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         Tuberculosis:     more books (100)
  1. Tuberculosis in Infancy and Childhood by Theophilus Nicholas Kelynack, 2010-03-05
  2. TUBERCULOSIS as it comes and goes by Edward W. Hayes, 1943
  3. International HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria: key changes to U.S. programs and funding.(CRS Report for Congress): An article from: Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs by Kellie Moss, 2008-08-01
  4. The Open-Air Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis by F W. Burton-Fanning, 2010-02-26
  5. Breves Consideraciones Sobre El Tratamiento Antiseptico De La Tuberculosis (1888) (Spanish Edition) by Pedro Guevara, 2010-05-23
  6. Clinical significance of the blood in tuberculosis, by Gulli Charlotte Lindh Muller, 1943
  7. Pamphlets, Homoeopathic: Tuberculosis by Anonymous, 2010-03-05
  8. The Association of Human and Bovine Tuberculosis by Edward F. Brush, 2010-02-28
  10. Diets in Tuberculosis: Principles and Economics by Noel Dean Bardswell, 2010-02-24
  11. Report of Fifty-Five Apparent Cures of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Occurring in Working People Who Were Treated at a Dispensary Without Interruption to Their ... Treatment of Comsumptive Working People by John F. Russell, 2010-02-28
  12. The modern attack on tuberculosis by Henry Dexter Chadwick, Alton S. Pope, 1942
  13. Pulmonary tuberculosis in adults and children by James Alexander Miller, 1939
  14. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Interactions with the Immune System (Infectious Agents and Pathogenesis)

101. Ron's Official Waverly Hills Website
Pages with photographs, history, and current status of the Waverly Hills tuberculosis sanatorium near Louisville, Kentucky.;;;;

102. TB Structural Genomics Consortium - Home
A fluoroquinolone resistance protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis that The Gordon Conference on tuberculosis Drug Development will be held this year
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August 12th, 2006 12:00 PM In August's medical journal The Lancet Infectious Disease, they report that The Global Alliance for TB drug Development and its partners have begun human trials on the new tuberculosis drug PA-824 (Nature 2000; 405: 962-66). No new classes of anti-TB drugs have been on the market in the last 30 years, so this is very exciting news.
New TB drug target Indicate a potential ( new ) TB drug target
Latest five targets with status deposited Latest five targets with status deposited See the whole list michael james citE Celia Goulding ...
Last modified: Apr 11, 2005 13:53 pm

103. Vigilancia Epidemiológica
Informaci³n sobre leptospirosis, c³lera, dengue, hepatitis viral, paludismo, sarampi³n, HIV/SIDA, t©tanos y tuberculosis.

Dengue Hemorrágico

Hepatitis Víricas
La información contenida en cada web de las enfermedades fue tomada de: "Las Enfermedades Transmisibles en el Hombre", Unidad Centro de Información de la Dirección Vigilancia de la Salud del Ministerio de Salud. Vigilancia Epidemiologica
*Bienestar y salud igual para todos*

104. Tuberculosis : The Department Of Health - P&G: Health Topics: Tuberculosis
tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, also known as the tubercle bacillus .
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You are here: DH home Policy and guidance Health and social care topics Tuberculosis
Changes to the BCG vaccination programme in England
Published: 18 August 2005
On 6 July 2005, a letter from the Chief Medical Officer, Chief Nursing Officer and Chief Pharmaceutical Officer (PL/CMO/2005/3) detailed changes in national BCG vaccination policy. This operational note provides further information and advice to help PCTs and local BCG services to adapt to these policy changes. (Gateway reference 5360).

105. BBC NEWS | Health | Medical Notes | Tuberculosis
Health officials are struggling to contain an outbreak of TB in Leicestershire. BBC News online examines a disease which is posing a growing threat around


World Service
... Newswatch Last Updated: Saturday, 8 February, 2003, 15:52 GMT E-mail this to a friend Printable version Tuberculosis Modern medicine is facing a resurgence of TB There has been a resurgence of tuberculosis around the world. TB, which is a disease of the respiratory system, is now the biggest killer of women, according to new research from the World Health Organisation. Figures show that 8.8 million people world-wide are infected with the disease. It is estimated that two million deaths resulted from TB in 2002 alone. How long has TB been killing people?
TB or Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been killing people for thousands of years. Tissue samples from Egyptian mummies over 4,000 years old show signs of being infected with the disease. Some estimate that TB was responsible for around 20% of all deaths in England and Wales in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the 19th and 20th centuries there has been a steady decline in deaths from the disease in industrialised countries. This was given a boost by the development of penicillin and other antibiotics in he last 50 years. But the decline began to level out in he 1980s and since then the incidence of the disease has started to increase again. Some scientists have said the number of people around the world infected with TB has reached a 10-year high.

106. Places In Time
CourierJournal article about the history of Waverly Hills tuberculosis Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky, and its neighborhood.
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The Courier-Journal n the first half of this century, the Waverly Hills Tuberculosis Sanatorium gave a lot to the neighborhood below it. Cinders from its boiler room paved a portion of East Pages Lane beginning at Dixie Highway. And almost every family near the intersection found some employment there. The hospital was built on a mountain ridge off Dixie Highway in 1911 through the efforts of several prominent Louisvillians who were concerned about the spread and treatment of tuberculosis. Over the years, the neighborhood around it acquired the name. But the hospital no longer operates there, and these days the area is known as Waverly Hills to only a very few. Most of the hospital buildings that still stand are vacant and nearly hidden from the road below. However, a few of the houses once used by doctors are now private residences on East Pages Lane. The entrances to the hospital have been closed off, but residents say teen-agers walk up there anyway. Charles Severs, a Valley Station physician who now owns the main hospital building, has reported extensive vandalism.

107. Tuberculosis Web Sites
A source of USTB statistics from 1999 is the Division of tuberculosis Questions and Answers About tuberculosis (Frequently Asked Questions)
Consumer Health Sites Ask NOAH About: Tuberculosis
Preguntale a NOAH Sobre la Tuberculosis

Information in English and in Spanish presented by the New York Online Access to Health (NOAH) project Enfermedades - Tuberculosis
This Spanish language page from the Centers for Disease Control contains links to pamphlets including "Tuberculosis - !Enterese!" and "Tuberculosis - La Conexion entre TB y el VIH (el virus del SIDA)." Informacion per Tuberkulozin (1)
Informacion per Tuberkulozin (2)

These fact sheets about tuberculosis are in Albanian. They are posted on the Centers for Disease Control's Division of Tuberculosis Elimination Web site which states the pamphlets were "adapted ... by the Division of Tuberculosis Control, Virginia Department of Health from materials developed in 1993 by the New York State Department of Health." MEDLINEplus: Tuberculosis
The U.S. National Library of Medicine's consumer health site has links to many tuberculosis related resources, including fact sheets, guided direct searches of the PubMed medical journal article database, other government sites, etc. Minority Lung Disease Data - Tuberculosis (TB)
A fact sheet from the American Lung Association's "Lung Disease in Minorities 1999" booklet. The site covers recent U.S. historical trends. However, the most recent statistics listed are from 1996. A source of U.S. T.B. statistics from 1999 is the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination's "

108. El Fondo Mundial De Lucha Contra El SIDA, La Tubercolosis Y La Malaria - Inicio
Organizaci³n cuyo prop³sito es aumentar los recursos en la lucha contra el SIDA, la tuberculosis y la malaria.
PUESTOS VACANTES PREGUNTAS Navegación principal - Elija un país - Afganistán Argelia Angola Argentine Armenia Azerbaiyán Bangladesh Bielorrusia Belice Benín Bután Bolivia Botswana Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Camboya Camerún República Centroafricana Chad Chile China Colombia Comores República Democrática del Congo Costa Rica Costa de Marfil Croacia Cuba Djibouti Dominicana, República Timor Oriental Ecuador Egipto El Salvador Guinea Ecuatorial Eritrea Estonia Etiopía Gabón Gambia Georgia Ghana Global (FLM) Guatemala República Guinea Guinea Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras India Indonesia Irán Jamaica Jordania Kazajstán Kenia Kosovo (Serbia y Montenegro) Kirguistán Laos Lesotho Liberia Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malí Mauritania Moldavia Mongolia Marruecos Mozambique Multi-país África (RMCC - Comisión regional de control de la malaria) Multi-país América (Andinos) Multi-país América (CARICOM) Multi-país América (CRN+) Multi-país América (Meso) Multi-país (OECS) Multi-país Pacífico occidental Myanmar Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Korea Pakistán Panamá Papúa-Nueva Guinea Paraguay Perú Filipinas Rumanía Federación Rusa Ruanda San Tomé y Príncipe Senegal Serbia y Montenegro Sierra Leona Somalia Sudáfrica Sri Lanka Sudán Suriname Swazilandia Tadjikistan Tanzania Tanzania Tailandia Togo Turquía Uganda Ucrania Uzbekistán Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Haga sus donaciones ahora!

109. - Tuberculosis
tuberculosis The Journal accepts online submissions as of the 28th of February 2005 tuberculosis is a speciality journal focusing on the latest research
Home Site map Regional Sites Advanced Product Search ... Tuberculosis Journal information Product description Editorial board Abstracting/indexing For advertising and sponsorships For Authors Guide for authors Online Submission Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal related information Most downloaded articles Other journals in same subject area About Elsevier Select your view TUBERCULOSIS
The Journal accepts online submissions as of the 28th of February 2005. Please visit the Author Gateway for further details
Patrick Brennan, Douglas Young

See editorial board for all editors information
Tuberculosis is a speciality journal focusing on the latest research advances relevant to tuberculosis control and elimination. The journal publishes original research and reviews on the host response and immunology of tuberculosis and the molecular biology, genetics and physiology of the organism.
Areas covered include:
  • immunology immunogenetics pathogenetics microbiology microbial physiology pathogenesis pathology molecular epidemiology diagnostics vaccine development drug resistance
The resurgence of interest in tuberculosis has accelerated the pace of relevant research and Tuberculosis has grown with it, as the only journal dedicated to biomedical research in tuberculosis.

110. IUATLD Tuberculosis Division
tuberculosis and Public Health for Health Care Professionals. Reviews on issues in tuberculosis, applied epidemiology, and courses. An affiliation of the International Union Against tuberculosis and Lung Disease.
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111. Tuberculosis News
tuberculosis News continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.
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Tuberculosis News

112. Tuberculosis Control
TB Logo This site provides access to information about tuberculosis (TB) The tuberculosis Control program, located in the Public Health Division of the
Epidemiology is part of Public Health in North Carolina
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This site provides access to information about tuberculosis (TB) disease and prevention in North Carolina. The Tuberculosis Control program, located in the Public Health Division of the NC Department of Health and Human Services, is the lead agency in combating tuberculosis in the state. Tuberculosis is a communicable, potentially deadly disease that usually affects the lungs but can attack other parts of the body as well. It is spread when a person with an active case of TB breathes out the disease-causing bacteria, which are then inhaled by another person. TB is treatable and usually curable, although new drug-resistant strains are appearing that are very difficult to treat. It is vital that TB patients faithfully follow their treatment regimen and take all medications as directed, for as long as directed, or the disease can recur in a drug-resistant form. In 1950, North Carolina had 89.9 cases of TB for every 100,000 people. In 2003, North Carolina had a TB rate of 4.6 cases per 100,000 persons. Now, the goal of the TB Control program is to reduce tuberculosis disease in North Carolina by the year 2010 to under one case per one million persons, virtually eliminating TB in the state.

113. Tuberculosis Screenig Services (TSS)
Information on services including TB skin testing, preemployment screenings, and Hepatitis B vaccinations with evening appointments and group rates. All services satisfy Louisiana State Health Department requirements.
TB Testing TSS offers low cost, convenient TB skin testing. We feature evening appointments and group rates. All services satisfy Louisiana State Health Department requirements. You can come to us, or we can come to you! Check out our: Company Profile Many occupations require TB testing and Hepatitis B vaccinations, are you up to date? Louisiana State regulations require annual TB testing for health care faculty and students, volunteers and medical providers, including staff in residential facilities. We are the TB Skin Test Specialists! Link to Tulane School of Medicine Satisfied Clients Audubon Zoo Join our satisfied customers and we'll put your name here too!! We offer our clients:
  • a solid background of experience and medical expertise. the elimination of the expense and inconvenience of a private doctor visit. on-site and office evening appointments.

114. DANTB - Danida Assisted Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme
Information about the organization, initiatives, publications, a resource directory as well as the details about the disease itself.

115. Tuberculosis Program
tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease of both animals and humans. Begun in 1917, the Cooperative StateFederal tuberculosis Eradication Program,

Factsheet (PDF)

Surveillance (PDF)


Michigan Bovine
TB Project

Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease of both animals and humans. It is caused by three specific types of bacteria that are part of the Mycobacterium group: Mycobacterium bovis, M. avium, and M. tuberculosis. Bovine TB, caused by M. bovis, can be transmitted from livestock to humans and other animals. No other TB organism has as great a host range as bovine TB, which can infect all warm blooded vertebrates. M. avium can affect all species of birds, as well as hogs and cattle. M. tuberculosis primarily affects humans but can also be transmitted to hogs, cattle, and dogs. Factsheet for more detail. For common questions and answers about Bovine TB click here New Bovine Tuberculosis UMR Released by USDA
As of January 1, 2005, a new Bovine TB UMR is in effect for the United States. The new UMR may be reviewed and printed by selecting the link to the left. A new Cervid Tuberculosis UMR is being written. Until it is released, the cervid regulations outlined in the

116. :: ABC De La Tuberculosis - UITB - Unidad De Investigación En Tuberculosis De B
Informacion sobre tuberculosis, tratamientos, prevencion, vacunas, lineas y proyectos de investigacion, documentos, casos clinicos, novedades, congresos, eventos y cursos.
english version 9550 visitantes.
Visitas por días y por países
(Última actualización: 5 de Julio de 2005 )
Objetivos de la UITB
Requisitos generales
2. Exigencia de contar con todos los recursos y los enfermos de tuberculosis del area de referencia.
Tuberculosis en general/sida
Conferencia de consenso Reuniones, grupos de trabajo 1er proyecto integrado* Disponibilidad recursos infraestructura V-94 VI-95 IX-95 I-96
Honduras Sites!

117. Tuberculosis
tuberculosis is a disease caused by an infection with the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Search: All NetDoctor Diseases Medicines Home News and features News News archive Newsletter Features Encyclopaedia Diseases Examinations Medicines Premium services SMS services StayQuit thediet Health centres ADHD Allergy and asthma Children's health Depression ... All health centres Discussion and support Discussion forums Support groups Services Ask the doctor Find a hospital Search Medline Test yourself Information About NetDoctor Commercial opportunities Tuberculosis Reviewed by Dr Gavin Petrie , consultant respiratory physician
What is tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by an infection with the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
During the 19th century, up to 25 per cent of deaths in Europe were caused by this disease. The death toll began to fall as living standards improved at the start of the 20th century, and from the 1940s, effective medicines were developed.
However, there are now more people in the world with TB than there were in 1950, and 3 million individuals will die this year from this disease - mainly in less developed countries.
The disease is more common in areas of the world where poverty, malnutrition, poor general health and social disruption are present.

118. Philippine Tuberculosis Society Inc. Website
Dedicated to the prevention, treatment and control of TB in the country. Includes information about the disease and the organization.

Burden of Illness

PTSI Critical Role and Continuing Needs

How to Help Fight the Lung Diseases

PTSI is a non-profit charitable organization founded on July 29, 1910, to combat the spread of tuberculosis and kindred diseases in the Philippines. It has been in the forefront in the fight against TB ever since.
November 22 - 26, 2004
The Quezon Institute Hospital is inviting you to attend th 5-day seminar-wokshop on ICD-10 Coding on November 22 - 26, 2004 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Audio Visual Room of Radiology Department, Quezon Institute, E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave., Quezon City.
Resource speakers are headed by Dr. Juan M. Lopez of the Department of Health, National Epidemiology Center. For more information, please call 781-37-61 to 65 loc. 112.
News Archive:
Pulmonary Medicine Specialty Training

World TB Day
Controlling TB The Manila Manifesto
Quezon Institute Hospital ... Click here for your donation We want to hear from you: For more information email us at:

119. Canadian Lung Association - Asthma, COPD, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Smoking, And
Information on a variety of conditions, including asthma, sleep apnea and tuberculosis, plus a drug information search. Includes information about the respiratory system, and a kid's corner.
Provincial Sites
British Columbia
Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba ... Prince Edward Island
Back to School:
Kids and teens with asthma are heading back to school. Help start the school year right by making sure their asthma symptoms are well controlled. Learn how you can manage your child’s asthma Get information for teenagers with asthma at Visit the Kids’ Corner
The Lung Association is proud to be the Respiratory Diseases Affiliate to the Canadian Health Network
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The Canadian Lung Association site strives to provide you with timely, accurate information, which is not intended for diagnosis or self treatment . 1-888-566-LUNG (5864)
Privacy Statement

120. OSH Answers: Tuberculosis
What are the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis? How is tuberculosis transmitted?Should tuberculosis be an occupational concern?
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Contact Us Help Canada Site Web Info Service ... Shop@CCOHS Tuberculosis What is tuberculosis? What are the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis? How is tuberculosis transmitted? How is tuberculosis recognized? ... Should tuberculosis be an occupational concern? OSH Answers Feedback Printer Friendly Layout Inquiries Service
The Inquiries Service at CCOHS answers questions on the health or safety concerns people have about the work they do. More on Inquiries Service
Printer Friendly Layout Biological Hazards Tuberculosis
What is tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by a germ called Mycobacterium tuberculosis . The germ usually causes an infection in the lungs, but sometimes it can affect other parts of the body. What are the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis? The signs or symptoms of tuberculosis are common to many other diseases. They are:
  • loss of weight loss of energy poor appetite fever and wet cough
How is tuberculosis transmitted? Tuberculosis is transmitted through the air from exposure to germs in the saliva of infected persons and sputum coughed up from their lungs. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, tiny droplets which contain the germs are released and can be inhaled by employees or anyone in the area. The germs inhaled through the nose and mouth reach the windpipe (trachea) and the dividing air tubes (bronchi) that lead to the lungs. The germs can spread from the initial location in the lungs to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. Within weeks from infection, the immune system which is the infection control mechanism of the human body, reacts to the germs and usually prevents them from multiplying and spreading. Not everyone infected develops the disease. In fact, about 90% of infected persons remain infected for life without having any symptoms.

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