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41. Townsend Letter For Doctors And Patients: Transient Global Amnesia: A Side Effec Full text of the article, transient global amnesia a side effect of statin treatment from Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, a publication in http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_253-254/ai_n6176270 | |
42. Southern Medical Journal: Marijuana-induced Transient Global Amnesia.(Case Repor Access the article, Marijuanainduced transient global amnesia.(Case Report) from Southern Medical Journal, a publication in the field of Health Fitness http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb290/is_200408/ai_n6397505 | |
43. Log In Problems transient global amnesia is typically described as amnesia of sudden onsetregarding events of the present and the recent past. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/488052 | |
44. Transient Global Amnesia And Related Disorders - Markowitsch H.J. (Ed.) transient global amnesia and Related Disorders. 1990 260 pp. , hardcover US$58.00 / CAN $68.00 / Euro49.95 (SFr. 88.00 / £34.80 ). ISBN 0920887-70-8 http://www.hhpub.com/books/isbn/0-920887-70-8.html | |
45. UCLA Department Of Medicine - Wfsection-Transient Global Amnesia UCLA Department of Medicine Homepage provides information of the UCLA MedicalCenter including Latest News, Proceedings of UCLA Healthcare, Useful Weblink, http://www.med.ucla.edu/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=38 |
46. UCLA Department Of Medicine - Downloads Be the first person to review transient global amnesia. Other files by kmng transient global amnesia © copyright 2005 http//www.med.ucla.edu http://www.med.ucla.edu/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=3&lid=13 |
47. Transient Global Amnesia: Implicit/explicit Memory Dissociation And PET Assessme The dynamic time course of memory recovery in transient global amnesia J. Neurol.Neurosurg. Psychiatry, November 1, 2004; 75(11) 1532 1540. http://www.jnnp.com/cgi/content/abstract/63/3/357 | |
48. Transient Semantic Amnesia: A New Syndrome? -- HODGES 63 (4): 548 -- Journal Of The term transient global amnesia was first coined by Fisher and Adams in 1964 to transient global amnesia provides a model of severe, yet transient, http://www.jnnp.com/cgi/content/full/63/4/548 | |
49. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent transient global amnesia following coronary angiography and angioplasty We report two cases of transient global amnesia (TGA) after coronary http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1445-5994.2005.00833.x | |
50. Evidence Of Acute Ischemic Tissue Change In Transient Global Amnesia In Magnetic transient global amnesia is a benign syndrome of suddenonset alteration ofbehavior with temporary dysfunction of anterograde and recent retrograde memory. http://jon.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/15/2/203 | |
51. Unilateral Temporal Lobe Stroke Causing Ischemic Transient Global Amnesia: Role Ischemia has been proposed as a cause of transient global amnesia (TGA), butproof has been lacking. The authors performed magnetic resonance imaging on a http://jon.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/11/3/317 | |
52. Episodic Memory In Transient Global Amnesia: Encoding, Storage, Or Retrieval Def transient global amnesia (TGA)1 2 is a neurological syndrome the operational Memory and cerebral blood flow in cases of transient global amnesia during http://jnnp.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/66/2/148 | |
53. Bitemporal Hypoperfusion In Transient Global Amnesia: 99m-Tc-HM-PAO SPECT And Ne Aortic dissection presenting with transient global amnesialike symptoms The dynamic time course of memory recovery in transient global amnesia http://jnnp.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/53/4/339 | |
54. Ask The Expert transient global amnesia. Q. I am a nurse and recently had a patient ask me about A. transient global amnesia is an acute syndrome of memory loss, http://www.mhsource.com/expert/exp1021102b.html | |
55. Transient Global Amnesia Orlistat transient global amnesia ORLISTAT SAVE 80%. · a yeast infection of the mouth orvagina PROPECIA through its inhibitory action serves to reverse this process http://www.renegades.nu/weight-loss/adipex/transient_global_amnesia_orlistat.htm | |
56. Transient Global Amnesia After Intake Of Tadalafil, A PDE-5 Inhibitor: A Possibl We describe a patient who had a transient global amnesia (TGA) after his firsteveruse of tadalafil, a potent PDE-5 inhibitor. Despite the fact that the http://www.medcompare.com/litupdate.asp?ArticleID=6792 |
57. Amnesia transient global amnesia. This type of amnesia has no consistently While veryfrightening for the patient, transient global amnesia generally has an http://www.chclibrary.org/micromed/00037090.html | |
58. Amnesia Amnesia refers to the loss of memory. Memory loss may result from twosided Some types of amnesia, such as transient global amnesia, are completely http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/amnesia.jsp |
59. IngentaConnect Transient Global Amnesia Or Transient Epileptic Amnesia? transient global amnesia or transient epileptic amnesia? Authors Bauer, G.; Benke,Th.; Unterberger, I.; Schmutzhard, E.; Trinka, E. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/oup/qjmedj/2005/00000098/00000005/art00383 | |
60. Case 1197_07 --Transient Global Amnesia transient global amnesia and cortical blindness after vertebral Transient globalamnesia following cerebral angiography with nonionic contrast medium. http://www.scvir.org/members/caseclub/1197/1197_07/1197_07.htm | |
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