Shy Drager Syndrome (MSA or PD+) This article submitted by on 2/15/97. Author's Email: My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 1987. That diagnosis has recently been changed to Multiple Systems Atrophy or Shy drager syndrome, characterized by orthostatic hypotension. He is very subject to falls due to this condition. He has had broken ribs, fingers, hip and is currently in the hospital with a badly broken leg. He has extreme constipation and urinary dysfunction, which hampers his recoveries. The medicine he is currently on is Sinemet 25/100 twice a day, Florinef 0.1 mg twice a day, Amantadine, Sinemet CR 25/100 at bed- time, Vitamin E, 1 aspirin daily, stool softeners and Propulsid as needed. I would like to be updated on any new medications or treatments. Most GP's have never even heard of the disease, and since we are in an HMO, the primary doctor has to give referrals to neurology specialists. It would be extremely helpful to make the medical profession more aware of this disease. Next Article Previous Article Return to Topic Menu Here is a list of responses that have been posted to this article... | |