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         Tabes Dorsalis:     more books (71)
  1. Superior tabes by Max H Bochroch, 1902
  2. Selections from the clinical works of Dr. Duchenne (de Boulogne) (The New Sydenham Society. [Publications]) by G.-B Duchenne, 1883
  3. Treatment of locomotor ataxia by exercise of precision by John K Mitchell, 1909
  4. Progressive locomotor ataxy: Its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment by Julius Althaus, 1866
  5. Spinal anæmia due to syphilis by Orville Horwitz, 1892
  6. The treatment of tabetic ataxia by means of systematic exercise: An exposition of the principles and practice of compensatory movement treatment by H. S Frenkel, 1902
  7. Suspension in locomotor ataxia by S. Weir Mitchell, 1890
  8. Locomotor ataxia confined to the arms: Reversal of ordinary progress by S. Weir Mitchell, 1888
  9. Locomotor ataxia: Etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment by J. Arthur Taff, 1910
  10. A study of locomotor ataxia and kindred diseases: Based on the treatment of 600 cases by Clarence Henry Burton, 1914
  11. The intensive treatment of syphilis & locomotor ataxia by Aachen methods by Reginald Hewlett Hayes, 1920
  12. The treatment of locomotor ataxia by methodical exercises by Maurice Faure, 1907
  13. On sclerosis of the spinal cord: Including locomotor ataxy, spastic spinal paralysis, and other system-diseases of the spinal cord: their pathology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment by Julius Althaus, 1885
  14. Illustrations of the anomalous course of posterior spinal sclerosis by E. C Seguin, 1884

81. Dorlands Medical Dictionary
tabes ergo¢tica, a condition resembling tabes dorsalis, due to ergotism.Friedreich s tabes, Friedreich s ataxia. tabes infan¢tum, tabes as seen in infants

82. Tabes Dorsalis » Medical Diagnosis
tabes dorsalis. Medical Diagnosis » T » tabes dorsalis 094.0 tabes dorsalis094.89 other specified neurosyphilis (see images)
Medical Diagnosis



Tabes dorsalis
Tabes dorsalis
Parenchymatous neurosyphilis in which there is slowly progressive degeneration of the posterior columns and roots and ganglia of the spinal cord. Occurs 15 to 20 years after initial syphilitic infection. Characteristics - lancinating lightning pains, urinary incontinence, ataxia, impaired position and vibratory sense, optic atrophy, hypotonia, hyporeflexia and trophic joint degeneration (Charcot's joints).
094.0 tabes dorsalis
094.89 other specified neurosyphilis
see images

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83. FIRSTConsult - Sdfdsf
Other prominent causes are tabes dorsalis and syringomyelia. Causes. Common causes.Diabetes mellitus with peripheral neuropathy * tabes dorsalis *

84. Roche Lexikon Medizin, 5. Auflage
Translate this page tabes dorsalis. Abbildung. (Romberg 1840, Duchenne 1858) Treponemen-bedingteEntzündung der Rückenmarkshinterwurzeln mit sekundärer,
T. dors a lis
tabes dorsalis Romberg Duchenne Goll-, Burdach Die Entmarkung (s. Abb. Taboparalyse Klinik: Romberg Erb-Westphal Argyll-Robertson Hitzig -Zone Bulbussymptom Diagn.:  Zellen) u. Gammaglobulin-Vermehrung (Linkszacke in der Kolloidkurve). Ther.: Penicillin. Verwandte Themen: Ataxie, spinale Bulbussymptom Dejerine-Neurotabes Duchenne-Syndrom ...
Swiss Society for Neuroscience (engl.)

85. Spinal Cord Vocabulary
u Eg in tabes dorsalis shooting, lancinating, electricallike or cramp-like painsoccur, and in peripheral neuropathy unpleasant, abnormal tingling,
Spinal Cord Vocabulary
u Foramen magnum
u Segments of cord
u Conus medullaris
u Cauda equina
u Filum terminale
u Cervical and lumbar enlargements
u Spinal reflexes
u White matter “columns”
u Long “tracts” of cord
u Dorsal and ventral roots
u Dorsal root ganglia
u intervertebral disks
u Intervertebral foramina
Spinal MRI
Spinal Vertebrae
u Spinal cord protected by same meninges and layer of cerebrospinal fluid as the brain
Meninges of Cord
Spinal Roots and Nerve
Ascending Tracts or Pathways
“Afferent" tracts bringing sensory input from body to brain
Basic Organization of Ascending Somatosensory Pathways
u A series of 3 neurons is needed to get the message from body surface to cortex:
u Other axon branches may also participate in spinal reflexes.
Basic Organization of Ascending Somatosensory Pathways
u Second-order neuron: Also sends a branch to the reticular formation to arouse us.
u Third order neuron: Thalamus neuron relays input to the cortex.
Key Pathways Mediating Conscious Sensations
u Dorsal column pathway – discriminative (detailed, fine) touch, proprioception stereognosis graphesthesia
u Spinothalamic pathways – pain, temperature and gross touch

86. Dornblüth: T. D., Tabes Dorsalis
Translate this page Dornblüth Klinisches Wb. - Die Kunstausdrücke der Medizin.
Otto Dornblüth T
T. d.
T. d. = Tabes dorsalis, Rückenmarkschwindsucht. TO TOP


... Z Neu bei Dornblüth - Medizin: Emmetropie Ekzema Heufieber ... Parotitis
Goethe - Gedichte: Hochzeit Besuch Vanitas ... Gruß
Nietzsche - Sprüche: Liebe Tanz Lust ... Kunst
Eichendorff - Gedichte: Hochzeit Abschied Trost ... Talipes Besucher online: 41 • Seite zuletzt aktualisiert: 02.02.2005 Philosophie Belletristik Wörterbücher Home ... Klinisches Wörterbuch (13/14 Auflage)

tabes dorsalisSfilizin ilerlemis döneminde sinir sistemi tutulumuna bagli olarakdengesizlik, yürüme güçlügü görme bozukluklari ile seyreden tabloya
TABES DORSALÝS: Sfilizin ilerlemiþ döneminde sinir sistemi tutulumuna baðlý olarak dengesizlik, yürüme güçlüðü görme bozukluklarý ile seyreden tabloya verilen isimdir. TALAMUS: Orta beyindeki bir cekirdek grubuna verilen addýr. TALASEMÝ: Kalýtsal bir kan hastalýðýdýr.akdeniz kýyýlarýnda yaþayanlarda daha sýk görülür. TAKÝPNE: Çok hýzlý solunum. TARTAR: Diþ taþý. TELENJEKTAZÝ: Deride veya mukozalarda kýrmýzý lekeler þeklinde görülen kýlcal, arteriol ve venüllerin geniþlemesinden oluþan lezyonlar. TELEKARDÝOFON: Kalp seslerini hastadan uzakta dinleten alet. TELEPATÝ: Beþ duyu iþe karýþmaksýzýn düþüncelerin, bu duyularýn üstünde bir yolla aktarýlmasý. TEMPORAL BÖLGE: Þakak bölgesi. TENDÝNÝT: Tendon iltihabý. TENDON: Kaslarýn kemiklere yapýþmasýný saðlayan yapýlar. TENESMUS: Rektum veya mesanenin iltihaplý durumlarýnda görülen, aðrýlý iþeme veya defekasyon duygusu. TENYA: Barsak paraziti, þerit, yassý solucan. TESTOSTERON: Erkek seks hormonuna verilen addýr. TREMOR: Ýrade dýþý titremelere verilen addýr. Örneðin, Hipertiroidi (Tiroid bezinin fazla çalýþmasý) adý verilen rahatsýzlýkta ellerde görülen ince amplitüdlü titremelere tremor adý verildiði gibi, Parkinson da görülen kaba ve büyük amplitüdlü titremelere de tremor denir. TROMBOZ: Kan damarlarýnýn pýhtý veya ateron (kolesterol) plaklarý oluþarak týkanmasýdýr

88. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_Disor
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89. 1. The First Step In Screening For Acute Intermittent Porphyria Is
sclerosis C. old poliomyelitis D. tabes dorsalis E. WerdnigHoffman 28. C. contrecoup contusions (*) D. glioma of some sort E. tabes dorsalis 33.
1. The first step in screening for acute intermittent porphyria is to order a A. blood protoporphyrin assay B. genetic screen C. urine porphobilinogen (*) D. urine uroporphyrin E. therapeutic trial of phenobarbital 2. Patients with porphyria cutanea tarda are LEAST LIKELY to exhibit A. blisters on the backs of the hands B. coexisting iron overload and/or chronic viral hepatitis C. diminished delta-amino levulinic acid levels (*) D. extra hair on the face E. fluorescent pink urine 3. A "cotton wool patch" in the retina is the result of A. glaucoma B. hemorrhage C. ischemia (*) D. scar contraction E. toxoplasmosis 4. The classic cause of ophthalmia neonatorum was A. congenital syphilis B. excess oxygen in the preemie nursery C. gonorrhea (*) D. muscle imbalance E. rubella 5. The typical patient with periventricular leukomalacia is: A. a child with a mutation in a myelin gene B. a child with ataxia-telangiectasia C. a newborn with hypoxia around the time of birth (*) D. a patient at any age receiving chemotherapy E. an older person with atherosclerosis of the large arteries 6. In the current system (Daumas-Duport) of grading astrocytomas, which does NOT contribute toward a higher grade? A. bizarre nuclei B. presence of gemistocytes (*) C. presence of mitotic figures D. presence of necrosis E. proliferation of endothelium 7. All are known Alzheimer genes EXCEPT A. amyloid precursor protein B. apoprotein E C. presenilin 1 D. presenilin 2 E. synuclein (*) 8. Patients presenting with true gliosarcomas, with both glial and mesenchymal differentiation, typically have a history of A. ataxia-telangiectasia B. neurosurgery C. radiation exposure (*) D. Sturge-Weber E. tuberous sclerosis 9. A juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma is most likely to arise in the A. cerebellum (*) B. dorsal root ganglia C. frontal lobes D. retina E. spinal cord itself 10. The microscopic hallmark of diffuse axonal injury is A. Alzheimer type I glia B. Alzheimer type II glia C. astrocytic plaques D. Pick bodies E. "retraction ball" spheroids (*) 11. The one really treatable hereditary cerebellar degeneration results from a lack of the transfer protein which handles A. carnitine B. divalent cations C. vitamin B1 (thiamine) D. vitamin B12 E. vitamin E (*) 12. The "Charcot-Marie-Tooth" family of peripheral neuropathies show primarily A. abnormal eye movements B. atrophy of the lower legs (*) C. pain in the distal extremities D. pain in the proximal extremities E. weakness of proximal muscles 13. TWO KODACHROMES. What's your best diagnosis? A. central pontine myelinolysis B. idiopathic parkinsonism (*) C. multiple sclerosis D. old infarct E. post-encephalitic parkinsonism 14. TWO KODACHROMES. What are these lesions? A. coup contusions B. epidural hematomas C. hemorrhagic infarcts D. intracerebral hematomas E. subdural hematomas (*) 15. ONE KODACHROME. What's your best diagnosis? A. glioma of the cord B. multiple sclerosis C. neurofibroma D. syringomyelia (*) E. tabes dorsalis 16. TWO KODACHROMES. What is the diagnosis? A. congenital rubella B. neurofibromatosis (*) C. Sturge-Weber D. trisomy 13 E. tuberous sclerosis 17. ONE KODACHROME. What is this? A. astrocytoma, grade I B. cryptococcosis C. HIV encephalitis (*) D. lymphoma E. medulloblastoma 18. ONE KODACHROME. What is the diagnosis? A. Arnold-Chiari (*) B. diffuse axonal injury C. Pick's disease D. pontine glioma E. tuberous sclerosis 19. ONE KODACHROME. What is this brainstem lesion? A. central pontine myelinolysis B. Duret hemorrhage (*) C. multiple sclerosis D. pilocytic astrocytoma E. ruptured berry aneurysm 20. FOUR KODACHROMES. What is the diagnosis? A. brain abscess B. cerebral contusion C. glioblastoma (*) D. medulloblastoma E. tuberculosis 21. ONE KODACHROME. Look closely. The lesions in the basal ganglia are most likely due to A. Huntington's B. hypertensive microvascular disease (*) C. leukodystrophy D. kernicterus E. thiamine deficiency 22. ONE KODACHROME. What is the diagnosis? A. abscess B. lymphoma C. meningococcal infection D. recent hypoxic injury (*) E. tuberculosis 23. THREE KODACHROME. What is the diagnosis? A. abscess B. chordoma C. cryptococcus infection D. herpes simplex E. meningioma (*) 24. ONE KODACHROME. Look closely at this section of cerebellum. What is the diagnosis? A. alcoholism B. glioblastoma C. medulloblastoma D. rabies (*) E. Tay-Sachs 25. TWO KODACHROMES. What is the diagnosis? A. Alzheimer's B. adrenoleukodystrophy or something similar C. astrocytoma D. carbon monoxide effect E. multiple sclerosis (*) 26. TWO KODACHROMES. What is the diagnosis? A. abscess (*) B. glioblastoma C. medulloblastoma D. oligodendroglioma E. tuberculosis 27. ONE KODACHROME. Myelin stain. What's your diagnosis? A. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (*) B. multiple sclerosis C. old poliomyelitis D. tabes dorsalis E. Werdnig-Hoffman 28. ONE KODACHROME. What is the diagnosis? Patient with lifelong handicap. A. holoprosencephaly B. lissencephaly (*) C. polymicrogyria D. tuberous sclerosis E. ulegyria 29. ONE KODACHROME. What is the diagnosis? Patient with lifelong handicap. A. congenital CMV B. old intraventricular hemorrhage (prematurity) C. perinatal ischemic injury (*) D. polymicrogyria E. porencephaly / schizencephaly 30. ONE KODACHROME. What is the infectious agent? A. aspergillus B. herpes simplex (*) C. meningococcus D. rabies E. tuberculosis 31. ONE KODACHROME. What is the diagnosis? A. bacterial meningitis B. cysticercosis C. epidural hematoma D. hemorrhagic infarct (*) E. subdural hematoma 32. ONE KODACHROME. Your diagnosis? A. bacterial meningitis B. chordoma C. contrecoup contusions (*) D. glioma of some sort E. tabes dorsalis 33. TWO KODACHROMES. What is the diagnosis? A. abscess B. ependymoma (*) C. medulloblastoma D. multiple sclerosis E. tuberculosis 34. ONE KODACHROME. What's the eye lesion? A. glaucoma B. optic nerve atrophy C. papilledema (*) D. retinal detachment E. Tay-Sachs 35. ONE KODACHROME. What do you see? A. arhinencephaly B. herpes encephalitis C. tonsillar herniation D. tuberculosis meningitis E. uncal herniation (*) 36. ONE KODACHROME. Myelin stain of the spinal cord. This is most suggestive of A. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis B. multiple sclerosis C. pernicious anemia (*) D. syringomyelia E. trauma 37. TWO KODACHROME. What is the most likely cause of this brainstem pathology? A. chordoma B. hemorrhage due to herniation C. oligodendroglioma D. syphilis E. tuberculosis (*) 38. THREE KODACHROMES. What's your best diagnosis? A. Alzheimer's disease (*) B. glioblastoma C. Huntington's chorea D. neurosyphilis E. no pathology 39. ONE KODACHROME. Look closely and think. A. Dandy-Walker (*) B. medulloblastoma C. multiple sclerosis D. superior vermal atrophy from alcohol abuse E. tonsillar herniation 40. ONE KODACHROME. What's the most likely diagnosis? A. Alzheimer's disease B. congenital hydrocephalus C. herpes simplex encephalitis D. Huntington's chorea (*) E. Parkinsonism 41. THREE KODACHROMES. What are these lesions? A. astrocytoma B. chronic subdural hematomas C. medulloblastoma D. old infarcts (*) E. tuberculosis 42. THREE KODACHROMES. What's your most likely diagnosis? A. Alzheimer's disease B. bacterial meningitis (*) C. herpes encephalitis D. neurosyphilis E. toxoplasmosis 43. ONE KODACHROME. Periodic acid - Schiff stain. What's your diagnosis? A. adenocarcinoma B. cryptococcosis (*) C. medulloblastoma D. metastatic carcinoma E. mucormycosis 44. ONE KODACHROME. What is this? A. cryptococcus B. multiple sclerosis C. old ischemic injury (*) D. toxoplasmosis E. tuberculosis 45. ONE KODACHROME. Give your best diagnosis. A. chordoma B. epidural hematoma (*) C. meningioma D. subarachnoid hemorrhage E. syphilitic pachymeningitis 46. ONE KODACHROME. Look carefully and think. What's this? A. arteriovenous malformation (*) B. cysticercosis C. epidural hematoma D. oligodendroglioma E. subdural hematoma 47. ONE KODACHROME. What's your diagnosis? A. Arnold-Chiari B. Dandy-Walker C. congenital CMV D. diffuse hypoxic injury E. tuberous sclerosis (*) 48. ONE KODACHROME. What is the problem in the optic fundus? A. atheroemboli B. glaucoma C. hypertensive microvascular disease (*) D. senile macular degeneration E. shaken baby syndrome BONUS ITEMS 49. TWO KODACHROMES. Your best diagnosis: [Pick's / frontotemporal atrophy] 50. TWO KODACHROMES. What's the name of this lesion? [encephalocele] 51. TWO KODACHROMES. What's the diagnosis? Be specific. [medulloblastoma] 52. TWO KODACHROMES. Your best diagnosis, please. [prion disease / spongiform encephalopathy / CJD / etc.] 53. TWO KODACHROMES. What's the diagnosis? [multiple sclerosis] 54. TWO KODACHROMES. What's the eye lesion? [retinoblastoma] 55. ONE KODACHROME. What is this lesion? [berry aneurysm] 56. What bacterium is the usual cause of both perichondritis of the pinna and "malignant external otitis" of the canal? [pseudomonas] 57. Tinnitus that pulsates with the heartbeat strongly suggests what benign tumor? [glomus jugulare tumor; accept any hemangioma] 58. What's a cholesteatoma? Show that you really know the answer. [some evidence that you know it's an epidermoid cyst of the middle ear] 59. "Buphthalmos" is a picturesque word for a dread condition. What does it mean? Just the right answer, please. ["cow eye" / swollen globe] 60. Why does the macula of the eye appear as a "red cherry" in Tay-Sach's storage disease? [contrast with pale, lipid-laden nerve layer] 61. What would you see at autopsy of someone dying of sudden impact syndrome without other pathology? [marked cerebral edema] 62. Where in the brain do most hemangioblastomas arise? [cerebellum] 63. A neuropathologist finds many neurofibrillary tangles and a damaged septum pellucidum. While waiting for the clinical history, the neuropathologist would suspect: [boxer] 64. As the words are usually used, how is "cerebritis" different from "encephalitis"? [cerebritis implies bacteria] 65. What would you expect to see on microscopic examination of a patient dying of West Nile Encephalitis? [lymphocytes around vessels and necrosis; I'll settle for lymphocytes] 66. What do we mean by a "watershed infarct" of the brain? [between arterial distributions] 67. At autopsy, why does edema fluid drip from the cut surfaces of the brains of people dying from lead poisoning, but not of people dying of Reye's syndrome? If you know this one, you're a neuropathology star. [vasogenic vs. cytotoxic edema] 68. Although metastatic carcinoma to the brain is common, we never see it in the brain's lymphatics. Why not? [the brain has no lymphatics] 69. What illness which commonly follows CMV or campylobacter infection is caused by an autoantibody against the tetanus/botulism binding site? [Guillain-Barr‚ or synonym] 70. What brain lesion is unusually common in people with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease? [berry aneurysms] 71. Neurofibrillary tangles located primarily in the brainstem and basal ganglia suggest a diagnosis of: [progressive supranuclear palsy] 72. What is the name of the supposedly-neurotoxic eukaryote which overgrew the Chesapeake bay recently? [Pfeisteria piscocida; credit for any recognizable spelling] NAME:_ 48 points maximum UHS Pathology Nervous System 2003-2004 INSTRUCTIONS: You know the routine. Members of the first group need to leave all-together, without stragglers, when time is called. IF MEDICAL SCHOOL WERE EASY, YOUR DEGREE WOULD BE WORTHLESS! Good luck

90. Tabes Dorsalis With Sudden Onset Of Paraplegia -- Ghosh And Holt 51 (5): 349 --
tabes dorsalis with sudden onset of paraplegia. AK Ghosh and S Holt. A case ispresented of tabes dorsalis with spinal gumma producing collapse of the L5

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Tabes dorsalis with sudden onset of paraplegia
AK Ghosh and S Holt
A case is presented of tabes dorsalis with spinal gumma producing collapse of the L5 vertebra followed by paraplegia.

91. Disease - Syphilitic Myelopathy - Detroit, Michigan
tabes dorsalis. Causes And Risk. Syphilitic myelopathy is a form of The condition called tabes dorsalis includes syphilitic myelopathy and additional
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Disease - Syphilitic myelopathy
Superficial anterior muscles Definition: Syphilitic myelopathy is a disorder characterized by muscle weakness and abnormal sensations caused by untreated syphilis infections. Alternative Names: Tabes dorsalis Causes And Risk: Syphilitic myelopathy is a form of neurosyphilis , which is a progressive, life-threatening complication of late or tertiary syphilis infection. The condition called tabes dorsalis includes syphilitic myelopathy and additional symptoms of nerve damage.
The infection damages the tissue of the spinal cord and peripheral nervous tissue. This causes decreased muscle function (myelopathy), including progressive weakness of the legs, arms, and other areas. Loss of function may eventually result in paralysis . Coordination difficulties contribute to problems walking . There are often changes in sensation, including painful

92. Tabes Dorsalis » Medical Diagnosis And Advice
tabes dorsalis. Medical Diagnosis Advice » T » tabes dorsalis 094.0 tabesdorsalis 094.89 other specified neurosyphilis (see images)
Medical Diagnosis and Advice



Tabes dorsalis
Tabes dorsalis
Parenchymatous neurosyphilis in which there is slowly progressive degeneration of the posterior columns and roots and ganglia of the spinal cord. Occurs 15 to 20 years after initial syphilitic infection. Characteristics - lancinating lightning pains, urinary incontinence, ataxia, impaired position and vibratory sense, optic atrophy, hypotonia, hyporeflexia and trophic joint degeneration (Charcot's joints).
094.0 tabes dorsalis
094.89 other specified neurosyphilis
see images

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93. Project MUSE
Charcot s interest in tabes dorsalis related directly to his association with In the case of tabes dorsalis/locomotor ataxia, both predecessors were
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Login: Password: Your browser must have cookies turned on Siegel, Irwin M. 1927- "Charcot and Duchenne: Of Mentors, Pupils, and Colleagues"
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine - Volume 43, Number 4, Summer 2000, pp. 541-547
The Johns Hopkins University Press

I learned much Torah from my teachers, and from my colleagues more than from them, but from my disciples more than from all of them.
TALMUD , Tractate Makkot-10a.
In the history of medicine, there have been notable mentors, famous pupils, and celebrated colleagues. Seldom, however, have two renowned physicians simultaneously been mentors, pupils, and colleagues to each other, as was the case with Jean-Martin Charcot (Fig. 1 ) and Guillaume Benjamin Amand Duchenne (Fig. 2

THE TREATMENT OF tabes dorsalis AND GENERAL PARESIS WITH SALVARSAN. Gordon Bates,MB, George S. Strathy, MD, CM, and CS McVicar, MB

95. Pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
rudimentary tabes, ? ?. tabes dorsalis, tabes spinalis ( = tabes dorsalis),

96. AWMF Online - Leitlinie Neurologie: Neurosyphilis
Translate this page Tabische Neurosyphilis (tabes dorsalis) entsprechend einer chronisch progredienten Röntgen-Nativ-Diagnostik bei tabes dorsalis je nach Symptomatik
AWMF online
A rbeitsgemeinschaft der
W issenschaftlichen
M edizinischen
F achgesellschaften
AWMF-Leitlinien-Register Nr. 030/101 Entwicklungsstufe: Zitierbare Quelle:
  • Definition
  • Ein Patient leidet wahrscheinlich an einer Neurosyphilis, wenn mindestens zwei der nachfolgenden Punkte 1. bis 3. und immer der Punkt 4. gegeben sind:
  • Chronisch-progredienter Verlauf einer neurologisch-psychiatrischen Symptomatik mit Phasen von Verschlechterung und Teilremission;
  • Positiver Ausfall des TPHA-(oder TPPA-)Tests und des FTA-Abs-Test im Serum.
    "asymptomatische" Neurosyphilis unklassifizierbare Neurosyphilis
    sind die der folgenden Manifestationsformen charakteristisch:
  • Tabische Neurosyphilis
  • Paralytische Neurosyphilis
  • Epidemiologie
    Die Inzidenz der Syphilis
    Die Inzidenz der Neurosyphilis
  • Untersuchungen
    • Anamnese und klinischer Neurostatus
    Tabelle 1:
  • Neurologische, psychiatrische, ophthalmologische oder otologische Symptomatik (streng indiziert bei unbekannter Vorgeschichte)
  • HIV-Infektion plus latente Syphilis
  • TPHA-Titer (Liquor) Gesamt-IgG (Serum) ITpA-Index = x Gesamt-IgG (Liquor) TPHA-Titer (Serum)
    Im Einzelfall erforderlich:
    • EEG: obligat bei paralytischer Neurosyphilis und Konvulsionen im Rahmen anderer Manifestationsformen
    • evozierte Potentiale (SEP, VEP) bei Tabes dorsalis
  • 97. Resolving The Common Clinical Dilemmas Of Syphilis - April 15, 1999 - American A
    tabes dorsalis lightning pains, pupillary abnormalities, ataxia, However,symptoms of tabes dorsalis or general paresis are unlikely to abate.

    Advanced Search

    AAFP Home Page
    Journals Vol. 59/No. 8 (April 15, 1999)
    Resolving the Common Clinical Dilemmas of Syphilis
    San Francisco, California
    A patient information handout on syphilis, written by the authors of this article, is provided on page 2245. The diagnosis and treatment of syphilis can present difficult dilemmas. Serologic tests can be negative if they are performed at the stage when lesions are present, and the VDRL test can be negative in patients with late syphilis. Cerebrospinal fluid examination is not required in patients with primary or secondary disease and no neurologic signs or symptoms, but it may be warranted in patients with late latent syphilis or in whom the duration of infection is unknown. Patients with penicillin allergy can be treated with alternative regimens if they have primary or secondary syphilis. Penicillin is the only effective drug for neurosyphilis; oral desensitization should be accomplished before treatment of penicillin-allergic patients. Other dilemmas may be encountered in the treatment of patients who have concurrent human immunodeficiency virus infection. W ith syphilis at an all-time low in the United Statesoccurring at a rate of 3.2 cases per 100,000 population

    paresis (a type of dementia) and tabes dorsalis (a spinal cord disease) may affect the brain (general paresis), or spinal cord (tabes dorsalis).
    Timothy C. Hain, MD Please read our Return to Index Search this site Page last modified: July 31, 2005
    Main Points:
    • 1. Otosyphilis is a rare but very serious cause of hearing loss and dizziness 2. It is diagnosed with a lumbar puncture as it is a form of neurosyphilis 3. It is treated with daily penicillin 4. After treatment, followup lumbar punctures are needed every 3 months until spinal fluid returns to normal.
    Syphilis is presently uncommon in the United States although it is making a comeback in some populations (persons with HIV infection). Syphilis is caused by infection with Treponema Pallidum, a spirochete. It usually is spread through contact with infectious lesions or body fluids, and generally through sexual contact.
    About 21 days after exposure, patients develop a skin lesion called a chancre at the site of exposure. These are often on the sexual organs. Syphilitic chancres are typically nontender, hard, non-purulent ulcers. The chancres typically heal without therapy. Secondary syphilis begins 4-10 weeks after the chancre. A rash is the main complaint. It often affects the hands and or soles. The rash is rarely vesicular (blistering). There are many less specific findings such as sore throat, headache and the like. Secondary syphilis can cause neurologic, renal, ophthalmologic, gastrointestinal and hepatic disease. Secondary syphilis again, typically resolves without treatment.

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