor A. McKusick 11p13, WT1 to 11p11.2, MDK, The OMIM Gene map http://www.saunalahti.fi/kup/syndroma/wagr.htm | |
78. Wilm's Tumor wagr syndrome the acronym WAGR stands for the four diseases present in WAGRsyndrome, including Wilm s tumor, aniridia (absence of the iris, http://www.chw.org/display/PPF/DocID/1997/router.asp | |
79. ULTRASOUND Messages For March, 1999: Re: Adrenal, Enlarged, Fetal NEPHROBLASTOMATOSIS, AND FETAL GIGANTISM 194072 wagr syndrome *147470 INSULINLIKE CAT 137357 GENITOURINARY DYSPLASIA COMPONENT OF wagr syndrome; http://forums.obgyn.net/ultrasound/ULTRASOUND.9903/0053.html | |
80. The Health Library Genetics And Birth Defects Waardenburg Syndrome Type 1GeneReviews. wagr syndrome. wagr syndromeWAGR.org wagr syndromeeMedicine wagr syndromeOMIM, NCBI. Williams Syndrome http://healthlibrary.stanford.edu/resources/internet/bodysystems/genetic_mca_sw. |
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