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81. UpToDate Patient Information: Strep Throat strep throat is present in only about 10 percent of adults seeking medical If three or four are missing, the patient will not have a strep throat 80 http://patients.uptodate.com/topic.asp?file=inf_immu/6728 |
82. Strep Throat : Student Health Services, Oregon State University So, what s the big deal about a simple sore throat? strep throat is caused by a bacteria called Group A Beta Streptococcus (Strep). http://studenthealth.oregonstate.edu/topics/strep-throat.php | |
83. Strep Throat CHOICE For Somerset Medical Center Health and wellness services, medical information, and interactive health features for our user community. http://community.healthgate.com/getcontent.asp?siteid=smc&docid=/dci/strepthroat |
84. Strep Throat strep throat is a bacterial throat infection that can be contagious. strep throat is caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes. It is spread by http://healthgate.partners.org/browsing/browseContent.asp?fileName=11535.xml&tit |
85. Sore Throat Test for strep throat, Investigation, CAT (Critically Appraised Topic), Association of Clinical Biochemists. Antibiotics for sore throat (Cochrane Review) http://www.antibioticresistance.org.uk/ARFAQs.nsf/categories/Sore Throat?OpenDoc |
86. TONSILLITIS AND SORE THROAT Cases of strep throat require antibiotics. It is very important to finish all antibiotic pills, even if symptoms go away. Get plenty of bed rest. http://www.metrohealth.org/HI/indexes/EARN4459.htm | |
87. ThirdAge: Strep Throat Definition. strep throat is a bacterial throat infection that can be contagious. strep throat is caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes. http://www.thirdage.com/healthgate/files/11535.html | |
88. Health 24 - Medical - Head 2 Toe strep throat should be diagnosed as quickly as possible because of the serious Other signs of strep throat are a sore throat without other cold symptoms http://www.health24.com/medical/Head2Toe/777-778-781,11891.asp | |
89. Sore Throat In Children - Keep Kids Healthy Symptom Guide A discussion of the common causes of a sore throat in children, including strep, viruses, mono, and herpangina. http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/symptoms/sorethroat.html | |
90. Sore Throat Easing The Pain Of A Sore Throat Familydoctor.org Information about sore throat by the American Academy of Family Physicians. http://familydoctor.org/163.xml | |
91. Sore Throat - Healthy Kids And Pediatrics - Health And Medical Information Produ A complete listing of health information about kids and teens, including acne, AIDS awareness, allergies and asthma, attention deficit disorders and http://www.medicinenet.com/sore_throat/article.htm | |
92. Sore Throat Different kinds of sore throats viral, bacterial, and those caused by dryness and things you can do about them. http://www.drreddy.com/sorethroat.html | |
93. Sore Throat - Medical Information On Treatment Options, And Links To Other Sites Information on sore throat, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment issues, and patient information. http://www.mdsa.bc.ca/sore-throat.html | |
94. Sore Throats Sore throat is a symptom of many medical disorders. Infections cause the majority of sore throats and are contagious. http://www.entnet.org/healthinfo/throat/sore_throat.cfm | |
95. Sore Throat CHC Wausau Hospital s Medical Library and Patient Education Center provides research services and healthcare information to physicians, http://www.chclibrary.org/micromed/00065730.html | |
96. SORE THROAT - A Patient's Guide Medic8 Family Health Guide your trusted source for health information online. More than 500 health-related articles written by qualified health http://www.medic8.com/healthguide/articles/sorethroat.html | |
97. Symptom: Sore Throat - WrongDiagnosis.com Conditions causing symptom Sore throat including possible medical causes, diseases, disorders, and related symptoms. http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/sym/sore_throat.htm | |
98. Remedy For A Sore Throat Ease your sore throat during the dry, winter months with these home remedies. http://mimi.essortment.com/sorethroatreme_risu.htm | |
99. Antibiotic Resistance Education: English Fact Sheet Sore Throat Washington State Department of Health s Antibiotic Resistance Education Program. English Fact Sheet explaining what causes a sore throat and why it is not http://www.doh.wa.gov/Topics/Antibiotics/Sore_Throat_Fact_Sheet.htm | |
100. Sore Throat - Easing The Pain Of A Sore Throat Ask Your Family Doctor Developed by the College of Family Physicians of Canada What causes sore throats? Sore throats can be caused by many things. http://www.cfpc.ca/English/cfpc/programs/patient education/sore throat/default.a |
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