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         Sexually Transmitted Diseases:     more books (100)
  1. Know The Risks:Protecting Yourself From Incurable Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Alfred Anderson, 2010-07-22
  2. Gay Men's Health: A Guide to the Aid Syndrome and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Jeanne, M.D. Kassler, 1983-08

141. State Of Oregon: Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Program
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Program sexually transmitted diseases Facts for Women MSM STDs HIV/STD/TB Epi Profiles
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142. Introduction: Sexually Transmitted Diseases -
Introduction to sexually transmitted diseases as a medical condition includingsymptoms, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prognosis.
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Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Next sections Basic Summary for Sexually Transmitted Diseases Prevalence and Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Prognosis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases ... Prevalence of Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Next chapters: Male conditions Female conditions Infant conditions Childhood conditions ... Feedback
Introduction: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a group of various diseases that are spread by sexual contact. They are sadly very common with an estimated 65 million living with an STD and about 15 million annual cases in the USA. Most new cases affect teenagers and young adults under 25. Some STDs have either no symptoms or no early symptoms, making them often undiagnosed, such as: HIV genital herpes HPV chlamydia ... trichomoniasis , and gonorrhea . This means they can be spread further and also cause serious complications such as PID and infertility . This is especially unfortunate because antibiotic treatment of serious non-viral STDs such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and gonorrhea is usually simple and successful. Other less common STDs such as

143. HealthCare For Medical Diseases, Drugs & Treatments --
The risk of contracting most sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is greatlyincreased by risky sexual behaviors such as frequent, casual and unprotected
DisplayAd("468","60"); eCureMe Life : Your Healthy Living. Click Here! Welcome, Select a Health Topic ADD/ADHD Allergy Alternative Medicine Arthritis Asthma Beyond Dieting Body Aches and Pains Breast Cancer Cancer Awareness Cardio Health Children's Health Colon Cancer Contraception COPD/Emphysema Dental Health Diabetes Elder Care Emergency Room Epilepsy Erectile Dysfunction Eye Care Fertility Fitness Gastrointestinal Health Glands and Hormones Gynecologic Health Hair Loss Headache Healthcare Today Healthy Aging HIV and AIDS Infectious Diseases Kidney Health Leukemia Liver Health Lung Cancer Lymphoma Multiple Sclerosis Men's Health Mental Health Nutrition Osteoporosis Parkinson's Disease Sexual Health Skin Health Sleep Disorders Special Events Stroke Surgeries and Procedures Teen Health Thyroid Health Urologic Health Vascular Disease Women's Health Workplace Health September 9, 2005 eCureMe Life Medical Supplies Calorie Count Physician Search ... Hospital Directory
Sexually Transmitted Diseases

The risk of contracting most Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) is greatly increased by risky sexual behaviors - such as frequent, casual and unprotected intercourse. ECureMe believes the best way to deal with STDs is to prevent them. Thus, eCureMe supports the practice of safe sex alternatives - from abstinence to the use of condoms with a selective choice of partners.
  • AIDS
  • Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Chancroid
  • Chlamydia Trachomatis ...
  • Syphilis
    Also known as

    • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or HIV infection

  • Causes
    • HIV can be found in many types of bodily secretions (i.e., semen, urine, tears, saliva, blood, breast milk, spinal fluid, vaginal secretions). However, the risk of transmission is highest through semen and sexual activities.
  • 144. LII - Results For "sexually Transmitted Diseases"
    Results for sexually transmitted diseases 1 to 9 of 9. Washington State Departmentof Health Sexually Transmitted Disease Program;query=Sexually transmitted diseases

    145. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    sexually transmitted diseases are also called STDs, or are group of young people sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are caused by bacteria or viruses.
    Home Health Topics News Data ... Site Map Program Activities Information for General Public What Everyone Should Know about STDs STD/STI Factsheets Chancroid ... Other Links Office of Communicable Diseases 3 Capitol Hill
    Room 106
    Phone: (401) 222-2577
    Fax: (401) 222-2488
    711 (RI Relay)
    Contact Us
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Sexually transmitted diseases are also called STDs, or are referred to as sexually transmitted infections or STIs. STDs/STIs do not refer to any one disease but include more than 25 infectious organisms. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are caused by bacteria or viruses. STDs are almost always spread from person to person by sexual intercourse, but STDs can also be spread through oral sex. Some STDs, such as hepatitis B or HIV infection, are also transmitted through blood-to-blood contact, through the sharing of needles or equipment to inject drugs, body pierce or tattoo.
    STD/STI Factsheets
    An A-Z List of Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections
    Contact Us

    146. Health Canada - Diseases Conditions - Sexually Transmitted
    One of Health Canada s mandates is to reduce the incidence of disease, conditionsand personal injuries.

    147. WHO | Sexually Transmitted Infections
    sexually transmitted infections (Western Pacific Region) AIDS and sexuallytransmitted diseases (Eastern Mediterranean Region)
    Home About WHO Countries Health topics ... Health topics
    Sexually transmitted infections This page provides links to descriptions of activities, reports, news and events, as well as contacts and cooperating partners in the various WHO programmes and offices working on this topic. Also shown are links to related web sites and topics. Infections due to or propagated by sexual contact. RELATED SITES Sexually transmitted infections (Western Pacific Region)
    AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (Eastern Mediterranean Region)

    AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (Region of the Americas - PAHO)

    Sexually Transmitted Diseases Diagnostics Initiative (SDI)

    FACT SHEETS Condoms: effectiveness of male latex condoms in protecting against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections
    Women and microbicides

    Women and sexually transmitted infections

    Sexually transmitted diseases
    Sexually transmitted diseases and young people

    PUBLICATIONS Guidelines for the management of sexually transmitted infections RELATED LINKS Reproductive tract infections and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS Vaccine research: Chlamydia trachomatis HIV Vaccine Initiative (WHO-UNAIDS) DONATE Make every mother and child count DISEASE OUTBREAKS Poliomyelitis Ethiopia - Update Full text Yellow fever Guinea Full text Disease outbreak news EMERGENCIES Sudan Health is key to peace Niger Crisis coverage Health action in crises GENERAL WHO INFORMATION Media centre News, events, fact sheets, contacts, and multimedia.

    148. Playing Safely - What You Could Have
    prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and diseases (STD) Need advice on sexually transmitted infections or contraception in a hurry?
    Postcode UK place
    Need advice on sexually transmitted infections or contraception in a hurry?
    Emergency Info
    Contraception Call free and confidentially 0800 567 123

    149. Planned Parenthood Federation Of America, Inc. - Sexually Transmitted Infections
    The Planned Parenthood Federation of America presents descriptions and fact sheets on common diseases, with guides to healthy and safer sex.
    take action!
    donate now!
    request an appointment I want to find a health center to get involved to donate birth control info ... FAQs
    Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Research and Reports

    Health education in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

    151. American Social Health Association - Learn About STDs/STIs
    sexually transmitted disease information and education.

    Contact Us Home Overview ...
    Sexual Health Glossary

    Featured Publication:
    Managing Herpes: How to Live and Love with a Chronic STD
    The #1 handbook for people with herpes, their partners, and health care providers Announcements:
    ASHA Wins National Health Information Award
    ASHA Awarded Subcontract for Chinese National AIDS Hotline Today's Poll:
    "STD" has been a standard term for 20 years. Do you prefer the new term, "STI" (sexually transmitted infection)? Yes No No Preference
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    Donations to ASHA National Herpes Hotline ... Site Use and Privacy Statements

    152. Planned Parenthood Federation Of America, Inc. - Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Planned Parenthood offers health information about sexually transmitted sexually transmitted Infections. sexually transmitted Infections The Facts
    take action!
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    request an appointment I want to find a health center to get involved to donate birth control info ... FAQs
    Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Research and Reports

    153. Sexually Transmitted Diseases IUSTI International Union against sexually transmitted InfectionsAchievement of international cooperation in the control of sexually transmitteddiseases.
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    by Richard B. Roberts, M.D.

    154. SSHA - Society Of Sexual Health Advisers (dh)
    Information about sexually transmitted infections and related conditions, andwhere to get help and advice. Online forums for both members and nonmembers.
    Search: Username: Password:
    Who we are The SSHA is a professional organisation for Health Advisers working in departments of Genito-Urinary Medicine and Sexual Health.
    How to join Latest Newsletter Now available to Members
    Privacy Policy Site by KMD

    155. An Introduction To Sexually Transmitted Infections, NIAID Fact Sheet
    sexually transmitteddiseases (STDs) are among the most common nfectious diseasesin the United States today. More than 20 STDs have now been identified,
    July 1999
    An Introduction to Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), once called venereal diseases, are among the most common infectious diseases in the United States today. More than 20 STIs have now been identified, and they affect more than 13 million men and women in this country each year. The annual comprehensive cost of STIs in the United States is estimated to be well in excess of $10 billion.
  • STIs affect men and women of all backgrounds and economic levels. They are most prevalent among teenagers and young adults. Nearly two-thirds of all STIs occur in people younger than 25 years of age. The incidence of STIs is rising, in part because in the last few decades, young people have become sexually active earlier yet are marrying later. In addition, divorce is more common. The net result is that sexually active people today are more likely to have multiple sex partners during their lives and are potentially at risk for developing STIs. Most of the time, STIs cause no symptoms, particularly in women. When and if symptoms develop, they may be confused with those of other diseases not transmitted through sexual contact. Even when an STI causes no symptoms, however, a person who is infected may be able to pass the disease on to a sex partner. That is why many doctors recommend periodic testing or screening for people who have more than one sex partner.
  • 156. Sexual Health And Sexually Transmitted Infections - Public Health Agency Of Cana
    Sexual Health and sexually transmitted Infections provides national leadershipand coordination through programs which develop and support surveillance and
    Sexual Health and Sexually Transmitted Infections What's New STI Outbreak News STI Helpline Numbers ... Infectious Diseases STI Welcome to
    Sexual Health and
    Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Condoms - Where and how to get them STD or STI? The term STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) is now commonly used in the place of STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease). STI is more encompassing, including infections that may be asymptomatic. The term STI is used more frequently on this site but please note that the term STD may still be used in some links and earlier publications.
    What's New
    2002 Canadian Sexually Transmitted Infections Surveillance Report
    Canada Communicable Disease Report - Supplement Volume 31S2, June 2005 Rekart Michael L

    157. | Answers To Your Questions About Teen Sexual Health And Sexu
    2 Donovan P, Testing Positive sexually transmitted Disease and the Public HealthResponse, New York AGI, 1993, p. 24.

    To learn more

    about ASHA, click here.

    Get the Facts !
    • Every year 3 million teensabout 1 in 4 sexually active teens-get a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Chlamydia is more common among teens than among older men and women. Teens have higher rates of gonorrhea than do sexually active men and women aged 20-44. Some studies show that up to 15% of sexually active teenage women are infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV), many with the type of HPV that is linked to cervical cancer.
    Dams: Making Oral Sex Safe There are ways to protect yourself and can help. What do you wannaknow?
    1 AGI, Sex and America's Teenagers, New York: AGI, 1994, pp. 19-20. 2 Donovan P, Testing Positive: Sexually Transmitted Disease and the Public Health Response, New York: AGI, 1993, p. 24. 3 Donovan P, Testing Positive: Sexually Transmitted Disease and the Public Health Response, New York: AGI, 1993, p. 24.

    158. Sexually Transmitted Disease Program
    The Public Health sexually transmitted Disease Program.
    Site Directory Public Health Webpage Directory For Care Providers For Health Care Providers For Educators Health Educators Toolbox About Us Jobs Employee Directory Contact HIV/AIDS
    Info on HIV/AIDS:

    TTY: 206-296-4843
    Toll-free: 800-678-1595 Administration: Online comments form HIV/STD Testing
    HIV/STD Hotline:
    206-205-7837 or
    Toll-free: 800-678-1595
    9:00 am to 4:00 pm
    Monday - Friday for
    testing information, resources and referrals Subscribe to Free Email Alerts! Click here to learn more Successful Search Tips Home HIV/AIDS Program Sexually Transmitted Disease Program (STDs) Sexually Transmitted Diseases Program
    Seattle, WA
    Phone: (206) 205-7837 Email: Where to get tested for STDs in King County STD facts
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are diseases that are spread through anal, oral or vaginal intercourse. Some STDs such as HIV and Hepatitis B can also be transmitted by sharing drug injection equipment. See STD fact sheets below for more information.

    159. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDS): Medical Information About Genital Herpes, H
    Medical information about the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitteddiseases (stds)
    document.writeln(''); MedicineNet Home Men's Health Home Page > Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs In Men) Search Tips
    Printer-Friendly Format
    FREE Newsletters Email to a Friend ... Next
    Sexually Transmitted Infections In Men
    • What are STIs and how can their spread be prevented? Chancroid
      • What is chancroid? How is chancroid diagnosed? How is chancroid treated? What should a person do if exposed to someone with chancroid?
      Genital Herpes
      • What is genital herpes and how is it spread? How is herpes diagnosed? What should persons with genital herpes know? How is genital herpes treated? What should you do if exposed to someone with herpes?
      Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)
      • What is LGV? How is LGV diagnosed and treated? What should you do if exposed to someone with LGV?
      • What is syphilis? How is syphilis diagnosed? How is syphilis treated? What should you do if exposed to someone with syphilis?
      Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
      • What is HPV? How is HPV treated? What should you do if exposed to someone with genital warts?
      • How is urethritis diagnosed?

    160. STDs
    1998 Guidelines for sexually transmitted Disease (STD) has been issued by 1998 Guidelines for Treatment of sexually transmitted Disease From the CDC
    Evidence-Based Medicine for Student Health Services Robert J. Flaherty, MD Swingle Student Health Service Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Monitoring Epidemiology Prognosis ... Patient Education General Information
    EBM for Student Health

    Home Page

    About EBM

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    Specific Conditions/Diseases

    No evidence is cited.
    No evidence is cited. Diagnosis Screening for Sexually Transmitted Diseases Pregnant women are the only group that can be recommended for general STD screening in the primary care setting. Other specific screening guidelines, including partner screening are provided. See Guidelines for details
    • Caveats
        Age group studied: Adolescents and adults Type/size: Unknown Population characteristics: Unknown Outcome measure: Unknown Recommendations developed generally using EBM concepts
      Citations Urine-based ligase chain reaction screening, not pelvic examination, is the most cost-effective strategy to detect chlamydial and gonococcal genital infection in asymptomatic sexually active adolescent females and, owing to ease of implementation, the most likely to prevent the greatest number of cases of PID.
      • Caveats
          Age group studied: Adolescent Type/size: Decision analysis Population characteristics: Potential cohort of 100000 asymptomatic sexually active young women Outcome measures: Cases of PID prevented per year and cost to prevent a case of PID

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