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61. Visualizing Trachoma In Sudan: A Photo Essay Visualizing trachoma in Sudan A Photo Essay Click here to view. The Carter Center s trachoma Control Program works with ministries of health and other http://www.cartercenter.org/doc1538.htm | |
62. Publications - Trachoma ICEH Research Publications List for trachoma. Guide to trachoma Control in Programmes for the Prevention of Blindness. http://www.iceh.org.uk/res_pu09.asp | |
63. Trachoma Definition - Medical Dictionary Definitions Of Popular Medical Terms Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions. http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=11991 |
64. About Blindness - Trachoma Sight is life in the developing world blindness, or low vision can be devastating for individuals, families, communities and entire countries. http://www.operationeyesight.ca/menu/About_Blindness_-_Trachoma/ | |
65. Trachoma trachoma is an eye infection caused by which may result in chronic scarring and if left untreated. http://adam.about.com/encyclopedia/001486.htm | |
66. Trachoma. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 trachoma. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/tr/trachoma.html | |
67. BBC - Health - Ask The Doctor - Trachoma Dr Trisha Macnair looks at trachoma, which is common in the Third World. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/ask_the_doctor/trachoma.shtml | |
68. BBC Worldservice Trust A clean face and eyes helps prevent trachoma. trachoma is the world s leading cause of preventable blindness. Almost 6 million people are blind worldwide http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/trust/news/story/2003/09/020306_trachoma.shtml | |
69. Water Related Diseases, Trachoma - Lenntech General information about trachoma, origin, symptoms, distribution. http://www.lenntech.com/Waterborne-diseases/trachoma.htm | |
70. Trachoma CBMI is an independent Christian development organisation dedicated to preventing and curing blindness, as well as to the education and rehabilitation of http://www.cbmi.org.au/default_page.php?doc_id=89 |
71. Trachoma Traveller's Health Prevention Against Diseases Abroad; Vaccination, Dis trachoma description occurrence, manifestations, diagnose and treatment, prevention of the disease. http://www.traveldoctoronline.net/diseases/trachoma.htm | |
72. Trachoma trachoma 2nd edition. A guide to trachoma and the SAFE strategy. The new edition, produced in collaboration with international partners, has been fully http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/node5822.html | |
73. Trachoma - Introduction. trachoma is a chronic conjunctivitis caused by intracellular infection of epithelial Active trachoma, associated with intermittent shedding of viable http://www.chlamydiae.com/restricted/docs/infections/trachoma_introduction.asp | |
74. Prevalence And Distribution Of Trachoma. Fig 2. Detail of trachoma distribution in Africa. Key factors in the geographical distribution of trachoma are a lack of adequate clean water supplies for http://www.chlamydiae.com/restricted/docs/infections/trachoma_prevalence.asp | |
75. Women's Eye Health Task Force How is trachoma transmitted and who is at risk for trachoma? What can be done to prevent and control trachoma and eliminate it as a cause of blindness? http://www.womenseyehealth.org/causes/trachoma.php | |
76. PH @ A Glance: Trachoma About 8 million people are visually impaired as a result of trachoma, trachoma is endemic in 55 countries, primarily in Africa and Asia. http://wbln0018.worldbank.org/HDNet/hddocs.nsf/0/5c6fbf6408fe7e8885256f6b0066dc1 |
77. Trachoma trachoma, an infection of the eye caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, Furthermore, morbidity arising from trachoma is estimated to cost US $2.9 billion per http://www.medicalecology.org/water/trachoma/trachoma.htm | |
78. IFPMA Health Initiatives: Blinding Trachoma The world s leading cause of preventable blindness, blinding trachoma affects 150 million people, blinding 6 million annually. http://www.ifpma.org/Health/other_infect/health_blind.aspx | |
79. Disease Fact Sheet: Trachoma Disease fact sheet from the World Health Organization, prepared for World Water Day 2001. http://www.worldwaterday.org/wwday/2001/disease/trachoma.html | |
80. ► Trachoma A medical encycopedia article on the topic trachoma. http://www.umm.edu/ency/article/001486.htm | |
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