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61. Karger Publishers A diagnosis of recurring stevensjohnson syndrome was made. To our knowledge,we report the first case of stevens-johnson syndrome associated with http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Doi=18500 |
62. Lamictal & Stevens-johnson Syndrome I m afraid of stevensjohnson syndrome. I ma 40 year old female. Intial dosewould be 25MG twice a day. Is it worth the risk? THanks. Dear Ms. R http://www.bipolarworld.net/Phelps/ph_2002/ph727.htm | |
63. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome : Sites Et Documents Francophones syndrome . http://www.chu-rouen.fr/ssf/pathol/stevensjohnsonsyndrome.html | |
64. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Information Diseases Database stevensjohnson syndrome,Toxic epidermal necrolysis,Erythema multiforme,Lyell sdisease,Scalded skin syndrome, Disease Database Information. http://www.diseasesdatabase.com/ddb4450.htm | |
65. Health Information | Health & Safety Resources | Child Health & Safety | Childre SJS, or stevensjohnson syndrome, is an abrupt, severe injury to the mouth, eyes,and skin, where large sheets of mucosa or skin are destroyed and then shed http://www.pediatricweb.com/seattle/article.asp?ArticleID=849&ArticleType=9 |
66. Arch Dermatol -- Abstract: Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis And Stevens-Johnson Syndro FULL TEXT. Recurrent Erythema Multiforme/stevensjohnson syndrome Response toMycophenolate Mofetil Davis et al. Arch Dermatol 2002;1381547-1550. http://archderm.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/136/3/323 | |
67. Arch Dermatol -- Abstract: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Associated With Mycoplasma P The stevensjohnson syndrome is a multisystem inflammatory disorder associatedwith a widespread erythematous eruption that can result in death. http://archderm.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/114/2/241 | |
68. Arava Cases In Pennsylvania - Bextra, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome - Handler, Hennin Those injured by Bextra or Arava in Pennsylvania can rely on the attorneys atHandler, Henning Rosenberg for help with the legal issues surrounding their http://www.hhrlaw.com/drugandmedicalinjuries/case_stevens_johnson_syndrome.html | |
69. View Article The stevensjohnson syndrome typically begin with a non-specific upper respiratory Outbreak of stevens-johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis http://www.pchrd.dost.gov.ph/e-Health/article/view_article.php?type=feature&id=2 |
70. Log In Problems Like a bad case of poison ivy that can get past the skin to the uvea, liver,kidneys, and mucous membranes of the GI tract, stevensjohnson syndrome (SJS) http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/408712 | |
71. Log In Problems Read about a potential solution for the limited and controversial treatment ofan acute mucocutaneous disorder associated with considerable morbidity. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/410743 | |
72. Abc11tv.com: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome The little girl was diagnosed with stevensjohnson syndrome. Stevens-JohnsonSyndrome can cause blindness and is deadly nearly a third of the time. http://abclocal.go.com/wtvd/story?section=eye_on_health&id=3241839 |
73. MPS Singapore - South East Asia Casebook 2004 (4) - November - Stevens-Johnson S A dermatologist diagnosed stevensjohnson syndrome complicated by toxic epidermal See Rzany B et al. âRisk of stevens-johnson syndrome and Toxic http://www.medicalprotection.org/medical/singapore/publications/casebook/2004_4_ | |
74. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome - Bextra Bextra has been linked to heart attack, stroke, stevensjohnson syndrome, StevenJohnson. http://www.wrongful-death.com/wrongful_death_lawyer/Stevens-Johnson-syndrome.htm | |
75. Bextra Heart Attack, Stroke, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysi bextra Linked to Heart Attack, stroke, stevensjohnson syndrome, toxic epidermalnecrolysis, exfoliative dermatitis and erythema multiforme. http://www.wrongful-death.com/wrongful_death_lawyer/Bextra.html | |
76. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome - Enpsychlopedia stevensjohnson syndrome (SJS) is a severe and potentially life-threatening (15% It uses material from the Wikipedia article stevens-johnson syndrome . http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/Stevens-Johnson_syndrome | |
77. Oral Chloroquine-induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Beedimani RS, Rambhimaiah S - The Indian Journal of Pharmacology is an official organ of the Indian PharmacologicalSociety. http://www.ijp-online.com/article.asp?issn=0253-7613;year=2004;volume=36;issue=2 |
78. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome And Drugs stevensjohnson syndrome after sertraline. Acta Derm Venereol. Fatal Stevens-Johnsonsyndrome in an AIDS patient treated with sulfadiazine. http://www.whale.to/drugs/Stevens_Johnson_syndrome.html | |
79. Lawsuit Alleges Children's Motrin Causes Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Lawsuit Alleges Children s Motrin Causes stevensjohnson syndrome. Source BusinessWire Published December 29, 2004. A lawsuit filed Tuesday against http://www.legalnewswatch.com/news_505.html | |
80. Bextra & Stevens Johnson Syndrome - Skinassn.org Stevens Johnson syndrome Your Legal Rights Contact An Attorney SpecializingIn Stevens Johnson syndrome Copyright © 2005 Skinassn.org. http://www.skinassn.org/bextra-stevens-johnson-syndrome.html | |
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