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81. Chlamydia Trachomatis (causes The Diseases Trachoma And Lymphogranuloma Venereum A bacterium that causes the human diseases trachoma, which can result in blindness, trachoma is the most common cause of blindness worldwide, http://www.museums.org.za/bio/eubacteria/chlamydia_trachomatis.htm | |
82. Trachoma trachoma is one of the oldest infectious diseases known to mankind. VISION 2020 national plans that address trachoma are written in line with the http://www.v2020.org/Eye_disease/trachoma.asp | |
83. Trachoma trachoma Updated June 3, 2005. About trachoma International trachoma Initiative; trachoma Helen Keller International; trachoma CHC Wausau Hospital Medical http://www.noah-health.org/en/infectious/diseases/bacteria/trachoma.html | |
84. Search Result For "Trachoma" About trachoma; trachoma; trachoma; WaterRelated Diseases trachoma http//www.noah-health.org/en/infectious/diseases/bacteria/trachoma.html http://www.noah-health.org/search/results.php?lang=1&keyword=Trachoma&dtype=1 |
85. Physicians & Students/ Trachoma The signs of trachoma are usually more severe and more frequently present They may be the cause of foreign body sensation in chronic trachoma patients. http://www.eyeweb.org/trachoma.htm | |
86. Trachoma Top / Society / Issues / Health / Conditions and Diseases / trachoma. International Eye Foundation trachoma Onepage factsheet; How to prevent trachoma http://www.reference.com/Dir/Society/Issues/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Trach | |
87. CHRISTIAN BLIND MISSION INTERNATIONAL ~ Trachoma CBMI is leading the world in preventing and curing blindness and offering enabling care to blind and ortherwise disabled people in the developing world http://www.cbmicanada.org/trachoma.htm | |
88. World Vision Canada - Trachoma In Niger World Vision Canada is an international Christian humanitarian relief and development organization. Our focus is on children, the poor and oppressed of the http://www.worldvision.ca/home/content-archives/content-stories/trachoma-in-nige | |
89. BioSpace News: Trachoma International trachoma Initiative Release New Study Reaffirms Progress Towards The study, conducted among villagers suffering from blinding trachoma in http://www.biospace.com/news_rxtarget.cfm?RxTargetID=51 |
90. EyeOrbit - Trachoma A Brief Discussion trachoma A Brief Discussion Accompanied By Photographs Of Its Ocular By William Charles Caccamise Sr., MD Although trachoma is considered to be the http://www.eyeorbit.org/article.php?story=20050423114608232 |
91. Lionsclubs.org - LCIF River Blindness/trachoma Control. SightFirst is controlling trachoma among 2 million people in three countries. The treatments for river blindness have http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/content/lcif_gr_river_blindness.shtml | |
92. A Sight To See: SightFirst Makes Progress Against River Blindness And Trachoma Since 1999, LCIF has approved numerous grants to fight trachoma and river blindness, two dreadful thieves of sight that can be prevented with medication http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/content/news_mag_sfcovermar03.shtml | |
93. Face Washing Promotion For Preventing Active Trachoma (Cochrane Review) Abstract of a systematic review of the effects of health care prepared by the Cochrane Collaboration. http://www.cochrane.org/cochrane/revabstr/AB003659.htm | |
94. ::Healthy Eyes: Trachoma:: The image on this card simulates the effect of trachoma. trachoma is the worlds leading cause of preventable blindness, affecting the upper eyelid and http://www.healthyeyes.org.uk/index.php?id=164 |
95. Trachoma ORBIS a nonprofit humanitarian organization - has been dedicated to saving sight and eliminating avoidable blindness worldwide. http://www.orbis.org/bins/content_page.asp?cid=1-5-41&lang=1 |
96. Definition Of Trachoma - WordReference.com Dictionary trachoma Definition from dictionary. 1, trachoma. a chronic contagious viral disease marked by inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye and http://www.wordreference.com/definition/trachoma | |
97. Trachoma - YourDictionary.com - American Heritage Dictionary Search Mamma.com for trachoma . TYPE IN YOUR WORD CLICK GO! Search. Normal, Definitions, Short defs. (Pronunciation Key). tra·cho·ma Listen tr k m http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/t/t0300100.html | |
98. Trachoma - Topics In International Health CD-ROM Series 4 interactive tutorials provide an introduction to the diagnosis, control, prevention and treatment of trachoma. 148 images complement and extend the http://www.cabi-publishing.org/AllOtherProducts.asp?SubjectArea=&PID=418 |
99. Deployments - Gulf War - Common Endemic Diseases - Trachoma Common Endemic Diseases trachoma The infection is usually acquired early in childhood. Most transmission occurs within the family, as a result of close http://www.pdhealth.mil/deployments/gulfwar/trachoma.asp | |
100. Research Agenda For Global Blindness Prevention: Clinical Conditions: 2. Trachom trachoma is the second leading cause of avoidable blindness and visual impairment. Active (and blinding) trachoma occurs in a highly focal pattern among http://www.icoph.org/research/ag2trach.html | |
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