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101. Stuttering FAQ V.3.22 The latest version of the stuttering FAQ is available at TABLE OF CONTENTSstuttering SCIENCE Does stuttering have a physical or psychological cause? http://www.faqs.org/faqs/support/stuttering/ | |
102. Bill Parry's Stuttering Links stuttering theory and treatment, by William Parry. http://members.aol.com/wdparry/index.htm | |
103. What Is Stuttering Or Stammering Speakeasy resources for stuttering and stammering and speech therapy resources,with links to worldwide sites. http://www.shopzone.co.nz/speakeasy/whatis.shtml | |
104. Institute For Communicative Disorders Provides speech therapy services for children and adults exhibiting stuttering and speech and language disorders. Includes staff profiles, links, and contact information. http://www.icdspeech.com/ | |
105. Bankstown Stuttering Unit stuttering Treatment for Adults Published in Current Therapeutics, April 2000 by stuttering general information General Information about stuttering http://www.swsahs.nsw.gov.au/stuttering/resources.asp | |
106. For Those Who Stutter: Stuttering Treatment Home Page stuttering can be controlled by a miniature device known as the Fluency Master. http://www.stutteringcontrol.com/ | |
107. NSA Publications National stuttering Association books, videos, posters. http://www.nsastutter.org/catalog/index.php?id=4 |
108. Stuttering stuttering. The Nemours Foundation, KidsHealth.org. http//kidshealth.org. What is stuttering? Robert W. Quesal, PhD, Professor and Program Director http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/stuttering.jsp |
109. Speech Advantage - Corporate Speech Pathology - Madison, Wisconsin - Foreign Acc Provides corporate speech pathology services foreign accent reduction, stuttering therapy, and treatment of a voice, articulation, or pronunciation disorder. http://www.speechadvantage.info/ | |
110. Public Citizen's ELetter: Drug Induced Stuttering stuttering usually begins in childhood, but can also occur in adults, The onset of stuttering in anyone following the start of a new drug is suspicious, http://www.citizen.org/eletter/ARTICLES/stuttering.htm | |
111. Stuttering Therapy, Power Stuttering Center, SpeechEasy Devices, Stuttering Ther Irvine, California center offering intensive therapy for adults and children who stutter, as well as continuing education for speech pathologists. http://powerstuttering.com | |
112. Stuttering In Children - Keep Kids Healthy stuttering or pseudostuttering is common in children as they learn to talk, butmost with a normal dysfluency will outgrow their stutter. http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/welcome/conditions/stuttering.html | |
113. Executive Voice Enterprises - Speech Therapy Services For The Phoenix Metro Area Provides speech therapy services, including stuttering, voice therapy, professional voice training and accent reduction. http://users3.ev1.net/~darrell108/ | |
114. ELSA - EUROPEAN LEAGUE OF STUTTERING ASSOCIATIONS European League of stuttering Associations. An official invitation has beensent to all National stuttering Associations. To read it, click here. http://www.stuttering.ws/ | |
115. Stuttering More Than Talk Research Shows Brain's Role In Disorder News release and abstracted journal report concerning research into the brain srole in stuttering. http://news.uns.purdue.edu/UNS/html4ever/2004/040722.Weber-Fox.research.html | |
116. Virtual Children's Hospital: CQQA: Stuttering Common Questions, Quick Answers on stuttering. Some stuttering is normal forall children up to age 7. More boys stutter than girls. http://www.vh.org/pediatric/patient/pediatrics/cqqa/stuttering.html | |
117. Stuttering Master elements of fluent speech with 12page self-help booklet from Sound Feelings. http://www.soundfeelings.com/products/alternative_medicine/other/stuttering.htm | |
118. Adriana DiGrande, Fluency Specialist, Home Of The New England Fluency Program: I New Englandbased practice, offering holistic stuttering therapy for children and adults. http://www.stutteringtherapy.org | |
119. SpeechEasy Fluency Device - Stutter, Speech Therapy, Fluency, Speech Language Pa Offers fluency devices designed to alleviate stuttering. Includes specifications and provider search. http://www.speecheasy.com | |
120. Stuttering - DrGreene.com - Caring For The Next Generation Dr. Greene talks about stuttering. stuttering usually begins during the timeof intense speech and language development when the child is progressing http://www.drgreene.com/21_1197.html | |
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