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81. Division Of Alcoholism And Drug Abuse American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Amersa Association for Medical Education Research in substance abuse ASAM American Society of Addiction Medicine http://www.med.nyu.edu/substanceabuse/ | |
82. Teen Challenge World Wide Network - Refresh Screen Information about affiliated centers around the world providing Christianbased programs for adolescents with mental health or substance abuse issues. http://www.teenchallenge.com/ |
83. Massachusetts Substance Abuse Information And Education HELPLINE Online searchable database of alcohol and drug abuse treatment resources throughoutMassachusetts. http://www.helpline-online.com/ | |
84. Issues In Focus Substance Abuse Discusses the stance the US Government has taken on substance abuse. Site offers statistics and links to articles. http://www.rac.org/issues/issuesa.html |
85. Signs And Symptoms Of Substance Abuse Signs and Symptoms. Behavior characteristics associated with substance abuse Association with known substance abusers. Unusual borrowing of money from http://www.addictions.org/signs.htm | |
86. Online Counseling With Kevin Fritz CSW. Private & Professional! Practicing licensed and insured social worker, with a background in both mental health and substance abuse. Email or private chat counseling. Paypal accepted. http://www.geocities.com/kfritzcsw/index.html | |
87. North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Certification Board This is the official site of the The North Carolina substance abuse ProfessionalCertification Board, Inc. http://www.ncsapcb.org/ | |
88. Advice For Alcohol & Drug Problems Offer advice and counselling on alcohol and other drug misuse as well as a wide range of other services. FAQ and information on the substance abuse Subtle Screening Inventory. http://www.apas.org.uk/ | |
89. Substance Abuse substance abuse. Here at the University of Chicago, you face many opportunities for Any person can develop problems of substance abuse or dependence. http://counseling.uchicago.edu/vpc/uchicago/substance.html | |
90. Family Service Of Central Indiana, Inc. - Home An organization in Indianapolis, Indiana that provides counseling and services on relationships, children, domestic violence, substance abuse, and elderly and senior issues. http://www.family-service-inc.org/ | |
91. Center For Treatment Research On Adolescent Drug Abuse | University Of Miami Center for Treatment Research on Adolescent Drug Abuse the National Instituteon Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the Center for substance abuse Treatment (CSAT). http://www.miami.edu/ctrada/ | |
92. Louisiana Alcohol Rehabilitation Louisiana Drug Rehabilitation LA Rehab Center Facility provides residential and outpatient therapy for treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, chemical dependence, gambling addiction and sexual addiction. http://www.palmettocenter.com/ | |
93. Substance Abuse Information substance abuse Information, Text Only Site Text Only Site provides thefollowing services relative to the presenting problem of substance abuse http://www.couns.msu.edu/subabuse.htm |
94. Welcome To The Village Operating statewide and in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Offers a variety of services including a substance abuse residential treatment program individually for men, women, children and families as a whole. http://www.the-village.org/ | |
95. "The Mendez Foundation - The Innovator In Drug And Violence Prevention Education A substance abuse and violence prevention organization, focuses on alcohol, tobacco and drug prevention education among children and teenagers. http://www.mendezfoundation.org/sitemap.htm | |
96. Home Page Of The Division Of Alcohol And Substance Abuse - DSHS Persons interested in information on substance abuse may call the WashingtonState Alcohol/Drug Clearinghouse at 206725-9696 (from Seattle or out of http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/dasa/ | |
97. Mental Health And Substance Abuse Mental health information related to alcohol and drug abuse, arranged by drug type. http://www.mental-health.bz |
98. Elsevier.com - Journal Of Substance Abuse Treatment The Journal of substance abuse Treatment (JSAT) features original reviews, trainingand educational articles, special commentary, and especially research http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/525475 | |
99. Behavioral Health - Cicatelli Associates Inc. Provides training and technical assistance to substance abuse and mental health providers, as well as to health and social service agencies that address addictions and mental illness. http://www.cicatelli.org/Expertise/sub2.htm | |
100. Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Providers Of NYS Membership includes programs and agencies throughout New York State which providealcoholism and substance abuse prevention, treatment, research and http://www.asapnys.org/ | |
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